How to convert float to int by dropping "0" and ","? - python

I have a float variable with a value of 0.9533. How can I convert it to an int variable so that the value becomes 9553?
a = ((i.left + i.right) / 2)
a = ("{:.4f}".format(a)) //get a: float = 0.9533
print(f"Result 1: {a}")
b = int(a * 10000) //get b: int
print(f"Result 2: {b}")
I get an error:
Result 1: 0.9533
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.95330.95330...95330'

This should work!
a: float = 0.9533 # Get the number here.
b: int = int(str(a).split('.')[1])
This converts the float to a string, then uses Python's split method for string to split it by the '.' character, then gets the second element of the returned array (index 1), and converts that back into an int, super simple! Hope this helps!

Here is a more general solution that will work with any number.
import decimal
def to_int(num):
d = decimal.Decimal(str(num))
exponent = d.as_tuple().exponent * -1
return int(num * (10 ** (exponent)))
to_int(0.9553) # 9553

Initially, the number was 0.953381023.. . It was necessary to round to 4 digits after the dot, so I used formatting.
This solution helped me:
b = int((a * 10000)[2:6])

a = .0004251
b,c = map(str,map(int,str(a).split('.',1)))


Converting hexstr to signed integer - Python

I have this hexstr 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdf05d84162877, in decimal terms it should give -580140491462537. However doing the below leads to bad answers. Can someone help?
In: test = '0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdf05d84162877'
In: int(test,16)
Out: 11579208923731619542357098500868790785326998466564056403945758342777263817739
First convert the string to bytes. You'll have to remove the leading "0x".
Then use int.from_bytes and specify that it's signed and big-endian.
In: int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(test[2:]), byteorder="big", signed=True)
Out: -580140491462537
I've adapted this answer
# hex string to signed integer
def htosi(val):
uintval = int(val, 16)
bits = 4 * len(val)
indicative_binary = 2 ** (bits)
indicative_binary_1 = 2 ** (bits-1)
if uintval >= indicative_binary_1:
uintval = int(0 - (indicative_binary - uintval))
return uintval
This does require a pure hex string:
test1 = 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffdf05d84162877'

Reverse int as hex

I have int in python that I want to reverse
x = int(1234567899)
I want to result will be 3674379849
explain : = 1234567899 = 0x499602DB and 3674379849 = 0xDB029649
How to do that in python ?
>>> import struct
>>> struct.unpack('>I', struct.pack('<I', 1234567899))[0]
This converts the integer to a 4-byte array (I), then decodes it in reverse order (> vs <).
Documentation: struct
If you just want the result, use sabiks approach - if you want the intermediate steps for bragging rights, you would need to
create the hex of the number (#1) and maybe add a leading 0 for correctness
reverse it 2-byte-wise (#2)
create an integer again (#3)
f.e. like so
n = 1234567899
# 1
h = hex(n)
if len(h) % 2: # fix for uneven lengthy inputs (f.e. n = int("234",16))
h = '0x0'+h[2:]
# 2 (skips 0x and prepends 0x for looks only)
bh = '0x'+''.join([h[i: i+2] for i in range(2, len(h), 2)][::-1])
# 3
b = int(bh, 16)
print(n, h, bh, b)
to get
1234567899 0x499602db 0xdb029649 3674379849

Adding strings (as representation for base 12 numbers) and integrers/ other strings in python

I need to create a calculator that can add numbers in base 12 and with different limits at the differents diggits.
Base 12 sequence: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,"A","B"]
The limits must be:
First digit: limit "B"
Second digit: limit 4
That means you would count like this:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,10,11,...48,49,4A,4B]
but I don´t know how could I make it so that I can sum 2 numbers
I have the following code in python:
def calculadora (entrada1, operacion, entrada2):
#parte de valor 1:
#parte de valor 2
if operacion==str("suma") or "+":
return float(valor1+valor2)
entrada1 = float(input("inserte primer valor"))
operacion=str(input("inserte operación"))
entrada2 = float(input("inserte segundo valor"))
print (calculadora(entrada1,operacion,entrada2))
It works for numbers but wenn I want to sum numbers like 3B, it gives me a ValueError as it is coded as string.
Could someone help me or say me how could I do it to sum such numbers please?
The easiest way to convert a base-12 encoded string to int is via int(string, 12). The reverse is not quite as easy, because Python doesn't seem to have a built-in way to do that. You can use format specifiers for binary, octal, and hex, but not arbitrary bases.
You can get a reversed list of digits using divmod(), which does division with remainder.
def to_digits(x, base):
while x > 0:
x, rem = divmod(x, base)
yield rem
But to round-trip, we want a string. Convert the int to a character (using a string as a lookup table), and join them into a string, then use a negatively-stepped slice to reverse it.
def to_base_12(num):
return ''.join('0123456789AB'[d] for d in to_digits(num, 12))[::-1]
With a longer lookup table, you could generalize this into higher bases.
Strings are already sequences, but if you want to convert that back to a list, you can just call list() on it. The inverse is that ''.join() method you just saw.
Now that you can convert your base-12 representation to Python int objects and back, you can simply add them with +.
Here is slight variation on the excellent answer from gilch that handles negative numbers and zero.
def convert_to_string(num, base):
Convert integer (num) to base less than base 37.
alpha = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase
assert isinstance(num, int)
assert isinstance(base, int)
assert 1 < base <= len(alpha)
if num == 0:
return '0'
def to_digits(num, base, alpha):
Generator to convert digits in reverse order.
while num > 0:
num, rem = divmod(num, base)
yield alpha[rem]
sign = ''
if num < 0:
num, sign = -num, '-'
return sign + ''.join(d for d in reversed(tuple(to_digits(num, base, alpha))))
def convert_from_string(num, base):
Convert string in base X to integer.
return int(str(num), base)
def test():
Test conversions.
assert convert_to_string(0, 2) == '0'
assert convert_to_string(4, 2) == '100'
assert convert_to_string(23, 12) == '1b'
assert convert_to_string(-6, 2) == '-110'
assert convert_from_string('1b', 12) == 23
assert convert_from_string('-110', 2) == -6
You can add them directly if you convert the A and B to 11 and 12. Then as each number is now a list of digits one can add them the same way that an ALU does. See the section on addition of integers in any text on computer arithmetic.
def add(A, B):
result = []
carry = 0
for a, b in reversed(zip(A,B)):
carry, digit = divmod(a + b + carry, 12)
if carry:
return result
>>> add([4,3],[6,11])
[11, 2]
>>> add([5,3],[6,11])
[1, 0, 2]
The lists are MSD first. The double reversing is not needed if the lists were in LSD first.

Decimal To Binary Python Getting an Extra Zero In Return String

This is for a school project. I need to create a function using recursion to convert an integer to binary string. It must be a str returned, not an int. The base case is n==0, and then 0 would need to be returned. There must be a base case like this, but this is where I think I am getting the extra 0 from (I could be wrong). I am using Python 3.6 with the IDLE and the shell to execute it.
The function works just fine, expect for this additional zero that I need gone.
Here is my function, dtobr:
def dtobr(n):
(int) -> (str)
This function has the parameter n, which is a non-negative integer,
and it will return the string of 0/1's
which is the binary representation of n. No side effects.
Returns bianry string as mentioned. This is like the function
dtob (decimal to bianary) but this is using recursion.
>>> dtob(27)
>>> dtob(0)
>>> dtob(1)
>>> dtob(2)
if n == 0:
return str(0)
return dtobr(n // 2) + str(n % 2)
This came from the function I already wrote which converted it just fine, but without recursion. For reference, I will include this code as well, but this is not what I need for this project, and there are no errors with this:
def dtob(n):
(int) -> (str)
This function has the parameter n, which is a non-negative integer,
and it will return the string of 0/1's
which is the binary representation of n. No side effects.
Returns bianry string as mentioned.
>>> dtob(27)
>>> dtob(0)
>>> dtob(1)
>>> dtob(2)
string = ""
if n == 0:
return str(0)
while n > 0:
remainder = n % 2
string = str(remainder) + string
n = n // 2
Hopefully someone can help me get ride of that additional left hand zero. Thanks!
You need to change the condition to recursively handle both the n // 2 and n % 2:
if n <= 1:
return str(n) # per #pault's suggestion, only needed str(n) instead of str(n % 2)
return dtobr(n // 2) + dtobr(n % 2)
Test case:
for i in [0, 1, 2, 27]:
# 0
# 1
# 10
# 11011
FYI you can easily convert to binary format like so:
'{0:b}'.format(x) # where x is your number
Since there is already an answer that points and resolves the issue with recursive way, lets see some interesting ways to achieve same goal.
Lets define a generator that will give us iterative way of getting binary numbers.
def to_binary(n):
if n == 0: yield "0"
while n > 0:
yield str(n % 2)
n = n / 2
Then you can use this iterable to get decimal to binary conversion in multiple ways.
Example 1.
reduce function is used to concatenate chars received from to_binary iterable (generator).
from functools import reduce
def to_binary(n):
if n == 0: yield "0"
while n > 0:
yield str(n % 2)
n = n / 2
print reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, to_binary(0)) # 0
print reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, to_binary(15)) # 1111
print reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, to_binary(15)) # 11011
Example 2.
join takes iterable, unrolls it and joins them by ''
def to_binary(n):
if n == 0: yield "0"
while n > 0:
yield str(n % 2)
n = n / 2
print ''.join(to_binary(0)) # 0
print ''.join(to_binary(1)) # 1
print ''.join(to_binary(15)) # 1111
print ''.join(to_binary(27)) # 11011

Why my reversing bits code written in Python gets this error?

I get this problem in Leetcode:
So the input will be a decimal integer and I have to turn it into binary 32 bits.
And then I reverse it and turn it back to decimal.
For example:
8 (whose binary == 1000)
1 (whose binary == 0001)
Here is my code:
# n is input number
str1 = str('{0:0{1}b}'.format(n,32))
len_str = len(str1)
index_swap = len_str - 1
result = [0] * len_str
for i, char in enumerate(str1):
result[index_swap-i] = char
return int(str(''.join(result)),2)
If I run this code in Leetcode online Judge, I will get this error:
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found
This error is raised by the input 0.
I have no idea why it will raise this error. My code seems to works well!
result = [0] * len_str
len_str is an int but a string was expected.
What should happen in that Line? Maybe:
result = ['' for x in xrange(len_str)]
which initialize an empty string of size len_str
# There ...
a = 8
b = "{0:b}".format(8)[::-1]
print(type(b), b)
# and back again.
c = int(b[::-1], base=2)
print(type(c), c)
<class 'str'> 0001
<class 'int'> 8
See also Reverse a string in Python

