I have 4 video files (different scenes of a movie).
There's a starting scene that will be played when I run the player.
And before that scene ends, let's say the video player reads an int value (0-100) from external file (all happens at runtime), and depending on that int value, it has to determine which scene to play next.
pseudo example:
if (x > 0 && x < 30)
videoSource = scene2
else if (x >= 30 && x < 60)
videoSource = scene3
else if (x >= 60 && x <= 100)
videoSource = scene 4
How can I make it change video sources at runtime, depending on that variable?
I don't care about the format of the video file, (Avi, mp4...) whatever works will be fine.
I don't know how to approach this problem. I've searched for something that has the potential to accomplish this, like pyglet or GStreamer, but I didn't find a clear solution.
EDIT: I have the basic player and video player with pyglet, and I was able to play the video without depending on a variable using this code:
import pyglet
window = pyglet.window.Window()
player = pyglet.media.Player()
source = pyglet.media.StreamingSource()
MediaLoad = pyglet.media.load(vidPath)
def on_draw():
if player.source and player.source.video_format:
How would I go about this? Guidance in the right direction and/or some sample code would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Answer revised based on comments
If your goal is to constantly read a file that is receiving writes from the output of another process, you have a couple aspects that need to be solved...
You either need to read a file periodically that is constantly being overwritten, or you need to tail the output of a file that is being appended to with new values.
Your script currently blocks when you start the pyglet event loop, so this file check will have to be in a different thread, and then you would have to communicate the update event.
I can't fully comment on step 2 because I have never used pyglet and I am not familiar with how it uses events or signals. But I can at least suggest half of it with a thread.
Here is a super basic example of using a thread to read a file and report when a line is found:
import time
from threading import Thread
class Monitor(object):
def __init__(self):
self._stop = False
def run(self, inputFile, secs=3):
self._stop = False
with open(inputFile) as monitor:
while True:
line = monitor.readline().strip()
if line.isdigit():
# this is where you would notify somehow
print int(line)
if self._stop:
def stop(self):
self._stop = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
inputFile = "write.txt"
monitor = Monitor()
monitorThread = Thread(target=monitor.run, args=(inputFile, 1))
while True:
The sleep loop at the end of the code is just a way to emulate your event loop and block.
Here is a test to show how it would work. First I open a python shell and open a new file:
>>> f = open("write.txt", 'w+', 10)
Then you can start this script. And back in the shell you can start writing lines:
>>> f.write('50\n'); f.flush()
In your script terminal you will see it read and print the lines.
The other way would be if your process that is writing to this file is constantly overwriting it, you would instead just reread the file by setting monitor.seek(0) and calling readline().
Again this is a really simple example to get you started. There are more advanced ways of solving this I am sure. The next step would be to figure out how you can signal the pyglet event loop to call a method that will change your video source.
You should review this section of the pyglet docs on how to create your own event dispatcher: http://pyglet.org/doc/programming_guide/creating_your_own_event_dispatcher.html
Again, without much knowledge of pyglet, here is what it might look like:
class VideoNotifier(pyglet.event.EventDispatcher):
def updateIndex(self, value):
self.dispatch_events('on_update_index', value)
videoNotifier = VideoNotifier()
def on_update_index(newIndex):
# thread has notified of an update
# Change the video here
And for your thread class, you would pass in the dispatcher instance, and use the updateIndex() event to notify:
class Monitor(object):
def __init__(self, dispatcher):
self._stop = False
self._dispatcher = dispatcher
def run(self, inputFile, secs=3):
# should notify video of new value
line = int(line_from_file)
Hope that gets you started!
I'm developing a Kodi add-on that uses a custom overlay. It's almost completely working now, except for one runtime error I get every time I start a video, after reaching 5 seconds in the video ("Error Contents: Control does not exist in window"). Here's the code for addon.py below:
import xbmc, xbmcaddon, xbmcgui, os
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
addonpath = ADDON.getAddonInfo('path')
class OverlayBackground(object):
def __init__(self):
self.showing = False
self.window = xbmcgui.Window()
origin_x = 0
origin_y = 0
window_w = self.window.getWidth()
window_h = self.window.getHeight()
self._background = xbmcgui.ControlImage(origin_x, origin_y, window_w, window_h, os.path.join(addonpath,"resources","skins","default","media","background.png"))
def show(self):
def hide(self):
def _close(self):
if self.showing:
except: pass
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
monitor = xbmc.Monitor()
while not monitor.abortRequested():
if xbmc.Player().isPlaying():
theOverlay = OverlayBackground()
if(xbmc.Player().getTime() < 5):
The error came from "self.window.removeControl(self._background)", as mentioned in this paste bin. It seems odd, because I'm sure that the control was added prior to running this command, so I'm not sure what's causing this command to crash the add-on.
I tried asking over in the Kodi forums for help, and was told that I need to get the ID of the player that I'm controlling (and linked to the documentation for Control), but I'm not sure how to implement that, even after researching the documentation extensively.
I would highly appreciate any clarification on this. Thank you so much in advance!
you need to check if the overlay already removed
def show(self):
if not self.showing:
def hide(self):
if self.showing:
I'm asking this question in a more broad spectrum because I'm not facing this specific issue right now, but I'm wondering how to do it in the future.
If I have a long running python script, that is supposed to do something all the time (could be a infine loop, if that helps). The code is started by running python main.py command on a terminal.
The code doesn't have an ending, so there will be no sys.exit().
I don't want to use KeyboardInterrupt and I don't want to kill the task. Because those options are abrupt, and you can't predict precisely at what point you are stoping the code.
Is there a way to 'softly' terminate the code when I eventually decide to fo it? For example using another command, preparing a class or running another script?
What would be the best practice for this?
PS.: Please, bear in mind that I'm a novice coder.
I'm adding some generic code, in order to make my question clearer.
import time,csv
import GenericAPI
class GenericDataCollector:
def __init__(self):
self.generic_api = GenericAPI()
def collect_data(self):
while True: #Maybe this could be a var that is changed from outside of the class?
data = self.generic_api.fetch_data() #Returns a JSON with some data
def write_on_csv(self, data):
with open('file.csv','wt') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
def run():
obj = GenericDataCollector()
if __name__ == "__main__":
In this particular case, the class is collecting data from some generic API (that comes in JSON) and writing it in a csv file, in a infinite loop. How could I code a way (method?) to stop it (when called uppon, so unexpected), without abruptly interrupting (Ctrl+C or killing task).
I would recommend use the signal module. This allows you to handle signal interrupts (SIGINT) and clean up the program before your exit. Take the following code for example:
import signal
running = True
def handle(a, b):
global running
running = False
# catch the SIGINT signal and call handle() when the process
# receives it
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle)
# your code here
while running:
You can still exit with a Ctrl+C, but what you put in the while loop will not be cut off half way.
Based on #Calder White, how about this (not tested):
import signal
import time,csv
import GenericAPI
class GenericDataCollector:
def __init__(self):
self.generic_api = GenericAPI()
self.cont = True
def collect_data(self):
while self.cont:
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handle)
data = self.generic_api.fetch_data() #Returns a JSON with some data
def handle(self):
self.cont = False
def write_on_csv(self, data):
with open('file.csv','wt') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
def run():
obj = GenericDataCollector()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Basically, I am asking how to put a continuously updating program on display into tkinter's text widget.
from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Text, BOTH
class FrameApp(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
Frame.__init__(self, parent, background="white")
self.parent = parent
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
def centerWindow(self):
w = 900
h = 450
sw = self.parent.winfo_screenwidth()
sh = self.parent.winfo_screenheight()
x = (sw - w)/2
y = (sh - h)/2
self.parent.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (w, h, x, y))
def theText(self):
w = Text ()
def main():
app = FrameApp(root)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is my tkinter program. As you can see, I've centered it and set it up with a text function defined as theText(self). I have done anything with theText(self) because I don't know where to begin. This works fine alone, it starts up, as expected, in the center with it's title.
# Money Generator Mark 1
import time
t = 'true'
while t == 'true':
s = 0
x = 1
print ("You have $%s." % (s))
t = 'false'
while t == 'false':
s = s + (1 * x)
print ("You have $%s." % (s))
if s >= 100 and s < 200:
x = 2
if s >= 200:
x = 4
Here I have another program that works fine on it's own. I've dubbed it Money Generator as is akin to Cookie Clicker and Candy Box, those types of things. This also works fine in the command box, function and printing to there. I was wondering how to integrate these two separate programs so that the second program that is listed here will be displayed in tkinter's window.
Here is my new code that has a new issue. I'm receiving an error stating that 'generate_money' is not defined in the theText function. These new functions are within my frameApp class.
def theText(self):
self.w = Text()
self.t = threading.Thread(target=generate_money, args=(self.w))
self.t.daemon = True
def generate_money(textwidget):
p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join('window.py', 'moneygenerator.py')],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
do_stuff_with(textwidget, line)
This is unfortunately going to be a little trickier than you'd like.
The first part is easy: you can just use the subprocess module to run the background script and capture its output:
p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join(scriptpath, 'moneygenerator.py')],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
The problem is that doing this in the middle of a Tkinter callback will block the entire program until the background program is done. So, instead of getting updated on each line, you'll just freeze up the app until the OS kills you/displays a beachball/etc.
There are two usual solutions to doing stuff without blocking: Do it on a thread—which is easy, except that you can't access Tkinter widgets from a background thread. Or check the subprocess's pipe in a non-blocking way—which would be great if there were a cross-platform way to do that without potentially blocking forever. (There are, however, third-party "async subprocess" wrappers on PyPI, which may be an alternate way to solve this problem.)
So, you need to combine both of these. Have a thread that blocks on the subprocess and posts messages on something that you can check in a non-blocking way in the main thread, like a queue.Queue.
But, instead of writing it yourself, there's a nice wrapper called mtTkinter that does most of the hard part for you. You can just write your background thread as if it were legal to access the widgets, and it will intercept that access and turn it into queue posts. Sadly, mtTkinter doesn't work in Python 3—but it looks pretty easy to fix; I slapped together a port in a few minutes. Although I haven't done much testing on it, I think this is probably the simplest way forward.
from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Text, BOTH
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
# ...
def generate_money(textwidget):
p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, os.path.join(scriptpath, 'moneygenerator.py')],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in p.stdout:
do_stuff_with(textwidget, line)
# ...
class FrameApp(Frame):
# ...
def theText(self):
self.w = Text()
self.t = threading.Thread(target=generate_money, args=(self.w,))
You'll probably want to add some way to either tell self.t to shut down early, or just wait for it to finish, at quit time. (Or, alternatively, because you know that it can't leave any "dangerous garbage" behind it killed suddenly, you may be able to just set self.t.daemon = True.) But this is enough to show the basics.
Here is the code sample:
class RunGui (QtGui.QMainWindow)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QtCore.Qobject.connect(self.ui.actionNew, QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.new_select)
def normal_output_written(self, qprocess):
self.ui.text_edit.append("caught outputReady signal") #works
self.ui.text_edit.append(str(qprocess.readAllStandardOutput())) # doesn't work
def new_select(self):
dialog_np = NewProjectDialog()
if dialog_np.is_OK:
section = dialog_np.get_section()
project = dialog_np.get_project()
np = NewProject()
np.outputReady.connect(lambda: self.normal_output_written(np.qprocess))
np.errorReady.connect(lambda: self.error_output_written(np.qprocess))
np.inputNeeded.connect(lambda: self.input_from_line_edit(np.qprocess))
np.params = partial(np.create_new_project, section, project, otherargs)
class NewProject(QtCore.QThread):
outputReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
errorReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
inputNeeded = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
params = None
message = ""
def __init__(self):
super(NewProject, self).__init__()
self.qprocess = QtCore.QProcess()
self._inputQueue = Queue()
def run(self):
def create_new_project(self, section, project, otherargs):
# PyDev for some reason skips the breakpoints inside the thread
self.outputReady.emit(self.qprocess) # works - I'm getting signal in RunGui.normal_output_written()
print(str(self.qprocess.readAllStandardOutput())) # prints empty line
.... # other actions inside the method requiring "command" to finish properly.
The idea is beaten to death - get the GUI to run scripts and communicate with the processes. The challenge in this particular example is that the script started in QProcess as command runs an app, that requires user input (confirmation) along the way. Therefore I have to be able to start the script, get all output and parse it, wait for the question to appear in the output and then communicate back the answer, allow it to finish and only then to proceed further with other actions inside create_new_project()
I don't know if this will fix your overall issue, but there are a few design issues I see here.
You are passing around the qprocess between threads instead of just emitting your custom signals with the results of the qprocess
You are using class-level attributes that should probably be instance attributes
Technically you don't even need the QProcess, since you are running it in your thread and actively using blocking calls. It could easily be a subprocess.Popen...but anyways, I might suggest changes like this:
class RunGui (QtGui.QMainWindow)
def normal_output_written(self, msg):
def new_select(self):
np = NewProject()
np.params = partial(np.create_new_project, section, project, otherargs)
class NewProject(QtCore.QThread):
outputReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
errorReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
inputNeeded = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
def __init__(self):
super(NewProject, self).__init__()
self._inputQueue = Queue()
self.params = None
def run(self):
def create_new_project(self, section, project, otherargs):
qprocess = QtCore.QProcess()
if not qprocess.waitForStarted():
# handle a failed command here
if not qprocess.waitForReadyRead():
# handle a timeout or error here
msg = str(self.qprocess.readAllStandardOutput())
Don't pass around the QProcess. Just emit the data. And create it from within the threads method so that it is automatically owned by that thread. Your outside classes should really not have any knowledge of that QProcess object. It doesn't even need to be a member attribute since its only needed during the operation.
Also make sure you are properly checking that your command both successfully started, and is running and outputting data.
To clarify some problems you might be having (per the comments), I wanted to suggest that QProcess might not be the best option if you need to have interactive control with processes that expect periodic user input. It should work find for running scripts that just produce output from start to finish, though really using subprocess would be much easier. For scripts that need user input over time, your best bet may be to use pexpect. It allows you to spawn a process, and then watch for various patterns that you know will indicate the need for input:
import time
i = raw_input("Please enter something: ")
print "Output:", i
print "Another line"
print "Done"
import pexpect
import time
child = pexpect.spawn("python foo.py")
ret = -1
while ret < 0:
ret = child.expect("Please enter something: ")
while True:
line = child.readline()
if not line:
print line.strip()
# Output: FOO
# Another line
# Done
I have a threaded python application with a long-running mainloop in the background thread. This background mainloop is actually a call to pyglet.app.run(), which drives a GUI window and also can be configured to call other code periodically. I need a do_stuff(duration) function to be called at will from the main thread to trigger an animation in the GUI, wait for the animation to stop, and then return. The actual animation must be done in the background thread because the GUI library can't handle being driven by separate threads.
I believe I need to do something like this:
import threading
class StuffDoer(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.max_n_times = 0
self.total_n_times = 0
self.paused_ev = threading.Event()
def run(self):
# this part is outside of my control
while True:
# do other stuff
def _do_stuff(self):
# this part is under my control
if self.paused_ev.is_set():
if self.max_n_times > self.total_n_times:
if self.total_n_times >= self.max_n_times:
if not self.paused_ev.is_set():
# do stuff that must execute in the background thread
self.total_n_times += 1
sd = StuffDoer()
def do_stuff(n_times):
sd.max_n_times += n_times
sd.paused_ev.wait_for_clear() # wait_for_clear() does not exist
assert (sd.total_n_times == sd.max_n_times)
EDIT: use max_n_times instead of stop_time to clarify why Thread.join(duration) won't do the trick.
From the documentation for threading.Event:
Block until the internal flag is true.
If the internal flag is true on entry,
return immediately. Otherwise, block
until another thread calls set() to
set the flag to true, or until the
optional timeout occurs.
I've found I can get the behavior I'm looking for if I have a pair of events, paused_ev and not_paused_ev, and use not_paused_ev.wait(). I could almost just use Thread.join(duration), except it needs to only return precisely when the background thread actually registers that the time is up. Is there some other synchronization object or other strategy I should be using instead?
I'd also be open to arguments that I'm approaching this whole thing the wrong way, provided they're good arguments.
Hoping I get some revision or additional info from my comment, but I'm kind of wondering if you're not overworking things by subclassing Thread. You can do things like this:
class MyWorker(object):
def __init__(self):
t = Thread(target = self._do_work, name "Worker Owned Thread")
t.daemon = True
def _do_work(self):
While True:
# Something going on here, forever if necessary. This thread
# will go away if the other non-daemon threads terminate, possibly
# raising an exception depending this function's body.
I find this makes more sense when the method you want to run is something that is more appropriately a member function of some other class than it would be to as the run method on the thread. Additionally, this saves you from having to encapsulate a bunch of business logic inside of a Thread. All IMO, of course.
It appears that your GUI animation thread is using a spin-lock in its while True loop. This can be prevented using thread-safe queues. Based on my reading of your question, this approach would be functionally equivalent and efficient.
I'm omitting some details of your code above which would not change. I'm also assuming here that the run() method which you do not control uses the self.stop_time value to do its work; otherwise there is no need for a threadsafe queue.
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Event
class StuffDoer:
def __init__(self, inq, ready):
self.inq = inq
self.ready = ready
def _do_stuff(self):
self.stop_time = self.inq.get()
GUIqueue = Queue()
control = Event()
sd = StuffDoer(GUIqueue, control)
def do_stuff(duration):
GUIqueue.put(time.time() + duration)
I ended up using a Queue similar to what #wberry suggested, and making use of Queue.task_done and Queue.wait:
import Queue
import threading
class StuffDoer(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.max_n_times = 0
self.total_n_times = 0
self.do_queue = Queue.Queue()
def run(self):
# this part is outside of my control
while True:
# do other stuff
def _do_stuff(self):
# this part is under my control
if self.total_n_times >= self.max_n_times:
self.max_n_times += self.do_queue.get(block=False)
except Queue.Empty, e:
if self.max_n_times > self.total_n_times:
# do stuff that must execute in the background thread
self.total_n_times += 1
if self.total_n_times >= self.max_n_times:
sd = StuffDoer()
def do_stuff(n_times):
assert (sd.total_n_times == sd.max_n_times)
I made solution based on #g.d.d.c advice for this question. There is my code:
threads = []
# initializing aux thread(s) in the main thread ...
t = threading.Thread(target=ThreadF, args=(...))
#t.setDaemon(True) # I'm not sure does it really needed
# Block main thread
while filter(lambda thread: thread.ident in threads, threading.enumerate()):
Also, you can use Thread.join to block the main thread - it is better way.