Getting feature names in addition to values - SciKitLearn+Pandas - python

I generate a set of features for input, that I store as a table using pandas and the CSV format.
(Each column header represents a feature names, except for the first, blank column, which is where the class labels are stored for each row).
My next step is reading the table from the csv file, into scikit learn. (I'm currently doing this with pandas again). However, after training and experimenting with my models using different feature selection methods (and different initially generated features), I want the NAMES of the selected features.
I assume this should be trivial, but I just haven't found how to do it.
(Note: I am NOT working on standard text documents, so "CountVectorizer" and "NaiveBayes"/nltk and the like do not help me).
I need a method to get the selected features, (and preferably something to drop the unselected ones, for when I apply the models and selected features on new "test" data).
Thank you very much!
My data is currently loaded like this:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, LabelBinarizer
def load_data(filename="Feat_normalized.csv") :
df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=0)
lb = LabelEncoder()
labels = lb.fit_transform((df.index.values))
features = df.values
feature_names = list(df.columns)
feature_names.pop(0) #Remove index.
return (features, labels, lb)
features, labels, lb_encoder = load_data(filename)
X, y = features, labels
clf_logit = LogisticRegression(penalty="l1", dual=False, class_weight='auto')
X_reduced = clf_logit.fit_transform(X, y)
print('New sparse (filtered) features matrix size:')
#Then fit to various models, Random forests, SVM, etc'..
Truncated Example of the first 2 rows in the input data/csv:
Mammal_sequence_1.0.fasta 3.838099345 0.456591162 3.764884604 3.620232638 3.460992571 3.858487012 2.69247235 3.18710619 3.671029774 4.625996297 1.542632799
(AA_"" = Feature name. Mammal_sequence_1.0.fasta = Class name/label; (1 per row, empty header).
Thank you very much!


scikit preprocessing across entire dataframe

I have a dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Company': ['abc', 'xyz', 'def'],
'Q1-2019': [9.05, 8.64, 6.3],
'Q2-2019': [8.94, 8.56, 7.09],
'Q3-2019': [8.86, 8.45, 7.09],
'Q4-2019': [8.34, 8.61, 7.25]})
The data is an average response of the same question asked across 4 quarters.
I am trying to create a benchmark index from this data. To do so I wanted to preprocess it first using either standardize or normalize.
How would I standardize/normalize across the entire dataframe. What is the best way to go about this?
I can do this for a row or column using but struggling across the dataframe.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
#define scaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler() #or StandardScaler
X = df.loc[1].T
X = X.to_numpy()
#transform data
scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)
If I understood correctly your need, you can use ColumnTransformer to apply the same transformation (e.g. scaling) separately to different columns.
As you can read from the linked documentation, you need to provide inside a tuple:
a name for the step
the chosen transformer (e.g. StandardScaler) or a Pipeline as well
a list of columns to which apply the selected transformations
Code example
# specify columns
columns = ['Q1-2019', 'Q2-2019', 'Q3-2019', 'Q4-2019']
# create a ColumnTransformer instance
ct = ColumnTransformer([
('scaler', StandardScaler(), columns)
# fit and transform the input dataframe
array([[ 0.86955718, 0.93177476, 0.96056682, 0.46493449],
[ 0.53109031, 0.45544147, 0.41859563, 0.92419906],
[-1.40064749, -1.38721623, -1.37916245, -1.38913355]])
ColumnTransformer will output a numpy array with the transformed value, which were fitted on the input dataset df. Even though there are no column names now, the array columns are still ordered in the same way as the input dataframe, so it's easy to convert the array to a pandas dataframe if you need to.
In addition to #RicS's answer, note that what scikit-learn function return is a numpy array, and it is not a dataframe anymore. Also Company column is not included. You may consider this to convert results to dataframe again:
scaler = StandardScaler()
x = scaler.fit_transform(df.drop("Company",axis=1)) # scale all columns except Company
y = pd.concat([df["Company"],pd.DataFrame(x, columns=df.columns[1:])],axis=1) # adds results and company into dataframe again

Numpy Array for SVM model rather than a DataFrame

from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Read the data.
data = np.asarray(pd.read_csv('data.csv', header=None))
# Assign the features to the variable X, and the labels to the variable y.
X = data[:,0:2]
y = data[:,2]
# TODO: Create the model and assign it to the variable model.
# Find the right parameters for this model to achieve 100% accuracy on the dataset.
model = SVC(),y)
2 Questions:
the data goes into a numpy array from a pandas Dataframe (by pd.read_csv).
Is that better? Is there a good reason for that? why not stay with the DataFrame?
I do not understand this notation:
X = data[:,0:2]
y = data[:,2]
What does it do?
Thank you.
The data consists of a CSV file with many rows like this:
It includes three columns, the first 2 comprising of the coordinates of the points, and the third one of the label.

Python - How to determine the feature / column names returned by Chi Squared test [duplicate]

I'm trying to conduct a supervised machine-learning experiment using the SelectKBest feature of scikit-learn, but I'm not sure how to create a new dataframe after finding the best features:
Let's assume I would like to conduct the experiment selecting 5 best features:
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_classif
select_k_best_classifier = SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif, k=5).fit_transform(features_dataframe, targeted_class)
Now, if I add the line:
import pandas as pd
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(select_k_best_classifier)
I receive a new dataframe without feature names (only index starting from 0 to 4), but I want to create a dataframe with the new selected features, in a way like this:
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(fit_transofrmed_features, columns=features_names)
My question is how to create the features_names list?
I know that I should use:
Which returns an array of boolean values, where true values indices represent the column that should be selected in the original dataframe.
How should I use this boolean array with the array of all features names I can get via the method feature_names = list(features_dataframe.columns.values) ?
This doesn't require loops.
# Create and fit selector
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=5), target)
# Get columns to keep and create new dataframe with those only
cols_idxs = selector.get_support(indices=True)
features_df_new = features_df.iloc[:,cols_idxs]
For me this code works fine and is more 'pythonic':
mask = select_k_best_classifier.get_support()
new_features = features_dataframe.columns[mask]
You can do the following :
mask = select_k_best_classifier.get_support() #list of booleans
new_features = [] # The list of your K best features
for bool_val, feature in zip(mask, feature_names):
if bool_val:
Then change the name of your features:
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(fit_transofrmed_features, columns=new_features)
Following code will help you in finding top K features with their F-scores. Let, X is the pandas dataframe, whose columns are all the features and y is the list of class labels.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_classif
#Suppose, we select 5 features with top 5 Fisher scores
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k = 5)
#New dataframe with the selected features for later use in the classifier. fit() method works too, if you want only the feature names and their corresponding scores
X_new = selector.fit_transform(X, y)
names = X.columns.values[selector.get_support()]
scores = selector.scores_[selector.get_support()]
names_scores = list(zip(names, scores))
ns_df = pd.DataFrame(data = names_scores, columns=['Feat_names', 'F_Scores'])
#Sort the dataframe for better visualization
ns_df_sorted = ns_df.sort_values(['F_Scores', 'Feat_names'], ascending = [False, True])
Select Best 10 feature according to chi2;
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
KBest = SelectKBest(chi2, k=10).fit(X, y)
Get features with get_support()
f = KBest.get_support(1) #the most important features
Create new df called X_new;
X_new = X[X.columns[f]] # final features`
As of Scikit-learn 1.0, transformers have the get_feature_names_out method, which means you can write
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(fit_transformed_features, columns=transformer.get_features_names_out())
There is an another alternative method, which ,however, is not fast as above solutions.
# Use the selector to retrieve the best features
X_new = select_k_best_classifier.fit_transform(train[feature_cols],train['is_attributed'])
# Get back the kept features as a DataFrame with dropped columns as all 0s
selected_features = pd.DataFrame(select_k_best_classifier.inverse_transform(X_new),
columns= feature_cols)
selected_columns = selected_features.columns[selected_features.var() !=0]
# Fit the SelectKBest instance
select_k_best_classifier = SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif, k=5).fit(features_dataframe, targeted_class)
# Extract the required features
new_features = select_k_best_classifier.get_feature_names_out(features_names)
Suppose that you want to choose 10 best features:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
selector = SelectKBest(score_func=chi2, k = 10)
selector.fit_transform(X, y)
features_names = selector.feature_names_in_

Insert result of sklearn CountVectorizer in a pandas dataframe

I have a bunch of 14784 text documents, which I am trying to vectorize, so I can run some analysis. I used the CountVectorizer in sklearn, to convert the documents to feature vectors. I did this by calling:
vectorizer = CountVectorizer
features = vectorizer.fit_transform(examples)
where examples is an array of all the text documents
Now, I am trying to use additional features. For this, I am storing the features in a pandas dataframe. At present, my pandas dataframe(without inserting the text features) has the shape (14784, 5). The shape of my feature vector is (14784, 21343).
What would be a good way to insert the vectorized features into the pandas dataframe?
Return term-document matrix after learning the vocab dictionary from the raw documents.
X = vect.fit_transform(docs)
Convert sparse csr matrix to dense format and allow columns to contain the array mapping from feature integer indices to feature names.
count_vect_df = pd.DataFrame(X.todense(), columns=vect.get_feature_names_out())
Concatenate the original df and the count_vect_df columnwise.
pd.concat([df, count_vect_df], axis=1)
If your base data frame is df, all you need to do is:
import pandas as pd
features_df = pd.DataFrame(features)
combined_df = pd.concat([df, features_df], axis=1)
I'd recommend some options to reduce the number of features, which could be useful depending on what type of analysis you're doing. For example, if you haven't already, I'd suggest looking into removing stop words and stemming. Additionally you can set max_features, like features = vectorizer.fit_transform(examples, max_features = 1000) to limit the number of features.

The easiest way for getting feature names after running SelectKBest in Scikit Learn

I'm trying to conduct a supervised machine-learning experiment using the SelectKBest feature of scikit-learn, but I'm not sure how to create a new dataframe after finding the best features:
Let's assume I would like to conduct the experiment selecting 5 best features:
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_classif
select_k_best_classifier = SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif, k=5).fit_transform(features_dataframe, targeted_class)
Now, if I add the line:
import pandas as pd
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(select_k_best_classifier)
I receive a new dataframe without feature names (only index starting from 0 to 4), but I want to create a dataframe with the new selected features, in a way like this:
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(fit_transofrmed_features, columns=features_names)
My question is how to create the features_names list?
I know that I should use:
Which returns an array of boolean values, where true values indices represent the column that should be selected in the original dataframe.
How should I use this boolean array with the array of all features names I can get via the method feature_names = list(features_dataframe.columns.values) ?
This doesn't require loops.
# Create and fit selector
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=5), target)
# Get columns to keep and create new dataframe with those only
cols_idxs = selector.get_support(indices=True)
features_df_new = features_df.iloc[:,cols_idxs]
For me this code works fine and is more 'pythonic':
mask = select_k_best_classifier.get_support()
new_features = features_dataframe.columns[mask]
You can do the following :
mask = select_k_best_classifier.get_support() #list of booleans
new_features = [] # The list of your K best features
for bool_val, feature in zip(mask, feature_names):
if bool_val:
Then change the name of your features:
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(fit_transofrmed_features, columns=new_features)
Following code will help you in finding top K features with their F-scores. Let, X is the pandas dataframe, whose columns are all the features and y is the list of class labels.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_classif
#Suppose, we select 5 features with top 5 Fisher scores
selector = SelectKBest(f_classif, k = 5)
#New dataframe with the selected features for later use in the classifier. fit() method works too, if you want only the feature names and their corresponding scores
X_new = selector.fit_transform(X, y)
names = X.columns.values[selector.get_support()]
scores = selector.scores_[selector.get_support()]
names_scores = list(zip(names, scores))
ns_df = pd.DataFrame(data = names_scores, columns=['Feat_names', 'F_Scores'])
#Sort the dataframe for better visualization
ns_df_sorted = ns_df.sort_values(['F_Scores', 'Feat_names'], ascending = [False, True])
Select Best 10 feature according to chi2;
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
KBest = SelectKBest(chi2, k=10).fit(X, y)
Get features with get_support()
f = KBest.get_support(1) #the most important features
Create new df called X_new;
X_new = X[X.columns[f]] # final features`
As of Scikit-learn 1.0, transformers have the get_feature_names_out method, which means you can write
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(fit_transformed_features, columns=transformer.get_features_names_out())
There is an another alternative method, which ,however, is not fast as above solutions.
# Use the selector to retrieve the best features
X_new = select_k_best_classifier.fit_transform(train[feature_cols],train['is_attributed'])
# Get back the kept features as a DataFrame with dropped columns as all 0s
selected_features = pd.DataFrame(select_k_best_classifier.inverse_transform(X_new),
columns= feature_cols)
selected_columns = selected_features.columns[selected_features.var() !=0]
# Fit the SelectKBest instance
select_k_best_classifier = SelectKBest(score_func=f_classif, k=5).fit(features_dataframe, targeted_class)
# Extract the required features
new_features = select_k_best_classifier.get_feature_names_out(features_names)
Suppose that you want to choose 10 best features:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
selector = SelectKBest(score_func=chi2, k = 10)
selector.fit_transform(X, y)
features_names = selector.feature_names_in_

