Which of the following correctly describe the complete output of executing the Python Polymorphic functions below? I got this question online which I think the output is unexpected. Primary class has object inside it, shouldnt it matter? Also can we write classmethod inside a function as an argument?
class Primary(object):
def show(self):
print("Primary class is called")
class Secondary(Primary):
def show(self):
print("Secondary class is called")
def result(classmethod):
primaryobj = Primary()
secondaryobj = Secondary()
The output that I got is :
Primary class is called
Secondary class is called
I'm trying to instantiate a class within a function, then call a method within the class inside the same function, like this:
# Define the class
class myclass:
def __init__(self,string_to_print):
self.string_to_print = string_to_print
def myclass_func(self):
# Define the function that utilizes the class
def func(class,func,str)
instance = class(str)
class = class.func()
# Run the function that utilizes the class
But I am getting an error like "'myclass' object is not callable". Why is this? Additionally, I expect my 'class = class.func()' line is wrong; if it is, what is the correct way to call the method from the recently instantiated class?
Edit: fixed mistake in class declaration
You can't use method names as global variables. If you want to call a method dynamically, pass its name as a string and use the getattr() function.
# Define the class
class myclass:
def __init__(self,string_to_print):
self.string_to_print = string_to_print
def myclass_func(self):
# Define the function that utilizes the class
def func(class,func,str)
instance = class(str)
return getattr(instance, func)()
# Run the function that utilizes the class
Define your class using the class keyword rather than def.
Create an instance of the class.
Define a function that will try to execute the function given by its name.
class myclass:
def __init__(self,string_to_print):
self.string_to_print = string_to_print
def myclass_func(self):
myclass_instance = myclass('Hello world')
def execute_function(instance, function):
getattr(instance, function)()
execute_function(myclass_instance, 'myclass_func')
Hello world
I want a program to call a specific class based on a parameter/variable value. However, I don't want to use any clunky if-statements. My first thought was to use the globals() function, but I couldn't get it to work. Here's an example:
class SomeClass:
def __init__():
print("Hello, world!")
class OtherClass:
def runClass(className):
# Call class based on variable className
The reason I want to do this is because there is a wide variety of classes may need to be called, and so just piling up if-statements in my code won't do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's how you can call a class via globals
class SomeClass:
def __init__(self):
print("Hello, world!")
def __call__(self):
return "SomeClass called"
class OtherClass:
def runClass(self, className):
o = OtherClass()
result = o.runClass("SomeClass")
Notice, I am instantiating and then calling it via the __call__ special method, which is the closest match to your description I could think of.
Use a dict.
name_to_class = dict(some=SomeClass,
def factory(name):
klass = name_to_class(name)
return klass()
some_obj = factory("some")
other_obj = factory("other")
One way to solve this problem is to use a dictionary to map the values of the variable className to the corresponding class.
Try this exemple :
class SomeClass:
def init(self):
print("Hello, world!")
class OtherClass:
def init(self):
print("Goodbye, world!")
classNameToClass = {
"SomeClass": SomeClass,
"OtherClass": OtherClass
def runClass(className):
# Call class based on variable className
cls = classNameToClass[className]
return cls()
runClass("SomeClass") # prints "Hello, world!"
runClass("OtherClass") # prints "Goodbye, world!"
Here, the dictionary classNameToClass maps the string names of the classes (e.g. "SomeClass") to the corresponding class objects (e.g. SomeClass). Then, in the runClass function, we look up the class object using the value of the className variable, and call it to create an instance of the class.
I've found an answer. The parameter that governs the called class can just be assigned elsewhere. At first, I thought it would need some complex function, but in reality, I guess the question didn't give enough details. The class itself only uses items from whatever object is given. So, instead of having to dynamically call a class, it's as simple as:
class SomeClass:
def printHelloWorld():
print("Hello, world!")
class OtherClass:
def __init__(self, usingClass):
self.object = usingClass
def doThis():
x = OtherClass(SomeClass())
It's on me for not giving enough information. Thank you all for your help.
I am experimenting with python object orientated programming. Of course I learned about inheritence and so on, but this question is very specific and I couldn't find the answer anywhere yet.
Let's say we have a class class mainClass:. In this class there is a function def func(self):. And within this function func() I want to use two custom classes. Can I and how can I use the first custom class within the second one? (Here's a example)
class custom1:
def func1(self):
#do something
class custom2:
def func2(self):
#call function func1 from class custom1 without creating another instance
class mainClass:
def func(self):
obj1 = custom1()
obj2 = custom2()
Like I said I don't want to create a second instance of custom1 within custom2. Only the one in mainClass.
Thanks for your answers :)
what about passing it via the constructor of the first class?
class custom1:
def func1(self):
#do something
class custom2:
def __init__(self, obj1):
self._obj1 = obj1
def func2(self):
class mainClass:
def func(self):
obj1 = custom1()
obj2 = custom2(obj1)
I am trying to create a class with several definitions (constructors?), however when I run the class it is only running the first def that I have written and not the second one, code example below:
class Test(baseline):
def test_1(self):
global caseid
caseid = xxx
global resultfail
resultfail = "Test Failed."
print('Test 1')
def test_2(self):
print('Test 2')
Could someone please advise what changes I need to make for the Class to run both definitions? Or if this is even possible under a single Class? Cheers.
In your class Test , I am assuming baseline is a super-class since you are defining class Test with it.
You haven't created a constructor that will help class instances to be established.
class Test(baseline):
def __init__(self):
#initialize something
Next, you need to call and instantiate Test class within main (outside class)
sampleTest = Test() #instance of Test
Then you can call "methods" (functions) within class Test as,
Hope this is what you are looking for.
I'm trying to subclass a class from another python script.
I've done the following when subclassing from within the same file, and it works.
class widget(object):
def __init__(self,bob):
#do something
class evenWidgetier(widget):
def __init__(self, bob):
#do something
But once I add in inheritance from another file..
import widge
class superWidgety(widge.evenWidgetier):
def __init__(self, bob):
#do something
I get an error:
unbound method __init__() must be called with widget instance as first argument
Is there a way I can subclass a class from another package that works?
And out of curiosity, what's the deal?
Substantively this looks identical to me. I can call a class from another file by using the widge.widget(), so that method seems established. And I can subclass when the class is in the same file by referencing the class in the declaration. What is it about using a class from an import in a declaration that breaks? Why does it see itself as the right method when in the same file, but sees itself as an unbound method when imported?
The specifically, my code is this (stripping the parts that shouldn't affect this.
class Tracker(object):
def __init__(self, nodeName=None, dag=None):
#Tracking stuff
class Transform(Tracker):
#Does stuff with inherited class
import Attributor as attr
class timeline(attr.Transform):
#some vars
def __init__(self, nodeName=None):
#Additional init stuff, but doesn't happen because error on previous line
In superWidget.py change the SuperWidget to use super
import widge
class superWidgety(widge.evenWidgetier):
def __init__(self, bob):
#do something