Running Game Engine while reading data wirelessly in Blender - python

I have a Blender code which takes sets of data from a csv file and uses them to rotate a robot arm and a human model in the Game Engine. This code works fine, but now I want to send data across a wireless connection to Blender.
I have a server code set up in Blender (which runs on Python 3)
# Server Program
# Make sure the client is being run on the data generation computer
import socket
import sys
import json
import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
owner = cont.owner
print ('INFO: Starting up')
# Create a TCP/IP socket to listen on
print ('INFO: Creating TCP/IP Socket')
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Prevent from 'ADDRESS ALREADY IN USE' upon restart
print ('INFO: Housekeeping...')
server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# Bind the socket to port 8081 on all interfaces
server_address = ('localhost', 8081)
print ('INFO: Binding and starting up on %s port %s' % server_address)
print ('INFO: Server bound')
def send_welcome(cont):
cont.send('SERVER: Welcome'.encode('utf8'))
# Listen for connectons for 5 seconds
# Connection is the SOCKET OBJECT for the connection
# Client_address is the connected peer(the client)
connection, client_address = server.accept()
print ('INFO: Connection from', connection.getpeername())
print ('INFO: Sending welcome msg')
print ()
# Receive data
data = connection.recv(10000)
# Unless there's an error
except OSError:
print (connection)
# Decode the data into usable lists
if type(data) != type(''):
data = data.decode()
# If we want to end the client stream but keep the server running
if data=='end' or data=='End' or data=='END':
print ('INFO: Closing connection with ',connection.getpeername())
connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD | socket.SHUT_WR)
print ()
connection, client_address = server.accept()
print ('INFO: Connection from', connection.getpeername())
print ('INFO: Sending welcome msg')
print ()
# If we want to stop running the server
elif data=='end server' or data=='End server' or data=='End Server':
print ()
# Display when data is loaded back on the client side
# gives feedback in server command line
data = json.loads(data)
owner['test'] = data
print ('CLIENT: %s' % data)
message = 'ping'
connection.send(('SERVER: %s' % message).encode('utf-8'))
print ('SERVER: %s' % message)
And the client code to run with it (this one runs on Python 2.7)
# Client Program
# Make sure the server is being run in Blender
import socket
import time
import json
print 'INFO: Creating Socket'
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ip_addr = raw_input('IP: ')
port_addr = raw_input('PORT: ')
# Type 'localhost' in the IP field
# Type '8081' in the PORT field
print 'INFO: Connecting to server'
s.settimeout(5) # Times out if 5 seconds without connecting to client
s.connect((ip_addr, int(port_addr)))
# Listen for welcome
data = s.recv(10000)
print data
print ''
while 1:
message = raw_input('CLIENT: ')
if message=='end' or message=='End' or message=='END':
print ''
elif message=='end server' or message=='End server' or message=='End Server':
print ''
data = s.recv(10000)
print data
print 'INFO: Closing socket'
print 'INFO: Quitting'
Now, obviously this doesn't do the rotations; it's just a test script to make sure that the data transfer between the two works. And it does - in Blender's system console, the data is displayed just as I want it. However, I have a string debug property in Blender titled "test", which is supposed to display the current number just typed in the client, and it's not until I close the whole program down.
For example:
I run the server script in Blender
I run the client script in IDLE
I type in numbers on the client side
They appear in the system console on the server side, but they do NOT appear in the Game Engine
I close the server from the client side
Now, the last number I typed finally appears on the server side
So the problem is that Blender runs my script and then the Game Engine after it's done, but I want them to run concurrently.
Let me know if my explanation doesn't make sense; I can provide downloads to my stuff if need be.

I don't know if this is still a problem - you posted in February and it's now August, but I was just searching for the answer of a similar problem. Your problem is that Blender doesn't update its frames until a script has finished running. Your game is literally stuck on the first frame it plays because it starts a script as soon as that frame hits, and because of the nature of your script, never ends.
Currently, you use server.listen(5) to mean that it listens to five seconds, but the number 5 in that function refers to the backlog instead of the length of time [source]. socket.listen() will stall your game indefinitely (as far as I understand) just like an infinite loop would.
This may not be the answer you were looking for, but it's definitely an answer.


Error in Python code in controlling servo motor using Raspberry Pi 3 B+

I am currently building an automated trash bin using Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Android application support where I would use a servo motor as an actuator for the lid and the Android application as a form of wireless remote control. Everything went on smoothly until I've encountered a problem that whenever I attempt to press a button on my Android application, the Python shell program has errors during testing. I've used a reference video ( and followed everything thoroughly until I've hit this roadblock.
The results to me that keeps appearing are:
Waiting for connection
...connected from :
Where the supposed result, according to the reference video, is:
Waiting for connection
...connected from : ('', 11937)
Increase: 2.5
As you can see, the IP address, the port, and 'Increase' text doesn't appear, meaning there is something wrong with the code.
According to some comments that was made by the people who watched the video, this code is outdated, using Python 2, and the latest version we have now is Python 3, and that we need to use a ".encode()" line in a condition. However, as someone who is still new to Python, I'm afraid that I still don't have the knowledge to apply this on the code.
Here is the code that was used in the video:
import Servomotor
from socket import *
from time import ctime
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
ctrCmd = ['Up','Down']
HOST = ''
PORT = 21567
BUFSIZE = 1024
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print 'Waiting for connection'
tcpCliSock,addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
print '...connected from :', addr
while True:
data = ''
data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZE)
if not data:
if data == ctrCmd[0]:
print 'Increase: ',Servomotor.cur_X
if data == ctrCmd[1]:
print 'Decrease: ',Servomotor.cur_X
except KeyboardInterrupt:
I have already changed the text strings that used the ' ' format into the (" ") format since it also produced some errors in the code which I corrected immediately.
Any help will be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!
Here's a Python3 version, edited a tiny bit for better clarity and good practice:
import Servomotor
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import socket
# Setup the motor
# Declare the host address constant - this will be used to connect to Raspberry Pi
# First values is IP - here localhost, second value is the port
HOST_ADDRESS = ('', 21567)
# Declare the buffer constant to control receiving the data
# Declare possible commands
commands = 'Up', 'Down'
# Create a socket (pair of IP and port) object and bind it to the Raspberry Pi address
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Set the socket to listen to an incoming connection (1 at a time)
# Never stop the server once it's running
while True:
# Inform that the server is waiting for a connection
print("Waiting for connection to the following address: {}...".format(HOST_ADDRESS))
# Perform a blocking accept operation to wait for a client connection
client_socket, client_address = server_socket.accept()
# Inform that the client is connected
print("Client with an address {} connected".format(client_address))
# Keep exchanging data
while True:
# Receive the data (blocking receive)
data = client_socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
# If 0-byte was received, close the connection
if not data:
# Attempt to decode the data received (decode bytes into utf-8 formatted string)
data = data.decode("utf-8").strip()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Ignore data that is not unicode-encoded
data = None
# At this stage data is correctly received and formatted, so check if a command was received
if data == commands[0]:
print("Increase: {}".format(Servomotor.cur_X))
elif data == commands[1]:
print("Decrease: {}".format(Servomotor.cur_X))
elif data:
print("Received invalid data: {}".format(data))
# Handle possible errors
except ConnectionResetError:
except ConnectionAbortedError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Cleanup
# Inform that the connection is closed
print("Client with an address {} disconnected.".format(client_address))
To show you the code in action, I have hosted a local server on my machine and connected to it using Putty. Here are the commands I have entered:
Here is the output of the server (I have swapped the Servo-related functions to print statements):
Waiting for connection to the following address: ('', 21567)...
Client with an address ('', 61563) connected.
Received invalid data: Hello
Received invalid data: Let's try a command next
Running ServoUp
Increase: 2.5
Running ServoDown
Decrease: 2.5
Received invalid data: Nice!
Client with an address ('', 61563) disconnected.
Waiting for connection to the following address: ('', 21567)...

Python - How to end a socket using a "with as" block

I'm learning about sockets and connections and trying to write a simple server Python script that echos a message to a client.
I began with just running a script that prints what it receives from a socket.
So i'm running what i wrote locally and using Putty as a client (so the message isn't printed to the putty session yet).
This is my code:
import socket
HOST = ''
PORT = 65432
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.bind((HOST, PORT)) # bind accepts a tuple of a hostname or address and a port
conn, addr = s.accept() # returns a pair
with conn:
print("Connection started!", conn, addr)
data = conn.recv(1024)
while data:
data = data.decode("UTF-8")
# if data == "exit":
# shutdown and close the connection,
# and ofcourse exit the two with as blocks gracefully
data = conn.recv(1024)
print("Connection is closed and the program continued")
Running this works but i have no way of terminating the connection other then killing the server.
I believe that data will always be true since i'm using putty and it seems that even when i'm hitting enter with no text to the connection window, it actually sends this:
So I tried placing this inside the commented if statement:
Hoping this will just make the socket be deleted - but it didn't work.
So what I want to do is to exit the with blocks and deleting the sockets without having to raise any exceptions or make the program stop. I tried doing so using python 3 change to socket that made it usable with with-as statements. I tried just calling the conn.__exit__ or s.__exit__ function but that didn't work also.
How can I close the socket and exit the two with blocks using an input from the user? Is there anything i'm confusing with the socket module here?

Python: Notification System?

I am working on a chat server that runs on my local network using socket, and then I have a client program running on all of the computers in my house, and this program allows all of the clients to talk to each other.
The problem is, you have to manually update the chat log by pressing enter.
The way I want it to work, maybe, is to check for a new message every few seconds, and if there is a new one, play a sound. Does anyone know how I can do this, I'll try to figure it out on my own, as I have done with most of this project, but any help is appreciated.
Here is the server:
import socket
import sys
# Create a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_address = ('', 10000)
print >>sys.stderr, 'starting up on %s port %s' % server_address
print 'Waiting for user...'
while True:
# Find connections
connection, client_address = sock.accept()
data = connection.recv(999)
if data=='EMPTY':
print data
Here is the client:
import socket
import sys,os
name=raw_input("Enter name: ")
# Create a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_address = ('', 10000)
print >>sys.stderr, 'connecting to %s port %s' % server_address
while True:
message=raw_input('Message: ')
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if message is not '':
sock.sendall(name+": "+message)
if message=='quit':
print x
If you need two operations to happen at the same time (the client script needs to read input from the user and read new messages from the server), then you'd need to either use threads (one thread for reading user input, and one for reading messages from the server), or futures (since python3.2).
Here's question for playing audio in python: Play audio with Python
As for your client, why are you reconnecting to your server every single time? Anyway, if I understand the problem correctly you're blocking on user input, but also want to handle messages from the server.
Without getting complicated with threads, I would recommended using a recurring signal, which I believe could handle this. There's a function call setitimer(), which will break what you're doing and call a function every so often then return to where you were (user input). In your timer function, check for server messages, print any received, play your sound and return to user input. There's an setitimer() example enter link description here.
Might be a little ugly with the user typing, so you may need to reprint what they're currently typing, but haven't sent out (using something other than raw_input()).
For a slightly more complicated option, which may help you there's a function call select(), which can block while listening for socket input AND user input. Then you just distinguish which is which and keep it all in one loop.
while True:
# select on server socket and user input (blocks for either one)
# if here, either a message has been received or the user typed something
# if a message from server
# else
# send to server

Select API not waiting the specified timeout

I am doing a combination of Socket programming and pexpect in the same code. I have got it working but with a minor glitch. The select API waits for the specified 5 seconds in the first iteration. As soon as it received an input from the client it no longer waits for 5 seconds even though it is specified in the loop. In short after the first client server interaction takes place, select has no effect! I understand how to bypass this in C++ but I am comparatively new to Python and am unable to figure out the reason. I have attached the code below and is a pretty simple one.
#Basic Functionailty: to create a process and to take inputs from client machines
#This input will be given to a background process which will display the user the parsed output
#using pexpect
import pexpect
import socket
import select
TCP_IP = ''
TCP_PORT = 50050
#spawning a pexpect process and printing everything before the prompt appears
child = pexpect.spawn('./')
child.expect ('POX>')
print child.before
#binding to a port number and acting as a server
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server.bind((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
input = [server]
#loop infinitely and get input and serve it to the process
#in addition to which if the process shows some messages display
#it to the user
while 1:
print 'Before select'
inputready,outputready,exceptready =,[],[],5)
for s in inputready:
if s == server:
#if the input is from the server
conn, addr = s.accept()
print 'Connection address:', addr
data = conn.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
if not data: continue
print "received data:", data
child.sendline (data)
#if a time out occurs check the pexpect if it has any debug messages
i = child.expect ([pexpect.TIMEOUT, 'POX>'], timeout=1)
print child.before
if i == 0:
print child.before
You've modified input:
(and then called conn.recv to get some data, which will block until there is some data or EOF, but presumably there was some and you got it).
Having done that, on the next trip through the loop, it's likely that there is receive data, or EOF, ready for input on conn. I assume you immediately call child.expect (because s == conn and hence s != server). I'd bet that at this point, conn is at EOF, so that returns immediately, having done nothing. conn is still open, and still in input, so every time you call select it returns right away telling you that you can read another EOF from conn.

Python, Connectin Refused 10061

I keep getting this error
[Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, no virus or protection software, and python is allowed through my firewall (I've also tried turning my firewall completely off but same result). When I run the server and use telnet it connects just fine. When I try to connect to the server with the client it fails. Any suggestions as to what I could try to fix this? If you need more information just ask and I'll provide.
Client Code
import socket
import sys
def main():
host = ""
port = 8934
message = "Hello World!"
host = raw_input("Enter IP: ")
#Create Socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error, msg:
print "Failed to create socket. Error code: %s Error Message: %s"%(str(msg[0]),msg[1])
print "Socket created"
#Connec to Server
print host
print port
print "You are connected to %s with IP adress of %s"%(host,host)
#Send Data
except socket.error:
print "Failed to send."
#Receive Data
reply = s.recv(4096)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Server Code
# !usr/bin/python
import socket
import sys
HOST = ""
PORT = 8934
def main():
#Setup socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except socket.error,msg:
print "Unable to create socket"
print "Socket created."
#Bind to adress
except socket.error,msg:
print "Bind failed. Closing..."
print "Socket bound."
#Start listening
print "Socket Listening"
#Accept connection
conn, addr = s.accept()
print "Connected to %s:%s"%(addr[0],addr[1])
if __name__ == "__main__":
Taking a guess at your indentation, and running your codeā€¦ it works just fine.* (As long as I type in when it asks me for the IP.)
Of course the second time I run the client (if I haven't restarted the server) I get a connection-refused error. But that's just because you've coded a server that immediately quits as soon as it gets the first connection. So the second time you run the client, there is no server, so the OS rejects the connection.
You can always run the server again, which lets you run the client one more time. (Except that the server may get a 10048 error when it tries to bind the socket, because the OS is keeping it around for the previous owner. If you see that, look at SO_REUSEADDR in the docs.)
* By "works just fine" I mean that it connects, and prints out the following before quitting:
Socket created
You are connected to with IP adress of
Obviously it never sends anything to the server or receives anything back, because the server has no send or recv calls, or anything else.

