I cannot delete a file with python - python

First off I am not too familiar with python and still currently learning also its my first time ever posting here so sorry if I am mess up with some details.
I am running experiments, and need to run multiple replicates. The issue arises when I need to start a new set of replicates, the program moves the already run experiments into a new folder and is then suppose to start the new replicates. However, what happens only on the last experiment, the environment.cfg folder is not transferred and the program crashes.
from os import listdir,chdir
import subprocess
from random import randrange,sample
from shutil import copy,copytree,rmtree
from os import mkdir,remove
import csv
import time
import shutil
test = input("Is this a test? (y/n)")
if test == "y":
text = input("What are you testing?")
testdoc=open("Testing Documentation.txt","a")
elif test != "y" and test != "n":
print("Please type in y or n")
test = input("Is this a test? (y/n)")
expnum = int(input("Number of Experiments: "))
exptype = int(input("Which experiment do you want to run? (1/2)"))
repnum= int(input("How many replicates do you want?"))
print(f"You want {repnum} replicates, each replicate will contain {expnum} for a total of {repnum*expnum}")
confirm = input("Is this correct? (y/n)")
if confirm == "y":
for rep in range(repnum):
if exptype == 1:
for ex in range (expnum):
num= ex + 1
mkdir('experiment_'+str(num)) #create a directory named cdir
copy('./default_files/environment.cfg','./experiment_'+str(num)+'/environment.cfg') #copy one file from one place to another
env_file = open('./experiment_'+str(num)+'/environment.cfg','r')
env_file_content = []
for i in env_file:
env_file_content.append(i.split(' '))
#env_file_content = [['a','b'],['c','d']]
#access first line: env_file_content[0] ; note that index in python start from 0
#access first element in second line: env_file_content[1][0] ; note that index in python start from 0
n = num #number of resources
var0 = '100' #resource inflow
var1 = '0.01' #resource outflow
var3 = '1' # The minimum amount of resource required
reactiontype = ['not','nand','and','orn','or','andn','nor','xor','equ']
reward = ["1.0","1.0","2.0","2.0","4.0","4.0","8.0","8.0","16.0"]
#n = sample(range(10),1)[0]
out = open('./experiment_'+str(num)+'/environment.cfg','w')
for i in range(n):
out.write('RESOURCE res'+str(i)+':inflow='+var0+':outflow='+var1+'\n')
for i in range(n):
out.write('REACTION reaction'+str(i)+' '+reactiontype[sc]+' process:resource=res'+str(i)+':value='+reward[sc]+':min='+var3+ '\n')
if sc==len(reactiontype):
sc = 0
##RUN Avida from python
copy('./experiment_' + str(num) + '/environment.cfg', './')
print("starting experiment_" + str(num))
proc = subprocess.Popen(['./avida'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
# Wait for the subprocess to finish
output, error = proc.communicate()
# Close the subprocess
shutil.move('./data','./experiment_' +str(num))
#copytree('./data', './experiment_' + str(num) + '/data')
replicatenum = rep + 1
mkdir('replicate_'+str(replicatenum)) #create a directory named replicate_
for repl in range(expnum):
numb = repl + 1
source = './experiment_'+str(numb)
dest = './replicate_' + str(replicatenum) + '/experiment_' + str(numb)
shutil.move(source, dest)
I tried renaming the folder, however that also failed. The issue seems only to arise when the program is running as taking the same code after the program has crashed, will cause no problems.


Problem Importing and Writing a Float to a Text File on Interval

I am making a Python program that simulates a stock market for Zer0 Coin (ZRC). Basically, every 2 seconds the program will get a new "token" that is usually around 0.8 to 1.2. The token is written to Token.txt every time it generates a new one to save it. When the program starts, it should import it for use.
I am having problems writing and importing the text file because it needs to be written as a float and imported as a float. I am new to text files in Python, so I kind of threw together a lot of file stuff and it didn't work. I would like to know how to import a float from a text file. I also need to know how to replace the previous text file number with a new one every 2 seconds. I tried to do this, and it kept writing a ton of spaces before the number, preventing it from importing as a float the next time I ran it.
It should be able to run multiple times, using the last "token" from the previous run.
The Token.py file will start out as just 1.0.
ComputerInvest.py File
import time
import random
import decimal
userUSD = 0
tokenInterval = 2
def user():
print('Running as User...\n')
userUSD = input('USD Input: ')
ZRC = int(userUSD)
print('USD: ' + str(userUSD) + ' is now equal to ZRC: ' + str(ZRC))
def invest(ZRCl):
global token
seconds = int(input('\nRepeat for time (seconds): '))
print('Running Investment...\n\n')
tokenFW = open(r"Token.txt","r+")
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < seconds:
upordown = random.randint(0,5)
step = float(decimal.Decimal(random.randrange(0,10000))/1000000000)
if upordown == 1 or upordown == 2:
token = token + step
elif upordown == 4 or upordown == 5:
token = token - step
elif upordown == 3:
ZRCl = ZRCl * token
ZRCf = format(ZRCl, ".4f")
print('Token: ' + str(token))
print('New ZRC Amount: ' + str(ZRCf) + '\n')
print('Investment End')
print('Final New ZRC Amount: ' + ZRCf)
tokenF = open(r"Token.txt","r")
token = float(tokenF.read())
I am also kind of new to StackOverflow, so if I did something wrong please tell me.
The problem is that you're writing the token multiple times in a loop while the file is still open and in use by the program. I'd suggest making use of a with statement instead of using the file close() method (which commits the changes/writing). The with statement will keep the file open only until the commands complete, then close and save automatically.
def invest(ZRCl):
global token
seconds = int(input('\nRepeat for time (seconds): '))
print('Running Investment...\n\n')
tokenFW = 'Token.txt'
start = time.time()
while time.time() - start < seconds:
upordown = random.randint(0,5)
step = float(decimal.Decimal(random.randrange(0,10000))/1000000000)
if upordown == 1 or upordown == 2:
token = token + step
elif upordown == 4 or upordown == 5:
token = token - step
elif upordown == 3:
ZRCl = ZRCl * token
ZRCf = format(ZRCl, ".4f")
with open(tokenFW, 'w') as f:
print('Token: ' + str(token))
print('New ZRC Amount: ' + str(ZRCf) + '\n')
print('Investment End')
print('Final New ZRC Amount: ' + ZRCf)
with open(r'Token.txt', 'r') as f:
token = float(f.read())

Why does this for-loop paralellization doesn't work in Python?

I need to navigate across 10,000 folders, collect some data from each folder, add it to 3 containers (c18, c17, c16, 3 initially empty lists each of which will be populated with 10,000 numbers) and it would take forever without parallellization.
My aim is to iterate through all folders with a for-loop (for i in range(10000)) and append 3 values extracted from each folder to c18, c17, c16 respectively, at each iteration of the for-loop.
I also want to display a progress bar - to know roughly how long would it take.
I have never parallelized a loop before or included a progress bar. I have tried to use SO. After reading some answers, I got to the point at which I wrote:
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
pool.imap(funct, tqdm.tqdm(range(len(a0s))) # or pool.map(funct, tqdm.tqdm(range(len(a0s))))
len(a0s) yields 10,000.
The function funct is def funct(i): and does what I wrote above: for a given folder defined using the for-loop variable i (current iteration number), it does the job of extracting 3 values and appending them to c18, c17, c16.
I am calling pool.imap(funct, tqdm.tqdm(range(len(a0s))) inside a main() function and at the end of the .py script I wrote :
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am importing:
import processing
import tqdm
However, all the above doesn't work.
How shall I proceed? Any help is welcomed.
a0s = np.loadtxt("Intensity_Wcm2_versus_a0_10_21_10_23_range.txt", usecols=(1,)) # has 10,000 entries
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4)
top_folder_path = os.getcwd()
base_path = top_folder_path + "/a0_"
for i in range(len(a0s)):
results_folder = base_path + "{:.4f}".format(a0s[i])
if os.path.isdir(results_folder):
S = happi.Open(".")
pbb = S.ParticleBinning(0).get() # charge states diagnostic
c18.append(pbb['data'][-1][-1]) # first -1 is for last timestep recorded by diagnostic, second -1 is for last charge state (bare ions, Ar18+)
print("We have done the folder number: " + str(i) + " out of: " + str(len(a0s)))
def funct(i):
results_folder = base_path + "{:.4f}".format(a0s[i])
if os.path.isdir(results_folder):
S = happi.Open(".")
pbb = S.ParticleBinning(0).get() # charge states diagnosti
c18_val = pbb['data'][-1][-1]
c17_val = pbb['data'][-1][-2]
c16_val = pbb['data'][-1][-3]
def main():
pool.imap(funct, tqdm(range(len(a0s))))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here's a template for multiple progress bars and multiprocessing. Hope it helps. I set it up to expect to be updated 10 times in each process and added a sleep to be the parallelized "work".
import multiprocessing as mp
import tqdm
import time
from itertools import repeat
def funct(lock,i):
with lock:
bar = tqdm.tqdm(position=i,total=10,leave=False,ncols=100)
for _ in range(10):
return i*2
def main():
lock = mp.Manager().Lock()
with mp.Pool() as pool:
result = pool.starmap(funct, zip(repeat(lock),range(8)))
if __name__ == '__main__':

Getting Python code to call a PowerShell script and run it

I could really use some help on this python script that is to call and run existing PowerShell scripts that are in a specific folder. From want I can see on from many of the articles on this site I've read my code seems correct. First a little background I'm trying to write a python script that will take Powershell scripts in a targeted folder and create a menu that can be selected 1, 2, 3 etc. The use makes the selection and that corresponding Powershell script is run. Now the issue is when I place the code on a server and run it with some test PowerShell scripts I get the following error: The term "Filename.ps1" is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. And of course the Powershell scripts won't run. A copy of my code is below. Can anyone see any issue.
## ENOC Text Menu Dynamic test
##version 1
## Created By MTDL Marcus Dixon
## Code produce in Notpad++ For python v3.4.4
import os, subprocess, time, pathlib, logging, fnmatch,
re, sys, io
## Directory Enumerator
fileFolderLocationFilter = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir
\ENScripts\\'), "*.ps1")
## Menu defined setting veriables
def ENOC_menu():
files = fileFolderLocationFilter
counter = 1
print (20 * "=" , "Enoc Quick Menu" , 20 * "=")
enumFiles = list(enumerate(files))
for counter, value in enumFiles:
str = repr(counter) + ") " + repr(value);
str = repr(counter+1) + ") Exit";
print (57 * "_")
str = "Enter your choice [1 - " + repr((counter+1))
+ "]:"
choice = int(input("Please Enter a Selection: "))
selectedFiles = enumFiles[choice]
if choice > counter :
choice = -1
elif choice != counter :
print("Please selecte a valid choice")
selectedFiles = enumFiles[choice]
##selectedFiles = selectedFiles[1]
return choice
##initiating loop
loop = True
while loop:
choice = ENOC_menu()
scriptToRun = choice
powershell = 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\
print ('\n' +'You selected '+ choice
subprocess.call(powershell + ' ' +
choice, shell=True)
except OSError as err:
logger.error(err) ##continue to work on
logging this renders but may be incorrect.
print ('OS error: {0}' .format(err))
except ValueError:
print ('Oops we had an issue try again')
print ('---' + choice + '---' + '\n')

Checking if a file exists in Python 2.7

I am using a simple python script to search and play songs on my laptop. The code goes as follows :-
import os
d_name = raw_input("enter drive name:-")
choice = raw_input("song or video(s/v):-")
if(choice == 's'):
s_name = raw_input("enter song name:- ")
flag = 1
s_name = raw_input("enter video name:-")
flag = 2
if(flag == 1):
f_s_name = "start "+d_name+":/"+s_name+".mp3"
elif(flag == 2):
f_s_name = "start "+d_name+":/"+s_name+".mp4"
dir_list = os.listdir("d_name:/")
if(flag == 1):
f_s_name = "start "+d_name+":/"+dir_list[i]+"/"+s_name+".mp3"
elif(flag == 2):
f_s_name = "start "+d_name+":/"+dir_list[i]+"/"+s_name+".mp4"
i = i+1
the above program works fine but when one of the calls to the function os.system() fails until the required condition matches it pops out a dialog box claiming that the song is not there until it is found. How can i prevent popping up of that dialog box?
You'd use os.path.exists to test whether the file you're about to start actually exists; if it is not found, do not try to start that file:
import os
filename = '{}:/{}/{}.mp3'.format(d_name, dir_list[i], s_name)
if os.path.exists(filename):
system('start ' + filename)
print "File {} was not found".format(filename)

Python program crashing

So I've designed a program that runs on a computer, looks for particular aspects of files that have been plaguing us, and deletes the files if a flag is passed. Unfortunately the program seems to be almost-randomly shutting down/crashing. I say almost-randomly, because the program always exits after it deletes a file, though it will commonly stay up after a success.
I've run a parallel Python program that counts upwards in the same intervals, but does nothing else. This program does not crash/exit, and stays open.
Is there perhaps a R/W access issue? I am running the program as administrator, so I'm not sure why that would be the case.
Here's the code:
import glob
import os
import time
import stat
import logging
import datetime
runTimes = 0
currentPhp = 0
output = 0
output2 = 0
while runTimes >= 0:
#Cycles through .php files
openedProg = glob.glob('*.php')
openedProg = openedProg[currentPhp:currentPhp+1]
progInput = ''.join(openedProg)
if progInput != '':
theBot = open(progInput,'r')
#Singles out "$output" on this particular line and closes the process
readLines = theBot.readlines()
wholeLine = (readLines[-4])
output = wholeLine[4:11]
#Singles out "set_time_limit(0)"
wholeLine2 = (readLines[0])
output2 = wholeLine2[6:23]
if progInput == '':
currentPhp = -1
#Kills the program if it matches the code
currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()
if output == '$output':
os.chmod(progInput, stat.S_IWRITE)
logging.warning(str(currentTime) +' ' + progInput + ' has been deleted. Please search for a faux httpd.exe process and kill it.')
currentPhp = 0
if output2 == 'set_time_limit(0)':
os.chmod(progInput, stat.S_IWRITE)
logging.warning(str(currentTime) +' ' + progInput + ' has been deleted. Please search for a faux httpd.exe process and kill it.')
currentPhp = 0
currentPhp = currentPhp + 1
#Prints the number of cycles
runTimes = runTimes + 1
logging.warning((str(currentTime) + ' botKiller2.0 has scanned '+ str(runTimes) + ' times.'))
print('botKiller3.0 has scanned ' + str(runTimes) + ' times.')
Firstly, it'll be hell of a lot easier to work out what's going on if you base your code around something like this...
for fname in glob.glob('*.php'):
with open(fname) as fin:
lines = fin.readlines()
if '$output' in lines[-4] or 'set_time_limit(0)' in lines[0]:
except IOError as e:
print "Couldn't remove:", fname
And err, that's not actually a secondly at the moment, your existing code is just too tricky to follow fullstop, let alone all the bits that could cause a strange error that we don't know yet!
if os.path.exists(progInput):
os.chmod(progInput, stat.S_IWRITE)
You never reset the output or output2 variables in the loop?
is this on purpose?

