Telegram bot not working on Heroku with no logs - python

I used Heroku free account to deploy my 3 Telegram bot using Python Telegram Bot. In each there is a sqlite DB.
From 10 days (or more) no one works. The logs is empty. I tried to deploy them again but nothing, they still not working and in the logs there is only the new deploy.
Has anything changed in Heroku or in the API?


How to set a Woocommerce webhook between my store and my server?

I have a store on woocommerce, which is hosted on a cpanel server with blue host. I want to have a webhook that triggers a python code. The code has been written and uploaded onto the server using the cgi-bin. but the webhook keeps asking for a delivery url.
I tried looking on cpanel and bluehost to see if I can assign the python code a URL. But I can't seem to do it.

Hosting a bot on AWS EB

i'm trying to deploy a python discord bot to AWS ElasticBeanstalk.
The EB deploy phase ends succesfully and my bot responds in the discord channel :
But i still have errors in the AWS logs with the healthchecker :
I'm not specialized in AWS management, i'm learning, does anyone have an idea ?
Any help will be appreciated.

How to configure Heroku to receive webhooks from GitHub?

I am trying to create a GitHub Webhook that pings a URL whenever one of my repos is updated. I want to ping my application running on Heroku, but I am not sure how to setup Heroku to accept an external webhook.
I see that Heroku can create webhooks, but I don't see if Heroku can receive a payload from a webhook.
Is this possible?
I should add, the idea would be when Heroku receives a response from the webhook, a command from the Heroku Scheduler add-on would run. So I guess the real question is if it's possible to have Heroku receive a webhook response and then run a Heroku Scheduler add-on command.

How do you run a flask api and a discord bot at the same time on heroku?

Ive created an api using discordoauth to log users in, from there i want to take their userid and check if they are under a specific role in my server. To do this i need to have a web api (using flask) and run a discord bot at the same time.
The problem lies on herokus end. When i run the program locally it workes fine. When i push to heroku, the flask app starts but the discord bot doesnt start.
I have tried to multithread the program and put the flask app on another thread. This too works only locally and not on the heroku server. There are no errors on the heroku server so im not sure whats going wrong. Im assuming it has something to do with the threading.
if __name__ == "__main__":
partial_run = partial(,debug=False,threaded=True,use_reloader=False)
t = Thread(target=partial_run)
The expected result is to have both programs running at once, instead on heroku only the flask app starts.
Locally, it works fine.

How can my bot server know INSTANTLY when someone installed the bot using Add-to-slack button?

I use microsoft bot framework and a flask based bot server in my application.
When someone installs the bot, the Botframework stores the JSON POSTed by slack, including data like SLACK_TEAM_ID, SLACK_USER_ID and BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN. Its great, that from this point whenever, an user mentions or directmessages the botuser, the Bot Framework POSTs a JSON to the flask server.
What I would like is, right when the user installs the bot, the Bot Framework does a POST call to the flask server, so that I can (say) congratulate the user for installing my bot.
In short: How to get my flask application notified as to who installs my bot as soon as they install it?
ConversationUpdate should be sent any time a bot is added to a channel with a user in it. Are you not seeing that on install?

