Create different dataframe inside of a 'for' loop - python

I have a dataset that looks something like the following. I would like to create dataframes that contains only texts for each authors, for example as you can see the df1 contains only texts from the author0, etc. Is there any way to do that for many authors?
import pandas as pd
data = {
'text' : ['text0', 'text1', 'text2'],
'author': ['author0', 'author1', 'author1'],
'title': ['Comunicación', 'Administración', 'Ventas']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df1 = df[df["author"]=="author0"]
df2 = df[df["author"]=="author1"]
I have tried this, but it's not working
list_author = df['author'].unique().tolist()
for i in list_author:
dt_str(i) = dt[dt["author"]=="i"]
It would be helpful if the data frames have the name df_'author' (eg df_George)

If you want to have separate dataframes per author, use a dictionary with the author names as the keys. See the below example:
data = {
'text' : ['text0', 'text1', 'text2'],
'author': ['author0', 'author1', 'author1'],
'title': ['Comunicación', 'Administración', 'Ventas']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_dict = {}
for author in df['author'].unique():
df_dict[author] = df[df['author']==author]
#dict_keys(['author0', 'author1'])
# text author title
# 0 text0 author0 Comunicación
# text author title
# 1 text1 author1 Administración
# 2 text2 author1 Ventas


How do I access specific data in a nested JSON file with Python and Pandas

I am still a newbie with Python and working on my first REST API. I have a JSON file that has a few levels. When I create the data frame with pandas, no matter what I try I cannot access the level I need.
The API is built with Flask and has the correct parameters for the book, chapter and verse.
Below is a small example of the JSON data.
"book": "Python",
"chapters": [
"chapter": "1",
"verses": [
"verse": "1",
"text": "Testing"
"verse": "2",
"text": "Testing 2"
Here is my code:
def api(book, chapter, verse):
book = book.replace(" ", "").title()
df = pd.read_json(f"Python/{book}.json")
filt = (df['chapters']['chapter'] == chapter) & (df['chapters']['verses']['verse'] == verse)
text = df.loc[filt].to_json()
result_dictionary = {'Book': book, 'Chapter': chapter, "Verse": verse, "Text": text}
return result_dictionary
Here is the error I am getting:
KeyError: 'chapter'
I have tried normalizing the data, using df.loc to filter and just trying to access the data directly.
Expecting that the API endpoint will allow the user to supply the book, chapter and verse as arguments and then it returns the text for the given position based on those parameters supplied.
You can first create a dataframe of the JSON and then query it.
import json
import pandas as pd
def api(book, chapter, verse):
# Read the JSON file
with open(f"Python/{book}.json", "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
# Convert it into a DataFrame
df = pd.json_normalize(data, record_path=["chapters", "verses"], meta=["book", ["chapters", "chapter"]])
df.columns = ["Verse", "Text", "Book", "Chapter"] # rename columns
# Query the required content
query = f"Book == '{book}' and Chapter == '{chapter}' and Verse == '{verse}'"
result = df.query(query).to_dict(orient="records")[0]
return result
Here df would look like this after json_normalize:
Verse Text Book Chapter
0 1 Testing Python 1
1 2 Testing 2 Python 1
2 1 Testing Python 2
3 2 Testing 2 Python 2
And result is:
{'Verse': '2', 'Text': 'Testing 2', 'Book': 'Python', 'Chapter': '1'}
You are trying to access a list in a dict with a dict key ?
filt = (df['chapters'][0]['chapter'] == "chapter") & (df['chapters'][0]['verses'][0]['verse'] == "verse")
Will get a result.
But df.loc[filt] requires a list with (boolean) filters and above only gerenerates one false or true, so you can't filter with that.
You can filter like:
df.from_dict(df['chapters'][0]['verses']).query("verse =='1'")
One of the issues here is that "chapters" is a list
"chapters": [
This is why ["chapters"]["chapter"] wont work as you intend.
If you're new to this, it may be helpful to "normalize" the data yourself:
import json
with open("book.json") as f:
book = json.load(f)
for chapter in book["chapters"]:
for verse in chapter["verses"]:
row = book["book"], chapter["chapter"], verse["verse"], verse["text"]
('Python', '1', '1', 'Testing')
('Python', '1', '2', 'Testing 2')
It is possible to pass this to pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.DataFrame(
([book["book"], chapter["chapter"], verse["verse"], verse["text"]]
for verse in chapter["verses"]
for chapter in book["chapters"]),
columns=["Book", "Chapter", "Verse", "Text"]
Book Chapter Verse Text
0 Python 1 1 Testing
1 Python 1 2 Testing 2
Although it's not clear if you need a dataframe here at all.

How to transform JSON SList to pandas dataframe?

a = ['{"type": "book",',
'"title": "sometitle",',
'"author": [{"name": "somename"}],',
'"year": "2000",',
'"identifier": [{"type": "ISBN", "id": "1234567890"}],',
'"publisher": "somepublisher"}', '',
'{"type": "book",', '
'"title": "sometitle2",',
'"author": [{"name": "somename2"}],',
'"year": "2001",',
'"identifier": [{"type": "ISBN", "id": "1234567890"}],',
'"publisher": "somepublisher"}', '']
I have this convoluted SList and I would like to ultimately get it into a tidy pandas dataframe.
I have tried a number of things, for example:
i = iter(a)
b = dict(zip(i, i))
Unfortunately, this creates a dictionary that looks even worse:
{'{"type": "book",':
Where I had an SList of dictionaries, I now have a dictionary of dictionaries.
I also tried
but this throws an error message AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'values'
I also tried
r = json.dumps(a.l)
loaded_r = json.loads(r)
but this yields a list
['{"type": "book",',
Again, in the end I'd like to have a pandas dataframe like this
type title author year ...
book sometitle somename 2000 ...
book sometitle2 somename2 2001
Obviously, I haven't really gotten to the point where I can feed the data to a pandas function. Everytime I did that, the functions screamed at me...
a = ['{"type": "book",',
'"title": "sometitle",',
'"author": [{"name": "somename"}],',
'"year": "2000",',
'"identifier": [{"type": "ISBN", "id": "1234567890"}],',
'"publisher": "somepublisher"}', '',
'{"type": "book",',
'"title": "sometitle2",',
'"author": [{"name": "somename2"}],',
'"year": "2001",',
'"identifier": [{"type": "ISBN", "id": "1234567890"}],',
'"publisher": "somepublisher"}', '']
b = "[%s]" % ''.join([',' if i == '' else i for i in a ]).strip(',')
data = json.loads(b)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
type title author year \
0 book sometitle [{'name': 'somename'}] 2000
1 book sometitle2 [{'name': 'somename2'}] 2001
identifier publisher
0 [{'type': 'ISBN', 'id': '1234567890'}] somepublisher
1 [{'type': 'ISBN', 'id': '1234567890'}] somepublisher

How to write to excel sheet only those rows which match the condition using Python pandas

I have a data frame which contains 3 columns(Issue id, Creator, Versions).I need to extract the row which does not contain the value "<JIRA Version" in the "versions" column(Which is the third and fifth row in my case.Similarly there could be multiple rows in the data frame)
Below is the code i'm trying, but this is actually printing all the rows from the data frame. Any help/suggestions are appreciated.
allissues = []
for i in issues:
d = {
'Issue id':,
'creator' : i.fields.creator,
'resolution': i.fields.resolution,
'versions': i.fields.versions,
df = pd.DataFrame(allissues, columns=['Issue id', 'creator', 'versions'])
matchers = ['<JIRA Version']
for ind in df.values:
if matchers not in df.values:
print(df['versions'][ind], df['Issue id'][ind])
some minor changes in your code:
allissues = []
for i in issues:
d = {
'Issue id':,
'creator' : i.fields.creator,
'resolution': i.fields.resolution,
'versions': i.fields.versions,
df = pd.DataFrame(allissues, columns=['Issue id', 'creator', 'versions'])
matchers = '<JIRA Version'
for ind,row in df.iterrows():
if matchers not in row.versions:
print(row['versions'], row['Issue id'])

How to merge 2 dictionaries on id and write them to an xml file

I have product information in to different objects, product description and product highlights. both of these objects have product_id, so I can associate them together.
decription_items is a list of dictionary, e.g:
{'product_id': '123', 'description': 'desc1', 'price': '$40' },
{'product_id': '124', 'description': 'desc2', 'price': '$50' },
{'product_id': '125', 'description': 'desc3', 'price': '$99' },
product_highlight_dict is a dictionary of (product_id, ProductHighlight)
'123': <product_123_highligh>,
'124': <product_124_highligh>,
'125': <product_125_highligh>,
and finally ProductHighlight is a class:
class ProductHighlight:
def __init__(self, product_id, location, area):
self.product_id = product_id
self.location = location
self.area = area
What I want to do is to merge these two types and write them to an xml document, in the following code, I can merge the two types:
for description_item in self.decription_items:
product_id = .get('product_id')
if product_id:
product_highlight = spider.product_highlight_dict.get(product_id)
# I don't know how to combine description_item and
# product_highlight and write them to an xml
I use the following code to write product_highlight_dict to an xml. I don't know how to include description_item in the following logic?
highlights = []
for k in self.product_highlight_dict:
xml = dicttoxml.dicttoxml(highlights, custom_root='product_highlights')
file = open('filename', "wb")
You can use description_items to build a dictionary with description and price information for every product:
product_data = {}
for description_item in description_items:
product_id = description_item["product_id"]
product_data[product_id] = description_item
Then you can use it in your code like this
highlights = []
for product_id, product_highlight in self.product_highlight_dict.items():
highlight = vars(product_highlight)
if product_id in product_data:

What is the data format returned by the AdWords API TargetingIdeaPage service?

When I query the AdWords API to get search volume data and trends through their TargetingIdeaSelector using the Python client library the returned data looks like this:
totalNumEntries = 1
entries[] =
data[] =
value =
Attribute.Type = "StringAttribute"
value = "keyword phrase"
value =
Attribute.Type = "MonthlySearchVolumeAttribute"
value[] =
year = 2016
month = 2
count = 2900
year = 2015
month = 3
count = 2900
This isn't JSON and appears to just be a messy Python list. What's the easiest way to flatten the monthly data into a Pandas dataframe with a structure like this?
Keyword | Year | Month | Count
keyword phrase 2016 2 10
The output is a sudsobject. I found that this code does the trick:
import suds.sudsobject as sudsobject
import pandas as pd
a = [sudsobject.asdict(x) for x in output]
df = pd.DataFrame(a)
Addendum: This was once correct but new versions of the API (I tested
201802) now return a zeep.objects. However, zeep.helpers.serialize_object should do the same trick.
Here's the complete code that I used to query the TargetingIdeaSelector, with requestType STATS, and the method I used to parse the data to a useable dataframe; note the section starting "Parse results to pandas dataframe" as this takes the output given in the question above and converts it to a dataframe. Probably not the fastest or best, but it works! Tested with Python 2.7.
"""This code pulls trends for a set of keywords, and parses into a dataframe.
The LoadFromStorage method is pulling credentials and properties from a
"googleads.yaml" file. By default, it looks for this file in your home
directory. For more information, see the "Caching authentication information"
section of our README.
from googleads import adwords
import pandas as pd
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
# Initialize appropriate service.
targeting_idea_service = adwords_client.GetService(
'TargetingIdeaService', version='v201601')
# Construct selector object and retrieve related keywords.
offset = 0
stats_selector = {
'searchParameters': [
'xsi_type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',
'queries': ['donald trump', 'bernie sanders']
# Language setting (optional).
# The ID can be found in the documentation:
'xsi_type': 'LanguageSearchParameter',
'languages': [{'id': '1000'}],
# Location setting
'xsi_type': 'LocationSearchParameter',
'locations': [{'id': '1027363'}] # Burlington,Vermont
'ideaType': 'KEYWORD',
'requestType': 'STATS',
'requestedAttributeTypes': ['KEYWORD_TEXT', 'TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES'],
'paging': {
'startIndex': str(offset),
'numberResults': str(PAGE_SIZE)
stats_page = targeting_idea_service.get(stats_selector)
# Parse results to pandas dataframe
stats_pd = pd.DataFrame()
if 'entries' in stats_page:
for stats_result in stats_page['entries']:
stats_attributes = {}
for stats_attribute in stats_result['data']:
#print (stats_attribute)
if stats_attribute['key'] == 'KEYWORD_TEXT':
kt = stats_attribute['value']['value']
for i, val in enumerate(stats_attribute['value'][1]):
data = {'keyword': kt,
'year': val['year'],
'month': val['month'],
'count': val['count']}
data = pd.DataFrame(data, index = [i])
stats_pd = stats_pd.append(data, ignore_index=True)

