Pandas optimizing an interpolation/counting algorithm - python

I have a bunch of data (10M + records) that breaks down to an identifier, a location and a date. I want to find the number of times that any identifier moved from some locationA to some other locationB over the entire set of dates. Any identifier may not have a location for all possible dates. When an identifier does not have a location recorded, that should be treated as an actual 'unknown' location for that date.
Here is some reproducible fake data...
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
base =
num_days = 50
dates = np.array([base - datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(num_days-1, -1, -1)])
ids = np.arange(50)
mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ids, dates])
locations = np.array([chr(x) for x in 97 + np.random.randint(26, size=len(mi))])
s = pd.Series(locations, index=mi)
mask = np.random.rand(len(mi)) > .5
s[mask] = np.nan
s = s.dropna()
My initial thought was to create a dataframe and use boolean masking/vectorized operations to solve this
df = s.unstack(0).fillna('unknown')
Apparently my data is sparse enough to cause a MemoryError (from all the extra entries resulting from unstacking).
My current working solution is the following
def series_fn(s):
s = s.reindex(pd.date_range(s.index.levels[1].min(), s.index.levels[1].max()), level=-1).fillna('unknown')
mask_prev = (s != s.shift(-1))[:-1]
mask_next = (s != s.shift())[1:]
s_prev = s[:-1][mask_prev]
s_next = s[1:][mask_next]
s_tup = pd.Series(list(zip(s_prev, s_next)))
return s_tup.value_counts()
result_per_id = s.groupby(level=0).apply(series_fn)
result = result_per_id.sum(level=-1)
result looks like
(a, b) 1
(a, c) 5
(a, e) 3
(a, f) 3
(a, g) 3
(a, h) 3
(a, i) 1
(a, j) 1
(a, k) 2
(a, l) 2
This is going to take ~5 hours for all my data. Does anyone know any faster ways of doing this?

Hmmm, I guess I should have transposed the data... well that was a relatively simple fix. Instead of using groupby and apply,
s = s.reorder_levels(['date', 'id'])
s = s.sortlevel(0)
results = []
for i in range(len(s.index.levels[0])-1):
t = time.time()
s0 = s.loc[s.index.levels[0][i]]
s1 = s.loc[s.index.levels[0][i+1]]
df = pd.concat((s0, s1), axis=1)
# Note: this is slower than the line above
# df = s.loc[s.index.levels[0][0:2], :].unstack(0)
df = df.fillna('unknown')
mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays((df.iloc[:, 0], df.iloc[:, 1]))
s2 = pd.Series(1, mi)
res = s2.groupby(level=[0, 1]).apply(np.sum)
print(time.time() - t)
results = pd.concat(results, axis=1)
Still unclear on why the commented out section takes about three times as long as the three lines above it.


A more efficient way to split timeseries data (pd.Series) at gaps?

I am trying to split a pd.Series with sorted dates that have sometimes gaps between them that are bigger than the normal ones. To do this, I calculated the size of the gaps with pd.Series.diff() and then iterated over all the elements in the series with a while-loop. But this is unfortunately quite computationally intensive. Is there a better way (apart from parallelization)?
Minimal example with my function:
import pandas as pd
import time
def get_samples_separated_at_gaps(data: pd.Series, normal_gap) -> list:
diff = data.diff()
# creating list that should contains all samples
samples_list = [pd.Series(data[0])]
i = 1
while i < len(data):
if diff[i] == normal_gap:
# normal gap: add data[i] to last sample in samples_list
samples_list[-1] = samples_list[-1].append(pd.Series(data[i]))
# not normal gap: creating new sample in samples_list
i += 1
return samples_list
# make sample data as example
normal_distance = pd.Timedelta(minutes=10)
first_sample = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp(2020, 1, 1) + normal_distance * i for i in range(10000)])
gap = pd.Timedelta(hours=10)
second_sample = pd.Series([first_sample.iloc[-1] + gap + normal_distance * i for i in range(10000)])
# the example data with two samples and one bigger gap of 10 hours instead of 10 minutes
data_with_samples = first_sample.append(second_sample, ignore_index=True)
# start sampling
start_time = time.time()
my_list_with_samples = get_samples_separated_at_gaps(data_with_samples, normal_distance)
print(f"Duration: {time.time() - start_time}")
The real data have a size of over 150k and are calculated for several minutes... :/
I'm not sure I understand completely what you want but I think this could work:
data_with_samples = first_sample.append(second_sample, ignore_index=True)
idx = data_with_samples[data_with_samples.diff(1) > normal_distance].index
samples_list = [data_with_samples]
if len(idx) > 0:
samples_list = ([data_with_samples.iloc[:idx[0]]]
+ [data_with_samples.iloc[idx[i-1]:idx[i]] for i in range(1, len(idx))]
+ [data_with_samples.iloc[idx[-1]:]])
idx collects the indicees directly after a gap, and the rest is just splitting the series at this indicees and packing the pieces into the list samples_list.
If the index is non-standard, then you need some overhead (resetting index and later setting the index back to the original) to make sure that iloc can be used.
data_with_samples = first_sample.append(second_sample, ignore_index=True)
data_with_samples = data_with_samples.reset_index(drop=False).rename(columns={0: 'data'})
idx =[ > normal_distance].index
data_with_samples.set_index('index', drop=True, inplace=True)
samples_list = [data_with_samples]
if len(idx) > 0:
samples_list = ([data_with_samples.iloc[:idx[0]]]
+ [data_with_samples.iloc[idx[i-1]:idx[i]] for i in range(1, len(idx))]
+ [data_with_samples.iloc[idx[-1]:]])
(You don't need that for your example.)
Your code is a bit unclear regarding the method to store these two different lists. Specifically, I'm not sure what is the correct structure of sample_list that you have in mind.
Regardless, using Series.pct_change and np.unique() you should achieve approximately what you're looking for.
uniques, indices = np.unique(
Now indices points you to the start and end of that wrong gap.
If your data will have more than one gap then you'd want to only use diff()[1:].pct_change() and look for all values that are different than 0 using where().
same as above question mention
normal_distance = pd.Timedelta(minutes=10)
first_sample = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp(2020, 1, 1) + normal_distance * i for i in range(10000)])
gap = pd.Timedelta(hours=10)
second_sample = pd.Series([first_sample.iloc[-1] + gap + normal_distance * i for i in range(10000)])
# the example data with two samples and one bigger gap of 10 hours instead of 10 minutes
data_with_samples = first_sample.append(second_sample, ignore_index=True)
use time diff to compare with the normal_distance.seconds
create an auxiliary column tag to separate the gap group
# start sampling
start_time = time.time()
df = data_with_samples.to_frame()
df['time_diff'] = df[0].diff().dt.seconds
cond = (df['time_diff'] > normal_distance.seconds) | (df['time_diff'].isnull())
df['tag'] = np.where(cond, 1, 0)
df['tag'] = df['tag'].cumsum()
my_list_with_samples = []
for _, group in df.groupby('tag'):
print(f"Duration: {time.time() - start_time}")

Optimizing Matrix Traversal/General Code Optimization

I have two matrices. One is of size (CxK) and another is of size (SxK) (where S,C, and K all have the potential to be very large). I want to combine these an output matrix using the cosine similarity function (would be of size [CxS]). When I run my code, it takes a very long time to produce an output, and I was wondering if there is any way to optimize what I currently have. [Note, the two input matrices are often very sparse]
I was previously traversing each matrix using two for index,row loops, but I have since switched to the while loops, which improved my run time significantly.
A #this is one of my input matrices (pandas dataframe)
B #this is my second input matrix (pandas dataframe)
C = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['col_1' ,'col_2' ,'col_3'])
while i <= 5:
col_1 = A.iloc[i].get('label_A')
while k < 5:
col_2 = B.iloc[k].get('label_B')
propensity = cosine_similarity([A.drop('label_A', axis=1)\
.iloc[i]], [B.drop('label_B',axis=1).iloc[k]])
d = {'col_1':[col_1], 'col_2':[col_2], 'col_3':[propensity[0][0]]}
to_append = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
C = C.append(to_append)
k += 1
k = 0
i += 1
Right now I have the loops to run on only 5 items from each matrix, producing a 5x5 matrix, but I would obviously like this to work for very large inputs. This is the first time I have done anything like this so please let me know if any facet of code can be improved (data types used to hold matrices, how to traverse them, updating the output matrix, etc.).
Thank you in advance.
This can be done much more easyly and way faster by passing the whole arrays to cosine_similarity after you move the labels to the index:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import time
c = 50
s = 50
k = 100
A = pd.DataFrame( np.random.rand(c,k))
B = pd.DataFrame( np.random.rand(s,k))
A['label_A'] = [f'A{i}' for i in range(c)]
B['label_B'] = [f'B{i}' for i in range(s)]
C = pd.DataFrame()
# your program
start = time.time()
while i < c:
col_1 = A.iloc[i].get('label_A')
while k < s:
col_2 = B.iloc[k].get('label_B')
propensity = cosine_similarity([A.drop('label_A', axis=1)\
.iloc[i]], [B.drop('label_B',axis=1).iloc[k]])
d = {'col_1':[col_1], 'col_2':[col_2], 'col_3':[propensity[0][0]]}
to_append = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
C = C.append(to_append)
k += 1
k = 0
i += 1
print(f'elementwise: {time.time() - start:7.3f} s')
# my solution
start = time.time()
A = A.set_index('label_A')
B = B.set_index('label_B')
C1 = pd.DataFrame(cosine_similarity(A, B), index=A.index, columns=B.index).stack().rename('col_3')
C1.index.rename(['col_1','col_2'], inplace=True)
C1 = C1.reset_index()
print(f'whole array: {time.time() - start:7.3f} s')
# verification
and np.allclose(C.col_3.to_numpy(), C1.col_3.to_numpy())

How can combine 3 matrices into 1 matrice with reversible-approach?

I want to reshape my 24x20 matrices 'A','B','C' which are extracted from text file and are saved before and after normalizing by def normalize() in for-loop through cycles in such way that each cycles would be a row with all elements of 3 matrices side by side like below:
[[A(1,1),B(1,1),C(1,1),A(1,2),B(1,2),C(1,2),...,A(24,20),B(24,20),C(24,20)] #cycle1
[A(1,1),B(1,1),C(1,1),A(1,2),B(1,2),C(1,2),...,A(24,20),B(24,20),C(24,20)] #cycle2
[A(1,1),B(1,1),C(1,1),A(1,2),B(1,2),C(1,2),...,A(24,20),B(24,20),C(24,20)]] #cycle3
So far based on #odyse suggestion I used following snippet in the end of for-loop:
for cycle in range(cycles):
dff = pd.DataFrame({'A_norm':A_norm[cycle] , 'B_norm': B_norm[cycle] , 'C_norm': C_norm[cycle] } , index=[0])
D = dff.as_matrix().ravel()
if cycle == 0:
Results = np.array(D)
Results = np.vstack((Results, D2))
np.savetxt("Results.csv", Results, delimiter=",")
but there is a problem when I use after def normalize() in for-loop in spite of its error (ValueError) it also has warning FutureWarning: Method .as_matrix will be removed in a future version. Use .values instead for D = dff.as_matrix().ravel() which is not important but right now since it is FutureWarning nevertheless I checked the shape of output was correct for 3 cycles by using print(data1.shape) and it was (3, 1440) which is 3 rows as 3 cycles and number of columns should be 3 times 480= 1440 but all in all wasn't stable solution.
the complete scripts are following:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
def normalize(value, min_value, max_value, min_norm, max_norm):
new_value = ((max_norm - min_norm)*((value - min_value)/(max_value - min_value))) + min_norm
return new_value
#the size of matrices are (24,20)
df1 = np.zeros((24,20))
df2 = np.zeros((24,20))
df3 = np.zeros((24,20))
#next iteration create all plots, change the number of cycles
cycles = int(len(df)/480)
for cycle in range(3):
count = '{:04}'.format(cycle)
j = cycle * 480
new_value1 = df['A'].iloc[j:j+480]
new_value2 = df['B'].iloc[j:j+480]
new_value3 = df['C'].iloc[j:j+480]
df1 = print_df(mkdf(new_value1))
df2 = print_df(mkdf(new_value2))
df3 = print_df(mkdf(new_value3))
for i in df:
min_val = df[i].min()
min_nor = -1
max_val = df[i].max()
max_nor = 1
ordered_data = mkdf(df.iloc[j:j+480][i])
csv = print_df(ordered_data)
#Print .csv files contains matrix of each parameters by name of cycles respectively
csv.to_csv(f'{i}/{i}{count}.csv', header=None, index=None)
if 'C' in i:
min_nor = -40
max_nor = 150
#Applying normalization for C between [-40,+150]
new_value3 = normalize(df['C'].iloc[j:j+480], min_val, max_val, -40, 150)
C_norm = print_df(mkdf(new_value3))
C_norm.to_csv(f'{i}/norm{i}{count}.csv', header=None, index=None)
#Applying normalization for A,B between [-1,+1]
new_value1 = normalize(df['A'].iloc[j:j+480], min_val, max_val, -1, 1)
new_value2 = normalize(df['B'].iloc[j:j+480], min_val, max_val, -1, 1)
A_norm = print_df(mkdf(new_value1))
B_norm = print_df(mkdf(new_value2))
A_norm.to_csv(f'{i}/norm{i}{count}.csv', header=None, index=None)
B_norm.to_csv(f'{i}/norm{i}{count}.csv', header=None, index=None)
dff = pd.DataFrame({'A_norm':A_norm[cycle] , 'B_norm': B_norm[cycle] , 'C_norm': C_norm[cycle] } , index=[0])
D = dff.as_matrix().ravel()
if cycle == 0:
Results = np.array(D)
Results = np.vstack((Results, D))
np.savetxt("Results.csv", Results , delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8')
#Check output shape whether is (3, 1440) or not
data1 = np.loadtxt('Results.csv', delimiter=',')
Note1: my data is txt file is following:
id_set: 000
A: -2.46882615679
B: -2.26408246559
C: -325.004619528
Note2: I provided a dataset in text file for 3 cycles:
Text dataset
Note3: for mapping A, B, C parameters into matrices in right order I used print_df() mkdf() functions but I didn't mention due to reduce it to the core problem and just leave a minimal example in start of this post. Let me know if you need that.
Expected result should be done by completing for-loop on 'A_norm','B_norm','C_norm' which are represented normalized versions of 'A','B','C' respectively and output let's call it "Results.csv" should be reversible to regenerate 'A','B','C' matrices through cycles again save them in csv. files for controlling , therefore if you have any ideas about reverse part please mention that separately otherwise just control it by using print(data.shape) and it should be (3, 1440).
Have a nice day and thanks in advance!

Finding overlapping segments in Pandas

I have two pandas DataFrames A and B, with columns ['start', 'end', 'value'] but not the same number of rows. I'd like to set the values for each row in A as follows:
A.iloc(i) = B['value'][B['start'] < A[i,'start'] & B['end'] > A[i,'end']]
There is a possibility of multiple rows of B satisfy this condition for each i, in that case max or sum of corresponding rows would be the result. In case if none satisfies the value of A.iloc[i] should not be updated or set to a default value of 0 (either way would be fine)
I'm interested to find the most efficient way of doing this.
import numpy as np
lenB = 10
lenA = 20
B_start = np.random.rand(lenB)
B_end = B_start + np.random.rand(lenB)
B_value = np.random.randint(100, 200, lenB)
A_start = np.random.rand(lenA)
A_end = A_start + np.random.rand(lenA)
#if you use dataframe
#B_start = B["start"].values
#B_end = ...
mask = (A_start[:, None ] > B_start) & (A_end[:, None] < B_end)
r, c = np.where(mask)
result = pd.Series(B_value[c]).groupby(r).max()
print result

stratified sampling in numpy

In numpy I have a dataset like this. The first two columns are indices. I can divide my dataset into blocks via the indices, i.e. first block is 0 0 second block is 0 1 third block 0 2 then 1 0, 1 1, 1 2 and so on and so forth. Each block has at least two elements. The numbers in the indices columns can vary
I need to split the dataset along these blocks 80%-20% randomly such that after the split each block in both datasets has at least 1 element. How could I do that?
indices | real data
0 0 | 43.25 665.32 ... } 1st block
0 0 | 11.234 }
0 1 ... } 2nd block
0 1 }
0 2 } 3rd block
0 2 }
1 0 } 4th block
1 0 }
1 0 }
1 1 ...
1 1
1 2
1 2
2 0
2 0
2 1
2 1
2 1
See how do you like this. To introduce randomness, I am shuffling the entire dataset. It is the only way I have figured how to do the splitting vectorized. Maybe you could simply shuffle an indexing array, but that was one indirection too many for my brain today. I have also used a structured array, for ease in extracting the blocks. First, lets create a sample dataset:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
# Create a sample data set
c1, c2 = 10, 5
idx1, idx2 = np.arange(c1), np.arange(c2)
idx1, idx2 = np.repeat(idx1, c2), np.tile(idx2, c1)
items = 1000
i = np.random.randint(c1*c2, size=(items - 2*c1*c2,))
d = np.random.rand(items+5)
dataset = np.empty((items+5,), [('idx1',, ('idx2',,
('data', np.float)])
dataset['idx1'][:2*c1*c2] = np.tile(idx1, 2)
dataset['idx1'][2*c1*c2:-5] = idx1[i]
dataset['idx2'][:2*c1*c2] = np.tile(idx2, 2)
dataset['idx2'][2*c1*c2:-5] = idx2[i]
dataset['data'] = d
# Add blocks with only 2 and only 3 elements to test corner case
dataset['idx1'][-5:] = -1
dataset['idx2'][-5:] = [0] * 2 + [1]*3
And now the stratified sampling:
# For randomness, shuffle the entire array
blocks, _ = np.unique(dataset[['idx1', 'idx2']], return_inverse=True)
block_count = np.bincount(_)
where = np.argsort(_)
block_start = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(block_count)[:-1]))
# If we have n elements in a block, and we assign 1 to each array, we
# are left with only n-2. If we randomly assign a fraction x of these
# to the first array, the expected ratio of items will be
# (x*(n-2) + 1) : ((1-x)*(n-2) + 1)
# Setting the ratio equal to 4 (80/20) and solving for x, we get
# x = 4/5 + 3/5/(n-2)
x = 4/5 + 3/5/(block_count - 2)
x = np.clip(x, 0, 1) # if n in (2, 3), the ratio is larger than 1
threshold = np.repeat(x, block_count)
threshold[block_start] = 1 # first item goes to A
threshold[block_start + 1] = 0 # seconf item goes to B
a_idx = threshold > np.random.rand(len(dataset))
A = dataset[where[a_idx]]
B = dataset[where[~a_idx]]
After running it, the split is roughly 80/20, and all blocks are represented in both arrays:
>>> len(A)
>>> len(B)
>>> np.all(np.unique(A[['idx1', 'idx2']]) == np.unique(B[['idx1', 'idx2']]))
Here's an alternative solution. I'm open for a code review if it is possible to implement this in a more numpy way (without for loops). #Jamie 's answer is really good, it's just that sometimes it produces skewed ratios within blocks of data.
ratio = 0.8
IDX1 = 0
IDX2 = 1
idx1s = np.arange(len(np.unique([:,IDX1])))
idx2s = np.arange(len(np.unique([:,IDX2])))
valid = None
train = None
for i1 in idx1s:
for i2 in idx2:
mask = np.nonzero((data[:,IDX1] == i1) & (data[:,IDX2] == i2))
curr_data = data[mask,:]
start = np.min(mask)
end = np.max(mask)
thres = start + np.around((end - start) * ratio).astype(
selected = mask < thres
train_idx = mask[0][selected[0]]
valid_idx = mask[0][~selected[0]]
if train != None:
train = np.vstack((train,data[train_idx]))
valid = np.vstack((valid,data[valid_idx]))
train = data[train_idx]
valid = data[valid_idx]
I'm assuming that each block has at least two entries and also that if it has more than two you want them assigned as closely as possible to 80/20. The easiest way to do this seems to be to assign a random number to all rows, and then choose based on percentiles within each stratified sample. Say this is the data in file strat_sample.csv:
Then this code (using Pandas data structures) works as desired
import numpy as np
import random as rnd
import pandas as pd
#sample data strat_sample.csv, contents to follow
def TreatmentOneCount(n , *args):
#assign a minimum one to each group but as close as possible to fraction OptimalRatio in group 1.
OptimalRatio = args[0]
if n < 2:
print("N too small, assignment not defined.")
a = NaN
elif n == 2:
a = 1
There are one of two numbers that are close to the target ratio, one above, the other below
If the number above is N and it is closest to optimal, then you need to set things to N-1 to ensure both groups have at least one member (recall n>2)
If the number below is 0 and it is closest to optimal, then you need to set things to 1 to ensure both groups have at least one member (recall n>2)
targetassigment = OptimalRatio * n
if targetassigment - floor(targetassigment) > 0.5:
a = min(ceil(targetassigment),n-1)
a = max(floor(targetassigment),1)
return a
df = pd.read_csv('strat_sample.csv', sep=',' , header=0)
#assign a random number to each entry
df['RandScore'] = np.random.uniform(0,1,df.shape[0])
df.sort(columns= ['Index_1' ,'Index_2','RandScore'], inplace = True)
#Within each block assign a rank based on random number.
df['RandRank'] = df.groupby(['Index_1','Index_2'])['RandScore'].rank()
#make a group index
df['MasterIdx'] = df['Index_1'].apply(str) + df['Index_2'].apply(str)
#Store the counts for members of each block
seriestest = df.groupby('MasterIdx')['RandRank'].count() = "Counts"
dftest = pd.DataFrame(seriestest)
#Add the block counts to the data
df = df.merge(dftest, how='left', left_on = 'MasterIdx', right_index= True)
#Make the actual assignments to the two groups
df['Assignment'] = (df['RandRank'] <= df['Counts'].apply(TreatmentOneCount, args = (0.8,))) * -1 + 2
df.drop(['MasterIdx', 'Counts', 'RandRank', 'RandScore'], axis=1)
from sklearn import cross_validation
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)

