ExpiredToken error when using python moto lib to mock s3 - python

I am new to Python. Anyone knows how moto mock test work? I am going to test the code which will fetch data from S3 and convert data and upload to S3. I used moto lib to mock s3, however it shows "An error occurred (ExpiredToken) when calling the ListObjects operation" when calling S3 from my code.
Do I need to mock aws credential? How should I mock it? (I check the moto lib and there is no such thing mock_arn/mock_credential )
Thank you in advance.
Here is my code: inside parse_requests method, it will fetch data from S3 and convert data, then upload to S3.
Class Test_processing_data(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mock_s3 = mock_s3()
self.mock_logs = mock_logs()
self.bucket_region = "us-east-1"
self.bucket_name = "test-bucket"
self.s3_client = boto3.client("s3", region_name=self.bucket_region)
def test_parse_requests(self):
bucket_name = "test-bucket"
prefix = "test/model/main/"
execution_date = "2022/09/13/12"
parse_requests(execution_date, bucket_name, prefix)
Here is the error message:
self = <botocore.client.S3 object at 0x10abf18e0>
operation_name = 'ListObjects'
api_params = {'Bucket': 'campaign-performance-forecasting-offline', 'EncodingType': 'url', 'Prefix': 'test/model/main/2022/09/13/12'}
if http.status_code >= 300:
error_code = parsed_response.get("Error", {}).get("Code")
error_class = self.exceptions.from_code(error_code)
> raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
E botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ExpiredToken) when calling the ListObjects operation: The provided token has expired.
../../venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/client.py:914: ClientError


Getting AccessDenied when trying to retrieve a file from S3

I am trying to retrieve a file from an S3 bucket (using boto3), but I keep getting "An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the GetObject operation: Access Denied". Below is how I created the S3 bucket:
# S3
bucket = s3.Bucket(
and the method I used to get the file from S3:
def download_file(self, file_name, s3_bucket):
file = self.s3.Bucket(s3_bucket).Object(file_name)
file_content = file.get()["Body"].read()
except ClientError as e:
if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404":
log.error("File does not exist for partner")
return {}
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise e
return file_content.decode()
I even went as far as to add "s3:*" action to the IAM policy statement, but I still got the same error. I was able to use the command below to successfully retrieve the file's metadata so I don't think it is a permissions error.
aws s3api head-object --bucket test_s3_bucket --key configuration.txt

Unable to download file from S3 because "A client error (403) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden"

I am trying to download a file in code from an S3 bucket I created through AWS CDK, but got this error "A client error (403) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Forbidden". At first I thought it was because I didn't add s3:GetObject action to the IAM policy statement, but I still get that error. Below is how I created the bucket:
# S3
bucket = s3.Bucket(
self, "testS3Bucket", bucket_name=f"test_s3_bucket"
Here is the code where I download the file from S3:
def download_file(self, file_name, s3_bucket):
file = self.s3.Object(s3_bucket, file_name).load()
except ClientError as e:
if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "404":
log.error("File does not exist for partner")
return {}
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise e
return file
Does anybody know how I can get past this issue?
A simpler way to grant your lambda appropriate permissions would be something like this:
bucket = s3.Bucket(
self, "testS3Bucket", bucket_name=f"test_s3_bucket"
Based on docs
If an encryption key is used, permission to use the key for encrypt/decrypt will also be granted.
Give that a try and see if you still receive a permissions error

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (MalformedXML) when calling the CompleteMultipartUpload operation

I am transferring file from one s3 bucket to another bucket. File size is more than 8GB.
Please find the code snippet below:-
import boto3
from botocore.client import Config
s3_client = boto3.client("s3",
aws_secret_access_key="mysecretaccesskey" , config=Config(signature_version='s3v4',read_timeout=65)
copy_source_object = {'Bucket': source_bucket_name, 'Key': file_key_name}
tgt_bucket = s3.Bucket(trgt_bckt)
but i am getting issue i.e. botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (MalformedXML) when calling the CompleteMultipartUpload operation: The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema in < script >
Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

S3 unit tests boto client

Having issues writing a unit test for S3 client, it seems the test is trying to use a real s3 client rather than the one i have created for the test here is my example
def moto_boto(self):
# setup: start moto server and create the bucket
mocks3 = mock_s3()
res = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket_name: str = f"{os.environ['BUCKET_NAME']}"
# teardown: stop moto server
def test_with_fixture(self):
from functions.s3_upload_worker import (
client = boto3.client('s3')
bucket_name: str = f"{os.environ['BUCKET_NAME']}"
This results in the following error
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ExpiredToken) when calling the PutObject operation: The provided token has expired.
code i am testing looks like this
def save_email_in_bucket(message_id, bucket_folder_name, body):
s3_key = "".join([bucket_folder_name, "/", str(message_id), ".json"])
f"Saved email with messsage ID {message_id} in bucket folder {bucket_folder_name}"
Not accepting this an an answer but useful for anyone who ends up here, I found a workaround where if I create the s3 client in the function i am trying to test then this approach will work rather than create it globally. I would prefer to find an actual solution though.

An error occurred (404) when calling the PutObject operation: Not Found

I wanna upload files into the s3 cloud with this code:
session = boto3.session.Session()
s3_client = session.resource('s3',
bucket = s3_client.Bucket("test")
bucket.upload_file("req.txt", "req.txt")
and I get this error:
boto3.exceptions.S3UploadFailedError: Failed to upload req.txt to test/req.txt: An error occurred (404) when calling the PutObject operation: Not Found
also, I am using this code:
session = boto3.session.Session()
s3_client = session.client(service_name='s3',
def upload_file(filename, bucket_name, name_in_bucket):
s3_client.upload_file(filename, bucket_name, name_in_bucket)
upload_file('req.txt', 'test_mmdaz', 'testfile.txt')
and I get the same error.
any idea:?
According to #RobertoS comment, My fault is that the bucket: test isn't in my s3 cloud object service.

