I have a grayscale image with something written in the front and something at the back. I'd like to filter out the back part of the letters and only have the front. It's only grayscale and not RGB, and I'd rather not have to calculate pixels manually.
Is there any library function I can use to do this? I'm new to python and at the moment, using PIL library, so that's my preference. But if there are other libraries, I'm open to that as well.
Here's the image:
Are you looking for a function that automatically strips the background for any given image, or just one that can filter out pixels that meet a certain criteria for this particular image?
The eval function applies the same transformation to every pixel in an image. This works for your image.
with Image.open("jFmbt.jpg") as im:
im = im.convert("L")
out_image = Image.eval(im, lambda x: 256 if x > 175 and x < 250 else x)
A very commonly used library for that would be OpenCV.
import cv2 as cv
# 0 flag -> read image as greyscale
img = cv.imread("img.jpg", 0)
# threshold
ret, thresh = cv.threshold(img, 150, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
# result
cv.imwrite("output.jpg", thresh)
The resulting image would be:
I am having an issue where I'm using Pillow to recolor an image that has a lot of soft gradients but it seems to not completely color the most translucent part of these gradients, with the recolored image having a gradient that is not as smooth. Is there a way to fix this issue? Example Images and current code below.
enter image description here
Original Gradient: 1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/VFi75.png
enter image description here
Recolored Gradient: 1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/e5iNa.png
Here is the Original transparent PNG of the image
import random
import Owl_Attributes
from PIL import Image, ImageColor
# I create the image here and convert the color code to RGBA
RGB_im = image_base_accent3.convert("RGBA")
datas = RGB_im.getdata()
newData = []
for item in datas:
if item[0] == 208 and item[1] == 231 and item[2] == 161:
newData.append((255, 0, 0, item[3]))
First, a couple of things to consider:
Inspect your images before you start work. Yours has an alpha channel that is pretty much pointless and irrelevant so I would discard that to save space and processing time.
Using for loops over Python lists of pixels is slow, inefficient, and error-prone in Python. Try to use built-in functions based on C code, or to use vectorised functions like Numpy.
On to your image. There are a whole load of shades and gradations of tone in your image and dealing with one separately through if statements is going to be difficult. I would suggest you want to use HSV colourspace instead.
I think you want the basic result to be a very saturated red with the lightness dictated by the lightness of the original image.
So, I would make an image with:
Hue=0 (see lower part of this diagram), and
Saturation=255 (i.e. fully saturated), and
Value (i.e. brightness) of the original image.
In code that might look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ImageMagick command-line "equivalent"
# magick -size 599x452 xc:black xc:white \( VFi75.png -colorspace gray +level 0,60% \) +combine HSL result.png
from PIL import Image
# Load image and create HSV version
im = Image.open('VFi75.png')
HSV = im.convert('HSV')
# Split into separate channels for processing, discarding Hue and Saturation
_, _, V = HSV.split()
# Synthesize Hue channel, same size as input image, filled with 0, to make Red
H = Image.new('L', (im.width, im.height), 0)
# Synthesize Saturation channel, same size as input image, filled with 255, to make fully saturated
S = Image.new('L', (im.width, im.height), 255)
# Recombine synthesized H, S and V (based on original image brightness) back into a recombined image
RGB = Image.merge('HSV', (H,S,V)).convert('RGB')
# Save processed result
If you wanted to make it lime green, you would change the Hue angle like this:
# Synthesize Hue channel, same size as input image, filled with 120, to make Lime Green
H = Image.new('L', (im.width, im.height), 120)
If you wanted to make it less saturated, you would change the saturation like this:
# Synthesize Saturation channel, same size as input image, filled with 64, to make less saturated
S = Image.new('L', (im.width, im.height), 64)
I am trying to superimpose a CT .nii image and its mask in another color (possibly red). This is easily achievable for example with imageJ, thanks to the "Merge Channels" functionality. What I would like to obtain looks like this:
given my original image:
and its mask:
So basically I need to "convert to red" my mask and superimpose it on my grayscale image.
I've looked into SimpleITK (this is how I made the contour mask) but I can't proceed forward from here. Can anyone help?
Here's a SimpleITK script that overlays a mask on an image:
import SimpleITK as sitk
img = sitk.ReadImage("ct.jpg")
mask = sitk.ReadImage("mask.png")
# Extract one channel since the images are actually RGB
img = sitk.VectorIndexSelectionCast(img, 0)
mask = sitk.VectorIndexSelectionCast(mask, 0)
mask = mask>200
red = [255, 0, 0]
color_overlay = sitk.LabelMapOverlay( sitk.Cast(mask, sitk.sitkLabelUInt8),
img, opacity=0.5, colormap=red )
sitk.WriteImage(color_overlay, "overlay.png")
And here's resulting output image:
Note that the script first extracts one channel from image and mask to create grayscale images (since your examples were RGB). Also, it does a threshold on the mask to create a binary mask (0s and 1s).
I am trying to remove a transparent watermark from an image.
Here is my sample image:
I would like to remove the text "Watermark" from the image. As you can see, the text is transparent. So I would like to replace that text to the original background.
Something like this would be my desired output:
I tried some examples (I am currently using cv2, if other libraries can solve the problem please also recommend), but none of them where near from succeeding. I know the way to go would be to have a mask (like in this post), but they all already have masked images, but I don't.
Here is what I tried to do to have a mask, I turned down the saturation to black and white, and created an image "imagemask.jpg", then tried going through the pixels with a for loop:
mask = cv2.imread('imagemask.jpg')
new = []
rows, cols, _ = mask.shape
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
k = img[i, j]
if all(x in range(110, 130) for x in k):
new[-1].append((255, 255, 255))
new[-1].append((0, 0, 0))
cv2.imwrite('finalmask.jpg', np.array(new))
Then after that wanted to use the code for the mask, but I realized the "finalmask.jpg" is a complete mess... so I didn't try using the code for the mask.
Is this actually possible? I have been trying for around 3 hours but receiving no luck...
This is not trivial, my friend. To add insult to injury, your image is very low-res, compressed and has a nasty glare - that won't help processing at all. Please, look at your input and set your expectations accordingly. With that said, let's try to get the best result with what we have. These are the steps I propose:
Try to segment the watermark text from the image
Filter the segmentation mask and try to get a binary mask as clean as possible
Use the text mask to in-paint the offending area using the input image as reference
Now, the tricky part, as you already saw, is segmenting the text. After trying out some techniques and color spaces, I found that the CMYK color space - particularly the K channel - offers promising results. The text is reasonably clear and we can try an Adaptive Thresholding on this, let's take a look:
# Imports
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Read image
imagePath = "D://opencvImages//"
img = cv2.imread(imagePath+"0f5zZm.jpg")
# Store a deep copy for the inpaint operation:
originalImg = img.copy()
# Convert to float and divide by 255:
imgFloat = img.astype(np.float) / 255.
# Calculate channel K:
kChannel = 1 - np.max(imgFloat, axis=2)
OpenCV does not offer BGR to CMYK conversion directly, so I manually had to get the K channel using the conversion formula. It is very straightforward. The K (or Key) channel represents pixels of the lowest intensity (black) with color white. Meaning that the text, which is almost white, will be rendered in black... This is the K Channel of the input:
You see how the darker pixels on the input are almost white here? That's nice, it seems to get a clear separation between the text and everything else. It's a shame that we have some big nasty glare on the right side. Anyway, the conversion involves float operations, so gotta be careful with data types. Maybe we can improve this image with a little brightness/contrast adjustment. Just a little bit, I'm just trying to separate more the text from that nasty glare:
# Apply a contrast/brightness adjustment on Channel K:
alpha = 0
beta = 1.2
adjustedK = cv2.normalize(kChannel, None, alpha, beta, cv2.NORM_MINMAX, cv2.CV_32F)
# Convert back to uint 8:
adjustedK = (255*adjustedK).astype(np.uint8)
This is the adjusted image:
There's a little bit more separation between the text and the glare, it seems. Alright, let's apply an Adaptive Thresholding on this bad boy to get an initial segmentation mask:
# Adaptive Thresholding on adjusted Channel K:
windowSize = 21
windowConstant = 11
binaryImg = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(adjustedK, 255, cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, windowSize, windowConstant)
You see I'm using a not-so-big windowSize here for the thresholding? Feel free to tune out these parameters if you like. This is the binary image I get:
Yeah, there's a lot of noise. Here's what I propose to get a cleaner mask: There's some obvious blobs that are bigger than the text. Likewise, there are other blobs that are smaller than the text. Let's locate the big blobs and the small blobs and subtract them. The resulting image should contain the text, if we set our parameters correctly. Let's see:
# Get the biggest blobs on the image:
minArea = 180
bigBlobs = areaFilter(minArea, binaryImg)
# Filter the smallest blobs on the image:
minArea = 20
smallBlobs = areaFilter(minArea, binaryImg)
# Let's try to isolate the text:
textMask = smallBlobs - bigBlobs
cv2.imshow("Text Mask", textMask)
Here I'm using a helper function called areaFilter. This function returns all the blobs of an image that are above a minimum area threshold. I'll post the function at the end of the answer. In the meantime, check out these cool images:
Big blobs:
Filtered small blobs:
The difference between them:
Sadly, it seems that some portions of the characters didn't survive the filtering operations. That's because the intersection of the glare and the text is too much for the algorithm to get a clear separation. Something that could benefit the result of the in-painting is a subtle blur on this mask, to get rid of that compression alias. Let's apply some Gaussian Blur to smooth the mask a little bit:
# Blur the mask a little bit to get a
# smoother inpanting result:
kernelSize = (3, 3)
textMask = cv2.GaussianBlur(textMask, kernelSize, cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
The kernel is not that big, I just want a subtle effect. This is the result:
Finally, let's apply the in-painting:
# Apply the inpaint method:
inpaintRadius = 10
inpaintMethod = cv2.INPAINT_TELEA
result = cv2.inpaint(originalImg, textMask, inpaintRadius, inpaintMethod)
cv2.imshow("Inpaint Result", result)
This is the final result:
Well, is not that bad, considering the input image. You can try to further improve the result adjusting some values, but the reality of this life, my dude, is that the input image is not that great to begin with. Here's the areaFilter function:
def areaFilter(minArea, inputImage):
# Perform an area filter on the binary blobs:
componentsNumber, labeledImage, componentStats, componentCentroids = \
cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(inputImage, connectivity=4)
# Get the indices/labels of the remaining components based on the area stat
# (skip the background component at index 0)
remainingComponentLabels = [i for i in range(1, componentsNumber) if componentStats[i][4] >= minArea]
# Filter the labeled pixels based on the remaining labels,
# assign pixel intensity to 255 (uint8) for the remaining pixels
filteredImage = np.where(np.isin(labeledImage, remainingComponentLabels) == True, 255, 0).astype('uint8')
return filteredImage
I have an image processing problem that I can't solve. I have a set of 375 images like the one below (1). I'm trying to remove the background, so to make "background substraction" (or "foreground extraction") and get only the waste on a plain background (black/white/...).
(1) Image example
I tried many things, including createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2 from OpenCV, or threshold. I also tried to remove the background pixel by pixel by subtracting it from the foreground because I have a set of 237 background images (2) (the carpet without the waste, but which is a little bit offset from the image with the objects). There are also variations in brightness on the background images.
(2) Example of a background image
Here is a code example that I was able to test and that gives me the results below (3) and (4). I use Python 3.8.3.
# Function to remove the sides of the images
def delete_side(img, x_left, x_right):
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
for j in range(img.shape[1]):
if j<=x_left or j>=x_right:
img[i,j] = (0,0,0)
return img
# Intialize the background model
backSub = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(history=250, varThreshold=2, detectShadows=True)
# Read the frames and update the background model
for frame in frames:
if frame.endswith(".png"):
filepath = FRAMES_FOLDER + '/' + frame
img = cv2.imread(filepath)
img_cut = delete_side(img, x_left=190, x_right=1280)
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_cut, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
mask = backSub.apply(gray)
newimage = cv2.bitwise_or(img, img, mask=mask)
img_blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(newimage, (5, 5), 0)
gray2 = cv2.cvtColor(img_blurred, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, binary = cv2.threshold(gray2, 10, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
final = cv2.bitwise_or(img, img, mask=binary)
newpath = RESULT_FOLDER + '/' + frame
cv2.imwrite(newpath, final)
I was inspired by many other cases found on Stackoverflow or others (example: removing pixels less than n size(noise) in an image - open CV python).
(3) The result obtained with the code above
(4) Result when increasing the varThreshold argument to 10
Unfortunately, there is still a lot of noise on the resulting pictures.
As a beginner in "background substraction", I don't have all the keys to get an optimal solution. If someone would have an idea to do this task in a more efficient and clean way (Is there a special method to handle the case of transparent objects? Can noise on objects be eliminated more effectively? etc.), I'm interested :)
Thanks for your answers. For information, I simply change of methodology and use a segmentation model (U-Net) with 2 labels (foreground, background), to identify the background. It works quite well.
How do you convert a grayscale OpenCV image to black and white? I see a similar question has already been asked, but I'm using OpenCV 2.3, and the proposed solution no longer seems to work.
I'm trying to convert a greyscale image to black and white, so that anything not absolutely black is white, and use this as a mask for surf.detect(), in order to ignore keypoints found on the edge of the black mask area.
The following Python gets me almost there, but the threshold value sent to Threshold() doesn't appear to have any effect. If I set it to 0 or 16 or 128 or 255, the result is the same, with all pixels with a value > 128 becoming white, and everything else becoming black.
What am I doing wrong?
import cv, cv2
fn = 'myfile.jpg'
im_gray = cv2.imread(fn, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
im_gray_mat = cv.fromarray(im_gray)
im_bw = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(im_gray_mat), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
im_bw_mat = cv.GetMat(im_bw)
threshold = 0 # 128#255# HAS NO EFFECT!?!?
cv.Threshold(im_gray_mat, im_bw_mat, threshold, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY | cv.CV_THRESH_OTSU);
cv2.imshow('', np.asarray(im_bw_mat))
Step-by-step answer similar to the one you refer to, using the new cv2 Python bindings:
1. Read a grayscale image
import cv2
im_gray = cv2.imread('grayscale_image.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
2. Convert grayscale image to binary
(thresh, im_bw) = cv2.threshold(im_gray, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
which determines the threshold automatically from the image using Otsu's method, or if you already know the threshold you can use:
thresh = 127
im_bw = cv2.threshold(im_gray, thresh, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
3. Save to disk
cv2.imwrite('bw_image.png', im_bw)
Specifying CV_THRESH_OTSU causes the threshold value to be ignored. From the documentation:
Also, the special value THRESH_OTSU may be combined with one of the above values. In this case, the function determines the optimal threshold value using the Otsu’s algorithm and uses it instead of the specified thresh . The function returns the computed threshold value. Currently, the Otsu’s method is implemented only for 8-bit images.
This code reads frames from the camera and performs the binary threshold at the value 20.
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
VideoCapture cap;
if(argc > 1)
Mat frame;
namedWindow("video", 1);
for(;;) {
cap >> frame;
cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2GRAY);
threshold(frame, frame, 20, 255, THRESH_BINARY);
imshow("video", frame);
if(waitKey(30) >= 0)
return 0;
For those doing video I cobbled the following based on #tsh :
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
def nothing(x):pass
cap = cv.VideoCapture(0)
cv.namedWindow('videoUI', cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
ret, frame = cap.read()
vid_gray = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
thresh = cv.getTrackbarPos('T','videoUI');
vid_bw = cv.threshold(vid_gray, thresh, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
Results in:
Approach 1
While converting a gray scale image to a binary image, we usually use cv2.threshold() and set a threshold value manually. Sometimes to get a decent result we opt for Otsu's binarization.
I have a small hack I came across while reading some blog posts.
Convert your color (RGB) image to gray scale.
Obtain the median of the gray scale image.
Choose a threshold value either 33% above the median
Why 33%?
This is because 33% works for most of the images/data-set.
You can also work out the same approach by replacing median with the mean.
Approach 2
Another approach would be to take an x number of standard deviations (std) from the mean, either on the positive or negative side; and set a threshold. So it could be one of the following:
th1 = mean - (x * std)
th2 = mean + (x * std)
Note: Before applying threshold it is advisable to enhance the contrast of the gray scale image locally (See CLAHE).
Simply you can write the following code snippet to convert an OpenCV image into a grey scale image
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('image.jpg',0)
cv2.imshow('grey scale image',image)
Observe that the image.jpg and the code must be saved in same folder.
Note that:
('image.jpg') gives a RGB image
('image.jpg',0) gives Grey Scale Image.
Pay attention, if you use cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY means every pixel greater than threshold becomes the maxValue (in your case 255), otherwise the value is 0. Obviously if your threshold is 0 everything becomes white (maxValue = 255) and if the value is 255 everything becomes black (i.e. 0).
If you don't want to work out a threshold, you can use the Otsu's method. But this algorithm only works with 8bit images in the implementation of OpenCV. If your image is 8bit use the algorithm like this:
cv.Threshold(im_gray_mat, im_bw_mat, threshold, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY | cv.CV_THRESH_OTSU);
No matter the value of threshold if you have a 8bit image.
Here's a two line code I found online that might be helpful for a beginner
# Absolute value of the 32/64
abs_image_in32_64 = np.absolute(image_in32_64)
image_8U = np.uint8(abs_image_in32_64)