how to rotate a triangle pygame - python

I have this triangle in pygame
triangle = pygame.draw.polygon(window, (210,180,140), [[x, y], [x -10, y -10], [x + 10, y - 10]], 5)
that i need to rotate towards the mouse, very much like the center arrow in this gif: Pygame doesn't have a built in function for rotating polygons, so I'll need to manually move the three points in a circle, with the lowermost point [x,y] pointing towards the coords of the mouse. The variables I have are:
the distance between the center of the triangle and the circle i want it to rotate along (i.e. the radius)
the distance from the center to the mouse coordinates
the coordinates of the lowermost point of the triangle [x,y] and the other two sides
with this information, how can I use trigonometry to rotate all three sides of the triangle so that the bottom point allways faces the mouse position?
EDIT: this is what I've got so far, but it only manages to move the triangle back and forth along a diagonal instead of rotating.
def draw(self):
curx,cury = cur
#cur is a global var that is mouse coords
angle = math.atan2(self.x - curx, self.y - cury)
distance = math.sqrt(200 - (200 * math.cos(angle)))
x = self.x + distance
y = self.y + distance
triangle = pygame.draw.polygon(window, (210,180,140), [[x, y], [x - 10,y - 10], [x + 10,y - 10]], 5)

Edit: Thinking about this again this morning there's another way to do this since the polygon is a triangle. Also the math is potentially easier to understand, and it requires less calculation for each point.
Let Cx and Cy be the center of the circle inscribing the triangle. We can describe the equation of a circle using the parametric equation:
F(t) = { x = Cx + r * cos(t)
{ y = Cy + r * sin(t)
Where r is the radius of the circle, and t represents the angle along the circle.
Using this equation we can describe the triangle using the points that touch the circle, in this case we'll use t = { 0, 3 * pi / 4, 5 * pi / 4 } as our points.
We also need to calculate the angle that we need to rotate the triangle so that the point that was at t = (0) is on a line from (Cx, Cy) to the mouse location. The angle between two (normalized) vectors can be calculated by:
t = acos(v1 . v2) = acos(<x1, y1> . <x2, y2>) = acos(x1 * x2 + y1 * y2)
where . represents the dot product, and acos is the inverse cosine (arccos or cos^-1).
From these two equations we can easily create a python function which, given the center of the triangle/circle, the radius of the circle, and the location of the mouse, returns a list of tuples representing the x-y coordinates of the triangle. (For the example the center and mouse position are tuples of the form (x, y))
def get_points(center, radius, mouse_position):
# calculate the normalized vector pointing from center to mouse_position
length = math.hypot(mouse_position[0] - center[0], mouse_position[1] - center[1])
# (note we only need the x component since y falls
# out of the dot product, so we won't bother to calculate y)
angle_vector_x = (mouse_position[0] - center[0]) / length
# calculate the angle between that vector and the x axis vector (aka <1,0> or i)
angle = math.acos(angle_vector_x)
# list of un-rotated point locations
triangle = [0, (3 * math.pi / 4), (5 * math.pi / 4)]
result = list()
for t in triangle:
# apply the circle formula
x = center[0] + radius * math.cos(t + angle)
y = center[1] + radius * math.sin(t + angle)
result.append((x, y))
return result
Calling this function like this:
from pprint import pprint
center = (0,0)
radius = 10
mouse_position = (50, 50)
points = get_points(center, radius, mouse_position)
[(7.071067811865475, 7.0710678118654755),
(-10.0, 1.2246467991473533e-15),
(-1.8369701987210296e-15, -10.0)]
which is the three points (x, y) of the triangle.
I'm going to leave the original method below, since it's the way that modern computer graphics systems (OpenGL, DirectX, etc.) do it.
Rotation about the centroid of a arbitrary polygon is a sequence of three distinct matrix operations, Translating the object so that the centroid is at the origin (0,0), applying a rotation, and translating back to the original position.
Calculating the centroid for an arbitrary n-gon is probably outside the scope of an answer here, (Google will reveal many options), but it could be done completely by hand using graph paper. Call that point C.
To simplify operations, and to enable all transformations to be applied using simple matrix multiplications, we use so called Homogeneous coordinates, which are of the form:
[ x ]
p = | y |
[ 1 ]
for 2d coordinates.
[ Cx ]
C = | Cy |
[ 1 ]
The general form of the translation matrix is:
[ 1 0 Vx ]
T = | 0 1 Vy |
[ 0 0 1 ]
Where <Vx, Vy> represents the translation vector. Since the goal of the translation is to move the centroid C to the origin, Vx = -Cx and Vy = -Cy. The inverse translation T' is simply Vx = Cx, Vy = Cy
Next the rotation matrix is needed. Let r be the desired clockwise rotation angle, and R be the general form of the rotation matrix. Then,
[ cos(r) sin(r) 0 ]
R = | -sin(r) cos(r) 0 |
[ 0 0 1 ]
The final transformation matrix is therefore:
[ 1 0 -Cx ] [ cos(r) sin(r) 0 ] [ 1 0 Cx ]
TRT' = | 0 1 -Cy | * | -sin(r) cos(r) 0 | * | 0 1 Cy |
[ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 1 ]
Which simplifies to:
[ cos(r) sin(r) cos(r)*Cx-Cx+Cy*sin(r) ]
|-sin(r) cos(r) cos(r)*Cy-Cy-Cx*sin(r) |
[ 0 0 1 ]
Applying this to a point p = (x,y) we obtain the following equation:
p' = { x' = Cx*cos(r)-Cx+Cy*sin(r)+x*cos(r)+y*sin(r)
{ y' = -Cx*sin(r)+Cy*cos(r)-Cy-x*sin(r)+y*cos(r)
In Python:
def RotatePoint(c, p, r):
x = c[0]*math.cos(r)-c[0]+c[1]*math.sin(r)+p[0]*math.cos(r)+p[1]*math.sin(r)
y = -c[0]*math.sin(r)+c[1]*math.cos(r)-c[1]-p[0]*math.sin(r)+p[1]*math.cos(r)
return (x, y)
After typing all that I realize that your object may already be centered on the origin, in which case the function above simplifies to x=p[0]*math.cos(r)+p[1]*math.sin(r) and y=p[0]*math.sin(r)+p[1]*math.cos(r)
I put some faith in Wolfram Alpha here, rather than multiplying everything out by hand. If anyone notices any issues, feel free to make the edit.


Moving single point from curve knowing distance

I have a set of x and y points (whatever the function behind) here in black. I would like to move the (x0, y0) point to the (x1,y1) knowing that there is 3 cm (whatever the unit) from (x0, y0) to (x1,y1) at 90° angle.
I would like to do it in Python, however obviously this is pretty bad.
fig = plt.figure()
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
c = [55, 53, 54]
d = [29, 27, 27]
c = [55, 53 + 3, 54]
dd = [29, 27 + 3, 27 ]
ax.plot(c,d,'-o', c='g')
ax.plot(c,dd,'-o', c='b')
Partial final answer translated into Python (Thanks to picobit), however I would like to make the picobit function "orientation sensitive" :
fig = plt.figure()
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
a = [0.22520001, 0.22140153, 0.21732369, 0.21258711, 0.20764232, 0.20515779,
0.20449048, 0.20467589, 0.20534733]
b = [0.21270538 ,0.21026637, 0.20749939, 0.20383899, 0.19925433, 0.19559762,
0.19440357, 0.19375025, 0.19344115]
dev = [0.0009969 , 0.00143304, 0.00174457, 0.00193148, 0.00199379, 0.00186918,
0.00149534, 0.00087228, 0. ]
import math
def rotate_vector(x0, y0, angle, dev):
magnitude = math.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)
xhat = x0/magnitude
yhat = y0/magnitude
x_rot = -yhat * math.sin(angle) + xhat * math.cos(angle)
y_rot = yhat * math.cos(angle) + xhat * math.sin(angle)
x_rot = x_rot * dev
y_rot = y_rot * dev
anglee = 90 # Obviously different if 0 or 45, etc...
x_rot = (x_rot * math.cos(np.radians(anglee))) - (y_rot * math.sin(np.radians(anglee)))
y_rot = (x_rot * math.sin(np.radians(anglee))) + (y_rot * math.cos(np.radians(anglee)))
x_final = x_rot + x0
y_final = y_rot + y0
return x_final, y_final
Your algorithm is:
Find the unit vector that points from the origin to (x0,y0)
Multiply the unit vector by the rotation matrix
Multiply this new vector by your desired length (3cm in your example)
Move the newly-scaled vector's starting point back to (x0,y0)
Step 1:
Let A be the vector between the origin and (x0,y0). We need to find |A|, magnitude of A, (aka the length of the line segment) using the Pythagorean Theorem.
Find the unit vector by dividing (x0,y0) by |A|, giving us (x0/|A|,y0/|A|). This is the unit vector along A. Prove it to yourself by drawing a little, tiny right triangle with one end of the hypotenuse at the origin and the other end at (x0/|A|,y0/|A|).
Just to make things easier to type, let xhat=x0/|A| and yhat=y0/|A|.
Step 2:
You can rotate the unit vector by any angle θ by multiplying by the rotation matrix. After shaking out the matrix multiplication, you get the new point (xhat',yhat') where
xhat' = xhat*Cosθ - yhat*Sinθ
yhat' = xhat*Sinθ + yhat*Cosθ
90 degrees is a friendly angle, so this simplifies to:
xhat' = -yhat
yhat' = xhat
Step 3:
Scale the new vector by 3 units (centimeters in your example):
3*(-yhat,xhat) = (-3*yhat,3*xhat)
Step 4:
Move this new vector's starting point back to (x0,y0)
(x1,y1) = (-3*yhat,3*xhat) + (x0,y0)
= (-3*yhat+x0,3*xhat+y0)
Those are the coordinates for your new point.
As a quick example, if you have the point (3,4), and you want to perform the same translation as in your example image, then you'd do this:
|A| = 5, so (xhat, yhat) = (3/5, 4/5)
(xhat', yhat') = (-4/5, 3/5)
3*(-4/5, 3/5) = (-12/5, 9/5)
(-12/5+3, 9/5+4) = (0.6, 5.8)
Now prove to yourself that the two points are 3 units apart, again using the Pythagorean Theorem. A right triangle with hypotenuse connecting the two points (3,4) and (0.6,5.8) has sides with lengths (3-0.6) and (5.8-3)

Intersection coordinates (lat/lon) of two circles (given the coordinates of the center and the radius) on earth

I am not that experienced in python but improving it thanks to this community! I desperately need a function which takes the input and gives the ouput below:
1- Latitude/longitude coordinates of the center of circle 1 (e.g. (50.851295, 5.667969) )
2- The radius of circle 1 in meters (e.g. 200)
3- Latitude/longitude coordinates of the center of circle 2 (e.g. (50.844101, 5.725889) )
4- The radius of circle 2 in meters (e.g. 300)
Output: Possible output examples can be;
The intersection points are (50.848295, 5.707969) and (50.849295, 5.717969)
The circles are overlapping
The circles are tangential and the intersection point is (50.847295, 5.705969)
The circles do not intersect
I have examined the similar topics in this platform, other platforms, libraries, tried to combine different solutions but couldn't succeed. Any help is much appreciated!
The problem is solved many thanks to Ture Pålsson who commented below and directed me to whuber's brilliant work in this link Based on that work, I wrote the code below and as far as I tested it works. I want to share it here in case someone might find it helpful. Any feedback is appreciated.
Many thanks to Ture Pålsson who directed me to the right source, the code below is based on whuber's brilliant logic and
explanation here
The idea is that;
1. The points in question are the mutual intersections of three spheres: a sphere centered beneath location x1 (on the
earth's surface) of a given radius, a sphere centered beneath location x2 (on the earth's surface) of a given radius, and
the earth itself, which is a sphere centered at O = (0,0,0) of a given radius.
2. The intersection of each of the first two spheres with the earth's surface is a circle, which defines two planes.
The mutual intersections of all three spheres therefore lies on the intersection of those two planes: a line.
Consequently, the problem is reduced to intersecting a line with a sphere.
Note that "Decimal" is used to have higher precision which is important if the distance between two points are a few
from decimal import Decimal
from math import cos, sin, sqrt
import math
import numpy as np
def intersection(p1, r1_meter, p2, r2_meter):
# p1 = Coordinates of Point 1: latitude, longitude. This serves as the center of circle 1. Ex: (36.110174, -90.953524)
# r1_meter = Radius of circle 1 in meters
# p2 = Coordinates of Point 2: latitude, longitude. This serves as the center of circle 1. Ex: (36.110174, -90.953524)
# r2_meter = Radius of circle 2 in meters
1. Convert (lat, lon) to (x,y,z) geocentric coordinates.
As usual, because we may choose units of measurement in which the earth has a unit radius
x_p1 = Decimal(cos(math.radians(p1[1]))*cos(math.radians(p1[0]))) # x = cos(lon)*cos(lat)
y_p1 = Decimal(sin(math.radians(p1[1]))*cos(math.radians(p1[0]))) # y = sin(lon)*cos(lat)
z_p1 = Decimal(sin(math.radians(p1[0]))) # z = sin(lat)
x1 = (x_p1, y_p1, z_p1)
x_p2 = Decimal(cos(math.radians(p2[1]))*cos(math.radians(p2[0]))) # x = cos(lon)*cos(lat)
y_p2 = Decimal(sin(math.radians(p2[1]))*cos(math.radians(p2[0]))) # y = sin(lon)*cos(lat)
z_p2 = Decimal(sin(math.radians(p2[0]))) # z = sin(lat)
x2 = (x_p2, y_p2, z_p2)
2. Convert the radii r1 and r2 (which are measured along the sphere) to angles along the sphere.
By definition, one nautical mile (NM) is 1/60 degree of arc (which is pi/180 * 1/60 = 0.0002908888 radians).
r1 = Decimal(math.radians((r1_meter/1852) / 60)) # r1_meter/1852 converts meter to Nautical mile.
r2 = Decimal(math.radians((r2_meter/1852) / 60))
3. The geodesic circle of radius r1 around x1 is the intersection of the earth's surface with an Euclidean sphere
of radius sin(r1) centered at cos(r1)*x1.
4. The plane determined by the intersection of the sphere of radius sin(r1) around cos(r1)*x1 and the earth's surface
is perpendicular to x1 and passes through the point cos(r1)x1, whence its equation is x.x1 = cos(r1)
(the "." represents the usual dot product); likewise for the other plane. There will be a unique point x0 on the
intersection of those two planes that is a linear combination of x1 and x2. Writing x0 = ax1 + b*x2 the two planar
equations are;
cos(r1) = x.x1 = (a*x1 + b*x2).x1 = a + b*(x2.x1)
cos(r2) = x.x2 = (a*x1 + b*x2).x2 = a*(x1.x2) + b
Using the fact that x2.x1 = x1.x2, which I shall write as q, the solution (if it exists) is given by
a = (cos(r1) - cos(r2)*q) / (1 - q^2),
b = (cos(r2) - cos(r1)*q) / (1 - q^2).
q = Decimal(, x2))
if q**2 != 1 :
a = (Decimal(cos(r1)) - Decimal(cos(r2))*q) / (1 - q**2)
b = (Decimal(cos(r2)) - Decimal(cos(r1))*q) / (1 - q**2)
5. Now all other points on the line of intersection of the two planes differ from x0 by some multiple of a vector
n which is mutually perpendicular to both planes. The cross product n = x1~Cross~x2 does the job provided n is
nonzero: once again, this means that x1 and x2 are neither coincident nor diametrically opposite. (We need to
take care to compute the cross product with high precision, because it involves subtractions with a lot of
cancellation when x1 and x2 are close to each other.)
n = np.cross(x1, x2)
6. Therefore, we seek up to two points of the form x0 + t*n which lie on the earth's surface: that is, their length
equals 1. Equivalently, their squared length is 1:
1 = squared length = (x0 + t*n).(x0 + t*n) = x0.x0 + 2t*x0.n + t^2*n.n = x0.x0 + t^2*n.n
x0_1 = [a*f for f in x1]
x0_2 = [b*f for f in x2]
x0 = [sum(f) for f in zip(x0_1, x0_2)]
The term with x0.n disappears because x0 (being a linear combination of x1 and x2) is perpendicular to n.
The two solutions easily are t = sqrt((1 - x0.x0)/n.n) and its negative. Once again high precision
is called for, because when x1 and x2 are close, x0.x0 is very close to 1, leading to some loss of
floating point precision.
if (, x0) <= 1) & (,n) != 0): # This is to secure that (1 -, x0)) /,n) > 0
t = Decimal(sqrt((1 -, x0)) /,n)))
t1 = t
t2 = -t
i1 = x0 + t1*n
i2 = x0 + t2*n
7. Finally, we may convert these solutions back to (lat, lon) by converting geocentric (x,y,z) to geographic
coordinates. For the longitude, use the generalized arctangent returning values in the range -180 to 180
degrees (in computing applications, this function takes both x and y as arguments rather than just the
ratio y/x; it is sometimes called "ATan2").
i1_lat = math.degrees( math.asin(i1[2]))
i1_lon = math.degrees( math.atan2(i1[1], i1[0] ) )
ip1 = (i1_lat, i1_lon)
i2_lat = math.degrees( math.asin(i2[2]))
i2_lon = math.degrees( math.atan2(i2[1], i2[0] ) )
ip2 = (i2_lat, i2_lon)
return [ip1, ip2]
elif (,n) == 0):
return("The centers of the circles can be neither the same point nor antipodal points.")
return("The circles do not intersect")
return("The centers of the circles can be neither the same point nor antipodal points.")
Example: the output of below is [(36.989311051533505, -88.15142628069133), (38.2383796094578, -92.39048549120287)]
intersection_points = intersection((37.673442, -90.234036), 107.5*1852, (36.109997, -90.953669), 145*1852)
Depending on the precision you need, you may or may not consider the Earth as a sphere. In the second case, calculations become more complex.
The best option for precise measurements when the radius is small (as in your example) is to use a projection (UTM for example) and then apply the common flat euclidean calculations.
Let's first copy the flat circle intersection function from
def circle_intersection(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1):
d = math.sqrt((x1 - x0) ** 2 + (y1 - y0) ** 2)
if d > r0 + r1: # non intersecting
return None
if d < abs(r0 - r1): # one circle within other
return None
if d == 0 and r0 == r1: # coincident circles
return None
a = (r0 ** 2 - r1 ** 2 + d ** 2) / (2 * d)
h = math.sqrt(r0 ** 2 - a ** 2)
x2 = x0 + a * (x1 - x0) / d
y2 = y0 + a * (y1 - y0) / d
x3 = x2 + h * (y1 - y0) / d
y3 = y2 - h * (x1 - x0) / d
x4 = x2 - h * (y1 - y0) / d
y4 = y2 + h * (x1 - x0) / d
return (x3, y3), (x4, y4)
The precise calculation for a small radius (up to a few kilometers) can be done in UTM coordinates with the help of the utm library. It handles all the complications regarding the fact the the Earth is more an ellipsoid than a sphere:
import utm
def geo_circle_intersection(latlon0, radius0, latlon1, radius1):
# Convert lat/lon to UTM
x0, y0, zone, letter = utm.from_latlon(latlon0[0], latlon0[1])
x1, y1, _, _ = utm.from_latlon(latlon1[0], latlon1 [1], force_zone_number=zone)
# Calculate intersections in UTM coordinates
a_utm, b_utm = circle_intersection(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1)
# Convert intersections from UTM back to lat/lon
a = utm.to_latlon(a_utm[0], a_utm[1], zone, letter)
b = utm.to_latlon(b_utm[0], b_utm[1], zone, letter)
return a, b
Using your example (with slightly larger radii):
>>> p0 = 50.851295, 5.667969
>>> r0 = 2000
>>> p1 = 50.844101, 5.725889
>>> r1 = 3000
>>> a, b = geo_circle_intersection(p0, r0, p1, r1)
>>> print(a)
(50.836848562566004, 5.684869539768468)
>>> print(b)
(50.860635308778285, 5.692236858407678)

Tiling fixed-size rectangles to cover a given set of points

The problem - given a list of planar points [p_1, ..., p_n] and the dimensions of some rectangle w, h, find the minimal set of rectangles w, h that cover all points (edit - the rectangles are not rotated).
My inital solution was:
find the bounding-box of all points
divide the width and height of the bounding-box by the w, h of the given rectangle and round the number up to get the number of instances of the rectangle in x and y
to further optimize, go through all rectangles and delete the ones that have zero points inside them.
An example in Python:
def tile_rect(points, rect):
w, h = rect
xs = [p.x for p in points]
ys = [p.y for p in points]
bbox_w = abs(max(xs) - min(xs))
bbox_h = abs(max(ys) - min(ys))
n_x, n_y = ceil(bbox_w / w), ceil(bbox_h / h)
rect_xs = [(min(xs) + n * w for n in range(n_x)]
rect_ys = [(min(ys) + n * h for n in range(n_y)]
rects = remove_empty(rect_xs, rect_ys)
return rects
How can I do better? What algorithm can I use to decrease the number of rectangles?
To discretize the problem for integer programming, observe that given a rectangle we can slide it in the +x and +y directions without decreasing the coverage until the min x and the min y lines both have a point on them. Thus the integer program is just the standard min cover:
minimize sum_R x_R
subject to
for every point p, sum_{R contains p} x_R >= 1
x_R in {0, 1}
where R ranges over all rectangles whose min x is the x of some point and whose min y is the y of some point (not necessarily the same point).
Demo Python:
import random
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
w = 0.1
h = 0.1
points = [(random.random(), random.random()) for _ in range(100)]
rectangles = [(x, y) for (x, _) in points for (_, y) in points]
solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver("min cover", "SCIP")
objective = solver.Objective()
constraints = [solver.RowConstraint(1, pywraplp.inf, str(p)) for p in points]
variables = [solver.BoolVar(str(r)) for r in rectangles]
for (x, y), var in zip(rectangles, variables):
objective.SetCoefficient(var, 1)
for (px, py), con in zip(points, constraints):
if x <= px <= x + w and y <= py <= y + h:
con.SetCoefficient(var, 1)
scale = 6 * 72
margin = 72
'<svg width="{}" height="{}">'.format(
margin + scale + margin, margin + scale + margin
'<text x="{}" y="{}">{} rectangles</text>'.format(
margin // 2, margin // 2, round(objective.Value())
for x, y in points:
'<circle cx="{}" cy="{}" r="3" fill="none" stroke="black"/>'.format(
margin + x * scale, margin + y * scale
for (x, y), var in zip(rectangles, variables):
if var.solution_value():
'<rect x="{}" y="{}" width="{}" height="{}" fill="none" stroke="rgb({},{},{})"/>'.format(
margin + x * scale,
margin + y * scale,
w * scale,
h * scale,
Example output:
Assuming an approximate, rather than optimal solution is acceptable, how about a routine generally like:
Until no points are left:
(1) Find the convex hull of the remaining points.
(2) Cover each point/s on the hull so the
covering rectangles extend "inward."
(Perhaps examine neighbouring hull points
to see if a rectangle can cover more than one.)
(3) Remove the newly covered points.
Clearly, the orientation of the covering rectangles has an effect on the procedure and result. I think there is a way to combine (1) and (3), or possibly rely on a nested convex hull, but I don't have too much experience with those.
This is can be transformed into a mostly standard set cover problem. The general steps are as follows, given n points in the plane.
First, generate all possible maximally inclusive rectangles, of which there are at most n^2, named R. The key insight is that given a point p1 with coordinates (x1, y1), use x1 as the leftmost bound for a set of rectangles. For all other points p2 with (x2,y2) where x1 <= x2 <= x1+w and where y1-h <= y2 <= y1+h, generate a rectangle ((x1, y2), (x1+w, y2+h)).
For each rectangle r generated, count the points included in that rectangle cover(r).
Choose a subset of the rectangles R, s, such that all points are in Union(r in s) cover(r)
Now, the tricky part is that last step. Fortunately, it is a standard problem and there are many algorithms suggested in the literature. For example, combinatorial optimization solvers (such as SAT solvers, MIP solvers, and Constraint programming solvers) can be used.
Note that the above re-formulation only works if it is ok for rectangles to cover each other. It might be the case that the generated set of rectangles is not enough to find the least set of rectangles that do not overlap.

calculating an intercept point between a straight line and an ellipse - python

Iv'e been trying lately to calculate a point an ellipse
The desired point is the green point , knowing the red dots
and the ellipse equation.
I've used numpy linspace to create an array on points
and iterate them using zip(x axis , y axis)
between the red points , and using the ellipse
equation figure which of the points is the closest to 1.
(which is the outcome of the ellipse equation ).
this concept works most of the time , but in some location
of the red outer dot , this method doesn't seem to give good outcome
long story short, any idea how to calculate the green dot in python?
p.s - ellipse might have angle, both of hes axis are known.
I end up using the ellipse equation from this answer:
and created an in_ellipse function
then Iv'e used the Intermediate value theorem , to get a good estimation
of the point
def in_ellipse(point, ellipse):
return true if point in ellipse
return false
dot_a = ellipse_center
dot_b = dot
for i in range(20):
center_point = ((dot_b.y - dot_a.y)/2, (dot_b.x - dot_a.x)/2)
if in_ellipse(center_point):
dot_a = center_point
dot_b = center_point
return center_point
this system gives the point in 7 (2^20) digits resolution after decimal point
you can increase the range for better resolution.
Let ellipse center is (0,0) (otherwise just subtract center coordinates), semi-axes are a, b and rotation angle is theta. We can build affine tranformation to transform ellipse into circle and apply the same transform to point P.
1) Rotate by -theta
px1 = px * Cos(theta) + py * Sin(theta)
py1 = -px * Sin(theta) + py * Cos(theta)
2) Extend (or shrink) along OY axis by a/b times
px2 = px1
py2 = py1 * a / b
3) Find intersection point
plen = hypot(px2, py2) (length of p2 vector)
if (a > plen), then segment doesn't intersect ellipse - it fully lies inside
ix = a * px2 / plen
iy = a * py2 / plen
4) Make backward shrinking
ix2 = ix
iy2 = iy * b / a
5) Make backward rotation
ixfinal = ix2 * Cos(theta) - iy2 * Sin(theta)
iyfinal = ix2 * Sin(theta) + iy2 * Cos(theta)

Detecting Rectangle collision with a Circle

I have a Circle with a center point (Center_X, Center_Y) and I am detecting if a rectangle falls into it's Radius (Radius). How would I be able to perform this task? I have tried using
if (X - Center_X)^2 + (Y - Center_Y)^2 < Radius^2:
Then I try to draw a circle to fit over this area:
Circle =, Blue, (Center_X, Center_Y), Radius, 0)
But it doesn't seem to line up. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Here's what I was describing in my comments, plus changes to correct handling of the case of a circle inside a larger rectangle which Michael Anderson pointed out in a comment:
import math
def collision(rleft, rtop, width, height, # rectangle definition
center_x, center_y, radius): # circle definition
""" Detect collision between a rectangle and circle. """
# complete boundbox of the rectangle
rright, rbottom = rleft + width/2, rtop + height/2
# bounding box of the circle
cleft, ctop = center_x-radius, center_y-radius
cright, cbottom = center_x+radius, center_y+radius
# trivial reject if bounding boxes do not intersect
if rright < cleft or rleft > cright or rbottom < ctop or rtop > cbottom:
return False # no collision possible
# check whether any point of rectangle is inside circle's radius
for x in (rleft, rleft+width):
for y in (rtop, rtop+height):
# compare distance between circle's center point and each point of
# the rectangle with the circle's radius
if math.hypot(x-center_x, y-center_y) <= radius:
return True # collision detected
# check if center of circle is inside rectangle
if rleft <= center_x <= rright and rtop <= center_y <= rbottom:
return True # overlaid
return False # no collision detected
You have two common options for this kind of collision detection.
The first is to understand the ways two 2D objects can collide.
A vertex of one can be inside the other
Their sides can cross (even thought no verice is inside)
One can be completely interior to the other.
Technically case 1. can only occur if case 2. also occurs, but it is often a cheaper check.
Also case 3 is checked by case 1, in the case where both objects vertices are checked.
I would proceed like this. (as it is in order of cheapness)
Check that their bounding boxes intersect.
Check whether any vertex of the square is inside the
Check if the center of the circle is inside the rectangle
Check for circle - edge intersections.
The second and more general method is based on the notion of the product / expansion of shapes.
This operation allows you to convert the intersection question into a point containment question.
In this case the circle / rectangle box intersection can be replaced with a check for a point in a rounded rectangle.
Use the dist function from Shortest distance between a point and a line segment
import math
def dist(p1, p2, c):
x1,y1 = p1
x2,y2 = p2
x3,y3 = c
px = x2-x1
py = y2-y1
something = px*px + py*py
u = ((x3 - x1) * px + (y3 - y1) * py) / float(something)
if u > 1:
u = 1
elif u < 0:
u = 0
x = x1 + u * px
y = y1 + u * py
dx = x - x3
dy = y - y3
dist = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
return dist
Here is a test:
rect = [[0. , 0. ],
[ 0.2, 1. ],
[ 2.2, 0.6],
[ 2. , -0.4]]
c = 0.5, 2.0
r = 1.0
distances = [dist(rect[i], rect[j], c) for i, j in zip([0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0])]
print distances
print any(d < r for d in distances)
[1.044030650891055, 1.0394155162323753, 2.202271554554524, 2.0592194189509323]
Here is the plot:

