How do I add a daterange to open trades during when backtesting with backtrader? - python

I am trying to backtest a strategy where trades are only opened during 8.30 to 16.00 using backtrader.
Using the below attempt my code is running but returning no trades so my clsoing balane is the same as the opening. If I remove this filter my code is running correctly and trades are opening and closing so it is definitely the issue. Can anyone please help?
I have tried adding the datetime column of the data to a data feed using the below code:
` def __init__(self):
# Keep a reference to the "close" line in the data[0] dataseries
self.dataclose = self.datas[0].close
self.datatime = mdates.num2date(self.datas[0].datetime)
self.datatsi = self.datas[0].tsi
self.datapsar = self.datas[0].psar
self.databbmiddle = self.datas[0].bbmiddle
self.datastlower = self.datas[0].stlower
self.datastupper = self.datas[0].stupper
# To keep track of pending orders
self.order = None`
I then used the following code to try filter by this date range:
# Check if we are in the market
if not self.position:
current_time = self.datatime[0].time()
if datetime.time(8, 30) < current_time < datetime.time(16, 0):
if self.datatsi < 0 and self.datastupper[0] > self.dataclose[0] and self.datastlower[1] < self.dataclose[1] and self.dataclose[0] < self.databbmiddle[0] and self.datapsar[0] > self.dataclose[0]:
self.log('SELL CREATE, %.2f' % self.dataclose[0])
# Keep track of the created order to avoid a 2nd order
os = self.sell_bracket(size=100,price=sp1, stopprice=sp2, limitprice=sp3)
self.orefs = [o.ref for o in os]
o1 =,price=bp1,transmit=False)
print('{}: Oref {} / Buy at {}'.format(, o1.ref, bp1))
o2 = self.sell(exectype=bt.Order.Stop,price=bp2,parent=o1,transmit=False)
print('{}: Oref {} / Sell Stop at {}'.format(, o2.ref, bp2))
o3 = self.sell(exectype=bt.Order.Limit,price=bp3,parent=o1,transmit=True)
print('{}: Oref {} / Sell Limit at {}'.format(, o3.ref, bp3))
self.orefs = [o1.ref, o2.ref, o3.ref] # self.sell(size=100, exectype=bt.Order.Limit,[0]+16, parent=self.order, parent_bracket=bt.Order.Market)


Check if the number of slots is > 0 before picking a date and an hour?

I am building a vaccination appointment program that automatically assigns a slot to the user.
This builds the table and saves it into a CSV file:
import pandas
start_date = '1/1/2022'
end_date = '31/12/2022'
list_of_date = pandas.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date)
df = pandas.DataFrame(list_of_date)
df.columns = ['Date/Time']
df['8:00'] = 100
df['9:00'] = 100
df['10:00'] = 100
df['11:00'] = 100
df['12:00'] = 100
df['13:00'] = 100
df['14:00'] = 100
df['15:00'] = 100
df['16:00'] = 100
df['17:00'] = 100
And this code randomly pick a date and an hour from that date in the CSV table we just created:
import pandas
import random
from random import randrange
#randrange randomly picks an index for date and time for the user
random_date = randrange(365)
random_hour = randrange(10)
list = ["8:00", "9:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00"]
hour = random.choice(list)
df = pandas.read_csv('new.csv')
# 1 is substracted from that cell as 1 slot will be assigned to the user
df.loc[random_date, hour] -= 1
I need help with making the program check if the random hour it chose on that date has vacant slots. I can manage the while loops that are needed if the number of vacant slots is 0. And no, I have not tried much because I have no clue of how to do this.
P.S. If you're going to try running the code, please remember to change the save and read location.
Here is how I would do it. I've also cleaned it up a bit.
import random
import pandas as pd
start_date, end_date = '1/1/2022', '31/12/2022'
hours = [f'{hour}:00' for hour in range(8, 18)]
df = pd.DataFrame(
data=pd.date_range(start_date, end_date),
for hour in hours:
df[hour] = 100
# 1000 simulations
for _ in range(1000):
random_date, random_hour = random.randrange(365), random.choice(hours)
# Check if slot has vacant slot
if[random_date, random_hour] > 0:[random_date, random_hour] -= 1
# Pass here, but you can add whatever logic you want
# for instance you could give it the next free slot in the same day
import pandas
import random
from random import randrange
# randrange randomly picks an index for date and time for the user
random_date = randrange(365)
# random_hour = randrange(10) #consider removing this line since it's not used
lista = [# consider avoid using Python preserved names
hour = random.choice(lista)
df = pandas.read_csv("new.csv")
date = df.iloc[random_date][0]
# 1 is substracted from that cell as 1 slot will be assigned to the user
if df.loc[random_date, hour] > 0:#here is what you asked for
df.loc[random_date, hour] -= 1
print(f"No Vacant Slots in {random_date}, {hour}")
df.to_csv(r"new.csv", index=False)
Here's another alternative. I'm not sure you really need the very large and slow-to-load pandas module for this. This does it with plan Python structures. I tried to run the simulation until it got a failure, but with 365,000 open slots, and flushing the database to disk each time, it takes too long. I changed the 100 to 8, just to see it find a dup in reasonable time.
import csv
import datetime
import random
def create():
start = 2022, 1, 1 )
oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
headers = ["date"] + [f"{i}:00" for i in range(8,18)]
data = []
for _ in range(365):
data.append( [start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")] + [8]*10 ) # not 100
start += oneday
write( headers, data )
def write(headers, rows):
fcsv = csv.writer(open('data.csv','w',newline=''))
fcsv.writerow( headers )
fcsv.writerows( rows )
def read():
days = []
headers = []
for row in csv.reader(open('data.csv')):
if not headers:
headers = row
days.append( [row[0]] + list(map(int,row[1:])))
return headers, days
def choose( headers, days ):
random_date = random.randrange(365)
random_hour = random.randrange(len(headers)-1)+1
choice = days[random_date][0] + " " + headers[random_hour]
print( "Chose", choice )
if days[random_date][random_hour]:
days[random_date][random_hour] -= 1
return choice
print("Randomly chosen slot is full.")
return None
data = read()
while choose( *data ):

How to backtest portfolio compositions using backtrader?

I have a csv file / pandas dataframe which looks like this. It contains various portfolio compositions for a portfolio which is re-balanced everyday according to my own calculations.
date asset percentage
4-Jan-21 AAPL 12.00%
4-Jan-21 TSM 1.00%
4-Jan-21 IBM 31.00%
4-Jan-21 KO 15.00%
4-Jan-21 AMD 41.00%
5-Jan-21 DELL 23.00%
5-Jan-21 TSM 12.20%
5-Jan-21 IBM 15.24%
5-Jan-21 KO 1.50%
5-Jan-21 NKE 7.50%
5-Jan-21 TSLA 9.50%
5-Jan-21 CSCO 3.30%
5-Jan-21 JPM 27.76%
6-Jan-21 AMD 45%
6-Jan-21 BA 0.50%
6-Jan-21 ORCL 54.50%
7-Jan-21 AAPL 50.00%
7-Jan-21 KO 50.00%
I want to test a strategy with a 12 asset portfolio.
So let's say on 4Jan2021, the portfolio's composition would be 12% in apple, 1% in TSM.. etc. I want to be able to check the prices and know how many I should be holding.
The next day, 5Jan2021, the composition will change to 23% in Dell.. etc, if the stock isn't in this list means its 0% for that day.
I have been looking at backtrader as a backtesting platform, however, the code I have seen in the repo mostly shows how to do stuff with indicators, like SMA cross over, RSI...
My question is: Is it possible to create and test a portfolio based on these compositions I have so I can check the return of this strategy? It would check this frame, and know how many stocks in a ticker to buy or sell on that particular day.
So the universe of stocks I am buying or sell is AAPL,TSM,IBM,KO,AMD,DELL,NKE,TSLA,CSCO,JPM,BA,ORCL
So on 4-Jan-21 it might look like,
dictionary['4Jan2021'] = {'AAPL':0.12,
On 5-Jan-21 it will look like,
dictionary['5Jan2021'] = {'DELL':0.23,
If the ticker isnt there means its 0%.
The portfolio composition needs to change everyday.
The first thing you will want to do it load your targets with your datas. I like
personally to attach the target to the dataline as I add it to backtrader.
tickers = {"FB": 0.25, "MSFT": 0.4, "TSLA": 0.35}
for ticker, target in tickers.items():
data = bt.feeds.YahooFinanceData(
fromdate=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1),
todate=datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 31),
) = target
cerebro.adddata(data, name=ticker)
In next you will want to go through each data, and determine the current allocation. If the current allocation is too far from the desired allocation (threshold) you trade all datas.
Notice there is a buffer variable. This will reduce the overall value of the account for calculating units to trade. This helps avoid margin.
You will use a dictionary to track this information.
def next(self):
track_trades = dict()
total_value = * (1 - self.p.buffer)
for d in self.datas:
track_trades[d] = dict()
value =[d])
allocation = value / total_value
units_to_trade = ( - allocation) * total_value / d.close[0]
track_trades[d]["units"] = units_to_trade
# Can check to make sure there is enough distance away from ideal to trade.
track_trades[d]["threshold"] = abs( - allocation) > self.p.threshold
Check all the thresholds to determine if trading. If any of datas need trading, then all need trading.
rebalance = False
for values in track_trades.values():
if values['threshold']:
rebalance = True
if not rebalance:
Finally, execute your trades. Always sell first to generate cash in the account and avoid margins.
# Sell shares first
for d, value in track_trades.items():
if value["units"] < 0:
self.sell(d, size=value["units"])
# Buy shares second
for d, value in track_trades.items():
if value["units"] > 0:, size=value["units"])
Here is the all of the code for your reference.
import datetime
import backtrader as bt
class Strategy(bt.Strategy):
params = (
("buffer", 0.05),
("threshold", 0.025),
def log(self, txt, dt=None):
""" Logging function fot this strategy"""
dt = dt or[0]
if isinstance(dt, float):
dt = bt.num2date(dt)
print("%s, %s" % (, txt))
def print_signal(self):
f"o {self.datas[0].open[0]:7.2f} "
f"h {self.datas[0].high[0]:7.2f} "
f"l {self.datas[0].low[0]:7.2f} "
f"c {self.datas[0].close[0]:7.2f} "
f"v {self.datas[0].volume[0]:7.0f} "
def notify_order(self, order):
""" Triggered upon changes to orders. """
# Suppress notification if it is just a submitted order.
if order.status == order.Submitted:
# Print out the date, security name, order number and status.
type = "Buy" if order.isbuy() else "Sell"
f"{<6} Order: {order.ref:3d} "
f"Type: {type:<5}\tStatus"
f" {order.getstatusname():<8} \t"
f"Size: {order.created.size:9.4f} Price: {order.created.price:9.4f} "
f"Position: {self.getposition(}"
if order.status == order.Margin:
# Check if an order has been completed
if order.status in [order.Completed]:
f"{<6} {('BUY' if order.isbuy() else 'SELL'):<5} "
# f"EXECUTED for: {dn} "
f"Price: {order.executed.price:6.2f} "
f"Cost: {order.executed.value:6.2f} "
f"Comm: {order.executed.comm:4.2f} "
f"Size: {order.created.size:9.4f} "
def notify_trade(self, trade):
"""Provides notification of closed trades."""
if trade.isclosed:
"{} Closed: PnL Gross {}, Net {},".format(,
round(trade.pnl, 2),
round(trade.pnlcomm, 1),
def next(self):
track_trades = dict()
total_value = * (1 - self.p.buffer)
for d in self.datas:
track_trades[d] = dict()
value =[d])
allocation = value / total_value
units_to_trade = ( - allocation) * total_value / d.close[0]
track_trades[d]["units"] = units_to_trade
# Can check to make sure there is enough distance away from ideal to trade.
track_trades[d]["threshold"] = abs( - allocation) > self.p.threshold
rebalance = False
for values in track_trades.values():
if values['threshold']:
rebalance = True
if not rebalance:
# Sell shares first
for d, value in track_trades.items():
if value["units"] < 0:
self.sell(d, size=value["units"])
# Buy shares second
for d, value in track_trades.items():
if value["units"] > 0:, size=value["units"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
tickers = {"FB": 0.25, "MSFT": 0.4, "TSLA": 0.35}
for ticker, target in tickers.items():
data = bt.feeds.YahooFinanceData(
fromdate=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1),
todate=datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 31),
) = target
cerebro.adddata(data, name=ticker)
# Execute
############# EDIT ###############
There was an additional requiest for adding in variable allocations per day per security. The following code accomplishes that.
import datetime
import backtrader as bt
class Strategy(bt.Strategy):
params = (
("buffer", 0.05),
("threshold", 0.025),
def log(self, txt, dt=None):
""" Logging function fot this strategy"""
dt = dt or[0]
if isinstance(dt, float):
dt = bt.num2date(dt)
print("%s, %s" % (, txt))
def print_signal(self):
f"o {self.datas[0].open[0]:7.2f} "
f"h {self.datas[0].high[0]:7.2f} "
f"l {self.datas[0].low[0]:7.2f} "
f"c {self.datas[0].close[0]:7.2f} "
f"v {self.datas[0].volume[0]:7.0f} "
def notify_order(self, order):
""" Triggered upon changes to orders. """
# Suppress notification if it is just a submitted order.
if order.status == order.Submitted:
# Print out the date, security name, order number and status.
type = "Buy" if order.isbuy() else "Sell"
f"{<6} Order: {order.ref:3d} "
f"Type: {type:<5}\tStatus"
f" {order.getstatusname():<8} \t"
f"Size: {order.created.size:9.4f} Price: {order.created.price:9.4f} "
f"Position: {self.getposition(}"
if order.status == order.Margin:
# Check if an order has been completed
if order.status in [order.Completed]:
f"{<6} {('BUY' if order.isbuy() else 'SELL'):<5} "
# f"EXECUTED for: {dn} "
f"Price: {order.executed.price:6.2f} "
f"Cost: {order.executed.value:6.2f} "
f"Comm: {order.executed.comm:4.2f} "
f"Size: {order.created.size:9.4f} "
def notify_trade(self, trade):
"""Provides notification of closed trades."""
if trade.isclosed:
"{} Closed: PnL Gross {}, Net {},".format(,
round(trade.pnl, 2),
round(trade.pnlcomm, 1),
def __init__(self):
for d in self.datas: = {
datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%d-%b-%y").date(): allocation
for date, allocation in
def next(self):
date =
track_trades = dict()
total_value = * (1 - self.p.buffer)
for d in self.datas:
if date not in
if self.getposition(d):
target_allocation =[date]
track_trades[d] = dict()
value =[d])
current_allocation = value / total_value
net_allocation = target_allocation - current_allocation
units_to_trade = (
(net_allocation) * total_value / d.close[0]
track_trades[d]["units"] = units_to_trade
# Can check to make sure there is enough distance away from ideal to trade.
track_trades[d]["threshold"] = abs(net_allocation) > self.p.threshold
rebalance = False
for values in track_trades.values():
if values["threshold"]:
rebalance = True
if not rebalance:
# Sell shares first
for d, value in track_trades.items():
if value["units"] < 0:
self.sell(d, size=value["units"])
# Buy shares second
for d, value in track_trades.items():
if value["units"] > 0:, size=value["units"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
allocations = [
("AAPL", "4-Jan-21", 0.300),
("TSM", "4-Jan-21", 0.200),
("IBM", "4-Jan-21", 0.300),
("KO", "4-Jan-21", 0.2000),
("AMD", "4-Jan-21", 0.1000),
("DELL", "5-Jan-21", 0.200),
("TSM", "5-Jan-21", 0.20),
("IBM", "5-Jan-21", 0.1),
("KO", "5-Jan-21", 0.1),
("NKE", "5-Jan-21", 0.15),
("TSLA", "5-Jan-21", 0.10),
("CSCO", "5-Jan-21", 0.050),
("JPM", "5-Jan-21", 0.1),
("AMD", "6-Jan-21", 0.25),
("BA", "6-Jan-21", 0.25),
("ORCL", "6-Jan-21", 0.50),
("AAPL", "7-Jan-21", 0.5000),
("KO", "7-Jan-21", 0.5000),
ticker_names = list(set([alls[0] for alls in allocations]))
targets = {ticker: {} for ticker in ticker_names}
for all in allocations:
targets[all[0]].update({all[1]: all[2]})
for ticker, target in targets.items():
data = bt.feeds.YahooFinanceData(
fromdate=datetime.datetime(2020, 12, 21),
todate=datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 8),
) = target
cerebro.adddata(data, name=ticker)
# Execute

How to create a function to tell whether a value is increasing or decreasing?

I want to create comments from a dataset that details the growth rate, market share, etc for various markets and products. The dataset is in the form of a pd.DataFrame(). I would like the comment to include keywords like increase/decrease based on the calculations, for example, if 2020 Jan has sale of 1000, and 2021 Jan has a sale of 1600, then it will necessary mean an increase of 60%.
I defined a function outside as such and I would like to seek if this method is too clumsy, if so, how should I improve on it.
GrowthIncDec = namedtuple('gr_tuple', ['annual_growth_rate', 'quarterly_growth_rate'])
def increase_decrease(annual_gr, quarter_gr):
if annual_gr > 0:
annual_growth_rate = 'increased'
elif annual_gr < 0:
annual_growth_rate = 'decreased'
annual_growth_rate = 'stayed the same'
if quarter_gr > 0:
quarterly_growth_rate = 'increased'
elif quarter_gr < 0:
quarterly_growth_rate = 'decreased'
quarterly_growth_rate = 'stayed the same'
gr_named_tuple = GrowthIncDec(annual_growth_rate=annual_growth_rate, quarterly_growth_rate=quarterly_growth_rate)
return gr_named_tuple
myfunc = increase_decrease(5, -1)
output: 'increased'
A snippet of my main code is as follows to illustrate the use of the above function:
def get_comments(grp, some_dict: Dict[str, List[str]]):
subdf = the dataframe
annual_gr = subdf['Annual_Growth'].values[0]
quarter_gr = subdf['Quarterly_Growth'].values[0]
inc_dec_named_tup = increase_decrease(annual_gr, quarter_gr)
inc_dec_annual_gr = inc_dec_named_tup.annual_growth_rate
inc_dec_quarterly_gr = inc_dec_named_tup.quarterly_growth_rate
comment = "The {} has {} by {:.1%} in {} {} compared to {} {}"\
.format(market, inc_dec_annual_gr, annual_gr, timeperiod, curr_date, timeperiod, prev_year)
comments_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Date','Comments'])
# comments_df['Date'] = [curr_date]
comments_df['Comments'] = [comment]
return comments_df
except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
# this is for all those nan values which is empty
annual_gr = 0
quarter_gr = 0

Python 3 verification script not checking properly

I've been working on a python script and am having issues with some verification's I set up. I have this procedure file that has a function that uses a order number and a customer number to check some past history about the customers orders. Ive been testing live on our server and I keep failing the last if statement. The order number and customer number Im using does have more than one order and some are over 60 days so it should pass the test but it doesnt. Ive been looking over my code and I just cant see what could be causing this
edit: here are the print results of current and retrieved timestamps:
current_timestamp = 1531849617.921927
retrieved_timestamp = 1489622400
two_month_seconds = 5184000
one_month_seconds = 2592000
from classes import helper
from classes import api
from classes import order
from procedures import orderReleaseProcedure
import time
import datetime
import re
def verifyCustomer(customer_id, order_id):
self_helper = helper.Helper()
customer_blocked_reasons = self_helper.getConfig('customer_blocked_reasons')
order_statuses = self_helper.getConfig('order_statuses')
customer_is_blocked = False
self_api = api.Api()
self_order =order.Order(order_id)
status = {
'success' : 0,
'message' :'verify_payment_method'
results = self_api.which_api('orders?customer_id={}'.format(customer_id))
order_count = results['total_count']
if order_count > 1:
for result in results['orders']:
order_status_info= self_api.which_api('order_statuses/%d' % result['order_status_id'])
for customer_blocked_reason in customer_blocked_reasons:
if customer_blocked_reason in order_status_info['name']:
customer_is_blocked = True
order_id = 0
order_date = result['ordered_at']
two_month_seconds = (3600 * 24) * 60
one_month_seconds = (3600 * 24) * 30
stripped_date = order_date[:order_date.find("T")]
current_timestamp = time.time()
retrieved_timestamp = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(stripped_date, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime("%s"))
if retrieved_timestamp > (current_timestamp - one_month_seconds) and not customer_is_blocked:
status['success'] = 1
status['message'] = "Customer Verified with orders older than 30 days and no blocking reasons"
print(' 30 day check was triggered ')
elif customer_is_blocked:
status_change_result = self_order.update_status(order_statuses['order_hold_manager_review'])
status['success'] = 1
status['message'] = "Changed order status to Order Hold - Manager Review"
print(' Customer block was triggered ')
elif not retrieved_timestamp < (current_timestamp - two_month_seconds):
status['success'] = 0
status['message'] = "There is more than 1 order, and none are greater than 60 days, we need to check manually"
print(' 60 day check was triggered ')
return status

graphics in python to make a task manger

I am designing a task manager for a month using graphics in python. I have created the calendar for the month of July. I would like to display the tasks for a given date, add new tasks, remove/delete tasks and save the changes to a file.
The maximum number of to do tasks for any day is 5. Initially, the list of tasks are read from a file. Each row in the file contains the date followed by a list of semi-colon separated tasks for that date. The following shows an example file:
1; Go to class;Book Train Ticket
2; Call Home
3; Wash the Clothes
7; Submit the Assignment Online
8; Give Assignment Demo;Prepare for Major
10; Take the Exam
11; Go Home
To the right of calendar, there is a textbox to enter a new task to the list of to-do tasks for the date currently being displayed. After entering the new task in the textbox, I need to click on the ’ok’ button to add it to the list. As soon as the ’ok’ button is pressed, the list of tasks being displayed should be refreshed to reflect the addition of the new task. The textbox should be cleared after the changes have been incorporated into the task list. Here's my code:
from graphics import *
win =GraphWin("Task Manager",800,800)
head = Text(Point(130,15),"July2014")
add = Text(Point(440,28),"Add Task :")
adde = Entry(Point(560,28),20)
rem = Text(Point(440,78),"Remove Task:")
reme = Entry(Point(570,78),20)
addr = Rectangle(Point(680,15),Point(640,45))
okt = Text(Point(660,30),"ok")
remr = Rectangle(Point(690,60),Point(650,90))
okt = Text(Point(670,75),"ok")
savr =Rectangle(Point(440,120),Point(540,150))
savt = Text(Point(490,135),"Save to file")
exir = Rectangle(Point(590,120),Point(650,150))
exis = Text(Point(620,135),"exit")
def isInside(p,rect):
rectP1 = rect.getP1();
rectP2 = rect.getP2();
if(p.getX() >= rectP1.getX() and p.getX() <= rectP2.getX() and
p.getY() >= rectP1.getY() and p.getY() <= rectP2.getY()):
return True;
return False;
dtext = Text(Point(180,350),"no date selected yet")
def rect(a):
squ = Rectangle(Point(20+((a-1)%7)*40,70+(((a-1)//7)-1)*30),Point(20+(((a- 1)%7)+1)*40,70+((a-1)//7)*30))
return squ
for i in range(1,43):
l =['sun','mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat']
def elem(a):
p = Point(40+((a-1)%7)*40,85+(((a-1)//7)-1)*30)
sti = Text(p,l[a-1])
return sti
for i in range(1,8):
def num(a):
p = Point(40+((a-1)%7)*40,85+(((a-1)//7)-1)*30)
b = Text(p,a-9)
return b
for j in range(10,41):
id = Text(Point(50,400),"id")
task = Text(Point(200,400),"task")
while 9 < a< 41:
inputP = win.getMouse()
if isInside(inputP,rect(a)):
dtext.setText("tasks on July"+rect(a).getText()+"are")

