Decimal to binary function in Python using recursion - python

I am new in Python and trying to write a binary-to-decimal converted function like below
def decimaltobinary(n):
if n > 1:
#return n%2
This works perfectly fine. Now the question is when I am modifying it as below, it doesn't give me correct result -
def decimaltobinary(n):
if n > 1:
return n%2
Am I missing something with the return statement? Any pointer will be very helpful.

You need to be careful with your return statements. Try this:
def decimaltobinary(n):
def _dtb(n, lst):
if n <= 0:
return lst
return _dtb(n>>1, lst)
return ''.join(map(str, reversed(_dtb(n, list()))))

In the second example returned value from decimaltobinary in if is completely ignored.
What you need to do is assign the returned value to a variable and then return it together with n%2.
Try this:
def decimaltobinary(n):
x = ''
if n > 1:
x = decimaltobinary(n//2)
return str(x) + '' + str(n%2)

In the first example you are printing on each iteration of the recursive method.
On the second example you're smashing the return statement.
You can see here:
def decimaltobinary(n):
if n > 1:
print('Making recursion for (n): ', n)
print('Return for (n): ', n, ', result: ', n%2)
return n%2
Making recursion for (n): 4
Making recursion for (n): 2
Return for (n): 1 , result: 1
Return for (n): 2 , result: 0
Return for (n): 4 , result: 0


Why am I getting nonetype when calling a function within a function in Python?

I'm tying to do a Collatz sequence with python code. I'm supposed to make a function that, given n, calculates the next number in the sequence. I want the next function "write" to print each number within the sequence.
My code so far:
def collatz(n):
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n/2
return write(n)
n = 3*n+1
return write(n)
def write(n):
It gives me the right sequence, which should be 6, 3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1, but also gives me 9 "nones".
I'm new to programming, it should probably be something easy, but I can't figure out what.
write() is a function that executes two print() statements, and then implicitly returns None (since there are no return statements in the function).
You can simplify the code by using print() directly in collatz(), and eliminating the mutual recursion:
def collatz(n):
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n//2
n = 3*n+1
#Here this will help you understand.
#When n becomes 1, the while loop is not executed,
#collatz does not return write(n)... thus returns None
def collatz(n):
while n != 1:
if n % 2 == 0:
n = n/2
return write(n)
n = 3*n+1
return write(n)
#return None.... there is no return type, so this is implied
def write(n):
result = collatz(n)
if result != None:

Python / smallest positive integer

I took following codility demo task
Write a function:
def solution(A)
that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A.
For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2], the function should return 5.
Given A = [1, 2, 3], the function should return 4.
Given A = [−1, −3], the function should return 1.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000];
each element of array A is an integer within the range [−1,000,000..1,000,000].
My Solution
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
l = len(A)
B = []
result = 0
n = 0
for i in range(l):
if A[i] >=1:
if B ==[]:
B = list(dict.fromkeys(B))
n = len(B)
for j in range(n-1):
if B[j+1]>B[j]+1:
result = (B[j]+1)
if result != 0:
Although I get correct output for all inputs I tried but my score was just 22%. Could somebody please highlight where I am going wrong.
Python solution with O(N) time complexity and O(N) space complexity:
def solution(A):
arr = [0] * 1000001
for a in A:
if a>0:
arr[a] = 1
for i in range(1, 1000000+1):
if arr[i] == 0:
return i
My main idea was to:
creat a zero-initialized "buckets" for all the positive possibilities.
Iterate over A. Whenever you meet a positive number, mark it's bucket as visited (1).
Iterate over the "buckets" and return the first zero "bucket".
def solution(A):
s = set(A)
for x in range(1,100002):
if x not in s:
return x
And GOT 100%
# you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
# print("this is a debug message")
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
i = 1;
B = set(A);
while True:
if i not in B:
return i;
My Javascript solution. The solution is to sort the array and compare the adjacent elements of the array. Complexity is O(N)
function solution(A) {
// write your code in JavaScript (Node.js 8.9.4)
A.sort((a, b) => a - b);
if (A[0] > 1 || A[A.length - 1] < 0 || A.length <= 2) return 1;
for (let i = 1; i < A.length - 1; ++i) {
if (A[i] > 0 && (A[i + 1] - A[i]) > 1) {
return A[i] + 1;
return A[A.length - 1] + 1;
in Codility you must predict correctly others inputs, not only the sample ones and also get a nice performance. I've done this way:
from collections import Counter
def maior_menos_zero(A):
if A < 0:
return 1
return 1 if A != 1 else 2
def solution(A):
if len(A) > 1:
copia = set(A.copy())
b = max(A)
c = Counter(A)
if len(c) == 1:
return maior_menos_zero(A[0])
elif 1 not in copia:
return 1
for x in range(1,b+2):
if x not in copia:
return x
return maior_menos_zero(A[0])
Got it 100%. If is an array A of len(A) == 1, function maior_menos_zero will be called. Moreover, if it's an len(A) > 1 but its elements are the same (Counter), then function maior_menos_zero will be called again. Finally, if 1 is not in the array, so 1 is the smallest positive integer in it, otherwise 1 is in it and we shall make a for X in range(1,max(A)+2) and check if its elements are in A, futhermore, to save time, the first ocurrence of X not in A is the smallest positive integer.
My solution (100% acceptance):
def solution(nums):
nums_set = set()
for el in nums:
if el > 0 and el not in nums_set:
sorted_set = sorted(nums_set)
if len(sorted_set) == 0:
return 1
if sorted_set[0] != 1:
return 1
for i in range(0, len(sorted_set) - 1, 1):
diff = sorted_set[i + 1] - sorted_set[i]
if diff >= 2:
return sorted_set[i] + 1
return sorted_set[-1] + 1
I tried the following, and got 100% score
def solution(A):
A_set = set(A)
for x in range(10**5 + 1, 1):
if x not in A_set:
return x
return 10**5 + 1
This solution is an easy approach!
def solution(A):
... A.sort()
... maxval = A[-1]
... nextmaxval = A[-2]
... if maxval < 0:
... while maxval<= 0:
... maxval += 1
... return maxval
... else:
... if nextmaxval + 1 in A:
... return maxval +1
... else:
... return nextmaxval + 1
This is my solution
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.8.10
new = set(A)
max_ = abs(max(A)) #use the absolute here for negative maximum value
for num in range(1,max_+2):
if num not in new:
return num
Try this, I am assuming the list is not sorted but if it is sorted you can remove the number_list = sorted(number_list) to make it a little bit faster.
def get_smallest_positive_integer(number_list):
if all(number < 0 for number in number_list) or 1 not in number_list:
#checks if numbers in list are all negative integers or if 1 is not in list
return 1
#get the smallest number in missing integers
number_list = sorted(number_list) # remove if list is already sorted by default
return min(x for x in range(number_list[0], number_list[-1] + 1) if x not in number_list and x != 0)
#if there is no missing number in list get largest number + 1
return max(number_list) + 1
number_list = [1,2,3]
number_list = [-1,-2,-3]
number_list = [2]
number_list = [12,1,23,3,4,5,61,7,8,9,11]
number_list = [-1,3,2,1]
I think this should be as easy as starting at 1 and checking which number first fails to appear.
def solution(A):
i = 1
while i in A:
i += 1
return i
You can also consider putting A's elements into a set (for better performance on the search), but I'm not sure that it's worth for this case.
I've been doing some tests with the numbers OP gave (numbers from negative million to positive million and 100000 elements).
100000 elements:
Linear Search: 0.003s
Set Search: 0.017s
1000000 elements (extra test):
Linear Search: 0.8s
Set Search: 2.58s

Recursion countup with string output

I need to do a countup value that prints as a string -- so if the user would enter 5 it would count up from 1 -- ' 1 2 3 4 5' in a string and not seperate lines. This is what i have for a basic recursion function that counts up however it is not giving me the output of a string. Any help would be much appreciated
def countup(N, n=0):
if n < N:
countup(N, n + 1)
If you need to return a string, think about returning strings. The first part of your result is n converted to a string: str(n). While you're not yet done, you append a space followed by the countup of the rest of the numbers. Like so:
def countup(N, n=1):
res = str(n)
if n < N:
res += ' ' + countup(N, n + 1)
return res
Another version, without the need of a local variable, is:
def countup(N, n=1):
if n < N:
return str(n) + ' ' + countup(N, n + 1)
return str(n)
Why not just use str.join? No recursion needed here.
def countup(N, n=1):
return ' '.join(map(str, range(n, N)))
For start, this is a basically a duplicate of python recursive function that prints from 0 to n? and recursion, Python, countup, countdown
Change your ending of the print with print(n, end = ' ') to avoid the new line. See How to print without newline or space?
Also, your default argument should be n=1 to comply with it would count up from 1 assuming the call of countup(5)
def countup(N, n=1):
print(n, end = ' ')
if n < N:
countup(N, n + 1)

Is number prime? (no recursion or loops)

I am given the following function:
def divides(n):
def div(k):
return n % k == 0
return div
I need to determine if the inputted number is prime, but I cannot use any recurssions or loops. Does anyone know how to go about this?
I was told to use sum, map, and the divides function above, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that.
I've tried this, but I'm not sure how to input the k in div:
def prime(n):
lst = range(1, n**.5)
result = map(divides(n), lst)
return result
I am getting an answer, but they are all False. Any ideas?
def prime(n):
lst = range(1,1+int(n**.5))
result = map(divides(n), lst)
return sum(result) == 0
one liner version
def isPrime(n):
return 0 == sum(map(divides(n),range(2,1+int(n**.5))))
This is the final code that works for me:
def prime(n):
lst = range(1, 1+int(n**.5))
result = map(divides(n), lst)
return sum(result) == 1

highest palindrome with 3 digit numbers in python

In problem 4 from it says:
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 * 99.
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
I have this code here
def isPalindrome(num):
return str(num) == str(num)[::-1]
def largest(bot, top):
for x in range(top, bot, -1):
for y in range(top,bot, -1):
if isPalindrome(x*y):
return x*y
print largest(100,999)
It should find the largest palindrome, it spits out 580085 which I believe to be correct, but project euler doesn't think so, do I have something wrong here?
When I revered the for loop I didn't think it through, I removed the thing that checks for the biggest, silly me. Heres the working code
def isPalindrome(num):
return str(num) == str(num)[::-1]
def largest(bot, top):
z = 0
for x in range(top, bot, -1):
for y in range(top,bot, -1):
if isPalindrome(x*y):
if x*y > z:
z = x*y
return z
print largest(100,999)
it spits out 906609
Iterating in reverse doesn't find the largest x*y, it finds the palindrome with the largest x. There's a larger answer than 580085; it has a smaller x but a larger y.
This would more efficiently be written as:
from itertools import product
def is_palindrome(num):
return str(num) == str(num)[::-1]
multiples = ( (a, b) for a, b in product(xrange(100,999), repeat=2) if is_palindrome(a*b) )
print max(multiples, key=lambda (a,b): a*b)
# (913, 993)
You'll find itertools and generators very useful if you're doing Euler in Python.
Not the most efficient answer but I do like that it's compact enough to fit on one line.
print max(i*j for i in xrange(1,1000) for j in xrange(1,1000) if str(i*j) == str(i*j)[::-1])
Tried making it more efficient, while keeping it legible:
def is_palindrome(num):
return str(num) == str(num)[::-1]
def fn(n):
max_palindrome = 1
for x in range(n,1,-1):
for y in range(n,x-1,-1):
if is_palindrome(x*y) and x*y > max_palindrome:
max_palindrome = x*y
elif x * y < max_palindrome:
return max_palindrome
print fn(999)
Here I added two 'break' to improve the speed of this program.
def is_palindrome(num):
return str(num) == str(num)[::-1]
def max_palindrome(n):
max_palindrome = 1
for i in range(10**n-1,10**(n-1)-1,-1):
for j in range(10**n-1,i-1,-1):
if is_palindrome(i*j) and i*j > max_palindrome:
max_palindrome = i * j
elif i*j < max_palindrome:
return max_palindrome
print max_palindrome(n)
def is_pallindrome(n):
s = str(n)
for n in xrange(1, len(s)/2 + 1):
if s[n-1] != s[-n]:
return False
return True
largest = 0
for j in xrange(100, 1000):
for k in xrange(j, 1000):
if is_pallindrome(j*k):
if (j*k) > largest: largest = j*k
print largest
Each time it doesnot have to start from 999 as it is already found earlier.Below is a simple method using string function to find largest palindrome using three digit number
def palindrome(y):
if (w==z):
return 0
elif (w!=z):
return 1
for i in range (999,0,-1):
for j in range (a,0,-1):
if (l==0):
print h
for i in range(0,len(h)):
if (h[i] > max):
max= h[i]
print "largest palindrome using multiple of three digit number=%d"%max
Here is my code to solve this problem.
lst = []
for i in range(100,1000):
for n in range(2,i) :
lst.append (i* n)
for i in lst:
if str(i) == str(i)[::-1]:
print max(lst2)
Here is my Python code:
max_pal = 0
for i in range(100,999):
for j in range(100,999):
mult = i * j
if str(mult) == str(mult)[::-1]: #Check if the number is palindrome
if mult > max_pal:
max_pal = mult
print (max_pal)
def div(n):
for i in range(999,99,-1):
if n%i == 0:
x = n/i
if x % 1 == 0:
x = n//i
if len(str(x)) == 3:
return True
return False
def palindrome():
ans = []
for x in range(100*100,999*999+1):
s = str(x)
s = int (s[::-1])
if x - s == 0:
for x in range(len(ans)):
y = ans.pop()
if div(y):
return y
580085 = 995 X 583, where 906609 = 993 X 913.
Found it only by applying brute-forcing from top to bottom!
Here is the function I made in python to check if the product of 3 digit number is a palindrome
def is_palindrome(x):
i = 0
result = True
while i < int(len(str(x))/2):
j = i+1
if str(x)[i] == str(x)[-(j)]:
result = True
result = False
i = i + 1
return result
max_pal = 0
for i in range (100,999):
for j in range (100,999):
x = i * j
if (is_palindrome(x)):
if x > max_pal:
max_pal = x
Here is my solution for that:
lst1 = [x for x in range(1000)]
palindrome = []
def reverse(x):
a = str(x)[::-1]
return int(a)
x = 0
while x < len(lst1):
for y in range(1000):
z = lst1[x] * y
if z == reverse(z):
x += 1
duppal = set(palindrome)
sortpal = sorted(duppal)
total = sortpal[-1]
print('Largest palindrome: ' + str(total))
ReThink: efficiency and performance
def palindrome(n):
maxNumberWithNDigits = int('9' * n) #find the max number with n digits
product = maxNumberWithNDigits * maxNumberWithNDigits
#Since we are looking the max, stop on the first match
while True:
if str(product) == str(product)[::-1]: break;
return product
palindrome...: 997799, 0.000138998031616 secs

