Need information on Creating customised Candlestick Software in Python [closed] - python

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I need information on which libaries i can use to plot a candlestick data and
draw fibonaci retracement tools over the candlestick.
May you please advise. I tried to search but could not find any information on how to draw on top of already created candlestick charts that are created by plotly etc.
I have done research on it. but, could not find it.


How to synthesize audio files in python in a GAN(Generative Adversarial Network)? [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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Are there specific python libraries which we can use to generate audio files?
What is the noise that we provide in this case
Which external libraries are useful
Basic Research
Got to know that we have to use vectors to generate audio signals rather than tensors in case of images

Create a flow field with fully customizable arrows in Python [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to produce a flow field map in Python which should be perfectly readable for people with colorblindness. Just like the image on the following page (created with GMT):
My data is in netcdf format, the flow vectors are in u and v components and I am plotting it on a meshgrid(lon, lat) with plt.quiver.
The problem with quiver is that you just can control the colors ond not the style of arrows.
I have a workaround with windbarbs (plt.barbs), however it would be much better to include custom arrows for specific data values.
Is there a way in python to include different arrow styles?
Or is there a possibility to include arrow styles for specific data ranges?

Data visualization for geographical map [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am doing a dissertation on data visualization of land prices in Tanzania.
My intendants want me to use a GIS software to map the data on a map and use python code to visualize it.
My question is how can i use python to draw the maps ?
If you want to perform data visualisation, you can use the python library called matplotlib
To perform the mapping of data on geographical maps using matplotlib, here are the examples which helps you to get started.
I hope this helps you.

Drawing simple graphs with Python [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking to draw graphs in Python (nodes, edges, loops etc; not graphs as in bar charts and the like). I am struggling to find a good cross-platform library for this; would Tkinter or Qt be capable of this? If not are there any alternatives to this?
Networkx is the most used library to generate and analyze networks in python, then I strongly suggest it. Please, take a look at this documentation:
Draw graph in NetworkX

Plotting in python over a time period [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a csv file and I want to plot my x,y values over 3 seconds. So when the page loads my graph starts plotting values and in 3 seconds it would've plotted all the values.
Are there any libraries that cater to this functionality?
Check out Matplotlib animation documentation. Specifically:
matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, func, frames=None, init_func=None, fargs=None, save_count=None, **kwargs)
You'll have to define the plotting function to be animated

