I have this code the call an api and get an answer.
I need to perform a call for ever issue_id, and store the issue id with the correct response:
issues_ids = [10495]
def get_changelog(issue_id: int):
url = f'{base_url}/{issue_id}/changelog'
response = requests.request("GET",url,headers=headers,auth=auth)
return (response.json())
def parse_json(response):
keylsit = []
for item in response['values']:
key = {
'id': item['id'],
'items': item['items']
return keylsit
mainlist = []
for i in issues_ids:
current print :
[{'id': '13613', 'items': [{'field': 'Organization text', 'fieldtype': 'custom', 'fieldId': 'customfield_10039', 'from': None, 'fromString': None, 'to': None, 'toString': 'Jabil'}]}]
I need to add the 10495 with in this array as a new key
[{issue_id: 10495, 'id': '13613', 'items': [{'field': 'Organization text', 'fieldtype': 'custom', 'fieldId': 'customfield_10039', 'from': None, 'fromString': None, 'to': None, 'toString': 'Jabil'}]}]
I tried different methods such as insert, append...
I can successfully extract every column using Python, except the one I need most (order_id) from an API generated json that lists field reps interactions with clients.
Not all interactions result in orders; there are multiple types of interactions. I know I will need to add the flag to show 'None' and then in my for loop and an if-statement to check whether the order_id is null or not. If not 'None/null', add it to the list.
I just cannot figure it out so would appreciate every bit of help!
This is the code that works:
import requests
import json
r = requests.get(baseurl + endpoint + '?page_number=1' + '&page_size=2', headers=headers)
output = r.json()
interactions_list = []
for item in output['data']:
columns = {
'id': item['id'],
'number': item['user_id'],
'name': item['user_name'],
This returns an error-free result:
[{'id': 1, 'number': 6, 'name': 'Johnny'}, {'id': 2, 'number': 7, 'name': 'David'}]
When I include the order_id in the loop:
interactions_list = []
for item in output['data']:
columns = {
'id': item['id'],
'number': item['user_id'],
'name': item['user_name'],
'order': item['order_id'],
It returns:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_17856/1993147086.py in <module>
6 'number': item['user_id'],
7 'name': item['user_name'],
----> 8 'order': item['order_id'],
9 }
KeyError: 'order_id'
Use the get method of the dictionary:
columns = {
'id': item.get('id'),
'number': item.get('user_id'),
'name': item.get('user_name'),
'order': item.get('order_id'),
This will set your missing values to None. If you want to choose what the None value is, pass a second argument to get e.g. item.get('user_name', 'N/A')
EDIT: To conditionally add items based on the presence of the order_id
interactions_list = []
for item in output['data']:
if 'order_id' in item:
columns = {
'id': item.get('id'),
'number': item.get('user_id'),
'name': item.get('user_name', 'N/A'),
'order': item.get('order_id'),
Alternatively, you can use a list comprehension approach, which should be slightly more efficient than using list.append in a loop:
output = {'data': [{'order_id': 'n/a', 'id': '123'}]}
interactions_list = [
'id': item.get('id'),
'number': item.get('user_id'),
'name': item.get('user_name', 'N/A'),
'order': item.get('order_id'),
} for item in output['data'] if 'order_id' in item
# [{'id': '123', 'number': None, 'name': 'N/A', 'order': 'n/a'}]
I'm getting members from a Google group using the directory API. This is what is returned:
{'etag': '"..."',
'kind': 'admin#directory#members',
'members': [{'email': 'a#a.com',
'etag': '"..."',
'id': '....',
'kind': 'admin#directory#member',
'role': 'MEMBER',
'type': 'USER'},
{'email': 'b#a.com',
'etag': '"..."',
'id': '...',
'kind': 'admin#directory#member',
'role': 'MEMBER',
'type': 'USER'},
'nextPageToken': '...'}
There are multiple pages being returned and I want to append the next set of members to the members key of this dictionary...I think.
Here is my code so far:
for group in groups_list:
members_service = service.members()
member_request = members_service.list(groupKey=group['email'], maxResults=200, roles='MEMBER')
memberEmails = {}
while member_request is not None:
member_results = member_request.execute()
member_request = members_service.list_next(member_request, member_results)
I don't think memberEmails.update(member_results) will work here because it overwrites and updates existing keys.
How can I accomplish this? or what are some alternatives?
I wonder if you want to treat memberEmails like a list and extend it with the value associated with the members key in the result. For example:
for group in groups_list:
members_service = service.members()
member_request = members_service.list(groupKey=group['email'], maxResults=200, roles='MEMBER')
member_emails = list()
while member_request is not None:
member_results = member_request.execute()
member_request = members_service.list_next(member_request, member_results)
I need to get the 'ids' of this json response,the thing is that, there are many dictionaries with a list of dictionaries inside,how can I do this??(PS:len(items) is 20,so I need to get the 20 ids in the form of a dictionary.
{'playlists': {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?query=rewind-The%25&type=playlist&offset=0&limit=20',
'items': [{'collaborative': False,
'description': 'Remember what you listened to in 2010? Rewind and rediscover your favorites.',
'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj'},
'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj',
'id': '37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj',
'images': [{'height': None,
'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67706f0000000327ba1078080355421d1a49e2',
'width': None}],
'name': 'Rewind - The Sound of 2010',
'owner': {'display_name': 'Spotify',
'external_urls': {'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/user/spotify'},
'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/spotify',
'id': 'spotify',
'type': 'user',
'uri': 'spotify:user:spotify'},
'primary_color': None,
'public': None,
'snapshot_id': 'MTU5NTUzMTE1OSwwMDAwMDAwMGQ0MWQ4Y2Q5OGYwMGIyMDRlOTgwMDk5OGVjZjg0Mjdl',
'tracks': {'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj/tracks',
'total': 100},
'type': 'playlist',
'uri': 'spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj'},
Im trying to get it through this:
for playlists in playlist_data['playlists']:
for items in playlists['items']:
for item in items:
for dic in range(len(item)):
for id in dic['id']:
I get this error:
TypeError: string indices must be integers ```
Try something like this:
ids = [item["id"] for item in json_data["playlists"]["items"]]
This is called a list comprehension.
You want to iterate over all of the "items" within the "playlists" key.
You can access that list of items:
Then you iterate over each item within items:
for item in json_data["playlists"]["items"]
Then you access the "id" of each item:
You can index an object using the keys of object. I can see there are two places where id is present in an object. To retrieve those two ids and store them in a dictionary format, you can use the following approach -
_json = {
'playlists': {
'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?query=rewind-The%25&type=playlist&offset=0&limit=20',
'items': [{
'collaborative': False,
'description': 'Remember what you listened to in 2010? Rewind and rediscover your favorites.',
'external_urls': {
'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj'
'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj',
'id': '37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj',
'images': [{
'height': None,
'url': 'https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67706f0000000327ba1078080355421d1a49e2',
'width': None
'name': 'Rewind - The Sound of 2010',
'owner': {
'display_name': 'Spotify',
'external_urls': {
'spotify': 'https://open.spotify.com/user/spotify'
'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/users/spotify',
'id': 'spotify',
'type': 'user',
'uri': 'spotify:user:spotify'
'primary_color': None,
'public': None,
'snapshot_id': 'MTU5NTUzMTE1OSwwMDAwMDAwMGQ0MWQ4Y2Q5OGYwMGIyMDRlOTgwMDk5OGVjZjg0Mjdl',
'tracks': {
'href': 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj/tracks',
'total': 100
'type': 'playlist',
'uri': 'spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj'
}, ]
res_dict = {'id':[items['id'], items['owner']['id']] for items in _json['playlists']['items']}
{'id': ['37i9dQZF1DXc6IFF23C9jj', 'spotify']}
If you don't need the second id that's present in the json object, you can just remove it from above res_dict and modify it as -
res_dict = {'id':items['id'] for items in _json['playlists']['items']}
This will only fetch the id present in the items array as key of any element and not any further nested ids (like items[i]->owner->id won't be in the final res as it was in the fist case ).
I want to convert this nested json into a df.
Tried different functions but none works correctly.
The encoding that worked for my was -
encoding = "utf-8-sig"
[{'replayableActionOperationState': 'SKIPPED',
'replayableActionOperationGuid': 'RAO_1037351',
'failedMessage': 'Cannot replay action: RAO_1037351: com.ebay.sd.catedor.core.model.DTOEntityPropertyChange; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 7777212484705611612, local class serialVersionUID = -1785129380151507142',
'userMessage': 'Skip all mode',
'username': 'gfannon',
'sourceAuditData': [{'guid': '24696601-b73e-43e4-bce9-28bc741ac117',
'creationTimestamp': 1563439725240,
'auditCanvasInfo': {'id': '165059', 'name': '165059'},
'auditUserInfo': {'id': 1, 'name': 'gfannon'},
'externalId': None,
'comment': None,
'transactionId': '0f135909-66a7-46b1-98f6-baf1608ffd6a',
'data': {'entity': {'guid': 'CA_2511202',
'tagType': 'BOTH',
'description': None,
'name': 'Number of Shelves'},
'propertyChanges': [{'propertyName': 'EntityProperty',
'oldEntity': {'guid': 'CAP_35',
'name': 'DisableAsVariant',
'group': None,
'action': 'SET',
'value': 'true',
'tagType': 'SELLER'},
'newEntity': {'guid': 'CAP_35',
'name': 'DisableAsVariant',
'group': None,
'action': 'SET',
'value': 'false',
'tagType': 'SELLER'}}],
'entityChanges': None,
'primary': True}}],
'targetAuditData': None,
'conflictedGuids': None,
'fatal': False}]
This is what i tried so far, there are more tries but that got me as close as i can.
with open(r"Desktop\Ann's json parsing\report.tsv", encoding='utf-8-sig') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
df = json_normalize(data)
print (df)
pd.DataFrame(df) ## The nested lists are shown as a whole column, im trying to parse those colums - 'failedMessage' and 'sourceAuditData'`I also tried json.loads/json(df) but the output isnt correct.
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(a['sourceAuditData'][0]['data']['propertyChanges'][0]) ##This line will retrive one of the outputs i need but i dont know how to perform it on the whole file.
The expected result should be a csv/xlsx file with a column and value for each row.
For your particular example:
def unroll_dict(d):
data = []
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
data.append((k, ''))
elif isinstance(v, dict):
data.append((k, ''))
return data
And given the data in your question is stored in the variable example:
df = pd.DataFrame(unroll_dict(example[0])).set_index(0).transpose()
This is a follow up on this question. Question
Also this question is similar but does not solve my problem Question2
I am trying to parse a nested json to get Check how many children a specific location has, I am trying to check if "children:" = None and increment counter to check how many levels down i need to go in order to get the lowest child, or
A more efficient solution would be:
I need to get all the child values into a list and keep going until "children:" = None.
The Json object can increase in the amount of children so we can have multiple level of children, Which can get messy if I want to nest the list and get the values, How could I do it dynamically?
'locationId': 'location1',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'Ward',
'patientId': None,
'children': [{
'locationId': 'Child_location2',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'Bed',
'patientId': None,
'children': [{
'locationId': 'Child_Child_location3',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'HospitalGroup',
'patientId': None,
'children': None
}, {
'locationId': 'location4',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'Hospital',
'patientId': None,
'children': None
}, {
'locationId': 'location5',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'Bed',
'patientId': None,
'children': None
}, {
'locationId': 'location6',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'Bed',
'patientId': None,
'children': None
}, {
'locationId': 'location27',
'name': 'Name',
'type': 'Bed',
'patientId': None,
'children': None
I tried to do something like this
import requests
def Get_Child(URL, Name):
headers = {
'accept': 'text/plain',
response = requests.get(
URL + Name,
json_data = response.json()
print (json_data)
list = []
for locationId in json_data['locationId']:
for children in locationId['children']:
but that give me the following error,
for children in locationId['locationId']: TypeError: string indices must be integers
Your code shows append, but you ask for a count. Here is a recursive way to get the number of children in this JSON if I am understanding you correctly:
def get_children(body, c=1):
if not body.get('children'):
c += 1
elif isinstance(body.get('children'), list):
c += 1
for subchild in body.get('children'):
c += 1
get_children(subchild, c)
return c
counts = get_children(your_json_blob)
>>> 7
Edit: I purposely did not use if/else because I don't know if you can have subchildren that are dict rather than list which would mean you would need extra conditions, but that's up to you if that ends up being the case.
I found a solution fro my problem,
The following code will get all the children and append them to a list
class Children():
def Get_All_Children(self,json_input, lookup_key):
if isinstance(json_input, dict):
for k, v in json_input.items():
if k == lookup_key:
yield v
yield from self.Get_All_Children(v, lookup_key)
elif isinstance(json_input, list):
for item in json_input:
yield from self.Get_All_Children(item, lookup_key)
for locations in self.Get_All_Children(self.json_data, 'locationId'):