timestamp to datetime format with rows to column coversion - python

I'm trying to convert the time column the first table shows the correct output meanwhile after converting the table, I got wrong output of the time column where the time have the same value for all the records
df['time'] = [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f") for x in df['time']]
df = (
.melt(id_vars=["time", "sensor"])
.pivot(index=["time", "variable"], columns="sensor")
.droplevel(0, axis=1).rename(columns={"": "time"}))


How to create lag feature in pandas in this case?

I have a table like this (with more columns):
I have created some features like this:
sectorGroup = df.groupby(["date","Sector"])["Value1","Value2"].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df,sectorGroup,on=["date","Sector"],how="left",suffixes=["","_bySector"])
dateGroupGroup = df.groupby(["date"])["Value1","Value2"].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df,dateGroupGroup,on=["date"],how="left",suffixes=["","_byDate"])
Now my new df looks like this:
Now, I want to create lag features for Value1_bySector,Value2_bySector,Value1_byDate,Value2_byDate
For example, a new column named Value1_by_Date_lag1 and Value1_bySector_lag1.
And this new column will look like this:
Basically in Value1_by_Date_lag1, the date "15/03" will contain the value "281.75" which is for the date "14/03" (lag of 1 shift).
Basically in Value1_bySector_lag1, the date "15/03" and Sector "Medical" will contain the value "275.0", which is the value for "14/03" and "Medical" rows.
I hope, the question is clear and gave you all the details.
Create a lagged date variable by shifting the date column, and then merge again with dateGroupGroup and sectorGroup using the lagged date instead of the actual date.
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO("""date,Sector,Value1,Value2
# Add a lagged date variable
lagged = df.groupby("date")["date"].first().shift()
df = df.join(lagged, on="date", rsuffix="_lag")
# Create date and sector groups and merge them into df, as you already do
sectorGroup = df.groupby(["date","Sector"])[["Value1","Value2"]].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df,sectorGroup,on=["date","Sector"],how="left",suffixes=["","_bySector"])
dateGroupGroup = df.groupby("date")[["Value1","Value2"]].mean().reset_index()
df = pd.merge(df, dateGroupGroup, on="date",how="left", suffixes=["","_byDate"])
# Merge again, this time matching the lagged date in df to the actual date in sectorGroup and dateGroupGroup
df = pd.merge(df, sectorGroup, left_on=["date_lag", "Sector"], right_on=["date", "Sector"], how="left", suffixes=["", "_by_sector_lag"])
df = pd.merge(df, dateGroupGroup, left_on="date_lag", right_on="date", how="left", suffixes=["", "_by_date_lag"])
# Drop the extra unnecessary columns that have been created in the merge
df = df.drop(columns=['date_by_date_lag', 'date_by_sector_lag'])
This assumes the data is sorted by date - if not you will have to sort before generating the lagged date. It will work whether or not all the dates are consecutive.
I found 1 inefficient solution (slow and memory intensive).
Lag of "date" group
cols = ["Value1_byDate","Value2_byDate"]
temp = df[["date"]+cols]
temp = temp.drop_duplicates()
for i in range(10):
temp.date = temp.date.shift(-1-i)
df = pd.merge(df,temp,on="date",how="left",suffixes=["","_lag"+str(i+1)])
Lag of "date" and "Sector" group
cols = ["Value1_bySector","Value2_bySector"]
temp = df[["date","Sector"]+cols]
temp = temp.drop_duplicates()
for i in range(10):
temp[["Value1_bySector","Value2_bySector"]] = temp.groupby("Sector")["Value1_bySector","Value2_bySector"].shift(1+1)
df = pd.merge(df,temp,on=["date","Sector"],how="left",suffixes=["","_lag"+str(i+1)])
Is there a more simple solution?

Partial string filter pandas

On Pandas 1.3.4 and Python 3.9.
So I'm having issues filtering for a partial piece of the string. The "Date" column is listed in the format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS A/PM where the most recent one is on top. If the date is single digit (example: November 3rd), it does not have the 0 such that it is 11/3 instead of 11/03. Basically I'm looking to go look at column named "Date" and have python read parts of the string to filter for only today.
This is what the original csv looks like. This is what I want to do to the file. Basically looking for a specific date but not any time of that date and implement the =RIGHT() formula. However this is what I end up with with the following code.
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r'file.csv', dtype=str)
today = date.today()
d1 = today.strftime("%m/%#d/%Y") # to find out what today is
df = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['New Phone', 'Phone number', 'Date'])
df['New Phone'] = df['Phone number'].str[-10:]
df_today = df['Date'].str.contains(f'{d1}',case=False, na=False)
df_today.to_csv(r'file.csv', index=False)
This line is wrong:
df_today = df['Date'].str.contains(f'{d1}',case=False, na=False)
All you're doing there is creating a mask; essentially what that is is just a Pandas series, containg True or False in each row, according to the condition you created the mask in. The spreadsheet get's only FALSE as you showed because non of the items in the Date contain the string that the variable d1 holds...
Instead, try this:
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
# Load the CSV file, and change around the columns
df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(r'file.csv', dtype=str), columns=['New Phone', 'Phone number', 'Date'])
# Take the last ten chars of each phone number
df['New Phone'] = df['Phone number'].str[-10:]
# Convert each date string to a pd.Timestamp, removing the time
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'].str.split(r'\s+', n=1).str[0])
# Get the phone numbers that are from today
df_today = df[df['Date'] == date.today().strftime('%m/%d/%Y')]
# Write the result to the CSV file
df_today.to_csv(r'file.csv', index=False)

how to sum of columns based on another column value of excel

I would like to ask how to sum using python or excel.
Like to do summation of "number" columns based on "time" column.
Sum of the Duration for (00:00 am - 00:59 am) is (2+4) 6.
Sum of the Duration for (02:00 am - 02:59 am) is (3+1) 4.
Could you please advise how to ?
When you have a dataframe you can use groupby to accomplish this:
# import pandas module
import pandas as pd
# Create a dictionary with the values
data = {
'time' : ["12:20:51", "12:40:51", "2:26:35", "2:37:35"],
'number' : [2, 4, 3, 1]}
# create a Pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# or load the CSV
df = pd.read_csv('path/dir/filename.csv')
# Convert time column to datetime data type
df['time'] = df['time'].apply(pd.to_datetime, format='%H:%M:%S')
# add values by hour
dff = df.groupby(df['time'].dt.hour)['number'].sum()
12 6
2 4
When you need more than one column. You can pass the columns as a list inside .groupby(). The code will look like this:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('filename.csv')
# Convert time column to datetime data type
df['time'] = df['time'].apply(pd.to_datetime, format='%H:%M:%S')
df['date'] = df['date'].apply(pd.to_datetime, format='%d/%m/%Y')
# add values by hour
dff = df.groupby([df['date'], df['time'].dt.hour])['number'].sum()
# save the file

pyspark string to date

I am trying to convert the string to date format,
Date column consist data in such order but this are in string datatype
when using string to date, date should display as
I tried this approach but script returned error
df = spark.sql('select * from tablename)
df2 = df.withColumn('Date', expr("cast(as_of_date,'yyyyMMdd) as date"))
I also tried on this script and it works , however, with this , it is displaying date and time which is not I wanted
df2 = df.withColumn("Date",expr("cast(unix_timestamp(as_of_date ,'yyyyMMdd') as date)")).show()
Try using to_date?
df2 = df.withColumn('Date', to_date(col('as_of_date'), 'yyyyMMdd'))

Filter particular date in a DF column

I want to filter particular date in a DF column.
My code:
df["Crawl Date"]=pd.to_datetime(df["Crawl Date"]).dt.date
df=df[df["Crawl Date"]==date]
It is showing no match.
Note: df column is having time also with date which need to be trimmed.
Thanks in advance.
The following script assumes that the 'Crawl Dates' column contains strings:
import pandas as pd
import datetime
column_names = ["Crawl Date"]
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = column_names)
#Populate dataframe with dates
df.loc[0] = ['03-21-2020 23:45:57']
df.loc[1] = ['03-22-2020 23:12:33']
df["Crawl Date"]=pd.to_datetime(df["Crawl Date"]).dt.date
df=df[df["Crawl Date"]==date]
Then df returns:
Crawl Date 0 2020-03-21

