Randomly Replacing Characters in String with Character Other than the Current Character - python

Suppose that I have a string that I would like to modify at random with a defined set of options from another string. First, I created my original string and the potential replacement characters:
string1 = "abcabcabc"
replacement_chars = "abc"
Then I found this function on a forum that will randomly replace n characters:
def randomlyChangeNChar(word, value):
length = len(word)
word = list(word)
# This will select the distinct index for us to replace
k = random.sample(range(0, length), value)
for index in k:
# This will replace the characters at the specified index with the generated characters
word[index] = random.choice(replacement_chars)
# Finally print the string in the modified format.
return "".join(word)
This code does what I want with one exception -- it does not account for characters in string1 that match the random replacement character. I understand that the problem is in the function that I am trying to adapt, I predict under the for loop, but I am unsure what to add to prevent the substituting character from equaling the old character from string1. All advice appreciated, if I'm overcomplicating things please educate me!

In the function you retrieved, replacing:
word[index] = random.choice(replacement_chars)
word[index] = random.choice(replacement_chars.replace(word[index],'')
will do the job. It simply replaces word[index] (the char you want to replace) with an empty string in the replacement_chars string, effectively removing it from the replacement characters.
Another approach, that will predictably be less efficient on average, is to redraw until you get a different character from the original one:
that is, replacing:
word[index] = random.choice(replacement_chars)
char = word[index]
while char == word[index]:
char = random.choice(replacement_chars)
word[index] = char
while True:
char = random.choice(replacement_chars)
if char != word[index]:
word[index] = char
WARNING: if replacement_chars only features 1 character, both methods would fail when the original character is the same as the replacement one!


How to use a list of numbers as index inputs

So I have a list of numbers (answer_index) which correlate to the index locations (indicies) of a characters (char) in a word (word). I would like to use the numbers in the list as index inputs later (indexes) on in code to replace every character except my chosen character(char) with "*" so that the final print (new_word) in this instance would be (****ee) instead of (coffee). it is important that (word) maintains it's original value while (new_word) becomes the modified version. Does anyone have a solution for turning a list into valid index inputs? I will also except easier ways to meet my goal. (Note: I am extremely new to python so I'm sure my code looks horrendous) Code below:
word = 'coffee'
def find(string, char):
for i, c in enumerate(string):
if c == char:
yield i
string = word
char = "e"
indices = (list(find(string, char)))
answer_index = (list(indices))
for t in range(0, len(answer_index)):
answer_index[t] = int(answer_index[t])
indexes = [(answer_index)]
new_character = '*'
result = ''
for i in indexes:
new_word = word[:i] + new_character + word[i+1:]
You hardly ever need to work with indices directly:
string = "coffee"
char_to_reveal = "e"
censored_string = "".join(char if char == char_to_reveal else "*" for char in string)
If you're trying to implement a game of hangman, you might be better off using a dictionary which maps characters to other characters:
string = "coffee"
map_to = "*" * len(string)
mapping = str.maketrans(string, map_to)
translated_string = string.translate(mapping)
print(f"All letters are currently hidden: {translated_string}")
char_to_reveal = "e"
del mapping[ord(char_to_reveal)]
translated_string = string.translate(mapping)
print(f"'{char_to_reveal}' has been revealed: {translated_string}")
All letters are currently hidden: ******
'e' has been revealed: ****ee
The easiest and fastest way to replace all characters except some is to use regular expression substitution. In this case, it would look something like:
import re
re.sub('[^e]', '*', 'coffee') # returns '****ee'
Here, [^...] is a pattern for negative character match. '[^e]' will match (and then replace) anything except "e".
Other options include decomposing the string into an iterable of characters (#PaulM's answer) or working with bytearray instead
In Python, it's often not idiomatic to use indexes, unless you really want to do something with them. I'd avoid them for this problem and instead just iterate over the word, read each character and and create a new word:
word = "coffee"
char_to_keep = "e"
new_word = ""
for char in word:
if char == char_to_keep:
new_word += char_to_keep
new_word += "*"
# prints: ****ee

Python String Problem with a map and lambda function

I wrote a python function that should accept a string, and returns the same string with all even indexed characters in each word upper cased, and all odd indexed characters in each word lower cased.
E.g.: to_weird_case('Weird string case') # => returns 'WeIrD StRiNg CaSe'
def to_weird_case(string):
s = list(string.split(" "))
words = []
for word in s:
w = map(lambda x: x.upper() if word.index(x)%2 == 0 else x.lower(), word)
w = "".join(list(w))
return " ".join(words)
Now to my problem: As soon as more than one word is passed, the last letters of the last word are all converted to uppercase and I don't understand why...
E.g.: to_weird_case('This is a testii') returns ThIs Is A TeSTII
Thanks for help
This is because the index() function returns the index of the first instance of that character in a string. What you want is to write your loop using enumerate:
for index, word in enumerate(s):
With this, rather than use the index function, you can write your logic based on the index variable passed from enumerate().

Append last letter in a string to another string

I am constructing a chatbot that rhymes in Python. Is it possible to identify the last vowel (and all the letters after that vowel) in a random word and then append those letters to another string without having to go through all the possible letters one by one (like in the following example)
lastLetters = '' # String we want to append the letters to
if user_answer.endswith("a")
else if user_answer.endswith("b")
Like if the word was right we’d want to get ”ight”
You need to find the last index of a vowel, for that you could do something like this (a bit fancy):
s = input("Enter the word: ") # You can do this to get user input
last_index = len(s) - next((i for i, e in enumerate(reversed(s), 1) if e in "aeiou"), -1)
result = s[last_index:]
An alternative using regex:
import re
s = "right"
last_index = -1
match = re.search("[aeiou][^aeiou]*$", s)
if match:
last_index = match.start()
result = s[last_index:]
The pattern [aeiou][^aeiou]*$ means match a vowel followed by possibly several characters that are not a vowel ([^aeiou] means not a vowel, the sign ^ inside brackets means negation in regex) until the end of the string. So basically match the last vowel. Notice this assumes a string compose only of consonants and vowels.

How can I get the index of a recurring character from a string?

I'm working with a hangman like project whereas if the user inputs a letter and matches with the solution, it replaces a specific asterisk that corresponds to the position of the letter in the solution. I'm trying to do this by getting the index of the instance of that letter in the solution then replacing the the matching index in the asterisk.
The thing here is that I only get the first instance of a recurring character when I used var.index(character) whereas I also have to replace the other instance of that letter. Here's the code:
word = 'turtlet'
astk = '******'
for i in word:
if i == t:
astk[word.index('i')] = i
Here it just replaces the first instance of 't' every time. How can I possibly solve this?
index() gives you only the index of the first occurrence of the character (technically, substring) in a string. You should take advantage of using enumerate(). Also, instead of a string, your guess (hidden word) should be a list, since strings are immutable and do not support item assignment, which means you cannot reveal the character if the user's guess was correct. You can then join() it when you want to display it. Here is a very simplified version of the game so you can see it in action:
word = 'turtlet'
guess = ['*'] * len(word)
while '*' in guess:
char = input('Enter char: ')
for i, x in enumerate(word):
if x == char:
guess[i] = char
Note the the find method of the string type has an optional parameter that tells where to start the search. So if you are sure that the string word has at least two ts, you can use
firstindex = word.find('t')
secondindex = word.find('t', firstindex + 1)
I'm sure you can see how to adapt that to other uses.
I believe there's a better way to do your specific task.
Simply keep the word (or phrase) itself and, when you need to display the masked phrase, calculate it at that point. The following snippet shows how you can do this:
>>> import re
>>> phrase = 'My hovercraft is full of eels'
>>> letters = ' mefl'
>>> display = re.sub("[^"+letters+"]", '*', phrase, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
>>> display
'M* ***e****f* ** f*ll *f eel*'
Note that letters should start with the characters you want displayed regardless (space in my case but may include punctuation as well). As each letter is guessed, add it to letters and recalculate/redisplay the masked phrase.
The regular expression substitution replaces all characters that are not in letters, with an asterisk.
for i in range(len(word)):
if word[i] == "t":
astk = astk[:i] + word[i] + astk[i + 1:]

Python, replacing characters in a string while preserving original string

More specifically:
Given a string and a non-empty word string, return a version of the original String where all chars have been replaced by pluses ("+"), except for appearances of the word string which are preserved unchanged.
plusOut("12xy34", "xy") → "++xy++"
plusOut("12xy34", "1") → "1+++++"
plusOut("12xy34xyabcxy", "xy") → "++xy++xy+++xy"
My original thought was this:
def main():
x = base.split(word)
y = ''.join(x)
From here I have trouble reinserting the word back into the str in the correct places. Any help is appreciated.
You can use any string to join (instead of the empty string '' like you have).
def plusOut(s, word):
x = s.split(word)
y = ['+' * len(z) for z in x]
final = word.join(y)
return final
Edit: I've removed the regex, but I'm keeping the function across multiple lines to more closely match your original code.
A regex is not required. We can solve this without any libraries, iterating through exactly once.
We want to iterate through the indices i of the string, yielding the word and jumping ahead by len(word) if the slice of len(word) starting at i matches the word, and by yielding '+' and incrementing by one otherwise.
def replace_chars_except_word(string, word):
def generate_chars():
i = 0
while i < len(string):
if string[i:(i+len(word))] == word:
i += len(word)
yield word
yield '+'
i+= 1
return ''.join(generate_chars())
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_string = 'stringabcdefg string11010string1'
result = replace_chars_except_word(test_string, word = 'string')
assert result == 'string++++++++string+++++string+'
I use an internal generator function to yield the strings, but you could use a buffer to replace the internal function. (This is slightly less memory efficient).
buffer = []
if (condition)
return ''.join(buffer)

