I am trying to create an page to monitor RabbitMQ Queues in our application. I want to know how I can perform following operations. I am using Python and Django for the back-end.
How to get the number of queues and read their data.
How to Purge/Delete the tasks under queue.
How to get size (count) of the queue.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi everyone I need some guidance it is easy to just implement Producer and Consumer Design using only mutiprocsessing with threading or it is done by kafka python lib.
I am thinking to create one process for producer with multiple threads to deal with multiple api calls and then create multiple process consumers which get data from Queue and do some machine learning task.
OR I can used Kafka python to create producers and consumers.
SO I need some guidance which solution is better or if anyone have more suitable solution so kindly guide me.
I'm planning to build a critical component which produces the messages to kafka. I'm just thinking, is there any way that python multithreading will help us in writing the efficient kafka producer with asyncio, multithreading ?
Also here I'm planning to create a thread on demand, the use case is like kafka producer script needs to consume the textfiles and produce it kafka (catch here is, this needs to be done on demand).
Design will be like, kafka producer script will read the ondemand request from redis/rabbitmq queue, once we got the request, I'm planning to create a thread for each request. request contain which textfile to read and send.
Is it possible to implement in python using multithreading and asyncio ? any help on this appreciated. thanks
I'm trying to stay connected to multiple queues in RabbitMQ. Each time I pop a new message from one of these queue, I'd like to spawn an external process.
This process will take some time to process the message, and I don't want to start processing another message from that specific queue until the one I popped earlier is completed. If possible, I wouldn't want to keep a process/thread around just to wait on the external process to complete and ack the server. Ideally, I would like to ack in this external process, maybe passing some identifier so that it can connect to RabbitMQ and ack the message.
Is it possible to design this system with RabbitMQ? I'm using Python and Pika, if this is relevant to the answer.
RabbitMQ can do this.
You only want to read from the queue when you're ready - so spin up a thread that can spawn the external process and watch it, then fetch the next message from the queue when the process is done. You can then have mulitiple threads running in parallel to manage multiple queues.
I'm not sure what you want an ack for? Are you trying to stop RabbitMQ from adding new elements to that queue if it gets too full (because its elements are being processed too slowly/not at all)? There might be a way to do this when you add messages to the queues - before adding an item, check to make sure that the number of messages already in that queue is not "much greater than" the average across all queues?
I need to share some queue between two applications on same machine, one is Tornado which is going to occasionally add message to that queue and another is python script runs from cron which is going in every iteration add new messages. Can anyone suggest me module for this ?
(Can this be solved with redis usage, I avoid to use mysql for this purpose )
I would use redis with a list. You can push a element top, and rpop to remove from the tail.
See redis rpop
and redis lpushx
The purest way I can think of to do this is with IPC. Python has very good support for IPC between two processes when one process spawns another, but not in your scenario. There are python modules for ipc such as sysv_ipc and posix_ipc. But if you are going to have your main application built in tornado, why not just have it listen on a zeromq socket for published messages.
Here is a link with more information. You want the Publisher-Subscriber model.
Your cron job will start and publish messages a to zeromq socket. Your already running application will receive them as subscriber.
Try RabbitMQ for hosting the queue independent of your applications, then access using Pika, which even comes with a Tornado adapter. Just pick the appropriate model: queue/exchange/topic and protocol of the message you want (strings, json, xml, yaml) and you are set.
Perhaps I'm being silly asking the question but I need to wrap my head around the basic concepts before I do further work.
I am processing a few thousand RSS feeds, using multiple Celery worker nodes and a RabbitMQ node as the broker. The URL of each feed is being written as a message in the queue. A worker just reads the URL from the queue and starts processing it. I have to ensure that a single RSS feed does not get processed by two workers at the same time.
The article Ensuring a task is only executed one at a time suggests a Memcahced-based solution for locking the feed when it's being processed.
But what I'm trying to understand is that why do I need to use Memcached (or something else) to ensure that a message on a RabbitMQ queue not be consumed by multiple workers at the same time. Is there some configuration change in RabbitMQ (or Celery) that I can do to achieve this goal?
A single MQ message will certainly not be seen by multiple consumers in a normal working setup. You'll have to do some work for the cases involving failing/crashing workers, read up on auto-acks and message rejections, but the basic case is sound.
I don't see a synchronized queue (read: MQ) in the article you've linked, so (as far as I can tell) they're using the lock mechanism (read: memcache) to synchronize, as an alternative. And I can think of a few problems which wouldn't be there in a proper MQ setup.
As noted by others you are mixing apples and oranges.
Being a celery task and a MQ message.
You can ensure that a message will be processed by only one worker at the same time.
def my_task(
the .apply publishes a message to the message broker you are using (rabbit, redis...).
Then the message will get routed to a queue and consumed by one worker at time. you dont need locking for this, you have it for free :)
The example on the celery cookbook shows how to prevent two messages like that (my_task.apply(1)) from running at the same time, this is something you need to ensure within the task itself.
You need something which you can access from all workers of course (memcached, redis ...) as they might be running on different machines.
Mentioned example typically used for other goal: it prevents you from working with different messages with the same meaning (not the same message). Eg, I have two processes: first one puts to queue some URLs, and second one - takes URL from queue and fetch them. What will be if first process puts to queue one URL twice (or even more times)?
P.S. I use for this purpose Redis storage and setnx operation (which can set key only once).