I am quite a young coder who has recently gotten into AI and image generation. I've been trying to make a text-to-image GAN but it isn't proving easy. For this one I am using BERT for the text encoder and PyTorch for the neural network: here are the crucial parts of the code, if you need any other details, don't hesitate to ask.
def tokenizeText(text, vectorizer):
vectorized = []
if len(text[0]) == 1:
tk = vectorizer.tokenize(text)
tk = vectorizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tk)
tk = torch.LongTensor(tk)
elif len(text) > 1:
for i in text:
tk = vectorizer.tokenize(i)
tk = vectorizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tk)
tk = torch.LongTensor(tk)
return vectorized
def prepareText1(textList):
tk = tokenizeText(textList, vectorizer)
if len(tk) > 1:
tknew = []
for i1 in tk:
size1 = len(i1)
size2 = 60 - size1
zeros = []
for _ in range(size2):
zeros = torch.LongTensor(zeros)
zeros = zeros.view(1, zeros.size(0))
i1 = i1.view(1, len(i1))
tk = torch.cat([i1, zeros], dim=1)
return tknew
class Discriminator(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Discriminator, self).__init__()
self.inD = np.prod(imgShp) + embedDim
self.outD = 1
self.Embedlyr = nn.EmbeddingBag(30000, embedDim)
self.mainNet = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(self.inD, baseNeurons * 4),
nn.LeakyReLU(alpha, True),
nn.Linear(baseNeurons * 4, baseNeurons * 2),
nn.LeakyReLU(alpha, True),
nn.Linear(baseNeurons * 2, baseNeurons),
nn.LeakyReLU(alpha, True),
nn.Linear(baseNeurons, self.outD),
def forward(self, x, y):
y = prepareText1(y)
y = torch.stack(y).squeeze(1)
y = self.Embedlyr(y)
x = x.view(x.size(0), np.prod(imgShp))
x = torch.cat([x, y], dim=1)
x = self.mainNet(x)
return x.squeeze(0)
netD = Discriminator().to(device)
optD = optim.Adam(netD.parameters(), lr=lr)
class Generator(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Generator, self).__init__()
self.inD = nZDim + embedDim
self.outD = np.prod(imgShp)
self.Embedlyr = nn.EmbeddingBag(30000, embedDim)
self.mainNet = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(self.inD, baseNeurons),
nn.LeakyReLU(alpha, True),
nn.Linear(baseNeurons, baseNeurons * 2),
nn.LeakyReLU(alpha, True),
nn.Linear(baseNeurons * 2, baseNeurons * 4),
nn.LeakyReLU(alpha, True),
nn.Linear(baseNeurons * 4, self.outD),
def forward(self, x, y):
y = prepareText1(y)
y = torch.stack(y).squeeze(1)
y = self.Embedlyr(y)
x = x.view(x.size(0), nZDim)
x = torch.cat([x, y], dim=1)
x = self.mainNet(x)
return x.view(x.size(0), cC, imgSz, imgSz)
netG = Generator().to(device)
optG = optim.Adam(netG.parameters(), lr=lr)
lossFn = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
writer = SummaryWriter()
def trainStepD(dataInp):
imgs = dataInp[0]
lbls = dataInp[1]
batchSz1 = imgs.size(0)
logitLblR = Variable(torch.ones((batchSz, 1))).to(device)
logitLblF = Variable(torch.zeros((batchSz, 1))).to(device)
output = netD(imgs, lbls)
lossR = lossFn(output, logitLblR)
nZ = Variable(torch.randn(batchSz1, nZDim)).to(device)
output = netG(nZ, lbls)
output = netD(output, lbls)
lossF = lossFn(output, logitLblF)
loss = lossR + lossF
return loss.data.item()
def trainStepG(dataInp):
imgs = dataInp[0]
lbls = dataInp[1]
batchSz1 = imgs.size(0)
logitLblR = Variable(torch.ones((batchSz, 1))).to(device)
nZ = Variable(torch.randn(batchSz1, nZDim)).to(device)
output = netG(nZ, lbls)
output = netD(output, lbls)
loss = lossFn(output, logitLblR)
return loss.data.item()
epochs = 50
displayStep = 5
criticNo = 5
for epoch in range(epochs):
print('Initializing Epoch [{}/{}]...'.format((epoch + 1), epochs), end=' ')
for batchNo, dataInp in enumerate(dLoader):
step = epoch * len(dLoader) + batchNo + 1
batchSz1 = dataInp[0].size(0)
for _ in range(criticNo):
DLoss = trainStepD(dataInp)
GLoss = trainStepG(dataInp)
writer.add_scalars('scalars', {'GLoss': GLoss, 'DLoss': (DLoss / criticNo)}, step)
if step % displayStep == 0:
z = Variable(torch.randn(9, nZDim)).to(device)
labels = []
for i in range(9):
sample_images = netG(z, labels)
grid = torchvision.utils.make_grid(sample_images, nrow=3, normalize=True)
writer.add_image("Batch Results", grid, step)
These are the results I got from this:
Loss graph, Green - Discriminator Loss, Pink - Generator Loss:
My dataset is just a small folder of blue and red images labeled blue or red.
Please let me know if anyone can help.
The error is saying this is not the case - your InputLayer object does not have an attribute Input but I don't know how to fix it thank you for your helps
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin
import random
class MultiLayerPerceptron(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin):
def __init__(self, params=None):
if (params == None):
self.inputLayer = 14 # Input Layer
self.hiddenLayer = 100 # Hidden Layer
self.outputLayer = 2 # Outpuy Layer
self.learningRate = 0.005 # Learning rate
self.max_epochs = 600 # Epochs
self.iasHiddenValue = -1 # Bias HiddenLayer
self.BiasOutputValue = -1 # Bias OutputLayer
self.activation = self.ativacao['sigmoid'] # Activation function
self.deriv = self.derivada['sigmoid']
self.inputLayer = params['InputLayer']
self.hiddenLayer = params['HiddenLayer']
self.OutputLayer = params['OutputLayer']
self.learningRate = params['LearningRate']
self.max_epochs = params['Epocas']
self.BiasHiddenValue = params['BiasHiddenValue']
self.BiasOutputValue = params['BiasOutputValue']
self.activation = self.ativacao[params['ActivationFunction']]
self.deriv = self.derivada[params['ActivationFunction']]
'Starting Bias and Weights'
self.WEIGHT_hidden = self.starting_weights(self.hiddenLayer, self.inputLayer)
self.WEIGHT_output = self.starting_weights(self.OutputLayer, self.hiddenLayer)
self.BIAS_hidden = np.array([self.BiasHiddenValue for i in range(self.hiddenLayer)])
self.BIAS_output = np.array([self.BiasOutputValue for i in range(self.OutputLayer)])
self.classes_number = 2
def starting_weights(self, x, y):
return [[2 * random.random() - 1 for i in range(x)] for j in range(y)]
ativacao = {
'sigmoid': (lambda x: 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))),
'tanh': (lambda x: np.tanh(x)),
'Relu': (lambda x: x*(x > 0)),
derivada = {
'sigmoid': (lambda x: x*(1-x)),
'tanh': (lambda x: 1-x**2),
'Relu': (lambda x: 1 * (x>0))
def Backpropagation_Algorithm(self, x):
DELTA_output = []
'Stage 1 - Error: OutputLayer'
ERROR_output = self.output - self.OUTPUT_L2
DELTA_output = ((-1)*(ERROR_output) * self.deriv(self.OUTPUT_L2))
arrayStore = []
'Stage 2 - Update weights OutputLayer and HiddenLayer'
for i in range(self.hiddenLayer):
for j in range(self.OutputLayer):
self.WEIGHT_output[i][j] -= (self.learningRate * (DELTA_output[j] * self.OUTPUT_L1[i]))
self.BIAS_output[j] -= (self.learningRate * DELTA_output[j])
'Stage 3 - Error: HiddenLayer'
delta_hidden = np.matmul(self.WEIGHT_output, DELTA_output)* self.deriv(self.OUTPUT_L1)
'Stage 4 - Update weights HiddenLayer and InputLayer(x)'
for i in range(self.OutputLayer):
for j in range(self.hiddenLayer):
self.WEIGHT_hidden[i][j] -= (self.learningRate * (delta_hidden[j] * x[i]))
self.BIAS_hidden[j] -= (self.learningRate * delta_hidden[j])
def show_err_graphic(self,v_erro,v_epoca):
plt.plot(v_epoca, v_erro, "m-",color="b", marker=11)
plt.xlabel("Number of Epochs")
plt.ylabel("Squared error (MSE) ");
plt.title("Error Minimization")
def predict(self, X, y):
'Returns the predictions for every element of X'
my_predictions = []
'Forward Propagation'
forward = np.matmul(X,self.WEIGHT_hidden) + self.BIAS_hidden
forward = np.matmul(forward, self.WEIGHT_output) + self.BIAS_output
for i in forward:
my_predictions.append(max(enumerate(i), key=lambda x:x[1])[0])
array_score = []
for i in range(len(my_predictions)):
if my_predictions[i] == 0:
array_score.append([i, 'No', my_predictions[i], y[i]])
elif my_predictions[i] == 1:
array_score.append([i, 'Yes', my_predictions[i], y[i]])
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(array_score, columns=['_id', 'class', 'output', 'hoped_output'])
return my_predictions, dataframe
def fit(self, X, y):
count_epoch = 1
total_error = 0
n = len(X);
epoch_array = []
error_array = []
W0 = []
W1 = []
while(count_epoch <= self.max_epochs):
for idx,inputs in enumerate(X):
self.output = np.zeros(self.classes_number)
'Stage 1 - (Forward Propagation)'
self.OUTPUT_L1 = self.activation((np.dot(self.InputLayer, self.WEIGHT_hidden) + self.BIAS_hidden.T))
self.OUTPUT_L2 = self.activation((np.dot(self.OUTPUT_L1, self.WEIGHT_output) + self.BIAS_output.T))
'Stage 2 - One-Hot-Encoding'
if(y[idx] == 0):
self.output = np.array([1,0,0]) #Class1 {1,0,0}
elif(y[idx] == 1):
self.output = np.array([0,1,0]) #Class2 {0,1,0}
square_error = 0
for i in range(self.OutputLayer):
erro = (self.output[i] - self.OUTPUT_L2[i])**2
square_error = (square_error + (0.05 * erro))
total_error = total_error + square_error
'Backpropagation : Update Weights'
total_error = (total_error / n)
if((count_epoch % 50 == 0)or(count_epoch == 1)):
print("Epoch ", count_epoch, "- Total Error: ",total_error)
count_epoch += 1
plt.title('Weight Hidden update during training')
plt.legend(['neuron1', 'neuron2', 'neuron3', 'neuron4', 'neuron5'])
plt.ylabel('Value Weight')
plt.title('Weight Output update during training')
plt.legend(['neuron1', 'neuron2', 'neuron3'])
plt.ylabel('Value Weight')
return self
dictionary = {'InputLayer':14, 'HiddenLayer':100, 'OutputLayer':2,
'Epocas':700, 'LearningRate':0.005,'BiasHiddenValue':-1,
'BiasOutputValue':-1, 'ActivationFunction':'sigmoid'}
Perceptron = MultiLayerPerceptron(dictionary)
AttributeError: 'MultiLayerPerceptron' object has no attribute 'InputLayer'
I want after splitting the data to work on MLP Classifier but I found this error "AttributeError: 'MultiLayerPerceptron' object has no attribute 'InputLayer'
I am trying to create a nueral network using tensor flow. I am not using keras api. I have some parameter estimation(weight,bias and some other parameters) to do. The code is working but the parameter estimation is really bad and error percentage is very high what is the problem here? I tried so many ways still no improvement. the loss fn is less.
I tried creating my own optimizer but the process is slow and the error is large. Is there any way to apply optimizers parameter.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.io
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from pyDOE import lhs
import math as ma
class PhysicsInformedNN:
def __init__(self,X_n,v,layers,lb,ub):
self.lb = lb
self.ub = ub
self.layers = layers
self.dx_n = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_n[:,0:1],dtype = 'float32')
self.t_n = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_n[:,1:2],dtype = 'float32')
self.v_r = tf.convert_to_tensor(v,dtype = 'float32')
self.lambda_1 = tf.Variable(0,dtype = 'float32')#1.5
self.lambda_2 = tf.Variable(-6,dtype = 'float32')
self.para =[self.lambda_1,self.lambda_2]
self.weights, self.biases = self.initialize_NN(layers)
def initialize_NN(self,layers):
weights = []
biases = []
num_layers = len(layers)
for l in range(0,num_layers-1):
W = self.xavier_init(size=[layers[l], layers[l+1]])
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1,layers[l+1]], dtype='float32'), dtype='float32')
return weights, biases
def xavier_init(self, size):
in_dim = size[0]
out_dim = size[1]
xavier_stddev = np.sqrt(2/(in_dim + out_dim))
return tf.Variable(tf.random.truncated_normal([in_dim, out_dim], stddev=xavier_stddev), dtype='float32')
def neural_net(self, X, weights, biases):
num_layers = len(weights) + 1
H = 2.0*(X - self.lb)/(self.ub - self.lb) - 1.0
for l in range(0,num_layers-2):
W = weights[l]
b = biases[l]
H = tf.math.tanh(tf.math.add(tf.linalg.matmul(H, W), b))
W = weights[-1]
b = biases[-1]
Y = tf.math.add(tf.linalg.matmul(H, W), b)
return Y
def net_u(self, x, t):
v = self.neural_net(tf.concat([x,t],1), self.weights, self.biases)
return v
def net_f(self, x, t):
lambda_1 = self.para[0]
lambda_2 = tf.exp(self.para[1])
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape :
u = self.net_u(x,t)
u_x = tape.gradient(u,x)
u_t = tape.gradient(u,t)
u_xx = tape.gradient(u_x,x)
f = u_t + lambda_1*u*u_x - lambda_2*u_xx
del tape
return f
def callback(self, loss,n):
print('Loss:', loss, ' Epoch : ', n)
def train(self,epoch):
for i in range(epoch):
with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape :
f_pred = self.net_f(self.dx_n, self.t_n)
v_pred = self.net_u(self.dx_n, self.t_n)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.v_r - v_pred)) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(f_pred))
dw = tape.gradient(loss,self.weights)
db = tape.gradient(loss,self.biases)
dp = tape.gradient(loss,self.para)
lr_schedule = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay(
optimizer1 = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0001)
optimizer1.apply_gradients(zip(dw, self.weights))
optimizer1.apply_gradients(zip(db, self.biases))
optimizer2 = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.001)
optimizer2.apply_gradients(zip(dp, self.para))
del tape
def predict(self, X_star):
v_star = self.net_u(X_star[:,0:1], X_star[:,1:2])
f_star = f_pred = self.net_f(X_star[:,0:1], X_star[:,1:2])
para_last = self.para
return v_star, f_star, para_last
if __name__ == '__main__':
#PARAMETERS for the problem
nu =0.01/np.pi
layers = [2, 20, 20, 20, 20, 1]
N_u = 2000
data = scipy.io.loadmat('burgers_shock.mat')
t = data['t'].flatten()[:,None]
x = data['x'].flatten()[:,None]
Exact = np.real(data['usol']).T
X, T = np.meshgrid(x,t)
X_star = np.hstack((X.flatten()[:,None], T.flatten()[:,None]))
u_star = Exact.flatten()[:,None]
lb = X_star.min(0)
ub = X_star.max(0)
idx = np.random.choice(X_star.shape[0], N_u, replace=False)
X_u_train = X_star[idx,:]
u_train = u_star[idx,:]
model = PhysicsInformedNN(X_u_train, u_train, layers, lb, ub)
X_star = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_star,dtype='float32')
u_pred, f_pred, param = model.predict(X_star)
error_lambda_1 = np.abs(param[0] - 1.0)*100
error_lambda_2 = np.abs( np.exp(param[1])- nu)/nu * 100
I have created a pytorch model and I want to reduce the model size.
Defining Model Architecture :-
import torch
import torch.quantization
import torch.nn as nn
import copy
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import torch.autograd as autograd
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.utils.prune as prune
import torch.nn.functional as F
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import time
import codecs
import pickle
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.utils.prune as prune
from config import Config
from loader import *
from utils import *
from model import BiLSTM_CRF
def init_embedding(input_embedding):
Initialize embedding
bias = np.sqrt(3.0 / input_embedding.size(1))
nn.init.uniform(input_embedding, -bias, bias)
def init_linear(input_linear):
Initialize linear transformation
bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (input_linear.weight.size(0) + input_linear.weight.size(1)))
nn.init.uniform(input_linear.weight, -bias, bias)
if input_linear.bias is not None:
def init_lstm(input_lstm):
Initialize lstm
for ind in range(0, input_lstm.num_layers):
weight = eval('input_lstm.weight_ih_l' + str(ind))
bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (weight.size(0) / 4 + weight.size(1)))
nn.init.uniform(weight, -bias, bias)
weight = eval('input_lstm.weight_hh_l' + str(ind))
bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (weight.size(0) / 4 + weight.size(1)))
nn.init.uniform(weight, -bias, bias)
if input_lstm.bidirectional:
for ind in range(0, input_lstm.num_layers):
weight = eval('input_lstm.weight_ih_l' + str(ind) + '_reverse')
bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (weight.size(0) / 4 + weight.size(1)))
nn.init.uniform(weight, -bias, bias)
weight = eval('input_lstm.weight_hh_l' + str(ind) + '_reverse')
bias = np.sqrt(6.0 / (weight.size(0) / 4 + weight.size(1)))
nn.init.uniform(weight, -bias, bias)
if input_lstm.bias:
for ind in range(0, input_lstm.num_layers):
weight = eval('input_lstm.bias_ih_l' + str(ind))
weight.data[input_lstm.hidden_size: 2 * input_lstm.hidden_size] = 1
weight = eval('input_lstm.bias_hh_l' + str(ind))
weight.data[input_lstm.hidden_size: 2 * input_lstm.hidden_size] = 1
if input_lstm.bidirectional:
for ind in range(0, input_lstm.num_layers):
weight = eval('input_lstm.bias_ih_l' + str(ind) + '_reverse')
weight.data[input_lstm.hidden_size: 2 * input_lstm.hidden_size] = 1
weight = eval('input_lstm.bias_hh_l' + str(ind) + '_reverse')
weight.data[input_lstm.hidden_size: 2 * input_lstm.hidden_size] = 1
def to_scalar(var):
return var.view(-1).data.tolist()[0]
def argmax(vec):
_, idx = torch.max(vec, 1)
return to_scalar(idx)
def log_sum_exp(vec):
# vec 2D: 1 * tagset_size
max_score = vec[0, argmax(vec)]
max_score_broadcast = max_score.view(1, -1).expand(1, vec.size()[1])
return max_score + \
torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(vec - max_score_broadcast)))
class BiLSTM_CRF(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, vocab_size, tag_to_ix, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, char_lstm_dim=25,
char_to_ix=None, pre_word_embeds=None, char_embedding_dim=25, use_gpu=False,
n_cap=None, cap_embedding_dim=None, use_crf=True, char_mode='CNN'):
super(BiLSTM_CRF, self).__init__()
self.use_gpu = use_gpu
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim #100
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim #200
self.vocab_size = vocab_size
self.tag_to_ix = tag_to_ix
self.n_cap = n_cap
self.cap_embedding_dim = cap_embedding_dim
self.use_crf = use_crf
self.tagset_size = len(tag_to_ix)
self.out_channels = char_lstm_dim #25
self.char_mode = char_mode
print('char_mode: %s, out_channels: %d, hidden_dim: %d, ' % (char_mode, char_lstm_dim, hidden_dim))
if self.n_cap and self.cap_embedding_dim:
self.cap_embeds = nn.Embedding(self.n_cap, self.cap_embedding_dim)
# print("self.cap_embeds.weight------",self.cap_embeds.weight)
if char_embedding_dim is not None:
self.char_lstm_dim = char_lstm_dim
self.char_embeds = nn.Embedding(len(char_to_ix), char_embedding_dim)
# print("self.char_embeds.weight-------", self.char_embeds.weight)
if self.char_mode == 'LSTM':
self.char_lstm = nn.LSTM(char_embedding_dim, char_lstm_dim, num_layers=1, bidirectional=True)
if self.char_mode == 'CNN':
self.char_cnn3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=self.out_channels, kernel_size=(3, char_embedding_dim), padding=(2,0))
self.word_embeds = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim)
if pre_word_embeds is not None:
self.pre_word_embeds = True
self.word_embeds.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(pre_word_embeds))
self.pre_word_embeds = False
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
if self.n_cap and self.cap_embedding_dim:
if self.char_mode == 'LSTM':
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim+char_lstm_dim*2+cap_embedding_dim, hidden_dim, bidirectional=True)
if self.char_mode == 'CNN':
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim+self.out_channels+cap_embedding_dim, hidden_dim, bidirectional=True)
if self.char_mode == 'LSTM':
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim+char_lstm_dim*2, hidden_dim, bidirectional=True)
if self.char_mode == 'CNN':
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim+self.out_channels, hidden_dim, bidirectional=True)
self.hw_trans = nn.Linear(self.out_channels, self.out_channels)
self.hw_gate = nn.Linear(self.out_channels, self.out_channels)
self.h2_h1 = nn.Linear(hidden_dim*2, hidden_dim)
self.tanh = nn.Tanh()
self.hidden2tag = nn.Linear(hidden_dim*2, self.tagset_size)
if self.use_crf:
self.transitions = nn.Parameter(
torch.zeros(self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size))
self.transitions.data[tag_to_ix[START_TAG], :] = -10000
self.transitions.data[:, tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]] = -10000
def _score_sentence(self, feats, tags):
# tags is ground_truth, a list of ints, length is len(sentence)
# feats is a 2D tensor, len(sentence) * tagset_size
r = torch.LongTensor(range(feats.size()[0]))
if self.use_gpu:
r = r.cuda()
pad_start_tags = torch.cat([torch.cuda.LongTensor([self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]]), tags])
pad_stop_tags = torch.cat([tags, torch.cuda.LongTensor([self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]])])
pad_start_tags = torch.cat([torch.LongTensor([self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]]), tags])
pad_stop_tags = torch.cat([tags, torch.LongTensor([self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]])])
score = torch.sum(self.transitions[pad_stop_tags, pad_start_tags]) + torch.sum(feats[r, tags])
return score
def _get_lstm_features(self, sentence, chars2, caps, chars2_length, d):
if self.char_mode == 'LSTM':
# self.char_lstm_hidden = self.init_lstm_hidden(dim=self.char_lstm_dim, bidirection=True, batchsize=chars2.size(0))
chars_embeds = self.char_embeds(chars2).transpose(0, 1)
packed = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(chars_embeds, chars2_length)
lstm_out, _ = self.char_lstm(packed)
outputs, output_lengths = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(lstm_out)
outputs = outputs.transpose(0, 1)
chars_embeds_temp = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(torch.zeros((outputs.size(0), outputs.size(2)))))
if self.use_gpu:
chars_embeds_temp = chars_embeds_temp.cuda()
for i, index in enumerate(output_lengths):
chars_embeds_temp[i] = torch.cat((outputs[i, index-1, :self.char_lstm_dim], outputs[i, 0, self.char_lstm_dim:]))
chars_embeds = chars_embeds_temp.clone()
for i in range(chars_embeds.size(0)):
chars_embeds[d[i]] = chars_embeds_temp[i]
if self.char_mode == 'CNN':
chars_embeds = self.char_embeds(chars2).unsqueeze(1)
chars_cnn_out3 = self.char_cnn3(chars_embeds)
chars_embeds = nn.functional.max_pool2d(chars_cnn_out3, kernel_size=(chars_cnn_out3.size(2), 1)).view(chars_cnn_out3.size(0), self.out_channels)
# t = self.hw_gate(chars_embeds)
# g = nn.functional.sigmoid(t)
# h = nn.functional.relu(self.hw_trans(chars_embeds))
# chars_embeds = g * h + (1 - g) * chars_embeds
embeds = self.word_embeds(sentence)
if self.n_cap and self.cap_embedding_dim:
cap_embedding = self.cap_embeds(caps)
if self.n_cap and self.cap_embedding_dim:
embeds = torch.cat((embeds, chars_embeds, cap_embedding), 1)
embeds = torch.cat((embeds, chars_embeds), 1)
embeds = embeds.unsqueeze(1)
embeds = self.dropout(embeds)
lstm_out, _ = self.lstm(embeds)
lstm_out = lstm_out.view(len(sentence), self.hidden_dim*2)
lstm_out = self.dropout(lstm_out)
lstm_feats = self.hidden2tag(lstm_out)
return lstm_feats
def _forward_alg(self, feats):
# calculate in log domain
# feats is len(sentence) * tagset_size
# initialize alpha with a Tensor with values all equal to -10000.
init_alphas = torch.Tensor(1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.)
init_alphas[0][self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = 0.
forward_var = autograd.Variable(init_alphas)
if self.use_gpu:
forward_var = forward_var.cuda()
for feat in feats:
emit_score = feat.view(-1, 1)
tag_var = forward_var + self.transitions + emit_score
max_tag_var, _ = torch.max(tag_var, dim=1)
tag_var = tag_var - max_tag_var.view(-1, 1)
forward_var = max_tag_var + torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(tag_var), dim=1)).view(1, -1) # ).view(1, -1)
terminal_var = (forward_var + self.transitions[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]]).view(1, -1)
alpha = log_sum_exp(terminal_var)
# Z(x)
return alpha
def viterbi_decode(self, feats):
backpointers = []
# analogous to forward
init_vvars = torch.Tensor(1, self.tagset_size).fill_(-10000.)
init_vvars[0][self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = 0
forward_var = Variable(init_vvars)
if self.use_gpu:
forward_var = forward_var.cuda()
for feat in feats:
next_tag_var = forward_var.view(1, -1).expand(self.tagset_size, self.tagset_size) + self.transitions
_, bptrs_t = torch.max(next_tag_var, dim=1)
bptrs_t = bptrs_t.squeeze().data.cpu().numpy()
next_tag_var = next_tag_var.data.cpu().numpy()
viterbivars_t = next_tag_var[range(len(bptrs_t)), bptrs_t]
viterbivars_t = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(viterbivars_t))
if self.use_gpu:
viterbivars_t = viterbivars_t.cuda()
forward_var = viterbivars_t + feat
terminal_var = forward_var + self.transitions[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]]
terminal_var.data[self.tag_to_ix[STOP_TAG]] = -10000.
terminal_var.data[self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]] = -10000.
best_tag_id = argmax(terminal_var.unsqueeze(0))
path_score = terminal_var[best_tag_id]
best_path = [best_tag_id]
for bptrs_t in reversed(backpointers):
best_tag_id = bptrs_t[best_tag_id]
start = best_path.pop()
assert start == self.tag_to_ix[START_TAG]
return path_score, best_path
def neg_log_likelihood(self, sentence, tags, chars2, caps, chars2_length, d):
# sentence, tags is a list of ints
# features is a 2D tensor, len(sentence) * self.tagset_size
feats = self._get_lstm_features(sentence, chars2, caps, chars2_length, d)
if self.use_crf:
forward_score = self._forward_alg(feats)
gold_score = self._score_sentence(feats, tags)
return forward_score - gold_score
tags = Variable(tags)
scores = nn.functional.cross_entropy(feats, tags)
return scores
def forward(self, sentence, chars, caps, chars2_length, d):
feats = self._get_lstm_features(sentence, chars, caps, chars2_length, d)
# viterbi to get tag_seq
if self.use_crf:
score, tag_seq = self.viterbi_decode(feats)
score, tag_seq = torch.max(feats, 1)
tag_seq = list(tag_seq.cpu().data)
return score, tag_seq
create Model Instance:-
model_fp32 = BiLSTM_CRF(vocab_size=len(word_to_id),
Apply Quantization
model_int8 = torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic(
model_fp32, # the original model
{nn.LSTM,nn.Linear}, # a set of layers to dynamically quantize
Checking Quantization Results:
def print_size_of_model(model, label=""):
torch.save(model.state_dict(), "temp.p")
print("model: ",label,' \t','Size (KB):', size/1e3)
return size
compare the sizes
print("{0:.2f} times smaller".format(f/q))
model: model_fp32 Size (KB): 806494.996
model: model_int8 Size (KB): 804532.412
1.00 times smaller
is there any way to reduce the model size significantly??
Based on Results section of question and vocab_size of approximately 2 million, it's seems reasonable to quantize attribute word_embeds. Expected that quantization of only this module alone will result in significant drop of memory occupation by weights. According to documentation there is no support for dynamic quantization(which is used for nn.Linear and nn.LSTM in snippet above) of nn.Embedding(type of word_embeds), but static quantization can handle this. Default qconfig which is used in some pytorch examples seems not working on nn.Embedding, but there is a hint in issue discussion how to quantize nn.Embedding. After training:
from torch.quantization.qconfig import float_qparams_weight_only_qconfig
model_fp32.word_embeds.qconfig = float_qparams_weight_only_qconfig
torch.quantization.prepare(model_fp32, inplace=True)
torch.quantization.convert(model_fp32, inplace=True)
And after that word_embeds in model_fp32 will be quantized to torhc.quint8.
I just started studying NN. In the class, the teacher gave us a code to experiment with, in google colab. I tried changing the number of nodes in each hidden layer and the number of hidden layers, and print out test accuracy and train accuracy. I've tried many configurations but the accuracies did not change. Like, it will stay exactly at 0.7857142857142857 (this is the actual number) unless I reshuffle the samples.
The teacher said that accuracy can't be changed that easily. But I don't believe her. I think there is something wrong with the code because there are too many similar digits.
Here are the codes I think are necessary to post.
class Model():
def __init__(self):
self.layers = []
self.L = 0
self.W = {}
self.b = {}
self.A = {}
self.Z = {}
self.dA = {}
self.dZ = {}
self.dW = {}
self.db = {}
self.cost = 0.
self.m = 0
self.lam = 0
self.cost_history = []
self.acc_history = []
self.alpha_history = []
self.alpha = 0.
self.iterations = 0
def add_layers(self, list_of_layers):
self.layers = list_of_layers
self.L = len(self.layers) - 1 # Number of layers excluding the input feature layer
def init_params(self):
for i in range(1, self.L + 1):
self.W[str(i)] = np.random.randn(self.layers[i], self.layers[i - 1]) * np.sqrt(2. / self.layers[i - 1])
self.b[str(i)] = np.zeros((self.layers[i], 1))
def forward_prop(self, X):
self.A['0'] = X
for i in range(1, self.L + 1):
self.Z[str(i)] = np.dot(self.W[str(i)], self.A[str(i - 1)]) + self.b[str(i)]
if i == self.L:
# Output layer, Sigmoid activation
self.A[str(i)] = sigmoid(self.Z[str(i)])
# Hidden layer, Relu activataion
self.A[str(i)] = relu(self.Z[str(i)])
def compute_cost(self, Y):
self.cost = -1 * np.sum(np.multiply(Y, np.log(self.A[str(self.L)])) +
np.multiply(1 - Y, np.log(1 - self.A[str(self.L)]))) / self.m
if self.lam != 0:
reg = (self.lam / (2 * self.m))
for i in range(1, self.L + 1):
reg += np.sum(np.dot(self.W[str(i)], self.W[str(i)].T))
self.cost += reg
def backward_prop(self, Y):
# We need dA[str(L)] to start the backward prop computation
self.dA[str(self.L)] = -1 * (np.divide(Y, self.A[str(self.L)]) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - self.A[str(self.L)]))
self.dZ[str(self.L)] = np.multiply(self.dA[str(self.L)], sigmoid_derivative(self.Z[str(self.L)]))
self.dW[str(self.L)] = np.dot(self.dZ[str(self.L)], self.A[str(self.L - 1)].T) / self.m + (self.lam/self.m) * self.W[str(self.L)]
self.db[str(self.L)] = np.sum(self.dZ[str(self.L)], axis = 1, keepdims = True) / self.m
self.dA[str(self.L - 1)] = np.dot(self.W[str(self.L)].T, self.dZ[str(self.L)])
for i in reversed(range(1, self.L)):
self.dZ[str(i)] = np.multiply(self.dA[str(i)], relu_derivative(self.Z[str(i)]))
self.dW[str(i)] = np.dot(self.dZ[str(i)], self.A[str(i - 1)].T) / self.m + (self.lam/self.m) * self.W[str(i)]
self.db[str(i)] = np.sum(self.dZ[str(i)], axis = 1, keepdims = True) / self.m
self.dA[str(i - 1)] = np.dot(self.W[str(i)].T, self.dZ[str(i)])
def update_params(self):
for i in range(1, self.L + 1):
self.W[str(i)] = self.W[str(i)] - self.alpha * self.dW[str(i)]
self.b[str(i)] = self.b[str(i)] - self.alpha * self.db[str(i)]
def train(self, X, Y, iterations = 10,
alpha = 0.001, decay = True, decay_iter = 5, decay_rate = 0.9, stop_decay_counter = 100,
verbose = True, lam = 0):
self.m = Y.shape[1]
self.alpha = alpha
self.iterations = iterations
self.lam = lam
# initialize parameters
for i in range(iterations):
# forward prop
# compute cost
# backward prop
# update params
# evaluate
self.acc_history.append(self.evaluate(X, Y, in_training = True))
# save alpha
# learning rate decay
if decay and stop_decay_counter > 0 and i % decay_iter == 0:
self.alpha = decay_rate * self.alpha
stop_decay_counter -= 1
# display cost per iteration
if verbose:
print('Cost after {} iterations: {}'.format(i, self.cost))
def predict(self, X, in_training = False):
if in_training == False:
preds = self.A[str(self.L)] >= 0.5
preds = np.squeeze(preds)
return preds
def evaluate(self, X, Y, in_training = False):
examples = X.shape[1]
pred = self.predict(X, in_training = in_training)
pred = pred.reshape(1, examples)
diff = np.sum(abs(pred - Y))
acc = (examples - np.sum(diff)) / examples
return acc
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/haberman/haberman.data', sep = ',', header = None)
X_train = data.iloc[:,:-1]
Y_train = data.iloc[:, -1]
X_train = np.array(X_train)
Y_train = np.array(Y_train)
Y_train = Y_train.reshape(Y_train.shape[0], 1)
mean = np.mean(X_train, axis = 0)
variance = np.var(X_train, axis = 0)
X_train = np.divide((X_train - mean), variance)
Y_train = Y_train - 1
# Changing label 1 to 0 and label 2 to 1
Split & Shuffle data
# Split the data into test and train sets
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
X_train, Y_train = shuffle(X_train, Y_train)
X_test = X_train[250:,:]
Y_test = Y_train[250:,:]
X_train_ = X_train[:250,:]
Y_train_ = Y_train[:250,:]
X_train_ = X_train_.reshape(3, 250)
Y_train_ = Y_train_.reshape(1, 250)
X_test = X_test.reshape(3, 56)
Y_test = Y_test.reshape(1, 56)
Creating a Model
m = Model()
m.add_layers([3, 16, 16, 1])
m.train(X_train_, Y_train_, iterations = 5000, alpha = 0.9
, decay_iter = 10, decay_rate = 0.98, stop_decay_counter = 100
, verbose = False, lam = 2)
print('Test set acc = ', m.evaluate(X_test, Y_test))
print('Train set acc = ', m.evaluate(X_train_, Y_train_))
What I did in the experiment.
Shuffle, train several models (different in number of nodes and hidden layers), and evaluate
# Model examples
m.add_layers([3, 16, 16, 1, 50, 3, 25, 7, 99, 1])
m.add_layers([3, 1, 55, 19, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 75, 80, 3, 12, 1])
Reshuffle, evaluate
Result: Every model has the exact same train and test accuracy unless the data is reshuffled.
The teacher told me that it's just my thought, and it's not true.
Could you please tell me what is wrong to get this result?
Here below is a piece of code for realizing a 2-layer neuron network for fitting problem in numpy. The activatin function is ReLU. The training algorithm is Adam. The loss function is half of the mean squared error. However, when the batch size is large(e.g. 10000), the loss will become nan after some iterations. The problem won't happen for small batch size. Could anyone help me explain why this may happen?(data are from matlab workspace:6_final_mapping_pos.mat)
import scipy.io as sio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
data = sio.loadmat('6_final_mapping_pos.mat')
class NeuralNetwork():
def __init__(self):
self.batch_size = 256
self.input_size = 5 # input dimension is 5
self.hidden_layer1_size = 50
self.output_size = 1 # output dimension is 5
self.train_data = data['training_data_pos']
self.df_traindata = pd.DataFrame(data=self.train_data)
self.validation_data_num = 17142
self.valid_data = data['validation_data_pos']
self.df_validdata = pd.DataFrame(data=self.valid_data)
# weight initialization for ReLu
self.W1 = np.random.randn(self.input_size, self.hidden_layer1_size)/ np.sqrt(self.input_size/2)
self.W2 = np.random.randn(self.hidden_layer1_size, self.output_size)/ np.sqrt(self.hidden_layer1_size/2)
#bias initialization
self.b1 = np.zeros((1,self.hidden_layer1_size))
self.b2 = np.zeros((1,self.output_size))
self.lr = 5e-3 # learning rate
self.reg = 1e-3 # regularization strength
self.p = 0.5 # dropout probability = 1-p
def feedforward(self):
### randomly selected mini-batch as inputs
self.df_sample_t = self.df_traindata.sample(n = self.batch_size)
self.train_input = self.df_sample_t.as_matrix(columns=[0,1,2,3,4])
self.train_output = self.df_sample_t.as_matrix(columns=[5])
#hidden layer with dropput technique
self.hidden_layer1 = np.maximum(0, (np.dot(self.train_input, self.W1) + self.b1))
U1= np.random.rand(*self.hidden_layer1.shape) < self.p # drop mask
self.hidden_layer1 *= U1 # drop!
self.output_layer = np.dot(self.hidden_layer1, self.W2) + self.b2
self.data_loss = np.sum(0.5*(self.output_layer-self.train_output)**2) / self.batch_size
self.reg_loss = 0.5*self.reg*np.sum(self.W1*self.W1) + 0.5*self.reg*np.sum(self.W2*self.W2)
self.total_loss = self.data_loss + self.reg_loss
def backpropagation(self):
self.d_output = (self.output_layer-self.train_output)/ self.batch_size
#data part
self.dW2 = np.dot(self.hidden_layer1.T, self.d_output)
self.db2 = np.sum(self.d_output, axis=0, keepdims=True)
self.dhidden1 = np.dot(self.d_output, self.W2.T)
self.dhidden1[self.hidden_layer1<= 0] = 0
self.dW1 = np.dot(self.train_input.T, self.dhidden1)
self.db1 = np.sum(self.dhidden1, axis=0, keepdims=True)
#regularization part
self.dW2 = self.dW2 + self.reg * self.W2
self.dW1 = self.dW1 + self.reg * self.W1
def Adam(self, epoch, dW2, dW1, db2, db1):
beta1 = 0.9
beta2 = 0.99
self.first_moment_W2 = beta1*self.first_moment_W2 + (1-beta1)*dW2
self.second_moment_W2 = beta2*self.second_moment_W2 + (1-beta2)*dW2*dW2
first_unbias_W2 = self.first_moment_W2 /(1-beta1 ** epoch)
second_unbias_W2 = self.second_moment_W2 /(1-beta2 ** epoch)
self.W2 -= self.lr * first_unbias_W2 / (np.sqrt(second_unbias_W2) +1e-7)
self.first_moment_W1 = beta1*self.first_moment_W1 + (1-beta1)*dW1
self.second_moment_W1 = beta2*self.second_moment_W1 + (1-beta2)*dW1*dW1
first_unbias_W1 = self.first_moment_W1 /(1-beta1 ** epoch)
second_unbias_W1 = self.second_moment_W1 /(1-beta2 ** epoch)
self.W1 -= self.lr * first_unbias_W1 / (np.sqrt(second_unbias_W1) +1e-7)
self.first_moment_b2 = beta1*self.first_moment_b2 + (1-beta1)*db2
self.second_moment_b2 = beta2*self.second_moment_b2 + (1-beta2)*db2*db2
first_unbias_b2 = self.first_moment_b2 /(1-beta1 ** epoch)
second_unbias_b2 = self.second_moment_b2 /(1-beta2 ** epoch)
self.b2 -= self.lr * first_unbias_b2 / (np.sqrt(second_unbias_b2) +1e-7)
self.first_moment_b1 = beta1*self.first_moment_b1 + (1-beta1)*db1
self.second_moment_b1 = beta2*self.second_moment_b1 + (1-beta2)*db1*db1
first_unbias_b1 = self.first_moment_b1 /(1-beta1 ** epoch)
second_unbias_b1 = self.second_moment_b1 /(1-beta2 ** epoch)
self.b1 -= self.lr * first_unbias_b1 / (np.sqrt(second_unbias_b1) +1e-7)
def validation(self):
self.df_sample_v = self.df_validdata.sample(n = self.validation_data_num)
self.valid_input = self.df_sample_v.as_matrix(columns=[0,1,2,3,4])
self.valid_output = self.df_sample_v.as_matrix(columns=[5])
self.hidden_layer1 = np.maximum(0, np.dot(self.valid_input, self.W1) + self.b1) *self.p
self.output_layer = np.dot(self.hidden_layer1, self.W2) + self.b2
self.data_loss = np.sum(0.5*(self.output_layer-self.valid_output)**2) / self.validation_data_num
self.reg_loss = 0.5*self.reg*np.sum(self.W1*self.W1) + 0.5*self.reg*np.sum(self.W2*self.W2)
self.total_loss = self.data_loss + self.reg_loss
NN = NeuralNetwork()
num_iterations = 120
training_loss = np.array([])
validation_loss = np.array([])
validation_dataloss = np.array([])
# Training and validation
while(t < num_iterations):
NN.Adam(t, NN.dW2, NN.dW1, NN.db2, NN.db1)
training_loss = np.append(training_loss, NN.total_loss)
if t % 10 == 0:
print ("training:" + "total loss = %f, data loss = %f, regularization loss = %f" % (NN.total_loss,NN.data_loss,NN.reg_loss))
validation_loss = np.append(validation_loss, NN.total_loss)
validation_dataloss = np.append(validation_dataloss, NN.data_loss)
if t % 10 == 0:
print ("validation:" + "total loss = %f, data loss = %f, regularization loss = %f" % (NN.total_loss,NN.data_loss,NN.reg_loss))