When I send a multi-part form data it returns the error: "Unprocessable Entity"
the api endpoint:
#router.post('/', response_model=schemas.Category)
def add_category(
file: UploadFile,
category: schemas.CategoryCreate = Depends(schemas.CategoryCreate.as_form),
db: Session = Depends(get_db)
The BaseModel classes:
class ProductCreate(BaseModel):
title: str
description: str
price: float
time: float
photo_url: str
class CategoryCreate(BaseModel):
name: str
products: List[ProductCreate] = []
the as_form function:
def as_form(cls: Type[BaseModel]):
new_parameters = []
for field_name, model_field in cls.__fields__.items():
model_field: ModelField # type: ignore
default=Form(...) if not model_field.required else Form(model_field.default),
async def as_form_func(**data):
return cls(**data)
sig = inspect.signature(as_form_func)
sig = sig.replace(parameters=new_parameters)
as_form_func.__signature__ = sig # type: ignore
setattr(cls, 'as_form', as_form_func)
return cls
note :
When I remove the field:
products: List[ProductCreate] = []
from CategoryCreate BaseModel, it works fine!
Thank you in advance
I am trying to submit data from HTML forms and validate it with a Pydantic model.
Using this code
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form
from pydantic import BaseModel
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse
app = FastAPI()
#app.get("/form", response_class=HTMLResponse)
def form_get():
return '''<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="no" value="1"/>
<input type="text" name="nm" value="abcd"/>
<input type="submit"/>
class SimpleModel(BaseModel):
no: int
nm: str = ""
#app.post("/form", response_model=SimpleModel)
def form_post(form_data: SimpleModel = Form(...)):
return form_data
However, I get the HTTP error: "422 Unprocessable Entity"
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "field required",
"type": "value_error.missing"
The equivalent curl command (generated by Firefox) is
curl 'http://localhost:8001/form' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data 'no=1&nm=abcd'
Here the request body contains no=1&nm=abcd.
What am I doing wrong?
I found a solution that can help us to use Pydantic with FastAPI forms :)
My code:
class AnyForm(BaseModel):
any_param: str
any_other_param: int = 1
def as_form(
any_param: str = Form(...),
any_other_param: int = Form(1)
) -> AnyForm:
return cls(any_param=any_param, any_other_param=any_other_param)
async def any_view(form_data: AnyForm = Depends(AnyForm.as_form)):
It's shown in the Swagger as a usual form.
It can be more generic as a decorator:
import inspect
from typing import Type
from fastapi import Form
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.fields import ModelField
def as_form(cls: Type[BaseModel]):
new_parameters = []
for field_name, model_field in cls.__fields__.items():
model_field: ModelField # type: ignore
default=Form(...) if model_field.required else Form(model_field.default),
async def as_form_func(**data):
return cls(**data)
sig = inspect.signature(as_form_func)
sig = sig.replace(parameters=new_parameters)
as_form_func.__signature__ = sig # type: ignore
setattr(cls, 'as_form', as_form_func)
return cls
And the usage looks like
class Test(BaseModel):
param: str
a: int = 1
b: str = '2342'
c: bool = False
d: Optional[float] = None
#router.post('/me', response_model=Test)
async def me(request: Request, form: Test = Depends(Test.as_form)):
return form
you can use data-form like below:
#app.post("/form", response_model=SimpleModel)
def form_post(no: int = Form(...),nm: str = Form(...)):
return SimpleModel(no=no,nm=nm)
I implemented the solution found here Mause solution and it seemed to work
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, Form
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
def form_body(cls):
cls.__signature__ = cls.__signature__.replace(
for arg in cls.__signature__.parameters.values()
return cls
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
another: str
#app.post('/test', response_model=Item)
def endpoint(item: Item = Depends(Item)):
return item
tc = TestClient(app)
r = tc.post('/test', data={'name': 'name', 'another': 'another'})
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.json() == {'name': 'name', 'another': 'another'}
You can do this even simpler using dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, Depends
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse
app = FastAPI()
#app.get("/form", response_class=HTMLResponse)
def form_get():
return '''<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="no" value="1"/>
<input type="text" name="nm" value="abcd"/>
<input type="submit"/>
class SimpleModel:
no: int = Form(...)
nm: str = Form(...)
def form_post(form_data: SimpleModel = Depends()):
return form_data
If you're only looking at abstracting the form data into a class you can do it with a plain class
from fastapi import Form, Depends
class AnyForm:
def __init__(self, any_param: str = Form(...), any_other_param: int = Form(1)):
self.any_param = any_param
self.any_other_param = any_other_param
def __str__(self):
return "AnyForm " + str(self.__dict__)
async def me(form: AnyForm = Depends()):
return form
And it can also be turned into a Pydantic Model
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from fastapi import Form, Depends
from pydantic import BaseModel
class AnyForm(BaseModel):
id: UUID
any_param: str
any_other_param: int
def __init__(self, any_param: str = Form(...), any_other_param: int = Form(1)):
id = uuid4()
super().__init__(id, any_param, any_other_param)
async def me(form: AnyForm = Depends()):
return form
Create the class this way:
from fastapi import Form
class SomeForm:
def __init__(
username: str = Form(...),
password: str = Form(...),
authentication_code: str = Form(...)
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.authentication_code = authentication_code
#app.post("/login", tags=['Auth & Users'])
async def auth(
user: SomeForm = Depends()
# return something / set cookie
If you want then to make an http request from javascript you must use FormData to construct the request:
const fd = new FormData()
fd.append('username', username)
fd.append('password', password)
axios.post(`/login`, fd)
Tldr: a mypy compliant, inheritable version of other solutions that produces the correct generated OpenAPI schema field types rather than any/unknown types.
Existing solutions set the FastAPI params to typing.Any to prevent the validation from occurring twice and failing, this causes the generated API spec to have any/unknown param types for these form fields.
This solution temporarily injects the correct annotations to the routes before schema generation, and resets them in line with other solutions afterwards.
# Example usage
class ExampleForm(FormBaseModel):
name: str
age: int
async def endpoint(form: ExampleForm = Depends(ExampleForm.as_form)):
return form.dict()
import inspect
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
from fastapi import Form
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
class FormBaseModel(BaseModel):
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
field_default = Form(...)
new_params = []
schema_params = []
for field in cls.__fields__.values():
default=Form(field.default) if not field.required else field_default,
default=Form(field.default) if not field.required else field_default,
async def _as_form(**data):
return cls(**data)
except ValidationError as e:
raise RequestValidationError(e.raw_errors)
async def _schema_mocked_call(**data):
A fake version which is given the actual annotations, rather than typing.Any,
this version is used to generate the API schema, then the routes revert back to the original afterwards.
_as_form.__signature__ = inspect.signature(_as_form).replace(parameters=new_params) # type: ignore
setattr(cls, "as_form", _as_form)
_schema_mocked_call.__signature__ = inspect.signature(_schema_mocked_call).replace(parameters=schema_params) # type: ignore
# Set the schema patch func as an attr on the _as_form func so it can be accessed later from the route itself:
setattr(_as_form, "_schema_mocked_call", _schema_mocked_call)
def as_form(parameters=[]) -> "FormBaseModel":
raise NotImplementedError
# asgi.py
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi
from fastapi.dependencies.utils import get_dependant, get_body_field
api = FastAPI()
def custom_openapi():
if api.openapi_schema:
return api.openapi_schema
def create_reset_callback(route, deps, body_field):
def reset_callback():
route.dependant.dependencies = deps
route.body_field = body_field
return reset_callback
# The functions to call after schema generation to reset the routes to their original state:
reset_callbacks = []
for route in api.routes:
if isinstance(route, APIRoute):
orig_dependencies = list(route.dependant.dependencies)
orig_body_field = route.body_field
is_modified = False
for dep_index, dependency in enumerate(route.dependant.dependencies):
# If it's a form dependency, set the annotations to their true values:
if dependency.call.__name__ == "_as_form": # type: ignore
is_modified = True
route.dependant.dependencies[dep_index] = get_dependant(
path=dependency.path if dependency.path else route.path,
# This mocked func was set as an attribute on the original, correct function,
# replace it here temporarily:
call=dependency.call._schema_mocked_call, # type: ignore
use_cache=False, # Overriding, so don't want cached actual version.
if is_modified:
route.body_field = get_body_field(dependant=route.dependant, name=route.unique_id)
create_reset_callback(route, orig_dependencies, orig_body_field)
openapi_schema = get_openapi(
for callback in reset_callbacks:
api.openapi_schema = openapi_schema
return api.openapi_schema
api.openapi = custom_openapi # type: ignore[assignment]
I would like to make that my query returns something like that:
{"message": "OK",
"data": {
"username": "string",
"pseudo": "string",
"email": "string"}
But i cant make my model return inside JSON i am only capable of returning ONLY the model so it gives that :
"username": "string",
"pseudo": "string",
"email": "string"
That is the code that i tried to run to get the first code snippet
#app.post("/", response_model=_models.UserOut, status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
def postUser(userPost: _models.UserIn):
if not userPost.regex_check_email(userPost.email):
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, detail=f"Email: {userPost.email} not valid format")
if not userPost.regex_check_username(userPost.username):
raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST,
detail=f"Username: {userPost.username} not valid format")
return {"message": "OK",
"data": userPost}
and my models :
class UserOut(BaseModel):
username: str
pseudo: Optional[str] = None
email: str
class UserIn(UserOut):
username: str
pseudo: Optional[str] = None
email: str
password: str
def regex_check_email(self, email):
match = re.match(email_regex, email)
is_match_email = bool(match)
return is_match_email
def regex_check_username(self, username):
match = re.match(username_regex, username)
is_match_username = bool(match)
return is_match_username
this only returns me
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 2 validation errors for
UserOut response -> username field required
(type=value_error.missing) response -> email field required
It would be great if u could help me and tell me why i was failing, i think i did not understood everything about response models. Thanks.
In the header of your POST handler you are using
#app.post("/", response_model=_models.UserOut ...)
So when you try to return something that doesn't match the UserOut model it returns an error.
Create a model that defines your message and data structure as desired and use that as the response_model
Happy coding
Edit: Have you tried using something like this: (python 3.10+)
class UserData(BaseModel):
username: str
pseudo: Optional[str] = None
email: str
class UserOut(BaseModel):
message: str
data: UserData | None = None
When in doubt, the official documentation usually has examples.
In the code, if it is done using (#app.post('/...')), it runs without any problems, but if it is done using (#router.post('/...')), it gives the following error;
TypeError: Cannot instantiate typing.Union
router = APIRouter()
response_description="List all users")
async def account_list(
domain: str,
credentials: HTTPAuthorizationCredentials = Security(security)):
token = credentials.credentials
if (auth_handler.decode_token(token)):
domain = domains_db.find_one({'domain': domain})
if domain == None:
return JSONResponse(
content='There is no user matching the requested domain.')
accounts = users_db.find({'domain': domain['domain_id']})
list_account = [AuthModel(**account) for account in accounts]
return list_account
class AuthModel(BaseModel):
id: PyObjectId = Field(default_factory=PyObjectId, alias="_id")
userid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
firstname: Optional[str]
lastname: Optional[str]
domain: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
email: EmailStr
phone: Optional[str]
plain_secret: Optional[str]
status: Optional[str]
Are you including the router in the app in your main.py file as described here: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/bigger-applications/#include-the-apirouters-for-users-and-items ?
how to custom field.url in flask-restful.
user_fields = {
'test': fields.Url('userep', absolute=True)
api.add_resource(User, '/user', '/user/<int:userid>', endpoint='userep')
when i submit
the result is like this : "test": "",
and change user_fields like this:
user_fields = {
'id': fields.Integer,
'friends': fields.Url('/Users/{id}/Friends'),
when i submit
throw error like those:
BuildError: Could not build url for endpoint '/Users/{id}/Friends'
with values ['_sa_instance_state', 'email', 'id', 'nickname',
'password', 'regist_date', 'status']. Did you mean 'version' instead?
any advise? thx
for further,if i change resource
api.add_resource(User, '/user/<int:userid>', endpoint='userep')
the error message throw
BuildError: Could not build url for endpoint 'userep' with values
['_sa_instance_state', 'email', 'id', 'nickname', 'password',
'regist_date', 'status']. Did you forget to specify values ['userid']?
in official document field.url
class Url(Raw):
A string representation of a Url
:param endpoint: Endpoint name. If endpoint is ``None``,
``request.endpoint`` is used instead
:type endpoint: str
:param absolute: If ``True``, ensures that the generated urls will have the
hostname included
:type absolute: bool
:param scheme: URL scheme specifier (e.g. ``http``, ``https``)
:type scheme: str
def __init__(self, endpoint=None, absolute=False, scheme=None):
super(Url, self).__init__()
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.absolute = absolute
self.scheme = scheme
def output(self, key, obj):
data = to_marshallable_type(obj)
endpoint = self.endpoint if self.endpoint is not None else request.endpoint
o = urlparse(url_for(endpoint, _external=self.absolute, **data))
if self.absolute:
scheme = self.scheme if self.scheme is not None else o.scheme
return urlunparse((scheme, o.netloc, o.path, "", "", ""))
return urlunparse(("", "", o.path, "", "", ""))
except TypeError as te:
raise MarshallingException(te)
answer by myself: this is no way to resolve problem.
according flask-restful project issue: api.url_for() fails with endpoints specified by a string and Flask jsonify a list of objects
code like this:
from flask import url_for
class ProjectsView(object):
def __init__(self, projectid):
self.projectid = projectid
def serialize(self):
return {
'tasks_url':url_for('.getListByProjectID', _external=True, projectid=self.projectid),
class Projects(Resource):
def get(self, userid):
project_obj_list = []
v = ProjectsView(project.id)
return jsonify(result=[e.serialize() for e in project_obj_list])
and the response like this:
"result": [