How to develop a system to get insight from database only through natural language? [closed] - python

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Closed 2 days ago.
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Suppose you are voice-based asking a system - what is the current sales growth ? The system replies : It is 12 %.
There should not be any pre defined formula to calculate.
It should be coded in such a way that voice to be converted into code then code can be executed automatically to fetch data from database and perform required operation to give an output.
I have tried to code in Python to take voice input and NLP converts the voice into text which triggers pre define set of words and codes associated with it to provide an answer.
But I do not want to code all the related formulas. User can ask growth, mean, median, or anything so that system gives an output by auto performing operations on data.


How to verify it's the same computer [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I was wondering if there's any Python code I can run that, assuming the Python code has not been tampered with, will return an ID specific to that computer that cannot be spoofed. My initial thought was to use MAC addresses, but I know those can be easily spoofed. How about CPU serial number? How would I go about doing that?
This is an impossible problem, as it's equivalent to effective DRM. Every identifier can be spoofed. Remember, the user can tamper with your Python code (any compiling/obfuscating/encrypting you do can be reversed, so don't bother) to return whatever identifier they want. (And even if your code were absolutely read-only, they could change the Python runtime or the OS to do whatever they want.)

I want to check if online video is streaming or not. How to do it in Python? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to write a script to check if I am able to stream an online video in a website. I just want a binary no (0 or 1) to see if the content is working or not and I want to do it via Python.
I have search in the internet but couldn't found an adequate answer.
The easier solution would be to calculate your internet consumption. If your internet consumption is higher than a certain limit, then you may assume that your streaming is working fine. If not, you may configure an alert.

how to find a function to perform a function I wanted [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In python program, when I want to perform a function, how to find/check whether are there any existed function in function library.
just like using Function in Microsolft Office Excel:"Please enter a brief description to describe what you want to do" then we could search the function.
Keep looping this until you to learn whatever you want to learn:
Open Googles search:
Add something you want to like sum complex numbers and hit the first result:
Read enterely the first result, to know whether its answers your doudt.
If you are not satisfied with the current result, open the next one.
Read enterely the current seach result, to know whether its answers your doudt.
If you still not satisfied yet and the results seems to be related, go back to the step 4. Else/otherwise go to the step 2 and try different search terms.

Does "statement" in Python mean "command"? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to Python and I'm learning from Tutorials Point. They use the term "statement" a lot. Is that like the term "command"? What does it mean?
In computer programming a statement is the smallest standalone element of an imperative programming language that expresses some action to be carried out. It is an instruction written in a high-level language that commands the computer to perform a specified action. A program written in such a language is formed by a sequence of one or more statements. A statement may have internal components (e.g., expressions).

Python - First Interface with a Program [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have spent the last six months learning python as a way to automate my working environment. So far I have automated data extraction and report downloading from various web-based sources through the use of webcrawlers, interacted with excel files, created visual representations of data through matplotlib, and removed almost all the monotony from bank reconciliation.
I now come to a new task which takes up a large amount of my daily workload. We use an accounts program called Sage 50 Accounts. I effectively want to begin to learn how to manipulate the data contained within this program so that my daily thought patterns can be put into Python code.
Because this hasn't been done, there's no pre-made API. So my question is:
When wishing to interact with a new program through Python, how does a programmer begin such an inquiry?
Please accept that this question is only vague and general because I'm incredibly new to such a task.
SData is Sage's general data access API layer and should suit your purposes.
Otherwise you might need to invest in or obtain a Sage Development SDK.

