Blackjack python game - python

I have to create a blackjack game in python in which the user inputs the number of decks that are being used and the amount of money the user wants to bet. The rules are: o The player places his bet (should be read from the keyboard).
o The dealer and player are dealt two cards (one card of the dealer should be hidden).
o If the player has 21 he wins his bet; else if the dealer has 21 then the dealer wins and the player loses his bet.
o The player can only select to draw a new card (hit) or pass. Repeat until the player passes or busts. If the player goes above 21 then he busts.
o Then the dealer draws cards (automatically) until he either busts or reaches 17 or higher.
o Values of cards: A= 1 or 11 (the highest that does not bust you) and J=Q=K=10
o Note: in blackjack there are more actions: insurance, double, split; those are not required to be implemented as they would make the code you have to produce much, much longer and harder
I will show you my code below when I tried to run it, it said that the name "total" is not defined on the function game, but earlier on I have already defined it. I don't know how can i fix it.
import random
N=int(input("Please enter number of decks of cards used: "))
deck= [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*N
chip_pool = 100
bet = 1
def deal(deck):
hand = []
for i in range(2):
if card == 11:
card = "J"
if card == 12:
card = "Q"
if card == 13:
card = "K"
if card == 14:
card = "A"
return hand
def play_again():
again = input("Do you want to play again? (Y/N) : ").lower()
if again == "y":
dealer_hand = []
player_hand = []
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*N
print("Thank you for playing.")
def total_hand():
total = 0
for card in hand:
if card == "J" or card == "Q" or card == "K":
total = total + 10
elif card == "A":
if total >=11:
total = total + 1
total = total + 11
total = total + card
return total
def hit(hand):
card = deck.pop()
if card == 11:
card = "J"
if card == 12:
card = "Q"
if card == 13:
card = "K"
if card == 14:
card = "A"
return hand
def print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand):
print("The dealer has a " + str(dealer_hand) + "for a total of" + str(total(dealer_hand)))
print("You have a" + str(player_hand) + "for a total of" + str(total(player_hand)))
def blackjack(dealer_hand, player_hand):
global wins
global losses
if total(player_hand) == 21:
print("Congratulations! You got a blackjack.\n")
wins = wins + 1
elif total(dealer_hand) == 21:
print("Sorry you lose. The dealer got a blackjack.\n")
chip_pool -= bet
loses = loses + 1
def score(dealer_hand,player_hand):
if total(player_hand) == 21:
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
print("Congratulations! You got a blackjack1\n")
elif total(dealer_hand) == 21:
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
print("Sorry you lose. The dealer go a blackjack\n")
elif total(player_hand) > 21:
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
print("Sorry, you busted. You lose.\n")
elif total(dealer_hand) > 21:
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
print("Dealer busts. You win!\n")
chip_pool += bet
elif total(player_hand) < total(dealer_hand):
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
print("Sorry, the score is not higher than the dealer. You lose.\n")
chip_pool -= bet
elif total(player_hand) > total(dealer_hand):
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
print("Congratulations. Your score is higher than the dealer. You win.\n")
chip_pool += bet
elif total(player_hand) == total(dealer_hand):
print_results(playe_hand, dealer_hand)
print("There is a tie. In a tie dealer always wins!\n")
chip_pool -= bet
def make_bet():
global bet
bet = 0
print("What amount of chips would you like to bet? ")
while bet == 0:
bet_comp = input()
bet_comp = int(bet_comp)
if bet_comp >= 1 and bet_comp <= chip_pool:
bet = bet_comp
print("Invalid bet, you only have" + str(chip_pool) + "remaining")
def game():
choice = 0
print("Welcome to Blackjack!\n")
dealer_hand = deal(deck)
player_hand = deal(deck)
print("The dealer is showing a " +str(dealer_hand[0]))
print("You have a " + str(player_hand))
blackjack(dealer_hand, player_hand)
quit = False
while not quit:
choice = input("Do you want to [H]it, [S]tand, or [Q]uit: ").lower()
if choice == 'h':
if total(player_hand) > 21:
print("You busted")
chip_pool -= bet
elif choice == "s":
while total(dealer_hand) < 17:
if total(dealer_hand) > 21:
print("Dealer busts. You win!")
chip_pool += bet
score(dealer_hand, playe_hand)
elif choice == "q" :
print("Thank you for playing. Hope you enjoyed!")
quit = True
if __name__ == "__main__":

You have not defined the function total that you call. Try adding this to your code
def total(array):
total = 0
for card in array:
if card == "J" or card == "Q" or card == "K":
total = total + 10
elif card == "A":
if total >=11:
total = total + 1
total = total + 11
total = total + card
return total
However I see some more issues in your code that will need fixing later on! Stand or Quit do nothing currently, and on busting there is an exception thrown since chip_pool never had a value assigned to it
You defined a function
def total_hand():
total = 0
for card in hand:
if card == "J" or card == "Q" or card == "K":
total = total + 10
elif card == "A":
if total >=11:
total = total + 1
total = total + 11
total = total + card
return total
Similar to what I suggested. Maybe it was just a typo but you need to do the following
Rename the function from total_hand to total OR call total_hand
Change the definition from total_hand() to total_hand(hand)


I dont know how to go about looping a specific part of my code

I'm writing a casino-based game and I'm having some trouble with coding blackjack, I run into a problem where you only have the option to "hit" once, and I'm not sure how to make it loop. Once you've "hit" it just settles with your score as if it was final even tho you might still be far under 21. Every time I try to fix it some other part of the code just breaks.
(keep in mind this is not the full code but just the blackjack part)
import os
import random
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*4
bal = 100
balstr = str(bal) + "$"
def clear():
def deal(deck):
hand = []
for i in range(2):
card = deck.pop()
if card == 11:card = "J"
if card == 12:card = "Q"
if card == 13:card = "K"
if card == 14:card = "A"
return hand
def newRound():
again = input("Do you want to play again? (Y/N): ").lower()
if again == "y":
#takes you back to main menu in the full code, just ignore this
def total(hand):
total = 0
for card in hand:
if card == "J" or card == "Q" or card == "K":
total+= 10
elif card == "A":
if total >= 11:
total+= 1
else: total+= 11
total += card
return total
def hit(hand):
card = deck.pop()
if card == 11:
card = "J"
if card == 12:
card = "Q"
if card == 13:
card = "K"
if card == 14:
card = "A"
return hand
def currentHands(dealerHand, playerHand):
print(("The dealer has a ") + str(dealerHand) + " for a total of " + str(total(dealerHand)))
print(("You have a ") + str(playerHand) + " for a total of " + str(total(playerHand)))
def score(dealerHand, playerHand, usrbetint):
global bal
if total(playerHand) == 21 or total(dealerHand) > 21 or total(playerHand) > total(dealerHand) and total(playerHand) < 21:
currentHands(dealerHand, playerHand)
bal += usrbetint
print("Congratulations, you win!\n \nYour new balance is {}$".format(bal))
else :
currentHands(dealerHand, playerHand)
bal -= usrbetint
print("Sorry, you lose.\n \nYour new balance is {}$".format(bal))
def blackjack():
choice = 0
print("Let's play blackjack!\n")
userbet = input("(for help type help) How much money do you want to use: ").upper()
if userbet == "HELP" :
if userbet == "HELP" :
else :
print("Something went wrong")
else :
usrbetint = int(userbet)
dealerHand = deal(deck)
dealerHandShow = [dealerHand[0]]
dealerHandShow = total(dealerHandShow)
playerHand = deal(deck)
print(("The dealer is showing a ") + str(dealerHand[0]) + " for a total of " + str(dealerHandShow))
print(("You have a ") + str(playerHand) + " for a total of " + str(total(playerHand)))
choice = input("Do you want to [H]it or [S]tand?: ").lower()
if choice == "h":
while total(dealerHand) < 17:
score(dealerHand, playerHand, usrbetint)
elif choice == "s":
while total(dealerHand) < 17:
score(dealerHand, playerHand, usrbetint)
i assume the fix would be somewhere around the last 20 lines of the "blackjack" function but didnt know how to explain everything without sending the clump of code.
If someone please could give me tips on where to change stuff i'd really appreciate that and ignore the "global bal" part, it was the only way i knew to add a truly global variable.
Since you don't know how many times you'll be looping (it is based on user input), you probably want a while loop. Your current code mixes the dealer behavior into the player handling, you you'll need to separate that out, since we don't want to loop it.
print("You have a " + str(playerHand) + " for a total of " + str(total(playerHand)))
choice = input("Do you want to [H]it or [S]tand?: ").lower()
while choice == "h":
print("You have a " + str(playerHand) + " for a total of " + str(total(playerHand)))
choice = input("Do you want to [H]it or [S]tand?: ").lower()
while total(dealerHand) < 17:
score(dealerHand, playerHand, usrbetint)
You might want to add an additional condition to stop asking the player if they want to hit when they've already busted.

Need help on why my black jack game Getting 'IndexError: pop from empty list' Error

I was trying to make a blackjack game and when I When I enter H or D for the choice input, the console doesn't allow any of my inputs apart from Ctrl+C for output1 and it produces an error shown in ouput2 when I enter S for the choice input
My code
from random import choice, shuffle
plain_cards = ['2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','J', 'K', 'Q', 'A']
HEARTS = chr(9829)
DIAMONDS = chr(9830)
SPADES = chr(9824)
CLUBS = chr(9827)
def get_deck():
deck = [(suit, card) for suit in suits for card in plain_cards]
return deck
def get_cards_value(cards):
total = 0
aces = []
for card in cards:
if card[1].isdigit():
total += int(card[1])
if card[1] == 'K' or card[1] == 'J' or card[1] == 'Q':
total += 10
if card[1] == 'A' :
total += 11
for i in aces:
if total > 21:
total -= 10
return total
def game():
print('Welcome to BLACK JACK')
money = 1000
playing = True
game_on = True
while playing:
if money <= 0:
playing = False
print('Thanks for playing but your money is done come back soon')
bet = input('Stake: ')
if not bet.isdigit():
print('Invalid input')
elif int(bet) > money:
print('You don\'t have enough money')
bet = int(bet)
deck = get_deck()
player_hand = [deck.pop(), deck.pop()]
dealer_hand = [deck.pop(), deck.pop()]
print('Player hand')
print(f'{player_hand} total:{get_cards_value(player_hand)}')
print('Dealer Hand')
print(f'[{dealer_hand[0]}, ###]')
player_total = get_cards_value(player_hand)
dealer_total = get_cards_value(dealer_hand)
while game_on:
if player_total > 21 or dealer_total > 21:
choice = input('(S)tand, (D)ouble, (H)it: ')
if choice == 'D':
bet *= 2
money += bet
if choice == 'D' or choice == 'H':
new_card = deck.pop()
if choice == 'S':
if player_total < 21:
while dealer_total < 17:
new_card = deck.pop()
if player_total == 21:
print('You won')
print(f'Player>>{player_hand} total:{get_cards_value(player_hand)}')
print(f'Dealer>>{dealer_hand} total:{dealer_total}')
money += bet
elif dealer_total == 21:
print('You lost')
print(f'Player>>{player_hand} total:{get_cards_value(player_hand)}')
print(f'Dealer>>{dealer_hand} total:{dealer_total}')
money -= bet
elif player_total > dealer_total:
print('You lost')
print(f'Player>>{player_hand} total:{get_cards_value(player_hand)}')
print(f'Dealer>>{dealer_hand} total:{dealer_total}')
money -= bet
elif player_total < dealer_total:
print('You win')
print(f'Player>>{player_hand} total:{get_cards_value(player_hand)}')
print(f'Dealer>>{dealer_hand} total:{dealer_total}')
money += bet
This the output when I enter S,H or D
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Godfrey Baguma/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/", line 109, in <module>
File "C:/Users/Godfrey Baguma/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/", line 82, in game
new_card = deck.pop()
IndexError: pop from empty list
The answer's in the error output there. Specifically, in this block:
if player_total < 21:
while dealer_total < 17:
You didn't set the value of new_card (did you mean to make it new_card = deck.pop()?), so the interpreter has no idea what to do with it and errors out.
The error says that you want to access a variable that is not yet known. There is a bug in your code (line 82 or 83). The program flow can take place in such a way that dealer_hand.append(new_card) is called but new_card is not yet known.
There is an infinite loop:
while dealer_total < 17:
new_card = deck.pop()
dealer_total is not updated, so the deck runs out of cards and throws the IndexError.

Caught in a Python infinite loop

I am trying to write a program to play 100 games of Craps and print out the overall results. I have an infinite loop at the end of my code.
Does anyone see the problem?
I assume my 2nd function could be calling diceRoll again for secondRoll. Trying that now...
The player must roll two six-side dice and add the total of both
The player will win on the first roll if they get a total of 7 or 11
The player will lose on the first roll if they get a total of 2, 3,
or 12
If they get any other result (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10), they must roll
again until they either match their first roll (a win) or get a
result of 7 (a loss)
Use at least two functions in your program
from random import randrange as rd
winTuple = 7, 11
lossTuple = 2, 3, 12
wins = 0
losses = 0
x = 1
def diceRoll (number, type = 6):
result = 0
for i in range(number):
result += rd(1, type +1)
return result
while x < 101:
firstRoll = diceRoll(2)
if firstRoll in winTuple:
wins += 1
elif firstRoll in lossTuple:
losses += 1
secondRoll = diceRoll(2)
while secondRoll != 7 or secondRoll != firstRoll:
if secondRoll == 7:
wins += 1
elif secondRoll == firstRoll:
wins += 1
secondRoll = diceRoll(2)
x += 1
print("wins: ", wins)
print("losses: ", losses)
Looks like you need to eliminate your inner loop. First, the loop conditions are in direct conflict with your conditional statements, so the loop never exits. Second, why would you want a loop here? Even if you fixed it, all it would do is keep rolling the second dice until a win is scored.
while x < 101:
firstRoll = diceRoll(2)
if firstRoll in winTuple:
wins += 1
elif firstRoll in lossTuple:
losses += 1
secondRoll = diceRoll(2)
if secondRoll == 7 or secondRoll == firstRoll:
wins += 1
x += 1
In response to your comment, this is how you create your second loop. You make an infinite loop with while True and break out of it when the conditions are met.
while x < 101:
firstRoll = diceRoll(2)
if firstRoll in winTuple:
wins += 1
elif firstRoll in lossTuple:
losses += 1
while True:
secondRoll = diceRoll(2)
if secondRoll == 7:
losses += 1
elif secondRoll == firstRoll:
wins += 1
x += 1
If your firstRoll != 7 (let's say firstRoll = 8) then your script cannot exit the second nested loop because either secondRoll != 7 or secondRoll = 7 and therefore firstRoll != secondRoll (7 != 8)
I am not sure how your program goes through 100 games of craps, here is an example of a program I wrote quick that goes through 100 games. Games being times you either hit or don't hit the point.
Clearly you need to understand how craps works to make something like this, so I am assuming you do. The program you were trying to write, even though you were stuck in the loop, was not actually playing a full game of craps.
You can choose the amount of games you want and the only thing it stores is if you won or lost.
You can add other statistics if you would like, for example points hit and which points they were etc.,
I added text to, also, make it user friendly if this is for a school project.
There are many different ways to do this, I used a main while loop and created two functions for whether the button is on or off.
You could obviously condense this, or write a class instead but I simply put this together quick to give you an idea and see how it goes through every loop and statement.
I am still a novice, so I apologize to anyone else reading, I know the below is not the most efficient/does not perfectly follow PEP8 especially the long if statement in the main loop.
This does perform what you wanted and feel free to change the number of games. Enjoy!
import random
wins = 0
losses = 0
gamenum = 0
#Used a list to pull the dice numbers from but not mandatory
dicenum = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
#Function when point is off
def roll_off():
#Random roll from list
roll = random.choice(dicenum)
if roll == 2:
print("2 craps")
elif roll == 3:
print("3 craps")
elif roll == 4:
print("Point is 4")
elif roll == 5:
print("Point is 5")
elif roll == 6:
print("Point is 6")
elif roll == 7:
print("Winner 7")
elif roll == 8:
print("Point is 8")
elif roll == 9:
print("Point is 9")
elif roll == 10:
print("Point is 10")
elif roll == 11:
print("Yo 11")
elif roll == 12:
print("12 craps")
#Function when point is on
def roll_on(x):
#Random roll from list
roll = random.choice(dicenum)
if roll == 2:
print("2 craps")
elif roll == 3:
print("3 craps")
elif roll == 4:
print("You rolled a 4")
elif roll == 5:
print("You rolled a 5")
elif roll == 6:
print("You rolled a 6")
elif roll == 7:
print("7 out")
elif roll == 8:
print("You rolled a 8")
elif roll == 9:
print("You rolled a 9")
elif roll == 10:
print("You rolled a 10")
elif roll == 11:
print("Yo 11")
elif roll == 12:
print("12 craps")
#Check if you hit the point
if x == 4 and roll == 4:
print("You win!")
return (True)
elif x == 5 and roll == 5:
print("You win!")
return (True)
elif x == 6 and roll == 6:
print("You win!")
return (True)
elif x == 7 and roll == 7:
print("You win!")
return (True)
elif x == 8 and roll == 8:
print("You win!")
return (True)
elif x == 9 and roll == 9:
print("You win!")
return (True)
elif x == 10 and roll == 10:
print("You win!")
return (True)
#Check if you 7'ed out
if roll == 7:
print("You lose!")
return (False)
#Main game, change the amount of games you want to play
while gamenum < 100:
diceresult = roll_off()
#If statement to check the point
if diceresult == 4 or diceresult == 5 or diceresult == 6 or diceresult == 8 or diceresult == 9 or diceresult == 10:
active = True
print("The point is on!")
while active == True:
curentstate = roll_on(diceresult)
if curentstate == False:
gamenum += 1
losses += 1
print("Games:", gamenum)
print("Losses:", losses)
print("Wins:", wins)
elif curentstate == True:
gamenum += 1
wins += 1
print("Games:", gamenum)
print("Losses:", losses)
print("Wins:", wins)

Python Blackjack game questions

I'm programming a type of Blackjack game. In this game I want to make it so the dealer and the player each have 100 health and if they lose a hand then they lose 10 health. This goes on until one of them reaches 0 health. I can't figure out how to add health to the game.
Below is the game as of right now:
import random
newgame = 0
def get_card():
#I did random from 1,11 to reduce card counting.
return random.randint(1, 11)
def player():
blackjack = False
total = 0
print('************ YOUR TURN ************')
card1 = get_card()
card2 = get_card()
total = card1 + card2
print("Cards: " + str(card1) + " " + str(card2))
print("Total: " + str(total))
if total is 21:
blackjack = True
while total < 21:
option = raw_input('Type "S" to stay or "H" to hit ')
if option == 's' or option == 'S':
card1 = get_card()
print("\nDraws: " + str(card1))
total += card1
print("Total: " + str(total))
return total, blackjack
def dealer():
print("\n********** DEALER'S TURN **********")
total = 0
card1 = get_card()
card2 = get_card()
total = card1 + card2
print("Cards: " + str(card1) + " " + str(card2))
print("Total: " + str(total))
while total <= 16:
raw_input('Press <enter> to continue ...')
card1 = get_card()
print("\nDraws: " + str(card1))
total += card1
print("Total: " + str(total))
return total
def main():
play_again = True
while play_again:
player_total, blackjack = player()
player_wins = False
dealer_wins = False
if blackjack:
player_wins = True
if player_total > 21:
dealer_wins = True
if player_wins is False and dealer_wins is False:
dealer_total = dealer()
if dealer_total > 21:
player_wins = True
elif player_total > dealer_total:
player_wins = True
dealer_wins = True
print("\n********** GAME OVER **********")
if player_wins:
print('You win!')
elif dealer_wins:
print('Dealer wins!')
while True:
again = raw_input('Type "P" to play again or "Q" to quit: ')
if again.upper() == "Q":
print("Game ended.")
play_again = False
elif again.upper() == "P":
You would definitely want to use an object oriented approach if you want to include several players. Refer to this page if you are unfamiliar with it:
If you want to just add it to the main function, I would suggest adding a hp = 100 variable. Everytime it's a bust, just deduct 10 from it. If hp == 0, end the game.
just set health to 100 for player and dealer and just take off 10 each time they lose. just decrement player health under dealer wins and dealer health under player wins. fairly simple really

Dice-rolling game doesn't change results

Doing a dice Rolling game in python, and whenever I start my second round I still end up getting the same dice results from the previous round.
import random
import time
#gets the dice side
def roll_dice(sides):
dice_results = list()
for side in sides:
roll_result = random.randint(1,side+1)
return dice_results
#pulls a dice out from the list
def dice_fell(roll_result):
player1_dice = player1_dice_results
player2_dice = player2_dice_results
for item in player1_dice:
if item % 4 == 0:
return player1_dice
for item in player2_dice:
if item % 4 == 0:
return player2_dice
# variables
dice_set1=[4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100]
dice_set2=[4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100]
player1_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set1)
player2_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set2)
player1_final_results = dice_fell(player1_dice_results)
player2_final_results = dice_fell(player2_dice_results)
player1_total= sum(player1_dice_results)
player2_total= sum(player2_dice_results)
player1_score = 0
player2_score = 0
while player1_score < 3 or player2_score < 3:
# This part just announces what happens
exit= input(str("Press Enter to start! Press 'q' to leave after each round! \n"))
if exit != "q":
print("Let's begin! Be careful for the small table!")
elif exit == "q":
print("You are rolling...")
print("You have rolled: ",player1_final_results)
if len(player1_final_results) < 7:
print("Sorry player 1, some of your dice have fallen off the table!")
print("Your total is: ",player1_total)
print("Player 2 is rolling...")
print("Player 2 has rolled:" ,player2_final_results)
if len(player2_final_results) < 7:
print("Sorry player 2, some of your dice have fallen off the table!")
print("Player 2's total is: ",player2_total)
if player1_total > player2_total:
print("You have won the round with,",player1_total,"!"),
player1_score += 1
print("Your score is: ",player1_score)
elif player2_total > player1_total:
print("Player 2 has won the round with,",player2_total,"!"),
player2_score += 1
print("Player 2's score is: ",player2_score)
if player1_score == 3:
print("Congratulations, you won!")
elif player2_score == 3:
print("Player 2 wins! Better luck next time champ!")
I believe that I've fixed the indentation problems.
I have reproduced the problem.
As Kevin said, your immediate problem is that you roll the dice only once, before you enter your while loop. Here's what it looks like with the rolls inside the loop, but after the player decides whether to continue.
player1_score = 0
player2_score = 0
while player1_score < 3 or player2_score < 3:
# This part just announces what happens
exit = raw_input(str("Press Enter to start! Press 'q' to leave after each round! \n"))
if exit != "q":
print("Let's begin! Be careful for the small table!")
elif exit == "q":
player1_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set1)
player2_dice_results = roll_dice(dice_set2)
player1_final_results = dice_fell(player1_dice_results)
player2_final_results = dice_fell(player2_dice_results)
player1_total= sum(player1_dice_results)
player2_total= sum(player2_dice_results)
print("You are rolling...")
... # remainder of code omitted
That said, do note that you have several other problems with the program. You won't terminate until both players have won three times -- use and instead of or in the while condition.
Most of my other comments are more appropriate for the codeReview group; you might post there when you're done debugging.

