Python - How to find the point where the slope of contour changes? - python

I have found the contour of the object through the function cv2.findContours and I want to know the coordinates where the contour changes slope relative to its front points, here I want that to be the starting point of the upper fin. . I would really appreciate it if you could give me a suitable suggestion. I hope you like this question
my input image : input image
image after apply threshold with value 195 : apply threshold
and i expect the result in like this : result

Perhaps you could try something like - maybe the resultant graph could have features indicating the location of the fin


How to transform the "multi_hand_landmarks" to "numpy array"?

I've been working on a program for hand pose recognition with Python.And there is an class named "multi_hand_landmarks" , which contains 21 3D hand-knuckle coordinates.Each coordinates is showed like this:
enter image description here
Now I'm going to calculate the coordinates of the midpoint between two joints,but I've failed to transform these data to any other type,here is my problem.
It's solved.I used to consider the "landmark" as List,but actually not.
If you want to get the x-coordinate of a joint,you should code like this:
hand_feature= hander.process(img)
for landmark in hand_feature.multi_hand_landmarks:
x=landmark.landmark[0].x # You can replace the "0" with any number you want
It's extremely a pain in the ass that we should code "landmark.landmark[0].x" rather than "landmark[0].x" !

Python OpenCV - perspective transformation issues

I'm writing a script to process an image and extract a PDF417 2D barcode, which will then be decoded. I'm extracting the ROI without problems, but when I try to correct the perspective using cv2.warpPerspective, the result is not as expected.
The following is the extracted barcode, the red dots are the detected corners:
This is the resulting image:
This is the code I'm using for the transformation (the values are found by the script, but for the previous images are as follow):
box_or = np.float32([[23, 30],[395, 23],[26, 2141],[389, 2142]])
box_fix = np.float32([[0,0],[415,0],[0,2159],[415,2159]])
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(box_or,box_fix)
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(cols,rows))
I've checked and I don't find anything wrong with the code, yet the transformation is definitely wrong. The amount of perspective distortion in the extracted ROI is minimum, but may affect the decoding process.
So, is there a way to get rid of the perspective distortion? Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known bug or something? Any help is very much welcome.
BTW, I'm using OpenCV 3.3.0
It looks like you're giving the image coordinates as (y, x). I know the interpretation of coordinates varies within OpenCV.
In the homography example code they provide the coordinates as (x,y) - at least based on their use of 'h' and 'w' in this snippet:
h,w = img1.shape
pts = np.float32([ [0,0],[0,h-1],[w-1,h-1],[w-1,0] ]).reshape(-1,1,2)
dst = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pts,M)
So try providing the coordinates as (x,y) to both getPerspectiveTransform and warpPerspective.

cv2.HoughLinesP on a skeletonized image

I am trying to detect lines in a certain image. I run it through a skeletonization process before applying the cv2.HoughLinesP. I used the skeletonization code here.
No matter what I try I keep getting results similar to what is described here i.e. 'only fragments of a line..'
As suggested by Jiby, I use the named notation for the parameters and also high rho and theta, but to no avail.
Here is my code:
lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(skel, rho=5, theta=np.deg2rad(10), threshold=0, minLineLength=0, maxLineGap=0)
Prior to this I threshold a RGB image to extract most of my 'blue' hollow rectangle. Then I convert it to gray scale which I then feed to the skeletonizer.
Please advise.

exact position of match with OpenCV ORB matcher

I have built a simple algorithm for visual mark detection with OpenCV on Python, that uses their ORB detector as the second step. I use ORB with the BFmatcher, the code is borrowed from this project:
The detection part in the code looks like this:
# find the keypoints and descriptors for object
kp_o, des_o = orb.detectAndCompute(obj,None)
if len(kp_o) == 0 or des_o == None: continue
# match descriptors
matches = bf.match(des_r,des_o)
Then there is a check on the number of feature matches, so it can tell if there is a match between the template image and the query. The question is: if yes, how do I get exact position and rotation angle of the found match?
The position is already known at this step. It is stored in variables x and y. To find the rotation, blur both template and the source, then either generate 360 rotated representations of the blurred template and then find the one that has the smallest difference with the region of interest or convert both images to polar coordinates and try to shift one of the images to achieve the best math (the shift will be the angle you want to rotate by).

Image warping with scikit-image and transform.PolynomialTransform

I attach a zip archive with all the files needed to illustrate and reproduce the problem.
(I don't have permissions to upload images yet...)
I have an image (test2.png in the zip archive ) with curved lines.
I try to warp it so the lines are straight.
I thought of using scikit-image transform, and in particular transform.PolynomialTransform because the transformation involves high order distortions.
So first I measure the precise position of each line at regular intervals in x to define the input interest points (in the file source_test2.csv).
Then I compute the corresponding desired positions, located along a straight line (in the file destination_test2.csv).
The figure correspondence.png shows how it looks like.
Next, I simply call transform.PolynomialTransform() using a polynomial of order 3.
It finds a solution, but when I apply it using transform.warp(), the result is crazy, as illustrated in the file Crazy_Warped.png
Anybody can tell what I am doing wrong?
I tried polynomial of order 2 without luck...
I managed to get a good transformation for a sub-image (the first 400 columns only).
Is transform.PolynomialTransform() completely unstable in a case like mine?
Here is the entire code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import asciitable
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
from skimage import io, transform
# read image
# read tables with reference points and their desired transformed positions"source_test2.csv")"destination_test2.csv")
# format as numpy.arrays as required by scikit-image
# (need to add 1 because I started to count positions from 0...)
# Plot
plt.imshow(orig, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
# Compute the transformation
t = transform.PolynomialTransform()
# Warping the image
img_warped = transform.warp(orig, t, order=2, mode='constant',cval=float('nan'))
# Show the result
plt.imshow(img_warped, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
# Save as a file
Thanks in advance!
There are a couple of things wrong here, mainly they have to do with coordinate conventions. For example, if we examine the code where you plot the original image, and then put the clicked point on top of it:
plt.imshow(orig, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
(I've taken out the destination points to make it cleaner) then we get the following image:
As you can see, the y-axis is flipped, if we invert the y-axis with:
source[:,1] = orig.shape[0] - source[:,1]
before plotting, then we get the following:
So that is the first problem (don't forget to invert the destination points as well), the second has to do with the transform itself:
From the documentation we see that the call takes the source points first, then the destination points. So the order of those arguments should be flipped.
Lastly, the clicked points are of the form (x,y), but the image is stored as (y,x), so we have to transpose the image before applying the transform and then transpose back again:
img_warped = transform.warp(orig.transpose(), t, order=2, mode='constant',cval=float('nan'))
img_warped = img_warped.transpose()
When you make these changes, you get the following warped image:
These lines aren't perfectly flat but it makes much more sense.
Thank you very much for the detailed answer! I cannot believe I did not see the axis inversion problem... Thanks for catching it!
But I am afraid your final solution does not solve my problem... The image you get is still crazy. It should be continuous, no have such big holes and weird distortions... (see final solution below)
I found I could get a reasonable solution using RANSAC:
from skimage.measure import ransac
t, inliers = ransac((destination,source), transform.PolynomialTransform, min_samples=20,residual_threshold=1.0, max_trials=1000)
outliers = inliers == False
I then get the following result
Note that I think I was right using (destination,source) in that order! I think it has to do with the fact that transform.warp requires the inverse_map as input for the transformation object, not the forward map. But maybe I am wrong? The good result I am getting suggest it's correct.
I guess that Polynomial transforms are too unstable, and using RANSAC allows to get a reasonable solution.
My problem was then to find a way to change the polynomial order in the RANSAC call...
transform.PolynomialTransform() does not take any parameters, and uses by default a 2nd order polynomial, but from the result I can see I would need a 3rd or 4th order polynomial.
So I opened a new question, and got a solution from Stefan van der Walt. Follow the link to see how to do it.
Thanks again for your help!

