I would like to make a 2d array of even distribution of complex numbers, a part of complex plane, for example (-1, 1i), (-1, -1i), (1, 1i), (1, -1i) with 20 numbers in each dimension.
I know I can do this for complex numbers in 1 d with np.linspace like this:
import numpy as np
complex_array = np.linspace(0, complex(1, 1), num = 11)
[0. +0.j, 0.1+0.1j, 0.2+0.2j, 0.3+0.3j, 0.4+0.4j,
0.5+0.5j, 0.6+0.6j, 0.7+0.7j, 0.8+0.8j, 0.9+0.9j, 1. +1.j ]
But I can't get my head around how to produce this in two dimensions to get a part of a complex plane?
Some somewhat similar questions mention np.mgrid, but the examples are with reals and I would like the array to contain dtype=complex so my math keeps simple.
Maybe I am just missing something, and perhaps just a simple example would explain a lot..
There is no magic about complex numbers - they are simply a way to express a two dimensional space. You could use np.meshgrid (see here) to define a two dimensional Cartesian grid and then combine the coordinates into complex numbers.
Create vectors which will span the two dimensional grid (or complex plane)
real_points = np.linspace(0,1,num=11)
imag_points = np.linspace(0,1,num=11)
Create 2-D coordinate arrays
real_grid, imag_grid = np.meshgrid(real_points, imag_points)
Combine into complex array:
complex_array = real_grid + imag_grid * 1j
This produces a 11x11 complex128 array.
You can use broadcasting to do that. For example:
result = np.linspace(0, 1j, num = 11).reshape(-1, 1) + np.linspace(0, 1, num = 11)
Using meshgrid also works but it is likely slower:
a, b = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 1, num = 11), np.linspace(0, 1j, num = 11))
result = a + b
i have an array y with shape (n,), I want to compute the inner product matrix, which is a n * n matrix
However, when I tried to do it in Python
np.dot(y , y)
I got the answer n, this is not what I am looking for
I have also tried:
np.dot(y, np.transpose(y))
I always get the same answer n
I think you are looking for:
or equally:
y = y[None,:]
y = np.array([1,2,3])[None,:]
#[[1 2 3]
# [2 4 6]
# [3 6 9]]
You can try to reshape y from shape (70,) to (70,1) before multiplying the 2 matrices.
# Reshape
y = y.reshape(70,1)
# Either below code would work
np.dot(a[:, None], a[None, :])
transpose doesn't work on 1-D arrays, because you need atleast two axes to 'swap' them. This solution adds a new axis to the array; in the first argument, it looks like a column vector and has two axes; in the second argument it still looks like a row vector but has two axes.
Looks like what you need is the # matrix multiplication operator. dot method is only to compute dot product between vectors, what you want is matrix multiplication.
>>> a = np.random.rand(70, 1)
>>> (a # a.T).shape
(70, 70)
Above answer is incorrect. dot does the same things if the array is 2D. See the docs here.
np.dot computes the dot product of two arrays. Specifically,
If both a and b are 1-D arrays, it is inner product of vectors (without complex conjugation).
If both a and b are 2-D arrays, it is matrix multiplication, but using matmul or a # b is preferred.
Simplest way to do what you want is to convert the vector to a matrix first using np.matrix and then using the #. Although, dot can also be used # is better because conventionally dot is used for vectors and # for matrices.
>>> a = np.random.rand(70)
>>> a.shape
>>> a = np.matrix(a).T
>>> a.shape
(70, 1)
>>> (a # a.T).shape
(70, 70)
So I am a little new to using matrices in Python, and I am looking for the best way to perform the following operation.
Say I have a vector of an arbitrary length, like this:
data = np.array(range(255))
And I want to fit this data inside a matrix with a shape like so:
concept = np.zeros((3, 9, 6))
Now, obviously this will not fit, and results in an error:
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 255 into shape (3,9,6)
What would be the best way to go about fitting as much of the data vector inside the first matrix with the shape (3, 9, 6) while making sure any "overflow" is stored in a second (or third, fourth, etc.) matrix?
Does this make sense?
Basically, I want to be able to take a vector of any size and produce an arbitrary amount of matrices that have the data shaped according to the 3, 9, 6 dimensions.
Thank you for your help.
def each_matrix(a, dims):
size = dims.prod()
padded = np.concatenate([ a, np.zeros(size-1) ])
for i in range(len(padded) / size):
yield padded[i*size : (i+1)*size].reshape(dims)
for matrix in each_matrix(np.array(range(255)),
dims=np.array([ 3, 9, 6 ])):
print(str(matrix) + '\n\n-------\n')
This will fill the last matrix with zeros.
Here is a rough solution to your problem.
def split_padded(a,n):
padding = n - len(data)%n
numOfsplit = int(len(data)/n)+1
print padding, numOfsplit
return np.split(np.concatenate((a,np.zeros(padding))),numOfsplit)
data = np.array(range(255))
splitnum = 3*9*6
splitdata = split_padded(data,splitnum)
for mat in splitdata:
print mat.reshape(3,9,6)
It is very rough and works for 1D input for array.
First, calculating the number of 0 we need to pad in padding and then calculating the number of matrices we can get out of input data in numOfsplit and doing the splitting in last line.
I want to compute the sum product along one dimension of two multidimensional arrays, using Theano.
I'll describe precisely what I want to do using numpy first. numpy.tensordot and numpy.dot seem to always do a matrix product, whereas I'm in essence looking for a batched equivalent of a vector product. Given x and y, I want to compute z like so:
x = np.random.normal(size=(200, 2, 2, 1000))
y = np.random.normal(size=(200, 2, 2))
# this is how I now approach it:
z = np.sum(y[:,:,:,np.newaxis] * x, axis=1)
# z is of shape (200, 2, 1000)
Now I know that numpy.einsum would probably be able to help me here, but again, I want to do this particular computation in Theano, which does not have an einsum equivalent. I will need to use dot, tensordot, or Theano's specialized einsum subset functions batched_dot or batched_tensordot.
The reason I'm looking to change my approach to this is performance; I suspect that using builtin (CUDA) dot products will be faster than relying on broadcasting, element-wise product, and sum.
In Theano, none of the dimensions of three and four dimensional tensors are broadcastable. You have to explicitly set them. Then the Numpy principles will work just fine. One way to do this is to use T.patternbroadcast. To read more about broadcasting, refer this.
You have three dimensions in one of the tensors. So first you need to append a singleton dimension at the end and then make that dimension broadcastable. These two things can be achieved with a single command - T.shape_padaxis. The entire code is as follows:
import theano
from theano import tensor as T
import numpy as np
X = T.ftensor4('X')
Y = T.ftensor3('Y')
Y_broadcast = T.shape_padaxis(Y, axis=-1) # appending extra dimension and making it
# broadcastable
Z = T.sum((X*Y_broadcast), axis=1) # element-wise multiplication
f = theano.function([X, Y], Z, allow_input_downcast=True)
# Making sure that it works and gives correct results
x = np.random.normal(size=(3, 2, 2, 4))
y = np.random.normal(size=(3, 2, 2))
theano_result = f(x,y)
numpy_result = np.sum(y[:,:,:,np.newaxis] * x, axis=1)
print np.amax(theano_result - numpy_result) # prints 2.7e-7 on my system, close enough!
I hope this helps.
I'm quite new to Python and Numpy, so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious here.
I have a function that solves a system of 2 differential equations :
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
def solve_ode(x0, a0, beta, t):
At = np.array([[0.23*t, (-10**5)*t], [0, -beta*t]], dtype=np.float32)
# get eigenvalues and eigenvectors
evals, V = la.eig(At)
Vi = la.inv(V)
# get e^At coeff
eAt = V # np.exp(evals) # Vi
xt = eAt*x0
return xt
However, running it with this code :
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# initial values
x0 = 10**6
a0 = 2.5
beta = 0.05
t = np.linspace(0, 3600, 360)
plt.semilogy(t, solve_ode(x0, a0, beta, t))
... throws this error :
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
At this line :
At = np.array([[0.23*t, (-10**5)*t], [0, -beta*t]], dtype=np.float32)
Note that t and beta are supposed to be floats. I think Python might not be able to infer this but I don't know how I could do this...
Thx in advance for your help.
You are supplying t as a numpy array of shape 360 from linspace and not simply a float. The resulting At numpy array you are trying to create is then ill formed as all columns must be the same length. In python there is an important difference between lists and numpy arrays. For example, you could do what you have here as a list of lists, e.g.
At = [[0.23*t, (-10**5)*t], [0, -beta*t]]
with dimensions [[360 x 360] x [1 x 360]].
Alternatively, if all elements of At are the length of t the array would work,
At = np.array([[0.23*t, (-10**5)*t], [t, -beta*t]], dtype=np.float32)
with shape [2, 2, 360].
When you give a list or a list of lists, or in this case, a list of list of listss, all of them should have the same length, so that numpy can automatically infer the dimensions (shape) of the resulting matrix.
In your example, it's all correctly put, except the part you put 0 as a column I guess. Not sure what to call it though, cause your expected output is a cube I suppose.
You can fix it by giving the correct number of zeros as bellow:
At = np.array([[0.23*t, (-10**5)*t], [np.zeros(len(t)), -beta*t]], dtype=np.float32)
But check the .shape of the resulting array, and make sure it's what you want.
As others note the problem is the 0 in the inner list. It doesn't match the 360 length arrays generated by the other expressions. np.array can make an object dtype array from that (2x2), but can't make a float one.
At = np.array([[0.23*t, (-10**5)*t], [0*t, -beta*t]])
produces a (2,2,360) array. But I suspect the rest of that function is built around the assumption that At is (2,2) - a 2d square array with eig, inv etc.
What is the return xt supposed to be?
Does this work?
S = np.array([solve_ode(x0, a0, beta, i) for i in t])
giving a 1d array with the same number of values as in t?
I'm not suggesting this is the fastest way of solving the problem, but it's the simplest, especially if you are only generating 360 values.
I think I missed something somewhere. I filled a numpy array using two for loops (x and y) and a function based on the x,y position. The only problem is that the value of the array always ends in zero irregardless of the size of the array.
thetamap = numpy.zeros(36, dtype=float)
thetamap.shape = (6, 6)
for y in range(0,5):
for x in range(0,5):
thetamap[x][y] = x+y
print thetamap
range(0, 5) produces 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The endpoint is always omitted. You want simply range(6).
Better yet, use the awesome power of NumPy to make the array in one line:
thetamap = np.arange(6) + np.arange(6)[:,None]
This makes a row vector and a column vector, then adds them together using NumPy broadcasting to make a matrix.