I'm getting the error:
ClientError: Invalid sender: The `from` parameter is invalid.
i'm specifying everything as per documentation here:
this is my code:
status = vonage_client.messages.send_message(
"channel": "whatsapp",
"message_type": "text",
"to": '1415xxxxxxxx',
"from": '1415xxxxxxxx',
"text": "some text"
so it should work.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to perform sentiment analysis using google NLP cloud API.
Below is my code
import requests
url = "https://language.googleapis.com/v1/documents:analyzeSentiment"
myobj = {
"key": "XYZ",
"language": "EN",
"content":"'Lawrence of Arabia' is a highly rated film biography about British Lieutenant T. E. Lawrence. Peter O'Toole plays Lawrence in the film."
"Content-Type": "application/json"
x = requests.post(url, data = myobj)
But it is giving me error
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"Content-Type\": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'Content-Type' could not be found in request message.\nInvalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"document\": Cannot bind query parameter. 'document' is a message type. Parameters can only be bound to primitive types.",
"details": [
"#type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.BadRequest",
"fieldViolations": [
"description": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"Content-Type\": Cannot bind query parameter. Field 'Content-Type' could not be found in request message."
"description": "Invalid JSON payload received. Unknown name \"document\": Cannot bind query parameter. 'document' is a message type. Parameters can only be bound to primitive types."
Does anybody know why it is happening? Will appreciate any help. Thanks.
Use the json parameter instead of data:
x = requests.post(url, json=myobj)
I had this stack setup and working perfectly before, however, all of a sudden I am seeing a strange error in my CloudWatch.
This is my function (Python) for posting a message to SQS (which triggers a lambda function to send an email with SES):
def post_email(data, creatingUser=None):
sqs = boto3.client("sqs", region_name=settings.AWS_REGION)
# Send message to SQS queue
response = sqs.send_message(
"ToAddress": {"DataType": "String", "StringValue": data.get("ToAddress")},
"Subject": {"DataType": "String", "StringValue": data.get("Subject")},
"Source": {
"DataType": "String",
"StringValue": data.get("Source", "ANS <noreply#ansfire.net"),
# When SQS pulls this message off, need to ensure that the email was
# actually delivered, if so create a notification
I print the params out and it is setting the above attributes correctly, however when I look in my CloudWatch this is the message:
2020-02-03T20:41:59.847Z f483293f-e48b-56e5-bb85-7f8d6341c0bf INFO {
Destination: { ToAddresses: [ undefined ] },
Message: {
Body: { Text: [Object] },
Subject: { Charset: 'UTF-8', Data: undefined }
Source: undefined
Any idea of what is going on?
I figured out the error, I needed to get the attributes from the data dictionary prior to calling the send_message function.
i want to send an email through python by using gmail API,but
send_message(service , user_id = 'steve2020301#gmail.com', message = messages)
it comes out this
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Login Required",
"location Type": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Login Required"
can somebody save me
additional code
send_message function
the parameter of send_message
sorry i can't show the code by words because this page say my code is not format
In the Step Sending an Activity to the bot As per the documentation Here,
I should pass this as the body content of the post request
"type": "message",
"from": {
"id": "user1"
"text": "hello"
I am using the following parameters to make POST request in python, but its not working.
msg = {"type": "message","channelId": "directline","conversation":{"id": str(convId)},"from":{"id": "test_user1"},"text": "hello"}
header = {"Authorization":"Bearer q1-Tr4sRrAI.cwA.BmE.n7xMxGl-QLoT7qvJ-tNIcwAd69V-KOn5see6ki5tmOM", "Content-Type":"application/json", "Content-Length": "512"}
send2 = "https://directline.botframework.com/v3/directline/conversations/"+str(convId)+"/activities"
rsa1 = requests.post(send2,data=msg, headers=header)
This gives me this error:
"error": {
"code": "MissingProperty",
"message": "Invalid or missing activities in HTTP body"
Before this step everything is working fine.
Edit 1: Even i added content-length as updated in the code, it gives the same error
Edit 2: If i changed the msg to json.dumps(msg)
rsa1 = requests.post(send2,data=json.dumps(msg), headers=header)
I get response:
{u'error': {u'message': u'Failed to send activity: bot returned an error', u'code': u'ServiceError'}}
"error": {
"code": "ServiceError",
"message": "Failed to send activity: bot returned an error"
The directline API is only not working, on skype client everything is working fine.
According to the code that you've posted, your request body looks like this:
"type": "message",
"channelId": "directline",
"conversation": {
"id": str(convId)
"from": {
"id": "test_user1"
"text": "hello"
I'd suspect that your error is caused by the fact that the conversation ID value that you're including in the request body is not surrounded with double quotes in the JSON that's sent over the wire.
For simplicity (and to eliminate the error you're receiving), I'd suggest that you try omitting the channelId property and the conversation property from the request body, as I don't believe that either of these properties are necessary (i.e., you are issuing the request to the Direct Line URI, so the Bot Framework knows that Direct Line is the channel, and the conversation ID is already being specified in the request URI). In other words, try this as your request body:
"type": "message",
"from": {
"id": "test_user1"
"text": "hello"
When passing a dictionary to data it gets urlencoded automatically, so the api returns an error as it expects json data.
You can either use the json lib, or preferably pass your dictionary to the json parameter.
Using json.dumps :
rsa1 = requests.post(send2, data=json.dumps(msg), headers=header)
Using requests only :
rsa1 = requests.post(send2, json=msg, headers=header)
Also you don't have to add "Content-Length" in header and if you use the second example you don't have to add "Content-Type" either.
I am building a small service using Google Cloud Endpoints
class MyMsg(messages.Message):
f1 = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
class MyService(remote.Service):
#endpoints.Method(MyMsg, MyMsg):
def test(self, request):
return request
When I make an HTTP call to this rest service without sending necessary parameters, I get the following error message:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"message": "Error parsing ProtoRPC request (Unable to parse request content: Message MyMsg is missing required field f1)",
"reason": "badRequest"
"message": "Error parsing ProtoRPC request (Unable to parse request content: Message MyMsg is missing required field f1)"
Is there a way to customize this error message?
I want to know if I can have something like below in the error response.
"field_name": "<>",
"error": "<>"