Python (docx) excel and word - python

how to remove internal borders of tables that are written to a Word file?
I create tables in a Word file, and write information from an excel file into them, and I want the tables in the Word to have no internal borders, I don’t know how to do it
reviewed everything that was possible, but still did not find it, they wrote a lot that = 'Table Grid this removes internal borders, but this does not work
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
import openpyxl
import docx
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Cm
# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
# Open a file dialog to select the Excel file
file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(title="Select Excel file", filetypes=(("Excel files", "*.xlsx"), ("All files", "*.*")))
# Open the Excel file and select the worksheet
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
sheet = wb['Sheet1']
doc = Document()
section = doc.sections[0]
margin = docx.shared.Inches(0.1)
margin2 = docx.shared.Inches(0.5)
margin3 = docx.shared.Inches(0.3)
section.left_margin = margin3
section.right_margin = margin
section.top_margin = margin
section.bottom_margin = margin2
table_count = 0
row = None
for i in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):
if sheet[f'B{i}'].value:
for j in range(int(sheet[f'F{i}'].value)):
# Check if we need to start a new row
if table_count % 2 == 0:
row = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=2).rows[0]
row.height = Cm(3)
row.cells[0].width = Cm(25)
row.cells[1].width = Cm(25)
# Add a table to the current row
table = row.cells[table_count % 2].add_table(rows=7, cols=2) = 'Table Grid'
table.autofit = False
# Remove internal borders from the table
# Merge the first row
table.cell(0, 0).merge(table.cell(0, 1))
table.cell(6, 0).merge(table.cell(6, 1))
# Modify the width of the first column
for cell in table.columns[0].cells:
cell.width = Cm(2.5)
# Modify the width of the second column
for cell in table.columns[1].cells:
cell.width = Cm(5.5)
nos = sheet[f"B{i}"].value if sheet[f"B{i}"].value else "N/A"
nom_nr = sheet[f"J{i}"].value if sheet[f"J{i}"].value else "N/A"
kods = sheet[f"D{i}"].value if sheet[f"D{i}"].value else "N/A"
pas_nr = sheet[f"K{i}"].value if sheet[f"K{i}"].value else "N/A"
table.cell(0, 0).text = "Nos.: "
table.cell(0, 0).paragraphs[0].add_run(f"{nos}").bold = True
table.cell(1, 0).text = "Nom. Nr.: "
table.cell(1, 1).text = str(nom_nr)
table.cell(1, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True # make the variable bold
table.cell(2, 0).text = "Kods: "
table.cell(2, 1).text = str(kods)
table.cell(2, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True # make the variable bold
table.cell(3, 0).text = "Pas. Nr.: "
table.cell(3, 1).text = str(pas_nr)
table.cell(3, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True # make the variable bold
table.cell(4, 0).text = "Daudzums: "
table.cell(4, 1).text = "1000"
table.cell(4, 1).paragraphs[0].runs[0].bold = True # make the variable bold
table.cell(5, 0).text = " "
table.cell(5, 1).text = " "
table.cell(6, 0).text = "Izpildītājs: SIA “STS Group”\nCeļāres 2B, Spilve, Babītes pag.\nTel. 29211780"
# Increment the table count
table_count += 1
# Save the Word document'data.docx')


Inserting/overwriting a table after a paragraph (specific location) in a word file with docx python?

Does anybody know how to create/update a table with the docx library in a word document at a specific location.
So e.g. after a paragraph with text 'test1'?
The idea is to check if paragraph exists in the document, overwrite the existsing table underneath if not create a new paragraph and underneath at a certain location (at certain header level).
I managed to add a paragraph after a specific paragraph but it does not seem to work with tables in the same way.
I can not seem to find a link between the paragraph objects and creating a table object underneath that paragraph object or identifying the existing table object based on the paragraph.
A bit of context on the code, the code is first reading xaml files and writing this data in a word document. The first time the code is run it will create all subheadings and text/tables. With a second run the code will be updating the text/table values as the subheadings already exist.
after first run:
1.1 Xamlfilename
2.1 Xamlfilenam
after second run:
1.1 Xamlfilename
Updated Text
Updated Table
2.1 Xamlfilenam
Updated Text
I want to add in the tables between these lines(newly created paragraphs).
paragraph1 = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph, xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 3'])
paragraph_annseq = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph1, xaml_obt.ann_seq, style=document.styles['No Spacing'])
paragraph_var = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_annseq, "Variables - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename,style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
paragraph_in_arg = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_var, "In_Agruments - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
paragraph_io_arg = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_in_arg, "In_Out_Agruments - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_io_arg, "Out_Agruments - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
Or update the table in this spot if the paragraph exists in the document:
if paragraph.text == xaml_obt.xamlfilename:
new_para = document.paragraphs[i + 1]
new_para.text = xaml_obt.ann_seq + "\n\n"
style = document.styles['No Spacing'] = style
new_para.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT
Here is the complete code:
from tkinter import Tk, filedialog
import os
import json
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import docx
from docx.oxml.xmlchemy import OxmlElement
from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
import time
import win32com.client
import pandas as pd
class xamlinfo(object):
def __init__(self, name: object) -> object:
self.aut_block = str
self.xamlfilepath = str
self.xamlfilename = str
self.xaml_read = None
self.toplevelnaming = str
self.ann_seq = str
self.in_arguments = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Type', 'Annotation'])
self.out_arguments = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Type', 'Annotation'])
self.io_agruments = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Type', 'Annotation'])
self.variables = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name', 'Annotation'])
def selectfolder():
root = Tk() # pointing root to Tk() to use it as Tk() in program.
root.attributes('-topmost', True)
open_file = filedialog.askdirectory()
open_file = os.path.normpath(open_file)
print("Following filepath selected: ",open_file)
return open_file
def assignxamlobjects(listxamls, path):
if os.path.exists(path):
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
xaml_obt = xamlinfo(os.path.basename(file))
xaml_obt.aut_block = os.path.basename(path)
xaml_obt.xamlfilename = file
xaml_obt.xamlfilepath = os.path.join(root,file)
tree = ET.parse(xaml_obt.xamlfilepath)
treeroot = tree.getroot()
xaml_obt.xaml_read = treeroot
top_sequence = treeroot.find(".//{*}Sequence")
xaml_obt.toplevelnaming = top_sequence.attrib["DisplayName"]
annotation = ""
annotationelements = [x for x in top_sequence.attrib if "annotationtext" in x.lower()]
if (len(annotationelements) > 0):
annotation = top_sequence.attrib[annotationelements[0]]
xaml_obt.ann_seq = annotation
listofelements = treeroot.findall(".//{*}Property")
for element in listofelements:
if "InArgument" in element.attrib["Type"]:
annotation = ""
annotationelements = [x for x in element.attrib if "annotationtext" in x.lower()]
if (len(annotationelements) > 0):
annotation = element.attrib[annotationelements[0]]
xaml_obt.in_arguments = xaml_obt.in_arguments.append({0:str(element.attrib["Name"]), 1:str(element.attrib["Type"]).replace("InArgument",""),2: annotation})
if "InOutArgument" in element.attrib["Type"]:
annotation = ""
annotationelements = [x for x in element.attrib if "annotationtext" in x.lower()]
if (len(annotationelements) > 0):
annotation = element.attrib[annotationelements[0]]
xaml_obt.io_agruments = xaml_obt.io_agruments.append({0:str(element.attrib["Name"]), 1:str(element.attrib["Type"]).replace("InOutArgument",""),2: annotation})
if "OutArgument" in element.attrib["Type"]:
annotation = ""
annotationelements = [x for x in element.attrib if "annotationtext" in x.lower()]
if (len(annotationelements) > 0):
annotation = element.attrib[annotationelements[0]]
xaml_obt.out_arguments = xaml_obt.out_arguments.append({0:str(element.attrib["Name"]), 1:str(element.attrib["Type"]).replace("OutArgument",""),2: annotation})
listofelements = treeroot.findall(".//{*}Variable")
for element in listofelements:
annotation = ""
annotationelements = [x for x in element.attrib if "annotationtext" in x.lower()]
if (len(annotationelements) > 0):
annotation = element.attrib[annotationelements[0]]
xaml_obt.variables = xaml_obt.variables.append({0:str(element.attrib["Name"]),1:annotation})
print("The following path does not exists, please amend your project structure: "+path)
return listxamls
def getworkflowinfo(openfile):
jsonpath = os.path.join(openfile,"project.json")
procestrans_path = os.path.join(openfile,"process","02_BusinessProcess")
dispatcher_path = os.path.join(openfile,"process","00_Dispatcher")
init_path = os.path.join(openfile,"process","01_Initialization")
process_path = os.path.join(openfile,"Process")
listxamls = []
listxamls = assignxamlobjects(listxamls, path=procestrans_path)
listxamls = assignxamlobjects(listxamls, path=dispatcher_path)
listxamls = assignxamlobjects(listxamls, path=init_path)
listxamls = assignxamlobjects(listxamls, path=process_path)
with open(jsonpath) as f:
uipathjson = json.load(f)
return uipathjson, listxamls
def insert_paragraph_after(paragraph, text, style):
new_p = OxmlElement('w:p')
new_para = Paragraph(new_p, paragraph._parent)
if text:
if style is not None: = style
paragraph1 = new_para
return paragraph1
def fillxamldata(document, listofxamls):
print("Starting to update workflow information.")
for xaml_obt in listofxamls:
paraexists = False
for paragraph in document.paragraphs:
if paragraph.text == xaml_obt.xamlfilename:
paraexists = True
if paraexists is True:
for i, paragraph in enumerate(document.paragraphs):
# Check if the paragraph is a heading
if paragraph.text == xaml_obt.xamlfilename:
new_para = document.paragraphs[i + 1]
new_para.text = xaml_obt.ann_seq + "\n\n"
style = document.styles['No Spacing'] = style
new_para.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT
for paragraph in document.paragraphs:
# Check if the paragraph is a heading
if paragraph.text == xaml_obt.aut_block:
paragraph1 = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph, xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 3'])
paragraph_annseq = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph1, xaml_obt.ann_seq, style=document.styles['No Spacing'])
paragraph_var = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_annseq, "Variables - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename,style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
paragraph_in_arg = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_var, "In_Agruments - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
paragraph_io_arg = insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_in_arg, "In_Out_Agruments - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
insert_paragraph_after(paragraph_io_arg, "Out_Agruments - " + xaml_obt.xamlfilename, style=document.styles['Heading 4'])
print("Workflow information updated successfully.\n")
def filldependencies(document, jsonUI):
print("Starting to fill dependencies.")
dict_depend = jsonUI['dependencies']
text = ""
for i in dict_depend:
text = text + i+": "+ dict_depend[i]+"\n"
for i, paragraph in enumerate(document.paragraphs): # Loop through all the paragraphs in the Word file
if'Heading'): # Check if the paragraph is a heading
if 'dependencies' == paragraph.text.lower():
new_para = document.paragraphs[i+1]
new_para.text = text
style = document.styles['No Spacing'] = style
new_para.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT
print("Dependencies updated successfully.\n")
def fillgeneralinfo(document, jsonUI):
print("Starting to fill process info.")
text = ("Process name: "+"\t\t\t"+ jsonUI['name'] + "\n" +
"Process description:"+"\t\t" + jsonUI['description'] +"\n" +
"UIpath Studio version:"+"\t\t"+ jsonUI['studioVersion'] + "\n" +
"Project version:"+"\t\t\t" + jsonUI['projectVersion'] + "\n")
for i, paragraph in enumerate(document.paragraphs): # Loop through all the paragraphs in the Word file
if'Heading'): # Check if the paragraph is a heading
if 'general info' == paragraph.text.lower():
new_para = document.paragraphs[i+1]
new_para.text = text
style = document.styles['No Spacing'] = style
new_para.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT
print("Process info successfully updated.\n")
def fillworddata(path, listofxamls):
print("You seleceted the following SDD file: "+path+"\n")
document = docx.Document(path)
with open(path, "w") as doc:
fillxamldata(document, listofxamls)
filldependencies(document, jsonUI)
fillgeneralinfo(document, jsonUI)
def startmessage():
" SDD_AUT \n"+
starttimer = time.time()
openfile = selectfolder()
jsonUI, listxamls = getworkflowinfo(openfile)
correct_proc = input("The information for process | " + jsonUI['name'] + " | has been read.\n"+
"Do you want to continue? (y/n)\n")
if correct_proc.lower() == 'y':
sdd_doc = filedialog.askopenfilename(title='Select a file')
fillworddata(path=sdd_doc, listofxamls=listxamls)
print("Process has been executed successfully!")
print("The process has been terminated as the incorrect project was selected.")
endtimer = time.time()
duration = endtimer - starttimer
print("Process took: " + str(duration))

Python Docx Minimum Table Height

I'm trying to fit 10 rows (and three columns) of a table on one page, howver I'm running into a limitation where I can't get any more than 8 rows to fit. I've tried the following code:
table = document.add_table(rows=0, cols=3)
for row in table.rows:
row.height = Cm(1)
However, at some point when reducing the size,there is no difference in the output. Is it possible to fit 10 rows on one page?
An adapted version of my code, which is iterating through a dataframe and writing columns of my dataframe to cells of a table.
document = Document()
sections = document.sections
for section in sections:
section.top_margin = Inches(0.00)
section.bottom_margin = Inches(0.00)
section.left_margin = Inches(0.00)
section.right_margin = Inches(0.00)
style = document.styles['Normal']
font = style.font
font.size = Pt(8)
table = document.add_table(rows=0, cols=3)
index = 0
full_count = 1
for item_one, item_two,description,max_portion,quantity_adjusted, mods in zip(line_items['title'].tolist(), line_items['quantity'],line_items['description'], line_items['max_portion'],line_items['quantity_adjusted'], line_items['modifications']):
count = 0
if index % 3 == 0:
cell_row = table.add_row()
cell_row.height = Cm(0.1)
row_cells = cell_row.cells
part_one_cell = row_cells[index % 3]
part_one_cell.height = Cm(0.1)
#para = doc.add_paragraph().add_run('GeeksforGeeks is a Computer Science portal for geeks.')
#para.font.size = Pt(12)
p = part_one_cell.add_paragraph()
#p1 = part_one_cell.paragraphs[0].add_run(item_one.upper()+ ' ' + description.upper())
if len(item_one + description) < 40:
p.add_run(item_one.upper()+ ' ' + description.upper()).font.size = Pt(12)
elif len(item_one + description) < 60:
p.add_run(item_one.upper()+ ' ' + description.upper()).font.size = Pt(10)
p.add_run(item_one.upper()+ ' ' + description.upper()).font.size = Pt(8)
row1 = row_cells[index % 3]
row2= row1.add_paragraph(mods)
row = row_cells[index % 3]
p1 = row.add_paragraph(f'{x[str(quantity_adjusted)]}')
#part_one_cell.paragraphs[0].add_run(f' {str(x)}').bold= True
index = index + 1
full_count = full_count + 1
if full_count % 30 == 0:
table = document.add_table(rows=0, cols=3)
I have no problem getting 10 1cm rows in a single page. I declare the number of rows when adding the table:
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Cm
document = Document()
table = document.add_table(rows=10, cols=3) = 'Table Grid'
for row in table.rows:
row.height = Cm(1)'demo.docx')
To add rows in a for loop:
table = document.add_table(rows=0, cols=3) = 'Table Grid'
for i in range(10):
row = table.add_row()
row.height = Cm(1)'demo.docx')

Why is my flask route saving xlsx file to the root directory of the project instead of instance files?

I am trying to create a flask route that sends data to a function, that function creates an openpyxl excel file and returns the excel file to the route, and the route then returns the downloadable file to a React frontend. I'm not sure if this is the exact problem, but I am getting errors that the file is not found in my instance/files folder. Instead, the file is saving to my project's root directory. The same path is working for other routes, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here/why it is saving elsewhere. I'm assuming this is why I can't return the excel file to the frontend, but it could be other issues with my function/route. Please help!
This is my openpyxl function:
def generate_prev_sim_csv(data):
get_dict = data
claims = data['claims']
setup_dict = data['setups']
summary_metric_headers = data['setupSummaryMetricHeaders']
filename = "Simulation_Summary.xlsx"
wb = Workbook()
sheet =
# styles
heading_font = Font(size=11, bold=True)
heading = NamedStyle(name='Heading')
heading.font = heading_font
percent_value = NamedStyle(name='Percentage')
percent_value.number_format = '0.00%'
# Claim Header
headers = ['Claim']
start_claim_header_row = 1
start_claim_header_col = 2
for i, header in enumerate(headers):
current_row = start_claim_header_row
column_letter = get_column_letter(start_claim_header_col)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
sheet[cell_ref] = header
sheet[cell_ref].style = heading
# Setup Header
setup_title = "Setup "
start_setup_header_row = 1
start_setup_header_col = 3
for header_index, header in enumerate(setup_dict):
current_row = start_setup_header_row
column_letter = get_column_letter(start_setup_header_col)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
sheet[cell_ref] = setup_title + str(header_index)
sheet[cell_ref].style = heading
for col_index, col_data in enumerate(setup_dict):
current_col = start_setup_header_col + 1
column_letter = get_column_letter(current_col)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
sheet[cell_ref] = setup_title + str(col_index + 1)
sheet[cell_ref].style = heading
# Side by Side Claim and Claim States Table
starting_col_index = 2
starting_row_index = 2
for index, claim in enumerate(claims):
current_row = starting_row_index + index
column_letter = get_column_letter(starting_col_index)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
sheet[cell_ref] = claim
sheet[cell_ref].style = heading
for i, setup in enumerate(setup_dict):
setup_claims_on = setup[3]
current_col = starting_col_index + i + 1
column_letter = get_column_letter(current_col)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
if claim in setup_claims_on:
sheet[cell_ref] = setup[2][claim]['Summary_Metrics']['Reach']
sheet[cell_ref].style = percent_value
elif setup[0][claim] == "Offered":
sheet[cell_ref] = "Already Offered"
elif setup[0][claim] == "Considered":
sheet[cell_ref] = "Considered"
elif setup[0][claim] == "Excluded":
sheet[cell_ref] = "Excluded"
sheet[cell_ref] = ""
# Summary Metrics Header
start_metric_header_row = 16
start_metric_header_col = 2
for i, header in enumerate(summary_metric_headers):
current_row = start_metric_header_row
column_letter = get_column_letter(start_metric_header_col)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
sheet[cell_ref] = "Summary Metrics"
sheet[cell_ref].style = heading
# Summary Metrics Table
start_col_index = 2
start_row_index = 17
for i, header in enumerate(summary_metric_headers):
current_row = start_row_index + i
column_letter = get_column_letter(start_col_index)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
sheet[cell_ref] = header
sheet[cell_ref].style = heading
for id, setup in enumerate(setup_dict):
current_col = starting_col_index + id + 1
column_letter = get_column_letter(current_col)
cell_ref = f"{column_letter}{current_row}"
if header == "Subgroup":
sheet[cell_ref] = setup[5]
elif header == "Number of Respondents":
sheet[cell_ref] = setup[4]
elif header == "Average Liked":
sheet[cell_ref] = round(setup[1]["Average_Number_of_Items_Liked"], 2)
elif header == "Average Reach":
sheet[cell_ref] = setup[1]["Reach"]
sheet[cell_ref].style = percent_value
elif header == "Average Favorite":
sheet[cell_ref] = setup[1]["Favorite_Percentage"]
sheet[cell_ref].style = percent_value
sheet[cell_ref] = ""
return filename
This is my route. I'm not sure what to do with the return from the function?:
#bp.route("/api/export_prev_sim_to_csv", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def export_simulations_to_csv():
data = request.get_json() or {}
if not os.path.exists(current_app.instance_path):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_app.instance_path, "files")):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(current_app.instance_path, "files"))
cs_fn = os.path.join(
current_app.instance_path, "files", "Simulation_Summary.xlsx"
openpyxl_file = generate_prev_sim_csv(data)
return send_file(
You are saving the file in root directory in generate_prev_sim_csv function
filename = "Simulation_Summary.xlsx"
[...] creates a file if it doesn't exist so you don't need to create file in your route
Just change the filename to this in your openpyxl function
filename = 'instance/files/Simulation_Summary.xlsx'

How to save docx file based on values chosen from tkinter?

Here is my code:
from tkinter import *
from docx import Document
root = Tk()
info = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]
vars = []
for idx,i in enumerate(info):
var = IntVar(value=0)
lblOption = Label(root,text=i)
btnYes = Radiobutton(root, text="Yes", variable=var, value=2)
btnNo = Radiobutton(root, text="No", variable=var, value=1)
btnNa = Radiobutton(root, text="N/A", variable=var,value=0)
lblOption.grid(column=4,row=idx, sticky = W)
def save():
document = Document()
#add table
table = document.add_table(1, 4)
#style table = 'Table Grid'
#populate header row
heading_cells = table.rows[0].cells
heading_cells[0].text = "Options"
heading_cells[1].text = "Yes"
heading_cells[2].text = "No"
heading_cells[3].text = "N/a"
for idx, item in enumerate(vars):
cells = table.add_row().cells
cells[0].text = info[idx] # gets the option name
val = item.get() #radiobutton value
if val == 2: # checks if yes
cells[1].text = "*"
elif val == 1: # checks if no
cells[2].text = "*"
elif val == 0: # checks if N/A
cells[3].text = "*"
for x in cells[2].text:
if "*" in x:
elif "*" not in x:
savebtn = Button(root, text = "Save", command = save).grid()
This is my previous question: Link
I have used one of the answers to combine it with my question.
What I am trying to achieve:
If no has been selected for any of the options via the radio buttons, then save the document as failed.docx if every option has been selected without any no's then save the file as Test.docx.
My problem is:
Why is my last for loop and if statement is not working.
When I select a no option it returns me Failed.docx. But if none of the no' is selected, it does nothing? does not run the elif statement at all.
In your code, you are writing to docx row by row by creating cells on each iteration.
cells is a row that contains three radiobutton values for a single option. Let's say if you choose Yes for option3, cells would contain [* '' ''] for its iteration.
cells[0] = *
cells[1] = ''
cells[2] = ''
Also when you try to iterate over cells[1].text, you are trying to iterate on an empty item. That's why it never gets into if-elif statements because it never gets into for loop.
(not sure if I managed to explain this clearly but if you use a value for non-selected radiobuttons or debugger, you can see quite clearly what's going on)
For a solution, since you want to check all values for a single column, you can use table.column.
for idx, item in enumerate(vars):
cells = table.add_row().cells
cells[0].text = info[idx] # gets the option name
val = item.get() #radiobutton value
if val == 2: # checks if yes
cells[1].text = "*"
cells[2].text = "not-selected"
cells[3].text = "not-selected"
elif val == 1: # checks if no
cells[2].text = "*"
cells[1].text = "not-selected"
cells[3].text = "not-selected"
elif val == 0: # checks if N/A
cells[3].text = "*"
cells[1].text = "not-selected"
cells[2].text = "not-selected"
fn = 'Test.docx'
for cell in table.columns[2].cells[1:4]: #column2 is No column, 1:4 excludes header cell
if cell.text == '*':
fn = 'Failed.docx'

python-docx how to merge row cells

I am creating a Word document from data using python-docx. I can create all the rows and cells with no problem but, in some cases, when the current record from the database has some content in field comment, I need to add a new line to display a long content.
I tried by appending a paragraph, but the result is that the comment is appended after the table, and I need it to be added bellow the current table row.
I think the solution is to append a table row with all cells merged, but I can't find documentation to do so.
This is the code where I generate the docx file:
class OperationDOCXView(viewsets.ViewSet):
exclude_from_schema = True
def list(self, request):
from ReportsManagerApp.controllers import Operations2Controller
self.profile_id = request.query_params['profile_id']
self.operation_date = request.query_params['operation_date']
self.operation_type = request.query_params['operation_type']
self.format = request.query_params['doc_format']
operation_report_controller = Operations2Controller(self.profile_id, self.operation_date, self.operation_type)
context = operation_report_controller.get_context()
if self.format == 'json':
return Response(context)
word_doc = self.get_operation_word_file(request, context)
return Response("{}{}{}".format(request.get_host(), settings.MEDIA_URL, word_doc))
def get_operation_word_file(self, request, context):
import unicodedata
from django.core.files import File
from django.urls import reverse
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches, Pt
operation_type = {
'arrival': 'Llegadas',
'departure': 'Salidas',
'hotel': 'Hotel-Hotel',
'tour': 'Tours',
weekdays = {
'0': 'LUNES',
'1': 'MARTES',
'3': 'JUEVES',
'4': 'VIERNES',
'5': 'SÁBADO',
'6': 'DOMINGO',
titles = ['Booking', 'Nombre', '#', 'Vuelo', 'Hr', 'P Up', 'Traslado', 'Circuito', 'Priv?', 'Agencia', '']
widths = [Inches(1), Inches(2), Inches(0.5), Inches(1), Inches(1), Inches(1), Inches(2), Inches(3), Inches(0.5), Inches(3), Inches(0.5)]
document = Document()
section = document.sections[-1]
section.top_margin = Inches(0.5)
section.bottom_margin = Inches(0.5)
section.left_margin = Inches(0.3)
section.right_margin = Inches(0.2)
style = document.styles['Normal']
font = style.font ='Arial'
font.size = Pt(10)
company_paragraph = document.add_heading("XXXX TTOO INC")
company_paragraph.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
description_paragraph = document.add_paragraph("Operación de {} del día {}".format(operation_type[self.operation_type], self.operation_date))
description_paragraph.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
operation_date = self.get_operation_date().date()
operation_week_day = operation_date.weekday()
day_paragraph = document.add_paragraph(weekdays[str(operation_week_day)])
day_paragraph.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
for provider_unit, transfers in context.items():
provider_unit_paragraph = document.add_paragraph(provider_unit) = Pt(10) = False
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=11)
hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
runs = []
for i in range(len(hdr_cells)):
runs.append(self.get_hdr_cells_run(hdr_cells[i], titles[i]))
for row in table.rows:
for idx, width in enumerate(widths):
row.cells[idx].width = width
adults = 0
minors = 0
for transfer in transfers:
# table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=11)
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
row_cells[0].text = transfer['booking']
row_cells[1].text = transfer['people']
row_cells[2].text = transfer['pax']
flight = transfer.get("flight","") if transfer.get("flight","") is not None else ""
row_cells[3].text = flight
flight_time = self.get_flight_time(flight) if flight != '' else ''
row_cells[4].text = flight_time
row_cells[5].text = transfer['pickup_time'].strftime('%H:%M') if transfer['pickup_time'] is not None else ''
row_cells[6].text = transfer['place']
row_cells[7].text = transfer['roundtrip']
row_cells[8].text = transfer['is_private']
row_cells[9].text = transfer['agency']
people = transfer['pax'].split('.')
adults = adults + int(people[0])
minors = minors + int(people[1])
if transfer['comment'] is not None:
document.add_paragraph("Comentarios: {}".format(transfer['comment']))
for row in table.rows:
for idx, width in enumerate(widths):
row.cells[idx].width = width
for cell in row.cells:
paragraphs = cell.paragraphs
for paragraph in paragraphs:
for run in paragraph.runs:
font = run.font
font.size = Pt(8)
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
row_cells[10].text = "{}.{}".format(adults, minors)
current_directory = settings.MEDIA_DIR
file_name = "Operaciones {} {}.docx".format(self.operation_type, self.operation_date)"{}{}".format(current_directory, file_name))
return file_name
def get_flight_time(self, flight):
from OperationsManagerApp.models import Flight
operation_types = {
'arrival': 'ARRIVAL',
'departure': 'DEPARTURE'
operation_date = datetime.strptime(self.operation_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
flight = Flight.objects.get(flight_type=operation_types[self.operation_type], number=flight)
return ''
weekday_times = {
'0': flight.time_monday,
'1': flight.time_tuesday,
'2': flight.time_wednesday,
'3': flight.time_thursday,
'4': flight.time_friday,
'5': flight.time_saturday,
'6': flight.time_sunday,
weekday_time = weekday_times[str(operation_date.weekday())]
return weekday_time.strftime('%H:%M') if weekday_time is not None else ''
def get_hdr_cells_run(self, hdr_cells, title):
from docx.shared import Pt
new_run = hdr_cells.paragraphs[0].add_run(title)
new_run.bold = True
new_run.font.size = Pt(8)
return new_run
def get_operation_date(self):
date_array = self.operation_date.split('-')
day = int(date_array[2])
month = int(date_array[1])
year = int(date_array[0])
operation_date = datetime(year, month, day)
return operation_date
One approach is to add a paragraph to one of the cells:
This will place it in the right position with respect to the row it belongs to, rather than after the table.
If that would take too much room for a single cell that already has another data item in it and you want to add a row, you'll need to account for that when you allocate the table. But assuming you get that worked out, merging the cells is easy:

