about reconstructing the curve from piecewise polynomial spline - python

I am self learning the spline used in computer graphical theory. I read one book about interpolation and spline and now would like to try my understanding with Python. I created some random points, build the Bspline with Scipy, and convert the spline pp form, try to reconstruct the function with the breaks and coefficients. From the help of scir about scipy.interpolate.PPoly, I got
The polynomial between x[i] and x[i + 1] is written in the local power basis:
S = sum(c[m, i] * (xp - x[i])**(k-m) for m in range(k+1))
where k is the degree of the polynomial.
My understanding is if the coefficients c and breaks x[i] are provided, to reconstruct the function within x[i] and x[i+1], one only have to build the polynomial up to k degree. I try the following code
from scipy.interpolate import BSpline, CubicSpline
from scipy.interpolate import splrep
from scipy.interpolate import BPoly, PPoly
import numpy as np
x = np.array([-0.5537, 0.5257, 1.3598, 1.8014, 2.4393, 4.0584, 4.9416, 5.4813, 5.9720, 6.6098, 6.9042, 7.3458, 7.8855, 7.9836, 8.2290])
y = np.array([16.5526, 16.4054, 15.6694, 14.1484, 12.5783, 12.9708, 14.1484, 14.9825, 15.9638, 16.6507, 16.6016, 16.0129, 15.2278, 13.7558, 12.0386])
tck = t,c,k = splrep(x, y, s=0.8, k=3)
spl = BSpline(t, c, k)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
xx = np.linspace(0, 8.5, 500)
ax.plot(xx, spl(xx), 'b-', lw=4, alpha=0.7, label='BSpline')
ax.plot(x, y, 'ks')
F = PPoly.from_spline(tck)
i = 0
xxx = np.linspace(x[i], x[i+1], 500)
yyy = sum(F.c[m, i] * (xxx - x[i])**(k-m) for m in range(k+1))
plt.plot(xxx, yyy,'r')
Here I only interpret the x variables from x[i=0] to x[i+1=1], it does plot a good fit from x[0] to x[1] as follow
Following the similar idea, I am going to plot the section from x[1] to x[2] with i=1, the code is modified as
i = 1
xxx = np.linspace(x[i], x[i+1], 500)
yyy = sum(F.c[m, i] * (xxx - x[i])**(k-m) for m in range(k+1))
plt.plot(xxx, yyy,'r')
I expect it plot the curve as shown in the magenta but I got the red line instead. Could someone help me out and point out which step I did it wrong. Many thanks.
Someone help to point out the mistake I made


Plotting arrows perpendicular to coordinates

I have a plot like this, plotting a semicircle with x and y
I want to add arrows at each point like so (ignore the horrible paint job):
Is there an easy way to add arrows perpendicular to the plot?
Current code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 2
h = 0
k = 0
x0 = h-r
x1 = h+r
x = np.linspace(x0,x1,9)
y = k + np.sqrt(r**2 - (x-h)**2)
A point in space has no idea what "perpendicular" means, but assuming your y is some function of x that has a derivate, you can think of the derivate of the function at some point to be the tangent of the curve at that point, and to get a perpendicular vector you just need to rotate the vector counter-clockwise 90 degrees:
x1, y1 = -y0, x0
We know that these points come from a circle. So given three points we can easily find the center using basic geometry notions. If you need a refresher, take a look here.
For this particular case, the center is at the origin. Knowing the center coordinates, the normal at each point is just the vector from the center to the point itself. Since the center is the origin, the normals' components are just given by the coordinates of the points themselves.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 2
h = 0
k = 0
x0 = h-r
x1 = h+r
x = np.linspace(x0, x1, 9)
y = k + np.sqrt(r**2 - (x-h)**2)
center = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.quiver(x, y, x, y, width=0.005)
plt.xlim(-4, 4)
plt.ylim(-4, 4)
If you are in a hurry and you do not have time to implement equations, you could use the scikit-spatial library in the following way:
from skspatial.objects import Circle, Vector, Points
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 2
h = 0
k = 0
x0 = h-r
x1 = h+r
x = np.linspace(x0, x1, 9)
y = k + np.sqrt(r**2 - (x-h)**2)
points = Points(np.vstack((x, y)).T)
circle = Circle.best_fit(np.vstack((x, y)).T)
center = circle.point
normals = np.array([Vector.from_points(center, point) for point in points])
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.quiver(x, y, normals[:, 0], normals[:, 1], width=0.005)
plt.xlim(-4, 4)
plt.ylim(-4, 4)
Postulate of blunova's and simon's answers is correct, generally speaking: points have no normal, but curve have; so you need to rely on what you know your curve is. Either, as blunova described it, by the knowledge that it is a circle, and computing those normal with ad-hoc computation from that knowledge.
Or, as I am about to describe, using the function f such as y=f(x). and using knowledge on what is the normal to such a (x,f(x)) chart.
Here is your code, written with such a function f
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 2
h = 0
k = 0
x0 = h-r
x1 = h+r
x = np.linspace(x0,x1,9)
def f(x):
return k + np.sqrt(r**2 - (x-h)**2)
So, all I did here is rewriting your line y=... in the form of a function.
From there, it is possible to compute the normal to each point of the chart (x,f(x)).
The tangent to a point (x,f(x)) is well known: it is vector (1,f'(x)), where f'(x) is the derivative of f. So, normal to that is (-f'(x), 1).
Divided by √(f'(x)²+1) to normalize this vector.
So, just use that as entry to quiver.
First compute a derivative of your function
def fprime(x):
return (f(x+dx)-f(x-dx))/(2*dx)
Then, just
plt.quiver(x, f(x), -fprime(x), 1)
Or, to have all vector normalized
plt.quiver(x, f(x), -fprime(x)/np.sqrt(fprime(x)**2+1), 1/np.sqrt(fprime(x)**2+1))
(note that fprime and the normalization part are all vectorizable operation, so it works with x being a arange)
All together
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 2
h = 0
k = 0
x0 = h-r
x1 = h+r
def f(x):
return k+ np.sqrt(r**2 - (x-h)**2)
x = np.linspace(x0+dx,x1-dx,9)
y = f(x)
def fprime(x):
return (f(x+dx)-f(x-dx))/(2*dx)
plt.quiver(x,f(x), -fprime(x)/np.sqrt(fprime(x)**2+1), 1/np.sqrt(fprime(x)**2+1))
That is almost an exact copy of your code, but for the quiver line, and with the addition of fprime.
One other slight change, specific to your curve, is that I changed x range to ensure the computability of fprime (if first x is x0, then fprime need f(x0-dx) which does not exist because of sqrt. Likewise for x1. So, first x is x0+dx, and last is x1-dx, which is visually the same)
That is the main advantage of this solution over blunova's: it is your code, essentially. And would work if you change f, without assuming that f is a circle. All that is assume is that f is derivable (and if it were not, you could not define what those normal are anyway).
For example, if you want to do the same with a parabola instead, just change f
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 2
h = 0
k = 0
x0 = h-r
x1 = h+r
def f(x):
return x**2
x = np.linspace(x0+dx,x1-dx,9)
y = f(x)
def fprime(x):
return (f(x+dx)-f(x-dx))/(2*dx)
plt.quiver(x,f(x), -fprime(x)/np.sqrt(fprime(x)**2+1), 1/np.sqrt(fprime(x)**2+1))
All I changed here is the f formula. Not need for a new reasoning to compute the normal.
Last remark: an even more accurate version (not forcing the approximate computation of fprime with a dx) would be to use sympy to define f, and then compute the real, symbolic, derivative of f. But that doesn't seem necessary for your case.

Python solving equation and graphing the results

I trying to solve Kepler's Equation using python with known 'x' and 'e' values, trying to find 'y'. The equation is x=y-(e*sin(y)). I need to step through an array of x, with a range of min=0 and max=pi, with 1000 steps, and a value of e=0.1, solve for y and plot the graph. I am getting an error why 'y' is undefined, but 'y' is what I am trying to find, so I am stuck.
x = np.linspace(0, math.pi, 1000)
e = 0.1
y = Symbol('y')
Solve(x = y-(e*math.sin(y)))
FIG1, MA = plt.plots(figsize=(4, 3))
MA.plot(x, y)
MA.set_xlabel('Mean Anomely')
MA.set_ylabel('Mean Eccentricity')
MA.set_title('Keplers equation')
You are looking for the inverse function of x=y-(e*sin(y)) to get y(x). You will not find a symbolic solution, so you need to solve it numerically. A standard trick for this is computing values of x for given y and do an interpolation. This is possible, because the function is monotonic and continuous.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
e = 0.1
# select many points for interpolation, e.g. 2000
E_values = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 2000)
M_values = E_values - e*np.sin(E_values)
# do the interpolation on your selected points for M
M_interp = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 1000)
E_interp = np.interp(M_interp, M_values, E_values)
# plot the stuff
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
ax.plot(M_interp, E_interp)
ax.set_xlabel('Mean Anomaly')
ax.set_ylabel('Eccentric Anomaly')
Note that I used the more frequently used symbols M and E for mean anomaly and eccentric anomaly.

How to fit a specific exponential function with numpy

I'm trying to fit a series of data to a exponential equation, I've found some great answer here: How to do exponential and logarithmic curve fitting in Python? I found only polynomial fitting But it didn't contain the step forward that I need for this question.
I'm trying to fit y and x against a equation: y = -AeBx + A. The final A has proven to be a big trouble and I don't know how to transform the equation like log(y) = log(A) + Bx as if the final A was not there.
Any help is appreciated.
You can always just use scipy.optimize.curve_fit as long as your equation isn't too crazy:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as sio
def f(x, A, B):
return -A*np.exp(B*x) + A
A = 2
B = 1
x = np.linspace(0,1)
y = f(x, A, B)
scale = (max(y) - min(y))*.10
noise = np.random.normal(size=x.size)*scale
y += noise
fit = sio.curve_fit(f, x, y)
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot(x, f(x, *fit[0]))
This produces:

How does one implement a subsampled RBF (Radial Basis Function) in Numpy?

I was trying to implement a Radial Basis Function in Python and Numpy as describe by CalTech lecture here. The mathematics seems clear to me so I find it strange that its not working (or it seems to not work). The idea is simple, one chooses a subsampled number of centers for each Gaussian form a kernal matrix and tries to find the best coefficients. i.e. solve Kc = y where K is the guassian kernel (gramm) matrix with least squares. For that I did:
beta = 0.5*np.power(1.0/stddev,2)
Kern = np.exp(-beta*euclidean_distances(X=X,Y=subsampled_data_points,squared=True))
#(C,_,_,_) = np.linalg.lstsq(K,Y_train)
C = np.dot( np.linalg.pinv(Kern), Y )
but when I try to plot my interpolation with the original data they don't look at all alike:
with 100 random centers (from the data set). I also tried 10 centers which produces essentially the same graph as so does using every data point in the training set. I assumed that using every data point in the data set should more or less perfectly copy the curve but it didn't (overfit). It produces:
which doesn't seem correct. I will provide the full code (that runs without error):
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## Data sets
def get_labels_improved(X,f):
N_train = X.shape[0]
Y = np.zeros( (N_train,1) )
for i in range(N_train):
Y[i] = f(X[i])
return Y
def get_kernel_matrix(x,W,S):
beta = get_beta_np(S)
#beta = 0.5*tf.pow(tf.div( tf.constant(1.0,dtype=tf.float64),S), 2)
Z = -beta*euclidean_distances(X=x,Y=W,squared=True)
K = np.exp(Z)
return K
N = 5000
low_x =-2*np.pi
X = low_x + (high_x - low_x) * np.random.rand(N,1)
# f(x) = 2*(2(cos(x)^2 - 1)^2 -1
f = lambda x: 2*np.power( 2*np.power( np.cos(x) ,2) - 1, 2) - 1
Y = get_labels_improved(X , f)
K = 2 # number of centers for RBF
indices=np.random.choice(a=N,size=K) # choose numbers from 0 to D^(1)
subsampled_data_points=X[indices,:] # M_sub x D
stddev = 100
beta = 0.5*np.power(1.0/stddev,2)
Kern = np.exp(-beta*euclidean_distances(X=X,Y=subsampled_data_points,squared=True))
#(C,_,_,_) = np.linalg.lstsq(K,Y_train)
C = np.dot( np.linalg.pinv(Kern), Y )
Y_pred = np.dot( Kern , C )
plt.plot(X, Y, 'o', label='Original data', markersize=1)
plt.plot(X, Y_pred, 'r', label='Fitted line', markersize=1)
Since the plots look strange I decided to read the docs for the ploting functions but I couldn't find anything obvious that was wrong.
Scaling of interpolating functions
The main problem is unfortunate choice of standard deviation of the functions used for interpolation:
stddev = 100
The features of your functions (its humps) are of size about 1. So, use
stddev = 1
Order of X values
The mess of red lines is there because plt from matplotlib connects consecutive data points, in the order given. Since your X values are in random order, this results in chaotic left-right movements. Use sorted X:
X = np.sort(low_x + (high_x - low_x) * np.random.rand(N,1), axis=0)
Efficiency issues
Your get_labels_improved method is inefficient, looping over the elements of X. Use Y = f(X), leaving the looping to low-level NumPy internals.
Also, the computation of least-squared solution of an overdetermined system should be done with lstsq instead of computing the pseudoinverse (computationally expensive) and multiplying by it.
Here is the cleaned-up code; using 30 centers gives a good fit.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 5000
low_x =-2*np.pi
X = np.sort(low_x + (high_x - low_x) * np.random.rand(N,1), axis=0)
f = lambda x: 2*np.power( 2*np.power( np.cos(x) ,2) - 1, 2) - 1
Y = f(X)
K = 30 # number of centers for RBF
indices=np.random.choice(a=N,size=K) # choose numbers from 0 to D^(1)
subsampled_data_points=X[indices,:] # M_sub x D
stddev = 1
beta = 0.5*np.power(1.0/stddev,2)
Kern = np.exp(-beta*euclidean_distances(X=X, Y=subsampled_data_points,squared=True))
C = np.linalg.lstsq(Kern, Y)[0]
Y_pred = np.dot(Kern, C)
plt.plot(X, Y, 'o', label='Original data', markersize=1)
plt.plot(X, Y_pred, 'r', label='Fitted line', markersize=1)

scipy: Interpolating trajectory

I have a trajectory formed by a sequence of (x,y) pairs. I would like to interpolate points on this trajectory using splines.
How do I do this? Using scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline doesn't work because neither x nor y are monotonic. I could introduce a parametrization (e.g. length d along the trajectory), but then I have two dependent variables x(d) and y(d).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
error = 0.1
x0 = 1
y0 = 1
r0 = 0.5
alpha = np.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, 40, endpoint=False)
r = r0 + error * np.random.random(len(alpha))
x = x0 + r * np.cos(alpha)
y = x0 + r * np.sin(alpha)
plt.scatter(x, y, color='blue', label='given')
# For this special case, the following code produces the
# desired results. However, I need something that depends
# only on x and y:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
alpha_i = np.linspace(alpha[0], alpha[-1], 100)
r_i = interp1d(alpha, r, kind=3)(alpha_i)
x_i = x0 + r_i * np.cos(alpha_i)
y_i = x0 + r_i * np.sin(alpha_i)
plt.plot(x_i, y_i, color='green', label='desired')
Using splprep you can interpolate over curves of any geometry.
from scipy import interpolate
x_i,y_i= interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0,1,100),tck)
Which produces a plot like the one given, but only using the x and y points and not the alpha and r paramters.
Sorry about my original answer, I misread the question.

