I want to retrieve data in milliseconds from binance plateform, through get historical klines inspired from client.get_historical_klines, but he answer me by: binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIException: APIError (code=-1120)
I devloped this function
def interval_to_miliseconds(interval):
ms = None
seconds_per_unit = {
"S": 1,
"s": 1000,
"m": 60 * 1000,
"h": 60 * 60 * 1000,
"d": 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
"w": 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
"M": 4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
how can I collect TPS transaction per second from binance
raise BinanceAPIException(response, response.status_code, response.text)
binance.exceptions.BinanceAPIException: APIError (code=-1120)
I have the following time:
1 days 04:05:33.623000
Is it possible, to convert the time in milliseconds?
Like this:
It's certainly possible.
1 day + 4 hours + 5 minutes + 33 seconds + 623 milliseconds =
24 * 60 * 60 seconds + 4 * 60 * 60 seconds + 5 * 60 seconds + 33 seconds + 0.623 seconds =
86400 seconds + 14400 seconds + 300 seconds + 33 seconds + 0.623 seconds =
101133.623 seconds
Just use multiplication
Function Below:
def timestamp_to_milliseconds(timestamp):
day, hour, minute, second, millisecond = timestamp.split(":")
seconds = int(day) * 24 * 60 * 60 + int(hour) * 60 * 60 + int(minute) * 60 + int(second)
seconds += float(millisecond) / 1000
milliseconds = seconds * 1000
return milliseconds
I found a possibility to solve the problem
result = timestamp.total_seconds()*1000
I am making a project for school using Python, and I keep getting a traceback error after I input the age, no matter what age I input. I can't figure out why, so hopefully someone else can figure it out.
After I input the age, it does tell me "You have selected a 15-year-old character." (or any other age), but after that, the error comes up.
I don't know where the error is, so I'm just going to put the entire project here.
error001 = "Error 001: Invalid Sex!"
error002 = "Error 002: Invalid Age!"
error003 = "Error 003: Invalid Activity Level!"
error004 = "Error 004: Invalid Age Group!"
print("Hello! Welcome to Nutrition Info!")
sexInput = input("To get started, choose the sex of your character (gender, sexual orientation, etc. do not matter, as these do not matter for your physical health). Type 'M' for male or 'F' for female.")
if sexInput == "M":
sex = "male"
print("You have selected a male character.")
elif sexInput == "F":
sex = "female"
print("You have selected a female character.")
ageInput = input("How old is your character? Type just the number.")
age = int(ageInput)
if ageInput.isnumeric():
if age == range(1,3):
ageGroup = "toddler"
elif age == range(4,8):
ageGroup = "young child"
elif age == range(9,13):
ageGroup = "older child"
elif age == range(14,18):
ageGroup = "teenager"
elif age == range(19,30):
ageGroup = "young adult"
elif age == range(31,50):
ageGroup = "older adult"
elif age == range(51,130):
ageGroup = "senior"
print("You have selected a " + ageInput + "-year-old character.")
if ageGroup == "toddler":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1000
dailyProteinInt = 13
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyDietryFiberInt = 14
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 30
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 40
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 7
dailyLinolenicAcidInt - 0.7
dailyCalciumInt = 700
dailyIronInt = 7
dailyMagnesiumInt = 80
dailyPhosphorusInt = 260
dailyPotassiumInt = 3000
dailySodiumInt = 1500
dailyZincInt = 3
dailyCopperInt = 0.34
dailyManganeseInt = 1.2
dailySeleniumInt = 20
dailyVitaminAInt = 300
dailyVitaminB6Int = 0.5
dailyVitaminB12Int = 0.9
dailyVitaminCInt = 15
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 6
dailyVitaminKInt = 30
dailyThiaminInt = 0.5
dailyRiboflavinInt = 0.5
dailyNiacinInt = 6
dailyCholineInt = 200
dailyFolateInt = 150
elif ageGroup == "young child":
dailyProteinInt = 19
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 25
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 10
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 0.9
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyIronInt = 10
dailyMagnesiumInt = 130
dailyPhosphorusInt = 500
dailyPotassiumInt = 3800
dailySodiumInt = 1900
dailyZincInt = 5
dailyCopperInt = 0.44
dailyManganeseInt = 1.5
dailySeleniumInt = 30
dailyVitaminAInt = 400
dailyVitaminB6Int = 0.6
dailyVitaminB12Int = 1.2
dailyVitaminCInt = 25
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 7
dailyVitaminKInt = 55
dailyThiaminInt = 0.6
dailyRiboflavinInt = 0.6
dailyNiacinInt = 8
dailyCholineInt = 0.6
dailyFolateInt = 1.2
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1200
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 16.8
elif sex == "male":
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 19.6
activityInputMaleYoungChild = input("How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive or '2' for active.")
if activityInputMaleYoungChild == "1":
activity = "inactive"
elif activityInputMaleYoungChild == "2":
activity = "active"
if activity == "inactive":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1400
elif activity == "active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1600
elif ageGroup == "older child":
dailyProteinInt = 34
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 25
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1300
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyMagnesiumInt = 240
dailyPhosphorusInt = 1250
dailyPotassiumInt = 4500
dailySodiumInt = 2200
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyCopperInt = 0.7
dailySeleniumInt = 40
dailyVitaminAInt = 600
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1
dailyVitaminB12Int = 1.8
dailyVitaminCInt = 45
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 11
dailyVitaminKInt = 60
dailyThiaminInt = 0.9
dailyRiboflavinInt = 0.9
dailyNiacinInt = 12
dailyCholineInt = 375
dailyFolateInt = 300
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1600
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 22.4
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 10
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1
dailyManganeseInt = 1.6
elif sex == "male":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyFietaryFiberInt = 25.2
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 12
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.2
dailyManganeseInt = 1.9
elif ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 25
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = "10"
dailyCalciumInt = 1300
dailyPhosphorusInt = 1250
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.89
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyDairyInt = 3
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 25.2
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 11
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyIronInt = 15
dailyMagnesiumInt = 360
dailyZincInt = 9
dailyManganeseInt = 1.6
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.2
dailyVitaminCInt = 65
dailyThiaminInt = 1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 400
activityInputFemaleTeenager = input("How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive, '2' for moderately active, or '3' for active, then press the 'ENTER' or 'RETURN' key.")
if activityInputFemaleTeenager == "1":
activity = "inactive"
elif activityInputFemaleTeenager == "2":
activity = "moderately active"
elif activityInputFemaleTeenager == "3":
activity = "active"
if activity == "inactive":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyGrainsInt = 6
dailyVegetablesInt = 2.5
dailyFruitsInt = 1.5
elif activity == "moderately active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2000
dailyGrainsInt = 6
dailyVegetablesInt = 2.5
dailyFruitsInt = 2
elif activity == "active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2400
dailyGrainsInt = 8
dailyVegetablesInt = 3
dailyFruitsInt = 2
elif sex == "male":
dailyProteinInt = 52
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 30.8
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 16
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyIronInt = 11
dailyMagnesiumInt = 410
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.2
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.3
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 1.6
dailyCholineInt = 550
activityInputMaleTeenager = input("How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive, '2' for moderately active, or '3' for active, then press the 'ENTER' or 'RETURN' key.")
if activityInputMaleTeenager == "1":
activty = "inactive"
elif activityInputMaleTeenager == "2":
activity = "moderately active"
elif activityInputMaleTeenager == "3":
activity = "active"
if activity == "inactive":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2200
dailyGrainsInt = 7
dailyVegetablesInt = 3
dailyFruitsInt = 2
elif activity == "moderately active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2800
dailyGrainsInt = 10
dailyVegetablesInt = 3.5
dailyFruitsInt = 2.5
elif activity == "active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 3200
dailyGrainsInt = 10
dailyVegetablesInt = 4
dailyFruitsInt = 2.5
elif ageGroup == "young adult":
dailyCarbohydateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 20
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyPhosphorusInt = 700
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.9
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.3
dailyVitaminB12Int = 2.4
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyFolateInt = 400
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2000
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 28
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 12
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyIronInt = 18
dailyMagneseumInt = 310
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyManganeseInt = 1.8
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyVitaminKInt = 90
dailyThimainInt = 1.1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 425
elif sex == "male":
dailyProteinInt = 56
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 33.6
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 17
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyMagneseumInt = 400
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.3
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminCInt = 90
dailyVitaminKInt = 120
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 16
dailyCholineInt = 550
activityInputMaleYoungAdult = input("How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive, '2' for moderately active, or '3' for active.")
if activityInputMaleYoungAdult == "1":
activity = "inactive"
elif activityInputMaleYoungAdult == "2":
activty = "moderately active"
elif activityInputMaleYoungAdult == "3":
activity = "active"
if activity == "inactive":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2400
elif activity == "moderately active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2600
elif activity == "active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 3000
elif ageGroup == "older adult":
dailyCarbohydateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 20
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyPhosphorusInt = 700
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.9
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.3
dailyVitaminB12Int = 2.4
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyFolateInt = 400
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 25.2
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 12
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyIronInt = 18
dailyMagneseumInt = 320
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyManganeseInt = 1.8
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyVitaminKInt = 90
dailyThimainInt = 1.1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 425
elif sex == "male":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2200
dailyProteinInt = 56
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 30.8
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 17
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyMagneseumInt = 420
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.3
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminCInt = 90
dailyVitaminKInt = 120
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 16
dailyCholineInt = 550
elif ageGroup == "senior":
dailyCarbohydateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 20
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyPhosphorusInt = 700
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.9
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminB12Int = 2.4
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyFolateInt = 400
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2000
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 22.4
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 11
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyMagneseumInt = 310
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyManganeseInt = 1.8
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.5
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyVitaminKInt = 90
dailyThimainInt = 1.1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 425
elif sex == "male":
dailyProteinInt = 56
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 28
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 14
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyMagneseumInt = 400
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.3
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.7
dailyVitaminCInt = 90
dailyVitaminKInt = 120
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 16
dailyCholineInt = 550
if activity == "inactive":
print("You have selected an inactive character.")
if activity == "moderately active":
print("You have selected a moderately active character.")
if activity == "active":
print("You have selected an active character.")
dailyCalories = str(dailyCaloriesInt)
dailyProtein = str(dailyProteinInt)
dailyCarbohydrate = str(dailyCarbohydrateInt)
dailyDietaryFiber = str(dailyDietaryFiberInt)
dailyTotalFatLower = str(dailyTotalFatLowerInt)
dailyTotalFatUpper = str(dailyTotalFatUpperInt)
dailySaturatedFat = str(dailySaturatedFatInt)
dailyLinoleicAcid = str(dailyLinoleicAcidInt)
dailyLinolenicAcid = str (dailyLinolenicAcidInt)
dailyCalcium = str(dailyCalciumInt)
dailyIron = str(dailyIronInt)
dailyMagneseum = str(dailyMagneseumInt)
dailyPhosphorus = str(dailyPhosphorusInt)
dailyPotassium = str(dailyPotassiumInt)
dailySodium = str(dailySodiumInt)
dailyZinc = str(dailyZincInt)
dailyCopper = str(dailyCopperInt)
dailyManganese = str(dailyManganeseInt)
dailySelenium = str(dailySeleniumInt)
dailyVitaminA = str(dailyVitaminAInt)
dailyVitaminB6 = str(dailyVitaminB6Int)
dailyVitaminB12 = str(dailyVitaminB12Int)
dailyVitaminC = str(dailyVitaminCInt)
dailyVitaminD = str(dailyVitaminDInt)
dailyVitaminE = str(dailyVitaminEInt)
dailyVitaminK = str(dailyVitaminKInt)
dailyThiamin = str(dailyThiaminInt)
dailyRiboflavin = str(dailyRiboflavinInt)
dailyNiacin = str(dailyNiacinInt)
dailyCholine = str(dailyCholineInt)
dailyFolate = str (dailyFolateInt)
if ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyVegetables = str(dailyVegetablesInt)
dailyFruits = str(dailyFruitsInt)
dailyDairy = str(dailyDairyInt)
dailyCalciumGramsInt = dailyCalciumInt/1000
dailyIronGramsInt = dailyIronInt/1000
dailyMagneseumGramsInt = dailyMagneseumInt/1000
dailyPhosphorusGramsInt = dailyPhosphorusInt/1000
dailyPotassiumGramsInt = dailyPotassiumInt/1000
dailySodiumGramsInt = dailysSodiumInt/1000
dailyZincGramsInt = dailyZincInt/1000
dailyCopperGramsInt = dailyCopperInt/1000
dailyManganeseGramsInt = dailyManganeseInt/1000
dailySeleniumGramsInt = dailySeleniumInt/1000
dailyVitaminAGramsInt = dailyVitaminAInt/1000
dailyVitaminB6GramsInt = dailyVitaminB6Int/1000
dailyVitaminB12GramsInt = dailyVitaminB12Int/1000
dailyVitaminCGramsInt = dailyVitaminCInt/1000
dailyVitaminDGramsInt = dailyVitaminDInt/1000
dailyVitaminEGramsInt = dailyVitaminEInt/1000
dailyVitaminKGramsInt = dailyVitaminKInt/1000
dailyThiaminGramsInt = dailyThiaminInt/1000
dailyRiboflavinGramsInt = dailyRiboflavinInt/1000
dailyNiacinGramsInt = dailyNiacinInt/1000
dailyCholineGramsInt = dailyCholineInt/1000
dailyFolateGramsInt = dailyFolateInt/1000
if ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyVegetablesOuncesInt = dailyVegetablesInt*8
dailyFruitsOuncesInt = dailyFruitsInt*8
dailyDairyOuncesInt = dailyDairyInt*8
dailyCalciumGrams = str(dailyCalciumGramsInt)
dailyIronGrams = str(dailyIronGramsInt)
dailyMagneseumGrams = str(dailyMagneseumGramsInt)
dailyPhosphorusGrams = str(dailyPhosphorusGramsInt)
dailyPotassiumGrams = str(dailyPotassiumGramsInt)
dailySodiumGrams = str (dailySodiumGramsInt)
dailyZincGrams = str(dailyZincGramsInt)
dailyCopperGrams = str(dailyCopperGramsInt)
dailyManganeseGrams = str(dailyManganeseGramsInt)
dailySeleniumGrams = str(dailySeleniumGramsInt)
dailyVitaminAGrams = str(dailyVitaminAGramsInt)
dailyVitaminB6Grams = str(dailyVitaminB6GramsInt)
dailyVitaminB12Grams = str(dailyVitaminB12GramsInt)
dailyVitaminCGrams = str(dailyVitaminCGramsInt)
dailyVitaminDGrams = str(dailyVitaminDGramsInt)
dailyVitaminEGrams = str(dailyVitaminEGramsInt)
dailyVitaminKGrams = str(dailyVitaminKGramsInt)
dailyThiaminGrams = str(dailyThiaminGramsInt)
dailyRiboflavinGrams = str(dailyRiboflavinGramsInt)
dailyNiacinGrams = str(dailyNiacinGramsInt)
dailyCholineGrams = str(dailyCholineGramsInt)
dailyFolateGrams = str(dailyFolateGramsInt)
if ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyVegtablesOunces = str(dailyVegetablesOuncesInt)
dailyFruitsOunces = str(dailyFruitsOuncesInt)
dailyDairyOunces = str(dailyDairyOuncesInt)
print("You should be getting about " + dailyCalories + " calories per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyProtein + " grams of protein per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyCarbohydrate + " grams of carbohydrates per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyDietaryFiber + " grams of dietary fiber per day.")
print("Between " + dailyTotalFatLower + "% and " + dailyTotalFatUpper + "% of your daily calories should come from total fat.")
print("No more than " + dailySaturatedFat + "% of your daily total fat should come from saturated fat.")
print(dailyLinoleicAcid + " grams per day is an adequate amount of linoleic acid.")
print(dailyLinolenicAcid + " grams per day is an adequate amount of linolenic acid.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyCalcium + " milligrams (" + dailyCalciumGrams + " grams) of calcium per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyIron + " milligrams (" + dailyIronGrams + " grams) of iron per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyMagneseium + " milligrams (" + dailyMagneseumGrams + " grams) of magneseum per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyPhosphorus + " milligrams (" + dailyPhosphorusGrams + " grams) of phosphorus per day.")
print(dailyPotassium + " milligrams (" + dailyPotassiumGrams + " grams per day is an adequate amount of potassium.")
print("You should be getting no more than " + dailySodium + " milligrams (" + dailySodiumGrams + " grams) of sodium per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyZinc + " milligrams (" + dailyZincGrams + " grams) of zinc per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyCopper + " milligrams (" + dailyCopperGrams + " grams) of copper per day.")
print(dailyManganese + " milligrams (" + dailyManganeseGrams + " grams) per day is an adequate amount of manganese.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminA + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminAGrams + " grams) of Vitamin A per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminB6 + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminB6Grams + " grams) of Vitamin B-6 per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminB12 + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminB12Grams + " grams) of Vitamin B-12 per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminC + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminCGrams + " grams) of Vitamin C per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminD + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminDGrams + " grams) of Vitamin D per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminE + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminEGrams + " grams) of Vitamin E per day.")
print(dailyVitaminK + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminKGrams + " grams) per day is an adequate amount of Vitamin K.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyThiamin + " milligrams (" + dailyThiaminGrams + " grams) of thiamin per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyRiboflavin + " milligrams (" + dailyRiboflavinGrams + " grams) of riboflavin per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyNiacin + " milligrams (" + dailyNiacinGrams + " grams) of niacin per day.")
print(dailyCholine + " milligrams (" + dailyCholineGrams + " grams) per day is an adequate amount of choline.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyFolate + " milligrams (" + dailyFolateGrams + " grams) of folate per day.")
if ageGroup == "teenager":
print("You should be eating about " + dailyVegetables + " cups (" + dailyVegetablesOunces + " ounces) of vegetables per day.")
print("You should be eating about " + dailyFruits + " cups (" + dailyFruitsOunces + " ounces) of fruits each day.")
print("You should be eating about " + dailyDairy + " cups (" + dailyDairyOunces + " ounces) of dairy each day.")
I don't know what is wrong with Replit, but it isn't showing the entire error, only part of it. This is the part of the error that I can see:
Traceback (most recent call last):
4 <module>
f g u
N ' g u ' f
Not sure if the partial error helps.
Here is a working solution. But the code could be improved, see at the bottom there are some recommendations.
error001 = "\nError 001: Invalid Sex!"
error002 = "\nError 002: Invalid Age!"
error003 = "\nError 003: Invalid Activity Level!"
error004 = "\nError 004: Invalid Age Group!"
print("Hello! Welcome to Nutrition Info!")
sexInput = input(
"To get started, choose the sex of your character (gender, sexual orientation, etc. do not matter, as these do not matter for your physical health). Type 'M' for male or 'F' for female.")
if sexInput == "M":
sex = "male"
print("You have selected a male character.")
elif sexInput == "F":
sex = "female"
print("You have selected a female character.")
ageInput = input("How old is your character? Type just the number.")
if ageInput.isnumeric():
age = int(ageInput) # It should be casted after checking is numeric
if age in range(1, 3):
ageGroup = "toddler"
elif age in range(4, 8):
ageGroup = "young child"
elif age in range(9, 13):
ageGroup = "older child"
elif age in range(14, 18):
ageGroup = "teenager"
elif age in range(19, 30):
ageGroup = "young adult"
elif age in range(31, 50):
ageGroup = "older adult"
elif age in range(51, 130):
ageGroup = "senior"
print("You have selected a " + ageInput + f"-year-old character, which is {ageGroup}.")
if ageGroup == "toddler":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1000
dailyProteinInt = 13
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyDietryFiberInt = 14
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 30
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 40
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 7
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 0.7
dailyCalciumInt = 700
dailyIronInt = 7
dailyMagnesiumInt = 80
dailyPhosphorusInt = 260
dailyPotassiumInt = 3000
dailySodiumInt = 1500
dailyZincInt = 3
dailyCopperInt = 0.34
dailyManganeseInt = 1.2
dailySeleniumInt = 20
dailyVitaminAInt = 300
dailyVitaminB6Int = 0.5
dailyVitaminB12Int = 0.9
dailyVitaminCInt = 15
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 6
dailyVitaminKInt = 30
dailyThiaminInt = 0.5
dailyRiboflavinInt = 0.5
dailyNiacinInt = 6
dailyCholineInt = 200
dailyFolateInt = 150
elif ageGroup == "young child":
dailyProteinInt = 19
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 25
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 10
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 0.9
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyIronInt = 10
dailyMagnesiumInt = 130
dailyPhosphorusInt = 500
dailyPotassiumInt = 3800
dailySodiumInt = 1900
dailyZincInt = 5
dailyCopperInt = 0.44
dailyManganeseInt = 1.5
dailySeleniumInt = 30
dailyVitaminAInt = 400
dailyVitaminB6Int = 0.6
dailyVitaminB12Int = 1.2
dailyVitaminCInt = 25
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 7
dailyVitaminKInt = 55
dailyThiaminInt = 0.6
dailyRiboflavinInt = 0.6
dailyNiacinInt = 8
dailyCholineInt = 0.6
dailyFolateInt = 1.2
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1200
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 16.8
else: # If it's not female, for sure will be "male", it was checked before
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 19.6
activityInputMaleYoungChild = input(
"How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive or '2' for active.")
if activityInputMaleYoungChild == "1":
activity = "inactive"
dailyCaloriesInt = 1400 # Not needed to add another if statement
elif activityInputMaleYoungChild == "2":
activity = "active"
dailyCaloriesInt = 1600 # Not needed to add another elif statement
elif ageGroup == "older child":
dailyProteinInt = 34
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 25
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1300
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyMagnesiumInt = 240
dailyPhosphorusInt = 1250
dailyPotassiumInt = 4500
dailySodiumInt = 2200
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyCopperInt = 0.7
dailySeleniumInt = 40
dailyVitaminAInt = 600
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1
dailyVitaminB12Int = 1.8
dailyVitaminCInt = 45
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 11
dailyVitaminKInt = 60
dailyThiaminInt = 0.9
dailyRiboflavinInt = 0.9
dailyNiacinInt = 12
dailyCholineInt = 375
dailyFolateInt = 300
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1600
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 22.4
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 10
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1
dailyManganeseInt = 1.6
else: # If it's not female, for sure will be "male", it was checked before
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyFietaryFiberInt = 25.2
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 12
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.2
dailyManganeseInt = 1.9
elif ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyCarbohydrateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 25
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = "10"
dailyCalciumInt = 1300
dailyPhosphorusInt = 1250
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.89
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyDairyInt = 3
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 25.2
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 11
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyIronInt = 15
dailyMagnesiumInt = 360
dailyZincInt = 9
dailyManganeseInt = 1.6
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.2
dailyVitaminCInt = 65
dailyThiaminInt = 1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 400
activityInputFemaleTeenager = input(
"How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive, '2' for moderately active, or '3' for active, then press the 'ENTER' or 'RETURN' key.")
if activityInputFemaleTeenager == "1":
activity = "inactive"
elif activityInputFemaleTeenager == "2":
activity = "moderately active"
elif activityInputFemaleTeenager == "3":
activity = "active"
if activity == "inactive":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyGrainsInt = 6
dailyVegetablesInt = 2.5
dailyFruitsInt = 1.5
elif activity == "moderately active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2000
dailyGrainsInt = 6
dailyVegetablesInt = 2.5
dailyFruitsInt = 2
elif activity == "active":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2400
dailyGrainsInt = 8
dailyVegetablesInt = 3
dailyFruitsInt = 2
else: # If it's not female, for sure will be "male", it was checked before
dailyProteinInt = 52
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 30.8
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 16
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyIronInt = 11
dailyMagnesiumInt = 410
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.2
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.3
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 1.6
dailyCholineInt = 550
activityInputMaleTeenager = input(
"How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive, '2' for moderately active, or '3' for active, then press the 'ENTER' or 'RETURN' key.")
if activityInputMaleTeenager == "1":
activty = "inactive"
dailyCaloriesInt = 2200 # Not needed to add another if statement
dailyGrainsInt = 7
dailyVegetablesInt = 3
dailyFruitsInt = 2
elif activityInputMaleTeenager == "2":
activity = "moderately active"
dailyCaloriesInt = 2800 # Not needed to add another elif statement
dailyGrainsInt = 10
dailyVegetablesInt = 3.5
dailyFruitsInt = 2.5
elif activityInputMaleTeenager == "3":
activity = "active"
dailyCaloriesInt = 3200 # Not needed to add another elif statement
dailyGrainsInt = 10
dailyVegetablesInt = 4
dailyFruitsInt = 2.5
elif ageGroup == "young adult":
dailyCarbohydateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 20
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyPhosphorusInt = 700
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.9
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.3
dailyVitaminB12Int = 2.4
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyFolateInt = 400
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2000
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 28
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 12
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyIronInt = 18
dailyMagneseumInt = 310
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyManganeseInt = 1.8
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyVitaminKInt = 90
dailyThimainInt = 1.1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 425
else: # If it's not female, for sure will be "male", it was checked before
dailyProteinInt = 56
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 33.6
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 17
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyMagneseumInt = 400
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.3
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminCInt = 90
dailyVitaminKInt = 120
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 16
dailyCholineInt = 550
activityInputMaleYoungAdult = input(
"How active is your character? Type '1' for inactive, '2' for moderately active, or '3' for active.")
if activityInputMaleYoungAdult == "1":
activity = "inactive"
dailyCaloriesInt = 2400 # Not needed to add another if statement
elif activityInputMaleYoungAdult == "2":
activty = "moderately active"
dailyCaloriesInt = 2600 # Not needed to add another elif statement
elif activityInputMaleYoungAdult == "3":
activity = "active"
dailyCaloriesInt = 3000 # Not needed to add another elif statement
elif ageGroup == "older adult":
dailyCarbohydateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 20
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyPhosphorusInt = 700
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.9
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.3
dailyVitaminB12Int = 2.4
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyFolateInt = 400
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 1800
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 25.2
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 12
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyIronInt = 18
dailyMagneseumInt = 320
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyManganeseInt = 1.8
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyVitaminKInt = 90
dailyThimainInt = 1.1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 425
else: # If it's not female, for sure will be "male", it was checked before
dailyCaloriesInt = 2200
dailyProteinInt = 56
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 30.8
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 17
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyMagneseumInt = 420
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.3
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminCInt = 90
dailyVitaminKInt = 120
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 16
dailyCholineInt = 550
elif ageGroup == "senior":
dailyCarbohydateInt = 130
dailyTotalFatLowerInt = 20
dailyTotalFatUpperInt = 35
dailySaturatedFat = 10
dailyCalciumInt = 1000
dailyIronInt = 8
dailyPhosphorusInt = 700
dailyPotassiumInt = 4700
dailySodiumInt = 2300
dailyCopperInt = 0.9
dailySeleniumInt = 55
dailyVitaminB12Int = 2.4
dailyVitaminDInt = 600
dailyVitaminEInt = 15
dailyFolateInt = 400
if sex == "female":
dailyCaloriesInt = 2000
dailyProteinInt = 46
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 22.4
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 11
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.1
dailyMagneseumInt = 310
dailyZincInt = 8
dailyManganeseInt = 1.8
dailyVitaminAInt = 700
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.5
dailyVitaminCInt = 75
dailyVitaminKInt = 90
dailyThimainInt = 1.1
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.1
dailyNiacinInt = 14
dailyCholineInt = 425
else: # If it's not female, for sure will be "male", it was checked before
dailyProteinInt = 56
dailyDietaryFiberInt = 28
dailyLinoleicAcidInt = 14
dailyLinolenicAcidInt = 1.6
dailyMagneseumInt = 400
dailyZincInt = 11
dailyManganeseInt = 2.3
dailyVitaminAInt = 900
dailyVitaminB6Int = 1.7
dailyVitaminCInt = 90
dailyVitaminKInt = 120
dailyThiaminInt = 1.2
dailyRiboflavinInt = 1.3
dailyNiacinInt = 16
dailyCholineInt = 550
if activity == "inactive":
print("You have selected an inactive character.")
if activity == "moderately active":
print("You have selected a moderately active character.")
if activity == "active":
print("You have selected an active character.")
except NameError:
print("You have NOT selected any activity.") # Skipping "referenced before assignment" Traceback
dailyCalories = str(dailyCaloriesInt) if 'dailyCalories' in locals() else '?'
dailyProtein = str(dailyProteinInt) if 'dailyProteinInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCarbohydrate = str(dailyCarbohydrateInt) if 'dailyCarbohydrateInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyDietaryFiber = str(dailyDietaryFiberInt) if 'dailyDietaryFiberInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyTotalFatLower = str(dailyTotalFatLowerInt) if 'dailyTotalFatLowerInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyTotalFatUpper = str(dailyTotalFatUpperInt) if 'dailyTotalFatUpperInt' in locals() else '?'
dailySaturatedFat = str(dailySaturatedFatInt) if 'dailySaturatedFatInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyLinoleicAcid = str(dailyLinoleicAcidInt) if 'dailyLinoleicAcidInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyLinolenicAcid = str(dailyLinolenicAcidInt) if 'dailyLinolenicAcidInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCalcium = str(dailyCalciumInt) if 'dailyCalciumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyIron = str(dailyIronInt) if 'dailyIronInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyMagneseum = str(dailyMagneseumInt) if 'dailyMagneseumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyPhosphorus = str(dailyPhosphorusInt) if 'dailyPhosphorusInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyPotassium = str(dailyPotassiumInt) if 'dailyPotassiumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailySodium = str(dailySodiumInt) if 'dailySodiumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyZinc = str(dailyZincInt) if 'dailyZincInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCopper = str(dailyCopperInt) if 'dailyCopperInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyManganese = str(dailyManganeseInt) if 'dailyManganeseInt' in locals() else '?'
dailySelenium = str(dailySeleniumInt) if 'dailySeleniumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminA = str(dailyVitaminAInt) if 'dailyVitaminAInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminB6 = str(dailyVitaminB6Int) if 'dailyVitaminB6Int' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminB12 = str(dailyVitaminB12Int) if 'dailyVitaminB12Int' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminC = str(dailyVitaminCInt) if 'dailyVitaminCInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminD = str(dailyVitaminDInt) if 'dailyVitaminDInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminE = str(dailyVitaminEInt) if 'dailyVitaminEInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminK = str(dailyVitaminKInt) if 'dailyVitaminKInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyThiamin = str(dailyThiaminInt) if 'dailyThiaminInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyRiboflavin = str(dailyRiboflavinInt) if 'dailyRiboflavinInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyNiacin = str(dailyNiacinInt) if 'dailyNiacinInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCholine = str(dailyCholineInt) if 'dailyCholineInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyFolate = str(dailyFolateInt) if 'dailyFolateInt' in locals() else '?'
if ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyVegetables = str(dailyVegetablesInt) if 'dailyVegetablesInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyFruits = str(dailyFruitsInt) if 'dailyFruitsInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyDairy = str(dailyDairyInt) if 'dailyDairyInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCalciumGrams = str(dailyCalciumInt / 1000) if 'dailyCalciumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyIronGrams = str(dailyIronInt / 1000) if 'dailyIronInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyMagneseumGrams = str(dailyMagneseumInt / 1000) if 'dailyMagneseumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyPhosphorusGrams = str(dailyPhosphorusInt / 1000) if 'dailyPhosphorusInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyPotassiumGrams = str(dailyPotassiumInt / 1000) if 'dailyPotassiumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailySodiumGrams = str(dailysSodiumInt / 1000) if 'dailysSodiumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyZincGrams = str(dailyZincInt / 1000) if 'dailyZincInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCopperGrams = str(dailyCopperInt / 1000) if 'dailyCopperInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyManganeseGrams = str(dailyManganeseInt / 1000) if 'dailyManganeseInt' in locals() else '?'
dailySeleniumGrams = str(dailySeleniumInt / 1000) if 'dailySeleniumInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminAGrams = str(dailyVitaminAInt / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminAInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminB6Grams = str(dailyVitaminB6Int / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminB6Int' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminB12Grams = str(dailyVitaminB12Int / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminB12Int' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminCGrams = str(dailyVitaminCInt / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminCInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminDGrams = str(dailyVitaminDInt / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminDInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminEGrams = str(dailyVitaminEInt / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminEInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyVitaminKGrams = str(dailyVitaminKInt / 1000) if 'dailyVitaminKInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyThiaminGrams = str(dailyThiaminInt / 1000) if 'dailyThiaminInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyRiboflavinGrams = str(dailyRiboflavinInt / 1000) if 'dailyRiboflavinInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyNiacinGrams = str(dailyNiacinInt / 1000) if 'dailyNiacinInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyCholineGrams = str(dailyCholineInt / 1000) if 'dailyCholineInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyFolateGrams = str(dailyFolateInt / 1000) if 'dailyFolateInt' in locals() else '?'
if ageGroup == "teenager":
dailyVegetablesOunces = str(dailyVegetablesInt * 8) if 'dailyVegetablesInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyFruitsOunces = str(dailyFruitsInt * 8) if 'dailyFruitsInt' in locals() else '?'
dailyDairyOunces = str(dailyDairyInt * 8) if 'dailyDairyInt' in locals() else '?'
print("You should be getting about " + dailyCalories + " calories per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyProtein + " grams of protein per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyCarbohydrate + " grams of carbohydrates per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyDietaryFiber + " grams of dietary fiber per day.")
"Between " + dailyTotalFatLower + "% and " + dailyTotalFatUpper + "% of your daily calories should come from total fat.")
print("No more than " + dailySaturatedFat + "% of your daily total fat should come from saturated fat.")
print(dailyLinoleicAcid + " grams per day is an adequate amount of linoleic acid.")
print(dailyLinolenicAcid + " grams per day is an adequate amount of linolenic acid.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyCalcium + " milligrams (" + dailyCalciumGrams + " grams) of calcium per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyIron + " milligrams (" + dailyIronGrams + " grams) of iron per day.")
# This is not defined!
# print(
# "You should be getting about " + dailyMagneseium + " milligrams (" + dailyMagneseumGrams + " grams) of magneseum per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyPhosphorus + " milligrams (" + dailyPhosphorusGrams + " grams) of phosphorus per day.")
print(dailyPotassium + " milligrams (" + dailyPotassiumGrams + " grams per day is an adequate amount of potassium.")
"You should be getting no more than " + dailySodium + " milligrams (" + dailySodiumGrams + " grams) of sodium per day.")
print("You should be getting about " + dailyZinc + " milligrams (" + dailyZincGrams + " grams) of zinc per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyCopper + " milligrams (" + dailyCopperGrams + " grams) of copper per day.")
dailyManganese + " milligrams (" + dailyManganeseGrams + " grams) per day is an adequate amount of manganese.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminA + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminAGrams + " grams) of Vitamin A per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminB6 + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminB6Grams + " grams) of Vitamin B-6 per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminB12 + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminB12Grams + " grams) of Vitamin B-12 per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminC + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminCGrams + " grams) of Vitamin C per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminD + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminDGrams + " grams) of Vitamin D per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyVitaminE + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminEGrams + " grams) of Vitamin E per day.")
print(dailyVitaminK + " milligrams (" + dailyVitaminKGrams + " grams) per day is an adequate amount of Vitamin K.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyThiamin + " milligrams (" + dailyThiaminGrams + " grams) of thiamin per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyRiboflavin + " milligrams (" + dailyRiboflavinGrams + " grams) of riboflavin per day.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyNiacin + " milligrams (" + dailyNiacinGrams + " grams) of niacin per day.")
print(dailyCholine + " milligrams (" + dailyCholineGrams + " grams) per day is an adequate amount of choline.")
"You should be getting about " + dailyFolate + " milligrams (" + dailyFolateGrams + " grams) of folate per day.")
if ageGroup == "teenager":
"You should be eating about " + dailyVegetables + " cups (" + dailyVegetablesOunces + " ounces) of vegetables per day.")
"You should be eating about " + dailyFruits + " cups (" + dailyFruitsOunces + " ounces) of fruits each day.")
print("You should be eating about " + dailyDairy + " cups (" + dailyDairyOunces + " ounces) of dairy each day.")
Use functions, this is too long.
In your future new implementation avoid using "locals()", it's a dirty shortcut just to make it work in the way you had the code
Use classes with attributes or something to keep the different multiple options you have. A simple example:
class Errors(str):
Sex = "Error 001: Invalid Sex!"
Age = "Error 002: Invalid Age!"
Activity = "Error 003: Invalid Activity Level!"
Group = "Error 004: Invalid Age Group!"
# Use it like this:
Avoid statements doing the same
Don't check something more than once
Catch exceptions with try-except
Take care with variables referenced before assign them. I used locals() as shortcut, avoid that. Another option could be to initialize all the variables.
Clean the code and save data somehow out of the main function
I have an array ( 10, 200) with 0 & 1. So we have 10 users and 200-time slots.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Startpoint': [ 100 , 50, 40 , 75 , 52 , 43, 90 , 48, 56 ,20 ], 'endpoint': [ 150, 70, 80, 90, 140, 160 ,170 , 120 , 135, 170 ]})
rng = np.arange(200)
out = ((df['Startpoint'].to_numpy()[:, None] <= rng) & (rng < df['endpoint'].to_numpy()[:, None])).astype(int)
I would like to print a schedule like the below:( will print it when we have 1 )
User 0 at hour 100
User 0 at hour 101
User 0 at hour 150
user 1 at hour 50
I think this should answer your question.
# Enumerate through your output and get the user ID and their schedule
for userID, user in enumerate(out):
for i in range(len(user)): # Enumerate through the length of the schedule by index
if user[i] == 1:
print(f"User {userID} at hour {i}")
This prints
User 0 at hour 100
User 0 at hour 101
User 0 at hour 102
User 0 at hour 103
Also in you out variable you need
(rng <= df['endpoint'].to_numpy()[:, None])).astype(int)
Instead of
(rng < df['endpoint'].to_numpy()[:, None])
So you get the end time as well.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Pa00 = 100.0 # systemic arterial pressure
Pic00 = 9.5 # intracranial pressure
Pc00 = 25.0 # capillary pressure
Pvs00 = 6.0 # dural sinus pressure
Ca00 = 0.15 # arterial compliance
Rvp = 0.068 # resistance of venous plexus
CBFTo = 10.5 + 2.0 # total CBF of supine state
CBFv = 2.0 # vertebral vein part CBF of supine state
CBFj = CBFTo - CBFv # jugular vein part CBF of supine state
CVP = 2.0 # central venous pressure
Q_normal = 12.5 # flow rate, ml/sec
unit_R = R_comp * 3.0 # arterial segment resistance
unit_C = 0.1 # arterial segment capacitance
Pvc = np.empty(22, dtype=float)
for i in range(1, 23):
if i < 10:
Pvc = Pa00 - i * unit_R * Q_normal
elif i > 13 & i < 23:
Pvc = CVP + i * R_comp * CBFj
elif i == 10:
Pvc = Pvc[8] - unit_R * Q_normal
Pvc = Ca00 * (Pvc - Pic00)
elif i == 11:
Pvc = Ca00
elif i == 12:
Pvc = Pic00
elif i == 13:
Pvc = Pvs00
print("{} {}".format(i, Pvc))
plt.plot(i, Pvc)
after running the above code, i got the result of 'print'.
1 99.95142857142856
2 99.90285714285714
3 99.85428571428571
4 99.80571428571429
5 99.75714285714285
6 99.70857142857143
7 99.66
8 99.61142857142858
9 99.56285714285714
10 2.136
11 2.1496
12 9.5
13 6.0
14 2.1904000000000003
15 2.204
16 2.2176
17 2.2312000000000003
18 2.2448
19 2.2584000000000004
20 2.2720000000000002
21 2.2856000000000005
22 2.2992000000000004
but i cannot get the result of plot.
Is there any problem about 'array' or 'plot'?
For several days, i was stuck in this problem.
Could you please let me know the solution about this problem?
you are actually assigning new values to Pvc variable instead of allocating it in the array. Use Pvc[index] = ... to assign it to a specific index.
Also, you need to record succession of i values in an array or generate a new array (e.g. np.arange(22)) else i will just contain it's most recent value (integer). In any case, you can get the same result omitting the x-val array in plot function (e.g plt.plot(Pvc))
so i'm learning python and decided to program a payroll for my company as practice.
for the usa bi-weekly tax, there is pattern to the amount you need to pay, here is a short code for example
if n >= 760 and n < 780:
gt = 45
if n >= 780 and n < 800:
gt = 47
if n >= 800 and n < 820:
gt = 49
if n >= 820 and n < 840:
gt = 51
here n is the salary, and gt is the tax to be paid.
as you can see, the range of n is a constant 20, and tax increase by a constant 2
this is true from 720 - 1000, starting from 1000 however, the rate of the tax increases by constant 3
i want to to be able to include a salary range from 720 to 2000, is there a way to do this, or do i have to do it the hard way and write them all out?
I'd branch on your two ranges and then use some math to get the tax amount:
if n >= 720 and n < 1000:
gt = 2*(( n - 720 ) / 20) + 41
elif n >= 1000 and n < 2000:
gt = 3*(( n - 1000 ) / 20) + 67