I'm trying to install scipy but when I finish installing, I can't import it. is there any GUI for easy installation? The general information:
Windows 7 - Python 2.7 - scipy 0.11.0 - I followed the steps in abel.ee.ucla.edu/cvxopt/install/index.html) for windows to install the libraries needed. I ran the setup for scipy using python setup.py install in command line and in the setup.py directory.
The error messege error link
If you are looking for a windows installer you can find one here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
But as it says: These are unofficial, unsupported and you might have to reinstall numpy and everything depending on numpy from there too!
Read the instructions very careful!
I am having a strange issue installing numpy or nltk python-modules in my windows-7 machine. I have successfully installed Python 2.7.12 but I get this error when I type pip install numpy as in this screenshot. I have also included the directory of pip.exe in the PATH. Any help would be appreciated.Thank you :)
Installing such these things in windows are sometime difficult, specially for someone new to python packages(also for some experts!)
Try to use Anaconda for windows: https://www.continuum.io/downloads#_windows
This install a python for you and many requirement packages(e.g Numpy, Scipy, Scikit and many more)
You can use older version of Anaconda, for python2.x if you want strictly python2.x
An alternative way is to download Numpy from github and then install it as a python package, that contain setup.py file
python setup.py install
Or you can download Numpy wheel package, then install it localy with pip
I am trying to install OpenMDAO, which is an open source framework that uses python. So before I get to it, it needs 3 packages:
Fortran Compiler
Which I did install using homebrew:
brew install gfortran
sudo easy_install-2.6 pip
sudo pip-2.6 install numpy
sudo pip-2.6 install scipy
Now, to install OpenMDAO, I'm supposed to be in the OpenMDAO folder and at that level I should run this script:
python go-openmdao-dev.py
But I keep getting this error:
ERROR: the following prerequisites could not be imported: ['scipy'].
So I was talking to the people at OpenMDAO, and it seems that I need to use is python2.6 - although I'm not certain, so my guess is that all the packages I installed are for python 2.7 which I downloaded since it was recommended in the python website.
The one that comes with Mac was not. So when I type in terminal the following:
It actually runs that version. So at this point I don't know if I have to go run the script in python 2.6, but if so, I have no idea how to do it. I tried doing this and it did not work:
If anyone is familiar with the environment or just with python itself and has any suggestions, I'll really appreciate it.
This question was answered on the OpenMDAO support forum:
The solution was to install scipy and numpy for python2.7. The original poster first installed them for python2.6, but then ran the go-openmdao.py script with python2.7. Once all the pre-reqs were installed for 2.7, it worked.
I had the same problem after downloading scipy from a .dmg. I uninstalled, and then reinstalled from source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/scipy/0.12.0/ and then the openmdao installer recognized scipy.
This may be useful (from INSTALL.txt in scipy-0.12.0.tar.gz):
To test SciPy after installation (highly recommended), execute in
>>> import scipy
>>> scipy.test()
To run the full test suite use
>>> scipy.test('full')
Please note that you must have version 0.10 or later of the 'nose'
test framework installed in order to run the tests. More information
about nose is available on the website__.
__ http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/
I have installed Numpy successfully. But on the site , there is lot of things that I have to do such as building Numpy, Scipy, downloading ATLAS, LAPACK etc. I am really confused and even I have checked some of the other queries also. Still not able to understand.
Can anyone please explain me what exactly should I do? I have cygwin installed on my pc.
How to buid Numpy? whats the use of building numpy?
How to install Scipy?
Whats ATLAS, LAPACK etc etc ?
Thank you so much(in advance).
I struggled with the same problem for a long time, and I eventually found an easy solution here`
You really should try Enthought Python Distribution. Just a single msi installation file, click a few Next and then you are done. They include lots of scientific packages in it, including numpy, scipy, matplotlib, etc., and also ipython environment.
Would WinPython an option for you?
Unless necessary, I'd see if that covers my needs
I did the following to get Scripy installed on my Windows virtualenv:
I downloaded the file here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy and then selected the file: numpy-1.11.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
. The file is applicable to me as I'm running Python 2.7 and I have a win32 machine. You can check this information on your side by running python in your cmd prompt. Mine says:
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 10 2014, 12:24:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
The reason why we download numpy first is because scipy relates on it. Under scipy on the same website: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy, it says:
Requires numpy+mkl.
Install numpy+mkl before installing scipy.
Download the applicable scipy file for you, mine was this one: scipy-0.18.0-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
Now, you can dump them into the root of your virtualenv folder. Send the following commands in your virtualenv:
pip install numpy-1.11.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
pip install scipy-0.18.0-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
Scipy will then install successfully.
the easiest way is in the following steps:
Fixing scipy for python [ 2.n < python < 3.n ]
Download the necessary files from: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Download the version of numpy+mkl (needed to run scipy) and then download scipy for your python type (2.n python written as 2n) or (3.n python written as 3n), n is a variable. Note you must know whether you have a 32bit or 64bit processor.
Create a directory somewhere on your computer, example [C:\DIRECTORY] to install the files numpy+mkd.whl and scipy.whl
Once both file are downloaded, find the location of the file on your computer and move it to the directory you created.
Example: first file installation is needed for scipy is in---> C:\DIRECTORY\numpy\numpy-0.0.0+mkl-cp2n-cp2nm-win_amd32.whl
Example: second file installation is in---> C:\DIRECTORY\scipy\scipy-0.0.0-cp2n-cp2nm-win_amd32.whl
Go to your command prompt and proceed the following example for a python version 2.n:
py -2.n -m pip install C:\DIRECTORY\numpy\numpy-0.0.0+mkl-cp2n-cp2nm-win_amd32.whl
should install
py -2.n -m pip install C:\DIRECTORY\scipy\scipy-0.0.0-cp2n-cp2nm-win_amd32.whl
should install
Test both modules on your python IDLE as following:
import numpy
import scipy
the modules are working if no errors are returned.
I have Python 2.7, and I have distutils installed.
I downloaded the latest version of Scipy for win 32.
For the life of me, I do not understand how to install it.
From the directions on the site, it states:
If you already have Python installed, the easiest way to install Numpy
and Scipy is to download and install the binary distribution from
I have followed the above directions and downloaded this.
I cannot figure what to do now!
How do I finish getting scipy installed?
It looks like you've downloaded the source distribution, which you would normally install by doing:
python setup.py install
However, without the proper C compiler environment and other libraries, it will probably fail. I'm guessing you really wanted to download the Windows binaries .
You have to drill a little further down in the sourceforge site to find it.
try downloading the windows binary ...
You'll be well off installing setuptools. Makes installing almost anything python-related a breeze!
easy_install scipy
There's another one called pip.
easy_install pip
pip install scipy
just open windows command prompt and go to the directory you have installed Python. e.g
Once there, just type python -m pip install scipy and press enter
I have Windows Vista and am running Python 2.7. I am having trouble installing some Python libraries including, NumPy, SciPy, and pygame. I am currently trying to copy the NumPy file straight to my computer (C:\numpy) and then unziping the file there. In a command prompt I then run the code;
cd c:\numpy
python setup.py config
python setup.py install
When I get to the "python setup.py config" part, the command prompt says "this is the wrong setup.py file to run"
Any suggestions?
This is the ANSWER for installing numpy on Windows 8 64 bit.
All you need is:
1.Python, installed in your system, in my case its c:\Python27, its 2.7 version.
2.Install pip if not available.
download "numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl" file for 64 bit, you can find this here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy
if you don't find it there use mine at: https://github.com/pawanputtaswamy/Libs
How to install:
1.open command prompt (Windows + r and type cmd)
2.Go to pip directory, in my case (cd c:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe)
3.Run the following command: pip.exe install \numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl
Numpy, Scypy and pygame all have windows installers; You are advised to use these installers in favor of archive versions. Make sure you match the version (3.2, 2.7) and archetecture (i386 or x86_64) as the python binary you have installed.
Alternatively, depending on your time constraints and situation you could use Enthought's prepackaged python distribution for Windows. The free version:
has everything you need except pygame which you should be able to install with easy_install once everything else is in place.
Open the Python shell and input as such:
>>> import pip
>>> pip.main(["install","numpy"])
In fact,the method of installing numpy is very easy and quick.First,make sure that Python has already been installed.Then,download the numpy module on sites,such as
http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/, which provides the numpy module for python2.6.
Finally,double click the module,the rest you have to do is just let it go on.and,it will be installed naturally.
Just go here http://continuum.io/downloads and download the graphical installer.
It will install Numpy, Scipy and a tonne of other useful stuff.
This is a screenshot that can help, Note that I use Ubuntu as operating System