I'm trying to solve same tree from leetcode with python.
original problem. https://leetcode.com/problems/same-tree/
My code was able to pass a few test cases but not all. It couldn't pass the submission. My idea is to flatten the tree and compare the two lists. The failed case is at the bottom of the code.
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode(object):
# def __init__(self, x):
# self.val = x
# self.left = None
# self.right = None
class Solution(object):
def isSameTree(self, p, q):
:type p: TreeNode
:type q: TreeNode
:rtype: bool
def flatten(root):
if root is None:
return ["null"]
if root.left is None and root.right is None:
return [root.val]
if root.left is None:
# print 'left', [root.val, "null", flatten(root.right)]
return [root.val, "null", flatten(root.right)]
if root.right is None:
# print 'right', [root.val, flatten(root.left), "null"]
return [root.val, flatten(root.left), "null"]
# print flatten(root.right) + flatten(root.right)
return flatten(root.right) + flatten(root.right)
return flatten(p) == flatten(q)
## Failed test case
## [390,255,2266,-273,337,1105,3440,-425,4113,null,null,600,1355,3241,4731,-488,-367,16,null,565,780,1311,1755,3075,3392,4725,4817,null,null,null,null,-187,152,395,null,728,977,1270,null,1611,1786,2991,3175,3286,null,164,null,null,4864,-252,-95,82,null,391,469,638,769,862,1045,1138,null,1460,1663,null,1838,2891,null,null,null,null,3296,3670,4381,null,4905,null,null,null,-58,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,734,null,843,958,null,null,null,1163,1445,1533,null,null,null,2111,2792,null,null,null,3493,3933,4302,4488,null,null,null,null,null,null,819,null,null,null,null,1216,null,null,1522,null,1889,2238,2558,2832,null,3519,3848,4090,4165,null,4404,4630,null,null,null,null,null,null,1885,2018,2199,null,2364,2678,null,null,null,3618,3751,null,4006,null,null,4246,null,null,4554,null,null,null,1936,null,null,null,null,2444,2642,2732,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,4253,null,null,null,null,2393,2461,null,null,null,null,4250,null,null,null,null,2537]
## [390,255,2266,-273,337,1105,3440,-425,4113,null,null,600,1355,3241,4731,-488,-367,16,null,565,780,1311,1755,3075,3392,4725,4817,null,null,null,null,-187,152,395,null,728,977,1270,null,1611,1786,2991,3175,3286,null,164,null,null,4864,-252,-95,82,null,391,469,638,769,862,1045,1138,null,1460,1663,null,1838,2891,null,null,null,null,3296,3670,4381,null,4905,null,null,null,-58,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,734,null,843,958,null,null,null,1163,1445,1533,null,null,null,2111,2792,null,null,null,3493,3933,4302,4488,null,null,null,null,null,null,819,null,null,null,null,1216,null,null,1522,null,1889,2238,2558,2832,null,3519,3848,4090,4165,null,4404,4630,null,null,null,null,null,null,1885,2018,2199,null,2364,2678,null,null,null,3618,3751,null,4006,null,null,4246,null,null,4554,null,null,null,1936,null,null,null,null,2444,2642,2732,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,4253,null,null,null,null,2461,2393,null,null,null,null,4250,null,null,null,null,2537]
To determine if two trees are identical, you need to determine that the structure is the same i.e equal nodes at the same level and branch. You can write a recursive function that loops over the tree and creates a Huffman encoding, which can later be used to compare the nodes:
class Solution(object):
def tree_paths(cls, _tree:TreeNode, _paths = []):
yield [_tree.val, _paths]
if _tree.left is not None:
yield from cls.tree_paths(_tree.left, _paths+[0])
if _tree.right is not None:
yield from cls.tree_paths(_tree.right, _paths+[1])
def isSameTree(self, p, q):
if p is None and q is None:
return True
if not all([p, q]):
return False
_tree1, _tree2 = list(self.__class__.tree_paths(p)), list(self.__class__.tree_paths(q))
if len(_tree1) != len(_tree2):
return False
return all(a == b and all(c ==d for c, d in zip(j, l)) for [a, j], [b, l] in zip(_tree1, _tree2))
To test, a tree with the same attributes as the original TreeNode can be created:
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, **kwargs:dict) -> None:
self.__dict__ = {i:kwargs.get(i) for i in ['val', 'left', 'right']}
t1 = TreeNode(val=1, left=TreeNode(val=2), right=TreeNode(val=3))
t2 = TreeNode(val=1, left=TreeNode(val=2), right=TreeNode(val=3))
t3 = TreeNode(val=1, left=TreeNode(val=2), right=TreeNode(val=4))
print(Solution().isSameTree(t1, t2))
print(Solution().isSameTree(t1, t3))
This answer was successfully accepted on LeetCode.
Edit: Your code is close, however, flatten(root.right) + flatten(root.right) must be changed, as you are finding the path of nodes on the right subtree twice. Also, you have to include the value of the current tree instance passed to isSameTree. Thus, flatten(root.right) + flatten(root.right) must become:
return flatten(root.left)+[root.val]+flatten(root.right)
I am trying to delete the minimum node from a BST, so I search through the tree until I get the min (when root.leftnode is None) and then set root.rightnode to the root itself to continue the BST.
The issue is when I check the tree after doing this it does not show the deletion ever occurred.
Could someone point me in the right direction please, any advice is appreciated.
class node():
def __init__(self, key, data):
self.data = data
self.key = key
self.leftnode = None
self.rightnode = None
self.count = 1
class binarysearch():
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0
self.rootnode = None
def insert(self, key, data):
if self.rootnode is None:
self.rootnode = node(key, data)
self.insertnode(self.rootnode, key, data)
def getroot(self):
return self.rootnode
def insertnode(self, root, key, data):
if root.key == key:
root.data = data
elif key < root.key:
if root.leftnode is None:
root.leftnode = node(key, data)
self.insertnode(root.leftnode, key, data)
if root.rightnode is None:
root.rightnode = node(key, data)
self.insertnode(root.rightnode, key, data)
root.count = 1 + self.sizenode(root.leftnode) + self.sizenode(root.rightnode)
def inorder(self, root):
if root is not None:
def deletemin(self):
if self.rootnode is None:
print("No nodes exist")
def deleteminnode(self, root):
if root.leftnode is not None:
print (root.key, "deleted")
root = root.rightnode
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = binarysearch()
The issue you have is that root = root.rightnode only rebinds the local variable root. It doesn't change the other places you have references to that node (such as its parent in the tree).
To fix this, you need to change how your recursive function works. Rather than expecting it to do all the work in the last call, it should instead return the value that should be the left node of its parent. Of then that will be the node itself, but for the minimum node, it will be its right child instead.
def deletemin(self):
if self.rootnode is None:
print("No nodes exist")
self.rootnode = self.deleteminnode(self.rootnode)
def deleteminnode(self, root):
if root.leftnode is not None:
root.leftnode = self.deleteminnode(root.leftnode)
return root
return root.rightnode
A final note regarding names: It's a bit weird to use root as the name of a random node within the tree. Usually a tree has just the one root node, and others nodes aren't called root since they have parents. Unfortunately, the most conventional name node is already being used for your node class. Normally classes should be given CapitalizedNames, so that lowercase_names can exclusively refer to instances and other variables. This is just convention though (and builtin types like list break the rules). It might be easier for others to understand your code if you use standard name styles, but Python doesn't enforce them. It will allow you to use whatever names you want. Even the name self is not a requirement, though it would be very confusing if you used something different for the first argument of a method without a good reason (an example of a good reason: classmethods and methods of metaclasses often use cls as the name of their first arguments, since the object will be a class).
You can find all the nodes in the tree, along with the path to the node, find the minimum of the results, and then traverse the generated path to delete the node:
class Tree:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__dict__ = {i:kwargs.get(i) for i in ['val', 'left', 'right']}
def get_nodes(self, current = []):
yield [''.join(current), self.val]
yield from getattr(self.right, 'get_nodes', lambda _:[])(current+['1'])
yield from getattr(self.left, 'get_nodes', lambda _:[])(current+['0'])
def __iter__(self):
yield self.val
yield from [[], self.left][bool(self.left)]
yield from [[], self.right][bool(self.right)]
def _insert_back(self, _v):
if not self.val:
self.val = _v
if _v < self.val:
getattr(self.left, '_insert_back', lambda x:setattr(x, 'left', Tree(val=x)))(_v)
getattr(self.right, '_insert_back', lambda x:setattr(x, 'right', Tree(val=x)))(_v)
def remove(self, _path, _to_val, last=None):
'''_to_val: if _to_val is None, then the item is removed. If not, the node value is set to _to_val'''
if _path:
getattr(self, ['left', 'right'][int(_path[0])]).remove(_path[1:], _to_val, last = self)
if _to_val is None:
last.left = None
last.right = None
for i in [[], self.left][bool(self.left)]:
for i in [[], self.right][bool(self.right)]:
self.val = _to_val
5 9
4 6 8 10
t = Tree(val = 7, left=Tree(val = 5, left=Tree(val=4), right=Tree(val=6)), right=Tree(val=9, left=Tree(val=8), right=Tree(val=10, right=Tree(val=12))))
path, _to_remove = min(t.get_nodes(), key=lambda x:x[-1])
print(f'Removing {_to_remove}')
t.remove(path, None)
print([i for i in t])
[7, 5, 9, 8, 10, 12]