Specify install directories, with PEP 517 installer - python

How can I specify, to a PEP 517 conformant installer, the directories where libraries and scripts should be installed?
Deprecated Setuptools installer does it right
Using python3 -m setup install --install-lib=/usr/share/foo/ --install-scripts=/usr/share/bar/, I can specify the installation location for Python libraries and executable programs.
$ python3 -m setup install --help
Options for 'install' command:
--install-lib installation directory for all module
distributions (overrides --install-
purelib and --install-platlib)
--install-scripts installation directory for Python
This is good, when installing a self-contained application; the program files should end up in a location appropriate to the operating system, and the libraries should be installed in an application-private directory because they're not for general import by other Python programs.
The Setuptools project has deprecated the setup install feature, so we need to find a replacement for this.
PEP-517 tools to do this?
The current simple 'build' tool (“A simple, correct Python build frontend”) apparently does not have corresponding options to specify the installation directories that way.
Need a direct replacement for --install-lib and --install-scripts
I want to migrate away from deprecated setup install, to a PEP-517 build system.
But I need (for some applications) to be able to specify the install location of library modules, and of console scripts. Just like with the old --install-lib and --install-scripts options.
How do I instruct 'build' to do this? Or, what other PEP-517 conformant installation tool lets me do this?


Spyder - python - install external packages

I have just started to use python (within Windows, 64bit) - and I have a basic question on how to install external packages within the anaconda / spyder environment. I understand that for most packages one can simply use “conda install bunnies”. However, certain packages are not in the anaconda repository, and might have be installed externally (e.g. from github). For those packages, in order to have spyder to recognize this package – does one only in addition have to update the PYTHONPATH manager in Spyder to include the directory (e.g. c:\users\bunnies) in which one has downloaded this package? Or should one take additional steps / is there a faster way?
You have several options to use packages that are not (yet) available via conda install:
1.) If the respective package is on PyPi you can build it as described in the manual.
2.) If building from scratch doesn't work and the package is on PyPi you can also try an installation via pip. Not that you have to use the pip in your Anaconda distribution and not the one of your systems Python installation.
3.) If you want to include external packages or local folders that contain Python-scripts you can do the following.
3.1.) Use the sys module and append the required package/folder to the path:
import sys
3.2) Or put the modules into into site-packages, i.e. the directory $HOME/path/to/anaconda/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages which is always on sys.path. (Source)
3.3) Or add a .pth file to the directory $HOME/path/to/anaconda/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages. This can be named anything (it just must end with .pth). A .pth file is just a newline-separated listing of the full path-names of directories that will be added to your path on Python startup. (Source)
Good luck!

pip install custom include path

On an ubuntu system on which I don't have sudo previleges, I wish to install a package via pip (matplotlib to be precise), but some source packages are not installed on the system (however the binaries are installed).
I have created a virtual environment in which to install, and have downloaded the required source code, but I can't place them in the default /usr/include/ etc.. When pip runs matplotlib's setup.py script, the source files are reported as missing.
Is there a way to instruct pip or setup.py where to look for the source?
ps: setting CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS adds the locations of the downloaded source to compile instructions, but setup.py didn't find the source, so didn't attempt to compile some components (graphic backends).
pps: this is similar to, but more specific than this question
I would suggest doing:
Rebuild whatever binaries you need in your own home directory (this also avoids an issue if the apps get upgraded on the system or are otherwise different versions from your source). Assuming the programs use the standard configure scripts, you can do
mkdir ~/dev
cd app_src
./configure --prefix=~/dev
make; make install
Then when you want to do your pip install, do
export PATH=~/dev/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATh=~/dev/lib
(Note, what I should be suggesting is pointing it to your virtualenv but I haven't had the issue you're having)
Do the pip install; if memory serves, pkg-config should pick up the info you want (this assumes matplotlib uses pkg-config to figure out where packages are stored)

python pip specify a library directory and an include directory

I am using pip and trying to install a python module called pyodbc which has some dependencies on non-python libraries like unixodbc-dev, unixodbc-bin, unixodbc. I cannot install these dependencies system wide at the moment, as I am only playing, so I have installed them in a non-standard location. How do I tell pip where to look for these dependencies ? More exactly, how do I pass information through pip of include dirs (gcc -I) and library dirs (gcc -L -l) to be used when building the pyodbc extension ?
pip has a --global-option flag
You can use it to pass additional flags to build_ext.
For instance, to add a --library-dirs (-L) flag:
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-L/path/to/local" pyodbc
gcc supports also environment variables:
I couldn't find any build_ext documentation, so here is the command line help
Options for 'build_ext' command:
--build-lib (-b) directory for compiled extension modules
--build-temp (-t) directory for temporary files (build by-products)
--plat-name (-p) platform name to cross-compile for, if supported
(default: linux-x86_64)
--inplace (-i) ignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the
source directory alongside your pure Python modules
--include-dirs (-I) list of directories to search for header files
(separated by ':')
--define (-D) C preprocessor macros to define
--undef (-U) C preprocessor macros to undefine
--libraries (-l) external C libraries to link with
--library-dirs (-L) directories to search for external C libraries
(separated by ':')
--rpath (-R) directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime
--link-objects (-O) extra explicit link objects to include in the link
--debug (-g) compile/link with debugging information
--force (-f) forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)
--compiler (-c) specify the compiler type
--swig-cpp make SWIG create C++ files (default is C)
--swig-opts list of SWIG command line options
--swig path to the SWIG executable
--user add user include, library and rpath
--help-compiler list available compilers
Building on Thorfin's answer and assuming that your desired include and library locations are in /usr/local, you can pass both in like so:
sudo pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/include/" --global-option="-L/usr/local/lib" <you package name>
Another way to indicate the location of include files and libraries are set relevant environment variables before running pip e.g.
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
pip install cryptography
Just FYI... If you are having trouble installing a package with pip, then you can use the
--no-clean option to see what is exactly going on (that is, why the build did not work). For instance, if numpy is not installing properly, you could try
pip install --no-clean numpy
then look at the Temporary folder to see how far the build got. On a Windows machine, this should be located at something like:
Just to be clear, the --no-clean option tries to install the package, but does not clean up after itself, letting you see what pip was trying to do.
Otherwise, if you just want to download the source code, then I would use the -d flag. For instance, to download the Numpy source code .tar file to the current directory, use:
pip install -d %cd% numpy
I was also helped by Thorfin's answer; I was building GTK3+ on windows and installing pygobject, I was having difficulties on how to include multiple folders with pip install.
I tried creating pip config file as per pip documentation. but failed.
the one working is with the command line:
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-IlistOfDirectories"
# and/or with: --global-option="-LlistofDirectories"
the separator that works with multiple folders in windows is ';' semicolon, NOT colon ':' it might be different in other OS.
sample working command line:
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-Ic:/gtk-build/gtk/x64/release/include;d:/gtk-build/gtk/x64/release/include/gobject-introspection-1.0" --global-option="-Lc:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\lib" pygobject==3.27.1
you can use '' or '/' for path, but make sure do not type backslash next to "
this below will fail because there is backslash next to double quote
pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-Ic:\willFail\" --global-option="-Lc:\willFail\" pygobject==3.27.1
Have you ever used virtualenv? It's Python package that let's you create and maintain multiple isolated environments on one machine. Each can use different modules independent of one another without screwing up dependencies in your system library or a separate virtual environment.
If you don't have root privileges, you can download and use the virtualenv package from source:
$ curl -O https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-X.X.tar.gz
$ tar xvfz virtualenv-X.X.tar.gz
$ cd virtualenv-X.X
$ python virtualenv.py myVE
I followed the above steps this weekend on Ubuntu Server 12.0.4 and it worked perfectly. Each new virtual environment you create comes with PIP by default so installing packages into your new environment is easy.
Just in case it's of help to somebody, I still could not find a way to do it through pip, so ended up simply downloading the package and doing through its 'setup.py'. Also switched to what seems an easier to install API called 'pymssql'.

Why does easy_install work with some Windows binaries?

Windows does not include a compiler by default, and installing a compiler (and perhaps configuring Python to use it) is a complicated enough task that many developers avoid doing so. To this end, many packages that have binary dependencies are available as a precompiled Windows executable that contains binary files. As an example, there is psycopg.
The executable file is an installer. When executed, it provides a graphical interface that locates an installed version of Python via the registry, and it installs the Python library and the included binary dependencies in the global Python installation.
However, this is not always desirable. Particularly when using virtualenv, developers don't want to install the library globally. They want the library installed in the virtual environment. Since this environment is not represented in the registry, the graphical installer cannot locate it. Luckily, a command similar to the following can be used to install the library to the virtual environment:
C:\> C:\virtualenv\Scripts\activate.bat
(virtualenv) C:\> easy_install psycopg2-2.5.win32-py2.7-pg9.2.4-release.exe
Note that this works regardless of whether easy_install comes from setuptools or distribute.
The actual question
Why does this command work? What is it about the exe that allows easy_install to process it?
I have noticed that the exe seems to be some kind of zip file. 7-Zip is able to open it for browsing, and these exe files that easy_install can process seem to have a common file structure. They have a top directory named PLATLIB which contains an egg-info file or folder and another (possibly more than 1?) folder. Are these exes just Python eggs with some kind of executable wrapped around them? How might I produce one myself? (Or to word it differently, is there some standard way of producing exes like this?)
Bonus question: Why doesn't pip work with these files?

Best way to install python packages locally for development

Being new to the python games I seem to have missed out on some knowledge on how you can develop on a program but also keep it in your live environment.
Programs like gpodder can be run directly from the source checkout which is really handy however others want to be "installed" to run.
A lot of programs are distributed with a setup.py with instructions to run "python ./setup.py install" as root which will put stuff somewhere in your file-system. There are even install commands like "develop" which seem to hold the promise of what I want. So I tried:
export PYTHONPATH=/home/alex/python
python ./setup.py develop --install-dir=/home/alex/python
Which downloaded a bunch of stuff locally and seems magically ensure the application I'm hacking on is still being run out of the src tree. So I guess my roundabout question is is this the correct way of developing python code? How do things like easy_install and pip factor into this?
So I tried the following:
python /usr/share/pyshared/virtualenv.py /home/alex/src/goobook
cd /home/alex/src/goobook/googbook.git
/home/alex/src/goobook/bin/python ./setup.py develop
And finally linked the program in question to my ~/bin
cd /home/alex/src/goobook
linkbin.pl bin/goobook
However invocation throws up a load of extra chatter which seems to imply it's wrong:
17:17 alex#socrates/i686 [goobook] >goobook --help
/home/alex/bin/goobook:5: UserWarning: Module pkg_resources was already imported from /home/alex/src/goobook/lib/python2.5/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg/pkg_resources.py, but /home/alex/src/goobook/lib/python2.5/site-packages/distribute-0.6.10-py2.5.egg is being added to sys.path
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
/home/alex/bin/goobook:5: UserWarning: Module site was already imported from /home/alex/src/goobook/lib/python2.5/site.pyc, but /home/alex/src/goobook/lib/python2.5/site-packages/distribute-0.6.10-py2.5.egg is being added to sys.path
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
to set up a localized virtual environment for your libraries, and:
i.e. "easy_install" to install new things.
Virtualenv allows you to work in completely independent and isolated Python environments. It will let you easily create multiple environments which have different Python packages installed or different versions of a same package. Virtualenv also lets you easily switch between your different environments.
As of 2012, the de facto preferred tool for package management in Python is pip rather than setuptools. Pip is able to handle dependencies and to install/uninstall globally or inside a virtual environment. Pip even comes out-of-the-box with virtualenv.
Python 3
Also worth mentioning is the fact that virtual environments are becoming a part of Python itself in release 3.3, with the implementation of PEP 405.
The Python Packaging User Guide, which "aims to be the authoritative resource on how to package, publish and install Python distributions using current tools", recommends using pip to install in "development mode":
pip install -e <path>
Thus in the root directory of your package you can simply
pip install -e .
See installing from a local source tree.
The best way to develop Python apps with dependencies is to:
Download desired version of the python interpreter.
Install and use buildout (http://www.buildout.org/).
Buildout is something like Maven for Java (will fetch all needed packages automatically).
This way your Python interpreter will not be polluted by third party packages (this is important if you will be running developed application on other machines). Additionally you can integrate buildout with virtualenv package (this allows you to create virtual python interpreters for each project).

