I'm new to USRP so I don't quite understand the transmission and reception. I have a IQ data needs to be transmitted, I'm using the tx_waveform.py to perform the transmission or any other I should use? What would be the output of this? What are the configuration need to be done to transmit the data and receive the IQ data on receiver (OTA or Over the wire)?? What should be the procedure of this? I have attached the example code I found, this would come in receiver part, but how to use the tx_waveform.py? I just need to have a simple end to end transmission setup.
Thank you
I am using the same X310 USRP for the close loop transmission by simply connect a RF cable between them. Besides, I have one octoclock is connected to this USRP.
num_symbols = 10000
r = 0.1*np.random.randn(num_symbols) + 0.1j*np.random.randn(num_symbols)
r = r.astype(np.complex64) # Convert to 64
import uhd
import numpy as np
usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP()
num_samps = 10000
center_freq = 1e9
sample_rate = 50e6
gain = 20
usrp.set_rx_rate(sample_rate, 0)
usrp.set_rx_freq(uhd.libpyuhd.types.tune_request(center_freq), 0)
usrp.set_rx_gain(gain, 0)
# Set up the stream and receive buffer
st_args = uhd.usrp.StreamArgs("fc32", "sc16")
st_args.channels = [0]
metadata = uhd.types.RXMetadata()
streamer = usrp.get_rx_stream(st_args)
recv_buffer = np.zeros((1, 1000), dtype=np.complex64) #maximum allowed value is 1996 through streamer.get_max_num_samps()
# Start Stream
stream_cmd = uhd.types.StreamCMD(uhd.types.StreamMode.start_cont)
stream_cmd.stream_now = True
# Receive Samples
samples = np.fromfile('test.dat', np.complex64)
for i in range(num_samps//1000):
streamer.recv(recv_buffer, metadata)
samples[i*1000:(i+1)*1000] = recv_buffer[0]
# Stop Stream
stream_cmd = uhd.types.StreamCMD(uhd.types.StreamMode.stop_cont)
Your code looks like it was taken from this source with a few minor modifications: PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python
If you look a bit further down on that page, there is an example describing how to transmit data, using the usrp.send_waveform()
Furthermore, the modification you made to that example is a bit strange:
# Receive Samples
samples = np.fromfile('test.dat', np.complex64) #<-- here you populate samples with data from your file
for i in range(num_samps//1000):
streamer.recv(recv_buffer, metadata)
samples[i*1000:(i+1)*1000] = recv_buffer[0] #<-- now you overwrite with received data
First you need to confirm you have uhd package by runing:
import uhd
Then you need to confirm your host PC could find your USRP X310 by typing
uhd_find_devices --args addr={your X310''s IP address}
Then you could download latest python examples [tx_waveforms.py,rx_to_file.py] from uhd's repo
Then you could run --help to see if you can understand how to use these two file
tx_waveforms.py --help
rx_to_file.py --help
Also it will make you know that you are missing some packages which you need to pip install by yourself.
This page will inspire you how to pass the argument to the program even though it was not using the same file as you downloaded, but the low level API is similar.
I am trying to set up the signal analyser using a simple python script. I am able to set the center and frequency and span frequency but when i am trying to turn the average on and set it to exponential mode, it gives me a pass through command ignored. The instrument is connected successfully using LAN.
import string
import pyvisa # PyVISA package for connecting to the instrument
# Make connection to instrument
# Open a VISA resource manager pointing to the installation folder for the Keysight Visa libraries.
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# Device addr
addr_MXA = 'TCPIP0::A-N9020A-00060::inst0::INSTR'
addr_VSA = 'TCPIP0::CASCODA500::hislip1::INSTR'
SA_device = rm.open_resource(addr_VSA)
# Preset and wait for operation to complete
# Resume the sweeping
SA_device.write('init:cont ON')
# Measurement variables for the MeasSetup
freq = '2.44GHz'
freq_span = '5MHz'
count = 10
avermode = 'EXP'
search_len = '832us'
SA_device.write('sens:freq:cent {}'.format(freq))
SA_device.write('sens:freq:span {}'.format(freq_span))
# Average
SA_device.write('sens:aver ON')
SA_device.write('sens:mon:aver:tcon {}'.format(avermode))
SA_device.write('sens:aver:count {}'.format(count))
The SCPI log of Keysight VSA
This happens because I was trying to use SCPI commands for MXA N9020A instrument on 89600 VSA software running on the computer. This is solved by downloading Keysight Command Expert and use the commands that are tailored for different instruments and also using SCPI reference guide here.
I'm starting work on an app that will need to create sound from lots of pre-loaded ".mid" files.
I'm using Python and Kivy to create an app, as I have made an app already with these tools and they are the only code I know. The other app I made uses no sound whatsoever.
Naturally, I want to make sure that the code I write will work cross-platform.
Right now, I'm simply trying to prove that I can create any real sound from a midi note.
I took this code suggested from another answer to a similar question using FluidSynth and Mingus:
from mingus.midi import fluidsynth
But I hear nothing and get this error:
fluidsynth: warning: Failed to pin the sample data to RAM; swapping is possible.
Why do I get this error, how do I fix it, and is this the simplest way or even right way?
I could be wrong but I don't think there is a "0" channel which is what you are passing as your second argument to .play_Note(). Try this:
or (from some documentation)
from mingus.containers.note import Note
n = Note("C", 4)
n.channel = 1
n.velocity = 50
There are references to only channels 1-16 in the source code for that method with the default channel set to 1:
def play_Note(self, note, channel = 1, velocity = 100):
"""Plays a Note object on a channel[1-16] with a \
velocity[0-127]. You can either specify the velocity and channel \
here as arguments or you can set the Note.velocity and Note.channel \
attributes, which will take presedence over the function arguments."""
if hasattr(note, 'velocity'):
velocity = note.velocity
if hasattr(note, 'channel'):
channel = note.channel
self.fs.noteon(int(channel), int(note) + 12, int(velocity))
return True
I was wondering if it was possible to play a sound directly into a input from python. I am using linux, and with that I am using OSS, ALSA, and Pulseaudio
You can definitely play (and generate) sound with python
Here is a example code that generates sinewave, opens default Alsa playback device and plays sinewave through that
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import struct
import alsaaudio
from itertools import *
def sine_wave(frequency=440.0, framerate=44100, amplitude=0.5):
"""Stolen from here: http://zacharydenton.com/generate-audio-with-python/"""
period = int(framerate / frequency)
if amplitude > 1.0: amplitude = 1.0
if amplitude < 0.0: amplitude = 0.0
lookup_table = [float(amplitude) * math.sin(2.0*math.pi*float(frequency)*(float(i%period)/float(framerate))) for i in range(period)]
return (lookup_table[i%period] for i in count(0))
sound_out = alsaaudio.PCM() # open default sound output
sound_out.setchannels(1) # use only one channel of audio (aka mono)
sound_out.setrate(44100) # how many samples per second
sound_out.setformat(alsaaudio.PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT_LE) # sample format
for sample in sine_wave():
# alsa only eats binnary data
b = struct.pack("<f", sample) # convert python float to binary float
or you can loopback microphone to your speakers
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import struct
import alsaaudio
sound_out = alsaaudio.PCM() # open default sound output
sound_out.setchannels(1) # use only one channel of audio (aka mono)
sound_out.setperiodsize(5) # buffer size, default is 32
sound_in = alsaaudio.PCM(type=alsaaudio.PCM_CAPTURE) # default recording device
sound_in.setchannels(1) # use only one channel of audio (aka mono)
sound_in.setperiodsize(5) # buffer size, default is 32
while True:
sample_lenght, sample = sound_in.read()
much more examples can be found in python alsaaudio library http://pyalsaaudio.sourceforge.net/libalsaaudio.html
I guess it depends on what you would like to do with it after you got it "into" python.
I would definitely look at the scikits.audiolab library. That's what you might use if you wanted to draw up spectrograms of what ever sound you are trying process (I'm guessing that's what you want to do?).
I am developing a program in python, and one element tells the user how much bandwidth they have used since the program has opened (not just within the program, but regular web browsing while the program has been opened). The output should be displayed in GTK
Is there anything in existence, if not can you point me in the right direction. It seems like i would have to edit an existing proxy script like pythonproxy, but i can't see how i would use it.
For my task I wrote very simple solution using psutil:
import time
import psutil
def main():
old_value = 0
while True:
new_value = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent + psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv
if old_value:
send_stat(new_value - old_value)
old_value = new_value
def convert_to_gbit(value):
return value/1024./1024./1024.*8
def send_stat(value):
print ("%0.3f" % convert_to_gbit(value))
import time
def get_bytes(t, iface='wlan0'):
with open('/sys/class/net/' + iface + '/statistics/' + t + '_bytes', 'r') as f:
data = f.read();
return int(data)
tx1 = get_bytes('tx')
rx1 = get_bytes('rx')
tx2 = get_bytes('tx')
rx2 = get_bytes('rx')
tx_speed = round((tx2 - tx1)/1000000.0, 4)
rx_speed = round((rx2 - rx1)/1000000.0, 4)
print("TX: %fMbps RX: %fMbps") % (tx_speed, rx_speed)
should be work
Well, not quiet sure if there is something in existence (written in python) but you may want to have a look at the following.
Bandwidth Monitoring (Not really an active project but may give you an idea).
Munin Monitoring (A pearl based Network Monitoring Project)
ntop (written in C/C++, based on libpcap)
Also just to give you pointers if you are looking to do something on your own, one way could be to count and store packets using sudo cat /proc/net/dev
A proxy would only cover network applications that were configured to use it. You could set, e.g. a web browser to use a proxy, but what happens when your proxy exits?
I think the best thing to do is to hook in lower down the stack. There is a program that does this already, iftop. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iftop
You could start by reading the source code of iftop, perhaps wrap that into a Python C extension. Or rewrite iftop to log data to disk and read it from Python.
Would something like WireShark (https://wiki.wireshark.org/FrontPage) do the trick? I am tackling a similar problem now, and am inclined to use pyshark, a WireShark/TShark wrapper, for the task. That way you can get capture file info readily.
If one wishes to beep the speaker on Windows, Python 2 apparently provides a useful function: winsound.Beep(). The neat thing about this function is that it takes arguments specifying the exact frequency and duration of the beep. This is exactly what I want to do, except that I don't use Windows. So...
What are the nearest equivalents of winsound.Beep() for Linux and OS X [edit: macOS], bringing in as few dependencies as possible?
Please note that I want to be able to beep the speaker directly, not to play a sound file. Also, I need to be able to control the frequency and duration of the beep, so curses.beep() and print '\a' won't do. Lastly, I am aware that PyGame provides extensive sound capabilities, but given that I don't require any of PyGame's other functionality, that would seem like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut (and anyway, I'm trying to do away with dependencies as far as possible).
[Edited on 9 Feb 2023 to reflect the fact that OS X was renamed macOS a few years after this question was asked]
winsound is only for windows and I could not find any cross platform way to do this, other than print "/a". However, you cannot set the frequency and duration with this.
However, you can try the os.system command to do the same with the system command beep. Here is a snippet, which defines the function playsound in a platform independent way
import winsound
except ImportError:
import os
def playsound(frequency,duration):
#apt-get install beep
os.system('beep -f %s -l %s' % (frequency,duration))
def playsound(frequency,duration):
For more info, look at this blog
EDIT: You will need to install the beep package on linux to run the beep command. You can install by giving the command
sudo apt-get install beep
I found a potential solution here:
It involves writing directly to /dev/audio. Not sure how portable it is or if it even works at all - i'm not on a linux machine atm.
def beep(frequency, amplitude, duration):
sample = 8000
half_period = int(sample/frequency/2)
beep = chr(amplitude)*half_period+chr(0)*half_period
beep *= int(duration*frequency)
audio = file('/dev/audio', 'wb')
This works on mac:
import numpy as np
import simpleaudio as sa
def sound(x,z):
frequency = x # Our played note will be 440 Hz
fs = 44100 # 44100 samples per second
seconds = z # Note duration of 3 seconds
# Generate array with seconds*sample_rate steps, ranging between 0 and seconds
t = np.linspace(0, seconds, seconds * fs, False)
# Generate a 440 Hz sine wave
note = np.sin(frequency * t * 2 * np.pi)
# Ensure that highest value is in 16-bit range
audio = note * (2**15 - 1) / np.max(np.abs(note))
# Convert to 16-bit data
audio = audio.astype(np.int16)
# Start playback
play_obj = sa.play_buffer(audio, 1, 2, fs)
# Wait for playback to finish before exiting
The most light-weight cross-platform layer I can see is "PortAudio". This is used by R for instance in their package to wrap platform-specific driver calls into simple play/record of digitized waveforms as an array.
The good folk at M.I.T. produce a Python binding for this, but you will need to include the compiled .dll/.so for this to work. http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/
( libao is similar by Xiph the makers of Ogg/Vorbis , a wrapper pyao exists but this seems less widely used )
SoX is an excellent set of cross-platform tools with much more functionality for format conversion and reading files etc..
Using ctypes to make calls from Python to a driver is feasible but very messy, even the simplest legacy WinMM.
I've found 3 methods for Linux:
new method using the Linux evdev API, works with any user in the input group (example source code)
old method using fcntl and /dev/console (requires root priviledges) (example source code)
invoke the beep command directly with subprocess or os.system (slower and must be installed in the system).
See also my tone() function here with all the alternatives.