from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
gives this error
ValueError: You are trying to restore a checkpoint from a legacy Keras optimizer into a v2.11+ Optimizer, which can cause errors. Please update the optimizer referenced in your code to be an instance of `tf.keras.optimizers.legacy.Optimizer`, e.g.: `tf.keras.optimizers.legacy.Adam`.
This is the folder structure
This is screenshot
I am trying to convert my model to CoreML so I save my model using this code"modelcnn2.tfl")
then giving three model files as follow:
so how can convert to one graph.pb then convert to CoreMl
I use this code
import tensorflow as tf
meta_path = '/content/drive/MyDrive/check/modelcnn2.tfl.meta' # Your .meta file
output_node_names = ['0',
'19''20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28'] # Output nodes
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
# Restore the graph
saver = tf.compat.v1.train.import_meta_graph(meta_path)
# Load weights
# Freeze the graph
frozen_graph_def = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(
# Save the frozen graph
with open('output_graph.pb', 'wb') as f:
but this error appeared
KeyError: "The name 'Adam' refers to an Operation not in the graph."
so if any suggestion helps me, it is appreciated
The error is telling you exactly what the issue is.
Adam is not a supported operation. You have two options:
(1) Create a new model without an Adam layer.
(2) Implement a Custom Operators.
I noticed that assigning the keras.initializer inside a layer results in an error claiming that the variable initializers must either be wrapped in an init_scope or callable. However, I fail to see how my below use-case is different than the example provided here. Is there a workaround of this issue or am I making some obvious error in using keras initializers?
Here is the minimal example that I could come up with:
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.models import *
from keras.layers import *
from keras.optimizers import *
from tensorflow.keras import initializers
initializer_truncated_norm = initializers.TruncatedNormal(mean=0, stddev=0.02)
deconv_filter = Conv2DTranspose(3, (2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding='same', kernel_initializer=initializer_truncated_norm)(inputs_test)
model2 = Model(inputs=inputs_test, outputs=deconv_filter)
optimizer = Adam(lr=1e-4)
model2.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='mse')
Here is the exact error that I get when running such function
ValueError: Tensor-typed variable initializers must either be wrapped
in an init_scope or callable (e.g., tf.Variable(lambda : tf.truncated_normal([10, 40]))) when building functions. Please file
a feature request if this restriction inconveniences you.
I ran your example without errors. tf==2.3.1, keras==2.4.0.
Also tried it with tf==2.0 in Colab and it worked OK again. I suggest you to upgrade to the latest TF and try again.
Also change your imports from from keras to from tensorflow.keras
If still fails - post the full error stack here and version info.
thanks for your atention, I'm developing an automatic speaker recognition system using SincNet.
Ravanelli, M., & Bengio, Y. (2018, December). Speaker recognition from raw waveform with sincnet. In 2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT) (pp. 1021-1028). IEEE.
Since the network is coded in Pytorch I searched and found a Keras implementation here I adapted the code to train a Sincnet with my own data in Tensorflow 2.0, and worked fine, I saved only the weights of my trained network, my training data has shape 128,3200,1 for inputs and 128 for labels per batch
#Creates a Sincnet model with input_size=3200 (wlen), num_classes=40, fs=16000
redsinc = create_model(wlen,num_classes,fs)
#Saves only weights and stopearly callback
checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath='checkpoints/SincNetBiomex3.hdf5',verbose=1,
save_best_only=True, monitor='val_accuracy',save_weights_only=True)
stopearly = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_accuracy',patience=3,verbose=1)
callbacks = [checkpointer,stopearly]
# optimizer = RMSprop(lr=learnrate, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-8)
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=learnrate)
# Creates generator of training batches
train_generator = batchGenerator(batch_size,train_inputs,train_labels,wlen)
validinputs, validlabels = create_batches_rnd(validation_labels.shape[0],
#Compiling model and train with function fit_generator
redsinc.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
history = redsinc.fit_generator(train_generator, steps_per_epoch=N_batches, epochs = epochs,
verbose = 1, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=(validinputs,validlabels))
The problem came when I tried to evaluate the network, I didn't use the code found in, I only loaded the weights I previously saved and use the function evaluate, my test data had the shape 1200,3200,1 for the inputs and 1200 for labels.
# Create a Sincnet model and load previously saved weights
redsinc = create_model(wlen,num_clases,fs)
test_loss, test_accuracy = redsinc.evaluate(x=eval_in,y=eval_lab)
RuntimeError: You must compile your model before training/testing. Use `model.compile(optimizer,
Then I added the same compile code I used for training:
optimizer = Adam(learning_rate=0.001)
redsinc.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy'])
Then rerun the test code and got this:
WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\atenc\Anaconda3\envs\py3.7-tf2.0gpu\lib\site-
packages\tensorflow_core\python\ops\ calling
BaseResourceVariable.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops) with constraint is
deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
If using Keras pass *_constraint arguments to layers.
ValueError: A tf.Variable created inside your tf.function has been garbage-collected. Your code needs to keep Python references to variables created inside `tf.function`s.
A common way to raise this error is to create and return a variable only referenced inside your function:
def f():
v = tf.Variable(1.0)
return v
v = f() # Crashes with this error message!
The reason this crashes is that #tf.function annotated function returns a **`tf.Tensor`** with the **value** of the variable when the function is called rather than the variable instance itself. As such there is no code holding a reference to the `v` created inside the function and Python garbage collects it.
The simplest way to fix this issue is to create variables outside the function and capture them:
v = tf.Variable(1.0)
def f():
return v
f() # <tf.Tensor: ... numpy=1.>
f() # <tf.Tensor: ... numpy=2.>
I don't understand the error since I've evaluated other networks with the same function and never got any problems. Then I decided to use predict function to match predicted labels with correct labels and obtain all metrics with my own code but I got another error.
# Create a Sincnet model and load previously saved weights
redsinc = create_model(wlen,num_clases,fs)
print('Model loaded')
#Predict labels with test data
predict_labels = redsinc.predict(eval_in)
Error while reading resource variable _AnonymousVar212 from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Resource localhost/_AnonymousVar212/class tensorflow::Var does not exist.
[[node sinc_conv1d/concat_104/ReadVariableOp (defined at \Users\atenc\Anaconda3\envs\py3.7-tf2.0gpu\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_core\python\framework\ ]] [Op:__inference_keras_scratch_graph_13649]
Function call stack:
I hope someone can tell me what these errors mean and how to solve them, I've searched for solutions to them but most of the solutions I've found don't seem related to my problem so I can't apply those solutions. I'm guessing the errors are caused by the Sincnet layer code, because it is a custom coded layer. The code for Sincnet layer can be found in the github repository in the file
I appreciate all help I can get, again thank you for your atention.
You should downgrade your tf and keras version, it works to me when I faced the same problem.
Try this keras==2.1.6; tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1
I'm trying to prune a pre-trained model: MobileNetV2 and I got this error. Tried searching online and couldn't understand. I'm running on Google Colab.
These are my imports.
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_model_optimization as tfmot
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from tensorflow import keras
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tempfile
import zipfile
This is my code.
model_1 = keras.Sequential([
prune_low_magnitude = tfmot.sparsity.keras.prune_low_magnitude
pruning_params = {
'pruning_schedule': tfmot.sparsity.keras.PolynomialDecay(initial_sparsity=0.50,
model_2 = prune_low_magnitude(model_1, **pruning_params)
This is the error i get.
---> 12 model_2 = prune_low_magnitude(model, **pruning_params)
ValueError: Please initialize `Prune` with a supported layer. Layers should either be a `PrunableLayer` instance, or should be supported by the PruneRegistry. You passed: <class ''>
I believe you are following Pruning in Keras Example and jumped into Fine-tune pre-trained model with pruning section without setting your prunable layers. You have to reinstantiate model and set layers you wish to set as prunable. Follow this guide for further information on how to set prunable layers.
I faced the same issue with:
tensorflow version: 2.2.0
Just updating the version of tensorflow to 2.3.0 solved the issue, I think Tensorflow added support to this feature in 2.3.0.
One thing I found is that the experimental preprocessing I added to my model was throwing this error. I had this at the beginning of my model to help add some more training samples but the keras pruning code doesn't like subclassed models like this. Similarly, the code doesn't like the experimental preprocessing like I have with centering of the image. Removing the preprocessing from the model solved the issue for me.
def classificationModel(trainImgs, testImgs):
L2_lambda = 0.01
data_augmentation = tf.keras.Sequential(
[ layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomFlip("horizontal", input_shape=IM_DIMS),
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(layers.experimental.preprocessing.Rescaling(1./255, input_shape=IM_DIMS))
Saving the model as below and reloading worked for me.
_, keras_file = tempfile.mkstemp('.h5')
tf.keras.models.save_model(model, keras_file, include_optimizer=False)
print('Saved baseline model to:', keras_file)
Had the same problem today, its the following error.
If you don't want the layer to be pruned or don't care for it, you can use this code to only prune the prunable layers in a model:
from tensorflow_model_optimization.python.core.sparsity.keras import prunable_layer
from tensorflow_model_optimization.python.core.sparsity.keras import prune_registry
def apply_pruning_to_prunable_layers(layer):
if isinstance(layer, prunable_layer.PrunableLayer) or hasattr(layer, 'get_prunable_weights') or prune_registry.PruneRegistry.supports(layer):
return tfmot.sparsity.keras.prune_low_magnitude(layer)
print("Not Prunable: ", layer)
return layer
model_for_pruning = tf.keras.models.clone_model(
I have built a model using the functional API from Keras, and when I am adding the tensorboard instance to my callbacks in my function, it throws an Error: "AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'run_eagerly'"
The Model class does indeed not have an attribute run_eagerly, but in the Keras doc, it says that it can be passed as parameter to the model.compile() function. This returns
"ValueError: ('Some keys in session_kwargs are not supported at this time: %s', dict_keys(['run_eagerly']))"
Does this mean I don't have a suitable version of Tensorflow/Keras?
Tensorflow: 1.14.0
Keras: 2.2.4-tf
model = Model(inputs=[input_ant1, input_ant2], outputs=main_output)
tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir='.logs/'.format(time()))
[...][input1, input2],[labels], epochs=10, callbacks=[tensorboard])
I got the same error : AttributeError: 'Model' object has no attribute 'run_eagerly'
After two minor changes my tensorboard is running now.
make sure you import tensorboard as follows:
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
change the log dir like this:
tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir="logs")
I got same error message when I use:
from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
I fix it with by importing the same as:
from keras.callbacks.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint