I have made a repository or a contact book using python:
But i am only able to use search function on one name at a time so i want to write code in such a way that i can search multiple name and related contact info at the same time.
num=int(input("Total no. of repository user wants to create: "))
for i in range(num):
name = input("Enter the Name: ")
contact_number = input("Enter the Phone Number: ")
print("\n\tName\t\t\tPhone Number\n")
#Creating a list of names & contact in tabular form:
for i in range(num):
print("\t{}\t\t\t{}".format(names[i], contact_numbers[i]))
while True:
choice=int(input("\n\nPress 1 or 2\n1=To search\n2=To Exit\n"))
if choice == 1:
search_name=input("\n Enter the name you want to search: ")
print("\nSEARCH RESULT :")
if search_name in names:
index = names.index(search_name)
contact_number = contact_numbers[index]
print("Name: {}, Phone Number: {}".format(search_name, contact_number))
print("Name not found in repository")
You can simplify this greatly by using the most appropriate structures. In this case a dictionary is ideal.
contacts = {}
while (name := input('Enter name or <return> when finished: ')):
phone_number = input('Enter phone number: ')
contacts[name] = phone_number
while (names := input('Enter name or comma-separated list of names to search or <return> when finished: ')):
for name in names.split(','):
print(f'{name} {contacts.get(name, "Not found")}')
Good evening, I have a phonebook code but I am missing the delete feature. I cannot seem to make the delete feature work. All other features like insert, view, add contacts are working already.
I created a phnoebook txt file to store any entries.
phonebook = "d://phonebook.txt"
pbfile = open(phonebook, "a+")
def show_main_menu():
''' Show main menu for Phone List '''
print("\n *** Phone List Menu ***\n"+
"Enter 1, 2, 3 or 4:\n"+
"1: Display Your Contacts Records\n" +
"2: Add a New Contact Record\n"+
"3: Search your contacts\n"+
"4: Delete a Contact Record\n"+
"5: Quit\n**********************")
choice = input("Enter your choice: ")
if choice == "1":
pbfile = open(phonebook, "r+")
file_contents = pbfile.read()
if len(file_contents) == 0:
print("Phone List is empty")
print (file_contents)
user_entry = input("Press Enter to Return to Main Menu ...")
elif choice == "2":
user_entry = input("Press Enter to Return to Main Menu ...")
elif choice == "3":
user_entry = input("Press Enter to Return to Main Menu ...")
elif choice == "4":
user_entry = ("Please Enter to Return to Main Menu ...")
elif choice== "5":
print("Thanks for using Phone List")
print("Wrong choice, Please Enter [1 to 5]\n")
user_entry = input("Press Enter to Return to Main Menu ...")
I added the main menu above to show the menu of the phone book, there should be another choice to delete a contact.
The following code is to search for contact. It will show if a contact is already in the phone book but will mention not on record if there is no contact by the name they searched.
def search_contact_record():
''' This function is used to searches a specific contact record '''
contact_search = input("Enter First name to search for contact record: ")
contact_search = contact_search.title()
pbfile = open(phonebook, "r+")
file_contents = pbfile.readlines()
found = False
for line in file_contents:
if contact_search in line:
print("You searched for:", end=" ")
print (line)
if found == False:
print("There's no contact Record in Phone List with name = " + contact_search )
The next function is to enter contact and add it to the phonebook txt file created in the beginning.
def enter_contact_record():
''' It collects contact info firstname, last name, email and phone '''
first = input('Enter First Name: ')
first = first.title()
last = input('Enter Last Name: ')
last = last.title()
phone = input('Enter Phone number: ')
email = input('Enter E-mail: ')
contact = ("[" + first + " " + last + ", " + phone + ", " + email + "]\n")
pbfile = open(phonebook, "a")
print( "This contact\n " + contact + "has been added successfully!")
#def delete_contact():
I got confused on the part how to delete the contact from the txt phonebook. Last delete lines I have trying was the following
def delete_contact_record():
#Initiate a name variable
contact_delete = input('Enter the name of the contact you wish to delete: ').title()
pbfile = open(phonebook, "r+")
file_contents = pbfile.readlines()
found = False
for line in file_contents:
if contact_delete in line:
confirm = input('Are you sure you wish to delete '+contact_delete+' y/n?: ')
if confirm == 'y':
del phonebook[contact_delete]
found = True
if found == False:
print('That contact does not exist! Return to the main menu to enter the contact')
it works up to the line asking for confirmation y/n. But when I enter Y, I get a TypeError: 'str' object does not support item deletion
Thank you.
Your main problem is that your phone book is a flat file. As such, a deletion is "rewrite the entire file, but without the deleted record."
This is, needless to say, very inefficient.
You will also have problems in the future with spurious matches for searches, since contact_search in line is perfectly happy to match parts of names.
Personally, I'd recommend using an SQLite3 database instead of a flat file (SQLite3 support is built in to Python). SQLite3 databases are actually single files, but you can use almost all of the SQL language to perform structured queries, and let it manage the file for you.
If writing SQL is too daunting, the SQLAlchemy Python package can help by making database tables work like Python classes.
I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Here is the question:
● Write a Python program called “John.py” that takes in a user’s input as a String.
● While the String is not “John”, add every String entered to a list until “John” is entered.
Then print out the list. This program basically stores all incorrectly entered Strings in a
list where “John” is the only correct String.
● Example program run (what should show up in the Python Console when you run it):
Enter your name :
Enter your name:
Enter your name:
This is what I have so far:
name_list = [" "]
valid_name = "John"
name = str(input("please enter a name: "))
if name != valid_name.upper():
#name = str(input("please enter a name: ")
name_list += name
elif name == valid_name.upper():
name_list += name
print("Incorrect names that you have added: ")`enter code here`
You almost got it! just need to use a while loop instead of a if/else:
name_list = []
valid_name = "John"
name = str(input("please enter a name: "))
while name != valid_name:
name = str(input("Incorrect! please enter a name: "))
print(f"Correct! Incorrect names that you have added: {name_list}")
im on the first part of my course work and im cleaning it up
i want to keep copying and pasting but i know looping it is time efficient and infinite
username = ["bob", "kye", "mes", "omar", "luke", "ben", "robin", "sam"]
name=str(input("whats name 1 "))
if name in username:
print(" p1 Authenticated")
name2=str(input("whats name 2 "))
if name2 in username:
print(" *STARTING GAME* ")
print("Invalid User")
print("Invalid User")
if you type and name not previously made it should loop like try again till a valid name is typed up
but if i type something wrong code continues and stops when they needs the name
This piece of code would ask for the name as many times needed until the user inserts the valid name.
name_one = ''
name_two = ''
usernames = ['bob', 'kye', 'mes', 'omar']
while name_one not in usernames:
name_one = input('Insert first name: ')
while name_two not in usernames:
name_two = input('Insert first name: ')
Another way would be:
names = []
usernames = ['bob', 'kye', 'mes', 'omar']
while len(names) < 2:
name = input('Insert name: ')
if name in usernames:
print('Invalid user, try again')
The second example you make a loop that is aways verifying if the list of names has at least two names if it does the loops breaks and the code continues. Then to access each name you use names[0] and names[1].
As commented by Patrick, you should try reading about loops.
I am having trouble getting past writing user input to my list what am I doing wrong here? This is an address book program that I am writing, the assignment is to create parallel lists that will store user input data in the appropriate list using a for or while loop. The program must also have a search function which you can see is at the bottom of the code. My issue that I am having is getting the program to store data within my lists. Unfortunately lists are something that give me lots of trouble I just cant seem to wrap my head around it no matter how much research I have done. The issue im running into is the append.data function when trying to write lastname and firstname to my list of names. what am I doing wrong?
def menu():
index = 0
size = 100
count = 0
answer = raw_input("Are You Creating An Entry [Press 1] \nOr Are You Searching An Entry [Press 2] ")
if answer == "1" :
print ("This is where we create")
append_data(index, size, count)
elif answer == "2" :
print ("this is where we search")
# IF we are creating
def append_data(index, size, count):
# collect information
for index in range(0, 100):
optOut = 'no'
while optOut == 'no':
lastname[count] = raw_input("What is the persons last name? ")
firstname[count] = raw_input("What is the persons first name? ")
phone[count] = raw_input("What id the persons phone number? ")
address[count] = raw_input("What is the persons address? ")
count = count + 1
print 'Would you like to create another entry?'
optOut = raw_input('Would you like to create another entry? [ENTER YES OR NO]:')
if optOut == 'yes':
#create string to print to file
#print temp1
#print (firstname + " " + lastname + ", " + phone + ", " + email + ", " + address)
print listName[index]
print listPhone[index]
print listAddress[index]
print 'file has been added to your addressbook sucessfuly'
def search_database():
searchcriteria = raw_input("Enter your search Criteria, name? phone, or address etc ")
print searchcriteria
if searchcriteria == "name":
temp1 = open(listName[lastname, firstname],"r")
print temp1
if searchcriteria == "phone":
temp1 = open(listPhone[0], "r")
print temp1
if searchcriteria == "address":
temp1 = open(listAddress[0], "r")
print temp1
print "sorry you must enter a valid responce, try again."
for line in temp1:
if searchcriteria in line:
print line
def errorMessage():
print ("Incorrect Answer")
Your error message says it all:
line 34, in append_data lastname[count]... NameError: global name 'lastname' is not defined
You'll get this same error if you type lastname[4] in any interpreter -- you've simply never defined a list called lastname, so you can't access items in it. In the short term, you can fix this with a line
lastname = list()
You're going to end up with more troubles though; lastname won't be accessible outside the function where you define it, neither will listName. I'd probably approach that by writing them into a data file/database, or maybe creating a quick class whose members will all have access to self.lastname.
My final append for lists thanks again Noumenon
def append_data(index, size, count):
lastnames = list()
if count < size -1:
lastname = raw_input("What is the persons last name? ")
print lastnames
firstnames = list()
if count < size - 1:
firstname = raw_input("What is the persons first name? ")
print firstnames
phones = list()
if count < size - 1:
phone = raw_input("What id the persons phone number? ")
print phones
addresss = list()
if count < size - 1:
address = raw_input("What is the persons address? ")
print addresss
listName = (lastnames, firstnames)
addressbook =(listName, phones, addresss)
index = index + 1
count = count + 1
print addressbook
optOut = raw_input('Would you like to create another entry? [Enter YES or NO]: ')
if optOut == 'YES':
print 'file has been added to your addressbook sucessfuly'
I'm basically running a code that builds up an address book into a text file through user entries.
While doing so, I'm checking to see if the inputed information is correct and, in the case that it's not, asking them to correct it. However, I realize that it's possible (though unlikely) that a user could input incorrect information an indefinite number of times and so I'm looking to implement a "while" loop to work around this.
In the case of the code below, I'm basically attempting to have it so that instead of the first ifelse entry I can enter into a loop by checking for the boolean value of "First_Name.isalpha():". However, I can't really think of a way to enter into it as when "First_Name.isalpha():" is true I don't need to enter into the loop as the entry is correct. When it's false, we skip over the loop altogether without having the entry corrected.
That basically prompts the question of whether or not there is a way to enter into a loop for when a boolean value is false. Or, if there's another creative solution that I'm not considering.
A Novice Coder
NewContact = "New Contact"
def NewEntry(NewContact):
# Obtain the contact's information:
First_Name = input("Please enter your first name: ")
Last_Name = input("Please enter your last name: ")
Address = input("Please enter your street address: ")
City = input("Please enter your city of residence: ")
State = input("Please enter the 2 letter abbreviation of your state of residence: ")
ZipCode = input("Please enter your zip code: ")
Phone_Number = str(input("Please enter your phone number: "))
# Ensure all information inputted is correct:
if First_Name.isalpha():
First_Name = First_Name.strip()
First_Name = First_Name.lower()
First_Name = First_Name.title()
First_Name = input("Please reenter your first name. Be sure to to include letters exclusively: ")
if Last_Name.isalpha():
Last_Name = Last_Name.strip()
Last_Name = Last_Name.lower()
Last_Name = Last_Name.title()
Last_Name = input("Please reenter your first name. Be sure to to include letters exclusively: ")
# Organize inputted information:
NewContact = Last_Name + ", " + First_Name
FullAddress = Address + " " + City + ", " + State + " " + ZipCode
# Return information to writer to ensure correctness of information
# Write information onto document
TheFile = open("AddressBook", "w")
TheFile.write(str(NewContact) + "\n")
TheFile.write(str(FullAddress) + "\n")
TheFile.write(str(Phone_Number) + "\n")
You're looking for the not operator, which inverts a boolean value:
>>> not False
>>> not True
>>> not "".isalpha()
>>> not "abc".isalpha()
You can tack it on the front of any expression that's a valid condition for an if or while.
Use this structure
invalid = True
while invalid:
## get inputs
## validate inputs
## set invalid accordingly