I want to merge/join two large dataframes while the 'id' column the dataframe on the right is assumed to be substrings of the left 'id' column.
For illustration purposes:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
This is df1:
id numbers add_info
0 abc 1.0 3123.0
1 adcfek 2.0 NaN
2 acefeasdq NaN 312441.0
And this is df2:
matching needed_info other_info
0 adc 1 22
1 fek 2 33
2 acefeasdq 3 11
3 abcef 4 44
4 acce 5 55
5 dcf 6 66
And this is the desired output:
id numbers add_info needed_info other_info
0 abc 1.0 3123.0 NaN NaN
1 adcfek 2.0 NaN 2.0 33.0
2 adcfek 2.0 NaN 6.0 66.0
3 acefeasdq NaN 312441.0 3.0 11.0
So as described, I only want to merge the additional columns only when the 'matching' column is a substring of the 'id' column. If it is the other way around, e.g. 'abc' is a substring of 'adcef', nothing should happen.
In my data, a lot of the matches between df1 and df2 are actually exact, like the 'acefeasdq' row. But there are cases where 'id's contain multiple 'matching's. For the moment, it is okish to ignore these cases but I'd like to learn how I can tackle this issue. And additionally, is it possible to mark out the rows that are merged based on substrings and the rows that are merged exactly?
You can use pd.merge(how='cross') to create a dataframe containing all combinations of the rows. And then filter the dataframe using a boolean series:
df = pd.merge(df1, df2, how="cross")
include_row = df.apply(lambda row: row.matching in row.id, axis=1)
filtered = df.loc[include_row]
Indexing and selecting data
If your processing can handle CROSS JOIN (problematic with large datasets), then you could cross join and then delete/filter only those you want.
map= cross.apply(lambda x: str(x['matching']) in str(x['id']), axis=1) #create map of booleans
final = cross[map] #get only those where condition was met
I am trying to reformat a DataFrame into a single line item per categorical group, but my fixed format needs to retain all elements of data associated to the category as new columns.
for example I have a DataFrame:
dta = {'day':['A','A','A','A','B','C','C','C','C','C'],
df = pd.DataFrame(dta)
I need to be able to transform/reformat the DataFrame where the data is grouped by the 'day' column (e.g. one row per day) but then has columns generated dynamically according to how many entries are within each category.
For example category C in the 'day' column has 5 entries, meaning for 'day' C you would have 5 param1 values and 5 param2 values.
The associated values for days A and B would be populated with NaN or empty where they do not have entries.
dta2 = {'day':['A','B','C'],
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dta2)
Unfortunately this is a predefined format that I have to maintain.
I am aiming to use Pandas as efficiently as possible to minimise deconstructing and reassembling the DataFrame.
You first need to melt, then add a helper columns to cumcount the labels per group and pivot:
df2 = (
.assign(group=lambda d: d.groupby(['day', 'variable']).cumcount().add(1).astype(str))
.pivot(index='day', columns=['variable', 'group'], values='value')
df2.columns = df2.columns.map('_'.join)
df2 = df2.reset_index()
day param1_1 param1_2 param1_3 param1_4 param1_5 param2_1 param2_2 param2_3 param2_4 param2_5
0 A 100.0 200.0 2.0 3.0 NaN 1.0 20.0 65.0 3.0 NaN
1 B 7.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 67.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 C 23.0 43.0 98.0 1.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 98.0 654.0 5.0
I have multiple pandas dataframes (5) with some common names index. They have different size. I need sum at least 5 different common colum names (25 in total) from each dataframe and then compare the sums.
df_files = [df1, df2, df3, df4, df5]
[ z name ... a b
0 10 DAD ... 4 4
1 10 DAD ... 5 4
2 10 DAD ... 3 6
3 10 DAD ... 9 2
4 10 DAD ... 11 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
7495 <NA> NaN ... 2 0
7496 <NA> NaN ... 5 3
7497 <NA> NaN ... 3 1
7498 <NA> NaN ... 2 0
7499 <NA> NaN ... 4 3
[7500 rows x 35 columns] #The dataframes are like this type but some vary in size.
What I need is to sum some specific common names and then compare those sums to see if they match and if they do print out and OK, and if they do not see which value is not macthing with the others like: The value from "column name" from df3 and df4 do not match with the others values and see the expected common value (when the other majority match) and the colums that match(or if they just match do not need to show it, just the common expected value). Maybe some of them will not match each other but the common expected value it will be assume as the value that is repeated the most and if any of them match that print out that the values needs correction to proceed because any of them match and see the values that not match.
I was begining with something like this:
df = pd.concat([df1["a"].sum(), df2["a"].sum(), df3["a"].sum(), df4["a"].sum(), df5["a"].sum()])
a a a a a
0 425 425 426 427 425
or maybe they can be compared as a list of integers.
I will appreciate your attention with this question. I hope I have been specific.
If I understand your problem correctly, you need to bring the names of data frames and respective columns in one place to compare the sums. In that case I usually use a dictionary to keep the name of variable, something like this:
df_files = {'df1':df1, 'df2':df2, 'df3':df3, 'df4':df4, 'df5':df5}
summary = pd.DataFrame()
for df in df_files.keys():
cols = list(summary)
summary= pd.concat([summary, df_files[df].sum()], axis=1)
summary.columns = cols + [df]
summary = summary.dropna()
The summary will be a data frame with common column names as index, and data frame names as columns. If you have only 5 dfs with 5 common column names it will be an easy job to observe the results. Here is a sample result I ran for 3 dfs:
df1 df2 df3
a 6.0 10.0 6.0
b 15.0 14.0 15.0
But if the numbers grow, you can use the 'mode' of each row to find the most frequent result, and compare the rows (maybe divide all values and look for non-1 results)
How can I compare two columns in a dataframe and create a new column based on the difference of those two columns efficiently?
I have a feature in my table that has a lot of missing values and I need to backfill those information by using other tables in the database that contain that same feature. I have used np.select to compare the feature in my original table with the same feature in other table, but I feel like there should be an easy method.
Eg: pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3,4,np.nan], 'B':[1,np.nan,30,4,np.nan]})
I expect the new column to contain values [1,2,"different",4,np.nan]. Any help will be appreciated!
pandas.Series.combine_first or pandas.DataFrame.combine_first could be useful here. These operate like a SQL COALESCE and combine the two columns by choosing the first non-null value if one exists.
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3,4,np.nan], 'B':[1,np.nan,30,4,np.nan]})
C = df.A.combine_first(df.B)
C looks like:
0 1.0
1 2.0
2 3.0
3 4.0
4 NaN
Then, to capture your requirement that two different non-null values should give "different" when combined, just find those indices and update the values.
mask = ~df.A.isna() & ~df.B.isna() & (df.A != df.B)
C[mask] = 'different'
C now looks like:
0 1
1 2
2 different
3 4
4 NaN
Another way is to use pd.DataFrame.iterrows with nunique:
import pandas as pd
df['C'] = [s['A'] if s.nunique()<=1 else 'different' for _, s in df.iterrows()]
0 1.0 1.0 1
1 2.0 NaN 2
2 3.0 30.0 different
3 4.0 4.0 4
4 NaN NaN NaN
(no idea how to introduce a matrix here for readability)
I have two dataframes obtained with Panda and Python.
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Index': ['0','1','2'], 'number':[3,'dd',1], 'people':[3,'s',3]})
df1 = df1.set_index('Index')
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Index': ['0','1','2'], 'quantity':[3,2,'hi'], 'persons':[1,5,np.nan]})
I would like to sum the quantities of columns based on Index. Columns do not have the same name and may contain strings. (I have in fact 50 columns on each df). I want to consider nan as 0. The result should look:
Index column 1 column 2
0 6 4
1 nan nan
2 nan nan
I was wondering how could this be done.
For sure a double while or for would do the trick, just not very elegant...
while indices<len(df.index)-1:
while columna<numbercolumns-1:
df3.iloc[indices,columna]=df1.iloc[indices,columna] +df2.iloc[indices,columna]
indices += 1
columna += 1
Thank you.
You can try of concatenating both dataframes, then add based on the index group
df1.columns = df.columns
df1.people = pd.to_numeric(df1.people,errors='coerce')
number people
A 8 5.0
B 2 2.0
C 2 5.0
F 3 3.0
What I want is this:
visit_id atc_1 atc_2 atc_3 atc_4 atc_5 atc_6 atc_7
48944282 A02AG J01CA04 J095AX02 N02BE01 R05X NaN NaN
48944305 A02AG A03AX13 N02BE01 R05X NaN NaN NaN
I don't know how many atc_1...atc_7...?atc_100 columns there will need to be in advance. I just need to gather all associated atc_codes into one row with each visit_id.
This seems like a group_by and then a pivot but I have tried many times and failed. I also tried to self-join a la SQL using pandas' merge() but that doesn't work either.
The end result is that I will paste together atc_1, atc_7, ... atc_100 to form one long atc_code. This composite atc_code will be my "Y" or "labels" column of my dataset that I am trying to predict.
Thank you!
Use cumcount first for count values per groups which create columns by function pivot. Then add missing columns with reindex_axis and change column names by add_prefix. Last reset_index:
g = df.groupby('visit_id').cumcount() + 1
print (g)
0 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4
dtype: int64
df = pd.pivot(index=df['visit_id'], columns=g, values=df['atc_code'])
.reindex_axis(range(1, 8), 1)
print (df)
visit_id atc_1 atc_2 atc_3 atc_4 atc_5 atc_6 atc_7
0 48944282 A02AG J01CA04 J095AX02 N02BE01 R05X NaN NaN
1 48944305 A02AG A03AX13 N02BE01 R05X None NaN NaN