Linear regression with pandas time series - python

I have a dataframe object which contains 1 seconds intervals of the EUR_USD currency pair. But in theory it could be any interval and in this case it could look like this:
2015-11-10 01:00:00+01:00 1.07616
2015-11-10 01:01:00+01:00 1.07605
2015-11-10 01:02:00+01:00 1.07590
2015-11-10 01:03:00+01:00 1.07592
2015-11-10 01:04:00+01:00 1.07583
I'd like to use linear regression to draw a trend line from the data in dataframe, but I'm not sure what the best way are to do that with time series, and even such a small interval of time series.
So far I've messed around by replacing the time by (and this is just to show where I'd like to go with it) a list ranging from 0 to the time series list length.
x = list(range(0, len(df.index.tolist()), 1))
y = df["closeAsk"].tolist()
Using numpy to do the math magic
fit = np.polyfit(x,y,1)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
Lastly I draw the function along with the df["closeAsk"] to make sense of the trend.
plt.plot(x,df["closeAsk"], '-')
plt.plot(x,y, 'yo', x, fit_fn(x), '--k')
However now the x-axis is just meaningless numbers, instead I'd like for them to show the time series.

To elaborate on my comment:
Say you have some evenly spaced time series data, time, and some correlated data, data, as you've laid out in your question.
time = pd.date_range('9:00', '10:00', freq='1s')
data = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(time.size))
df = pd.DataFrame({'time' : time,
'data' : data})
As you've shown, you can do a linear fit of the data with np.polyfit and create the trend line with np.poly1d.
x = np.arange(time.size) # = array([0, 1, 2, ..., 3598, 3599, 3600])
fit = np.polyfit(x, df['data'], 1)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit)
Then plot the data and the fit with df['time'] as the x-axis.
plt.plot(df['time'], fit_fn(x), 'k-')
plt.plot(df['time'], df['data'], 'go', ms=2)

May be you wil be happy with seaborn?
Please try

you can create a numpy linspace for the x-values in the same length as your datapoint like so:
y = df["closeAsk"].dropna() # or.fillna(method='bfill')
x = np.linspace(1, len(y), num=len(y))
import seaborn as sb
sb.regplot(x, y)

Building on the accepted answer, here's a neat way to plot both trend and data from any pd.Series, including time series:
Where trend.plot is defined as follows (generalized from the accepted answer):
def trend(s):
x = np.arange(len(s))
z = np.polyfit(x, s, 1)
p = np.poly1d(z)
t = pd.Series(p(x), index=s.index)
return t
trend.plot = lambda s: [s.plot(), trend(s).plot()]
If you need just the trend data (not the plot):
trendline = trend(df['data'])


How can I calculate the time lag between two similar time series?

I'm trying to compute/visualize the time lag between 2 time series (I want to know the time lag between the humidity progression of outside and inside a room).
Each data point of my series was taken hourly. Plotting the 2 series together, I can clearly see a shift between them: Sorry for hiding the axis
Here are a part of my time series data. I will pack them in 2 arrays:
inside_humidity =
[11.77961297, 11.59755268, 12.28761522, 11.88797553, 11.78122077, 11.5694668,
11.70421932, 11.78122077, 11.74272005, 11.78122077, 11.69438733, 11.54126933,
11.28460592, 11.05624965, 10.9611012, 11.07527934, 11.25417308, 11.56040908,
11.6657186, 11.51171572, 11.49246536, 11.78594142, 11.22968373, 11.26840678,
11.26840678, 11.29447992, 11.25553344, 11.19711371, 11.17764047, 11.11922075,
11.04132778, 10.86996123, 10.67410607, 10.63493504, 10.74922916, 10.74922916,
10.6294765, 10.61011497, 10.59075345, 10.80373021, 11.07479154, 11.15223764,
11.19711371, 11.17764047, 11.15816723, 11.22250051, 11.22250051, 11.202915,
11.18332948, 11.16374396, 11.14415845, 11.12457293, 11.10498742, 11.14926578,
11.16896413, 11.16896413, 11.14926578, 10.8307902, 10.51742195, 10.28187137,
10.12608544, 9.98977276, 9.62267727, 9.31289289, 8.96438546, 8.77077022,
8.69332413, 8.51907042, 8.30609366, 8.38353975, 8.4513867, 8.47085994,
8.50980642, 8.52927966, 8.50980642, 8.55887037, 8.51969934, 8.48052831,
8.30425867, 8.2177078, 7.98402891, 7.92560918, 7.89950166, 7.83489682,
7.75789537, 7.5984808, 7.28426807, 7.39778913, 7.71943214, 8.01149931,
8.18276652, 8.23009255, 8.16215295, 7.93822471, 8.00350215, 7.93843482,
7.85072729, 7.49778011, 7.31782649, 7.29862668, 7.60162032, 8.29665484,
8.58797834, 8.50011383, 8.86757784, 8.76600556, 8.60491125, 8.4222628,
8.24923231, 8.14470714, 8.17351638, 8.52530093, 8.72220151, 9.26745883,
9.1580007, 8.61762692, 8.22187405, 8.43693644, 8.32414835, 8.32463974,
8.46833012, 8.55865487, 8.72647164, 9.04112806, 9.35578449, 9.59465974,
10.47339785, 11.07218093, 10.54091351, 10.56138918, 10.46099958, 10.38129168,
10.16434831, 10.10612612, 10.009246, 10.53502351, 10.8307902, 11.13420052,
11.64337309, 11.18958511, 10.49630791, 10.60856932, 10.37029108, 9.86281478,
9.64699826, 9.95341012, 10.24329812, 10.6848196, 11.47604231, 11.30505352,
10.72194974, 10.30058448, 10.05022037, 10.06318411, 9.90118897, 9.68530059,
9.47790657, 9.48585784, 9.61639418, 9.86244265, 10.29009361, 10.28297229,
10.32073088, 10.65389513, 11.09656351, 11.20188562, 11.24124169, 10.40503955,
9.74632512, 9.07606098, 8.85145589, 9.37080152, 9.65082743, 10.0707891,
10.68776091, 11.25879751, 11.0416348, 10.89558456, 10.7908258, 10.66539685,
10.7297755, 10.77571398, 10.9268264, 11.16021492, 11.60961709, 11.43827534,
11.96155427, 12.16116437, 12.80412266, 12.52540805, 11.96752965, 11.58099292]
outside_humidity =
[10.17449206, 10.4823292, 11.06818167, 10.82768699, 11.27582592, 11.4196233,
10.99393027, 11.4122507, 11.18192837, 10.87247831, 10.68664321, 10.37949651,
9.57155882, 10.86611665, 11.62547196, 11.32004266, 11.75537602, 11.51292063,
11.03107569, 10.7297755, 10.4345622, 10.61271497, 9.49271162, 10.15594248,
9.99053828, 9.80915398, 9.6452438, 10.06900573, 11.18075689, 11.8289847,
11.83334752, 11.27480708, 11.14370467, 10.88149985, 10.73930381, 10.7236597,
10.26210496, 11.01260226, 11.05428228, 11.58321342, 12.70523808, 12.5181118,
11.90023799, 11.67756426, 11.28859471, 10.86878222, 9.73984486, 10.18253902,
9.80915398, 10.50980784, 11.38673459, 11.22751685, 10.94171823, 10.56484228,
10.38220753, 10.05388847, 9.96147203, 9.90698862, 9.7732203, 9.85262125,
8.7412938, 8.88281702, 8.07919545, 8.02883587, 8.32341424, 8.07357711,
7.27302616, 6.73660684, 6.66722819, 7.29408637, 7.00046542, 6.46322019,
6.07150988, 6.00207234, 5.8818402, 6.82443881, 7.20212882, 7.52167696,
7.88857771, 8.351627, 8.36547023, 8.24802846, 8.18520693, 7.92420816,
7.64926024, 7.87944972, 7.82118727, 8.02091833, 7.93071882, 7.75789457,
7.5416447, 6.94430133, 6.65907535, 6.67454591, 7.25493614, 7.76939457,
7.55357806, 6.61479472, 7.17641357, 7.24664082, 8.62732387, 8.66913548,
8.70925667, 9.0477017, 8.24558224, 8.4330502, 8.44366397, 8.17995798,
8.1875752, 9.33296518, 9.66567041, 9.88581085, 8.95449382, 8.3587624,
9.20584448, 8.90605388, 8.87494884, 9.12694892, 8.35055177, 7.91879933,
7.78867253, 8.22800878, 9.03685287, 12.49630018, 11.11819755, 10.98869374,
10.65897176, 10.36444573, 10.052609, 10.87627021, 10.07379564, 10.02233847,
9.62022856, 11.21575473, 10.85483543, 11.67324627, 11.89234248, 11.10068132,
10.06942096, 8.50405894, 8.13168561, 8.83616476, 8.35675085, 8.33616802,
8.35675085, 9.02209801, 9.5530404, 9.44738836, 10.89645958, 11.44771721,
11.79943601, 10.7765335, 11.1453622, 10.74874776, 10.55195175, 10.34494483,
9.83813522, 11.26931785, 11.20641798, 10.51555027, 10.90808954, 11.80923545,
11.68300879, 11.60313809, 7.95163365, 7.77213815, 7.54209557, 7.30603673,
7.17842173, 8.25899805, 8.56494995, 10.44245578, 11.08542758, 11.74129079,
11.67979686, 12.94362214, 11.96285343, 11.8289847, 11.01388413, 10.6793698,
11.20662595, 11.97684701, 12.46383177, 11.34178655, 12.12477078, 12.48698059,
12.89325064, 12.07470295, 12.6777319, 10.91689448, 10.7676326, 10.66710434]
I know cross correlation is the right term to use, but after a while I still don't get the idea of using scipy.signal.correlate and numpy.correlate, because all I got is an array full of NaNs. So clearly I need some more knowledge in this area.
What I expect to achieve is probably a plot like those in the answer section of this thread How to make a correlation plot with a certain lag of two time series where I can see at how many hours the time lag is most likely.
Thank you a lot in advance!
With the given data, you can use the numpy and matplotlib modules to achieve the desired result.
so, you can do something like this:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
x = np.array(inside_humidity)
y = np.array(outside_humidity)
fig = plt.figure()
# fit a curve of your choice
a, b = np.polyfit(inside_humidity, outside_humidity, 1)
y_fit = a * x + b
# scatter plot, and fitted plot (best fit used)
plt.scatter(inside_humidity, outside_humidity)
plt.plot(x, y_fit)
which gives this:

How to get create a histogram over time?

I'm trying to visualize how a distribution changes over time -- each vertical slice should be the distribution at that timestep.
I want it to look something like this (there are two such curves/temporal-histograms here).
The closest I've found is this seaborn time series, but I want the distribution or at least the min, mean, and max -- this band is a confidence interval, which I can't use (it's also prohibitively slow).
Here's a snippet to product some sample data.
import numpy as np
num_timesteps = 20
samples_per_timestep = 100
timesteps = np.arange(num_timesteps)
def get_std(t):
return t if t < num_timesteps//2 else abs(num_timesteps - t)
samples = np.stack([np.random.normal(t, get_std(t), samples_per_timestep) for t in timesteps])
samples[t] is a sample of the ditribution a timestep t. The distribution starts as constant (std = 0), widens, then narrows again.
Update: So I asked about this in the Seaborn repository, and this can be way simpler using Seaborn.
Here's an example:
import seaborn as sns
import seaborn.objects as so
fmri = sns.load_dataset("fmri").query("region == 'parietal'")
p = so.Plot(fmri, "timepoint", "signal")
for tail in [25, 10, 5, 1]:
p = p.add(so.Band(), so.Perc([tail, 100 - tail]))
p.add(so.Line(), so.Agg("median"))
Which will result in this plot:
You can read more about it in Statistical estimation and error bars.
This is a lot less work and better scalable. Hope it helps!
I had the exact same problem, and took quite a few detours, but this is most definitely possible!
We need to import matplotlib, NumPy and Pandas.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Input data
I assume you have the data as a Pandas Series, with the time/step on the index and the values as values.
I load my data from a pickle (in the format specified above):
wealth = pd.read_pickle("wealth.pickle")
You can download a ZIP with this pickle file here:
Aggregate the data to percentiles
This part is a bit ugly. We first define a partial NumPy function for each percentile we want to calculate:
# Define functions to calculate percentiles
def q1(x):
return x.quantile(0.01)
def q5(x):
return x.quantile(0.05)
def q25(x):
return x.quantile(0.25)
def q50(x):
return x.quantile(0.50)
def q75(x):
return x.quantile(0.75)
def q95(x):
return x.quantile(0.95)
def q99(x):
return x.quantile(0.99)
If anyone reading this has a better/cleaner way to aggerate this, please let me know!
Note we use numpy.quantile, because (in my case) it works better with the data in the series, but numpy.percentile should be equivalent.
The data now needs to be grouped by the index (level=0), and then aggerated using the functions defined above:
w_agg = wealth.groupby(level=0).agg([q1, q5, q25, q50, q75, q95, q99])
And now w_agg looks like this:
Now we can start with the plotting. Aside from the regulars, we're using matplotlib.filbetween for this.
We create a figure, and then start with the widest percentile range: From 1 to 99. Then we draw 5 to 95 on top of that, then 25 to 75 on top of that and finally the median as a line.
Play a bit with the alpha and color values to make it look nice!
# Create a figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
# Add the bands to the axes
ax.fill_between(x=w_agg.index, y1=w_agg["q1"], y2=w_agg["q99"], alpha=0.3, color="tab:blue")
ax.fill_between(x=w_agg.index, y1=w_agg["q5"], y2=w_agg["q95"], alpha=0.3, color="tab:blue")
ax.fill_between(x=w_agg.index, y1=w_agg["q25"], y2=w_agg["q75"], alpha=0.3, color="tab:blue")
# Plot the median as line
ax.plot(w_agg.index, w_agg["q50"], '-', color="tab:blue")
# Add title, legend and plot
ax.set_title("Distribution of wealth between population over time")
ax.legend([f"{n}% distribution" for n in [99, 90, 50]] + ["Median"], loc="upper left")
The result
For my dataset, this was the result:

Interpolate: spectra (wavelength, counts) at a given temperature, to create grid of temperature and counts

I have a number of spectra: wavelength/counts at a given temperature. The wavelength range is the same for each spectrum.
I would like to interpolate between the temperature and counts to create a large grid of spectra (temperature and counts (at a given wavelength range).
The code below is my current progress. When I try to get a spectrum for a given temperature I only get one value of counts when I need a range of counts representing the spectrum (I already know the wavelengths).
I think I am confused about arrays and interpolation. What am I doing wrong?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
image_template_one = pd.read_excel("mr_image_one.xlsx")
counts = np.array(image_template_one['counts'])
temp = np.array(image_template_one['temp'])
inter = interpolate.interp1d(temp, counts, kind='linear')
temp_new = np.linspace(30,50,0.5)
counts_new = inter(temp_new)
I am now think that I have two arrays; [wavelength,counts] and [wavelength, temperature]. Is this correct, and, do I need to interpolate between the arrays?
Example data
I think what you want to achieve can be done with interp2d:
from scipy import interpolate
# dummy data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'temp': [30]*6 + [40]*6 + [50]*6,
'wave': 3 * [a for a in range(400,460,10)],
'counts': np.random.uniform(.93,.95,18),
# make the interpolator
inter = interpolate.interp2d(data['temp'], data['wave'], data['counts'])
# scipy's interpolators return functions,
# which you need to call with the values you want interpolated.
new_x, new_y = np.linspace(30,50,100), np.linspace(400,450,100)
interpolated_values = inter(new_x, new_y)

How to plot in 3D with a double entry table - Matplotlib

I would like to plot in 3D with Pandas / MatplotLib (Wireframe or other, I do not care) but in a specific way..
I'm using RFID sensors and I'm trying to record the signal I receive at different distance + different angles. And I want to see the correlation between the rising of the distance and the angle.
So that's why I want to plot in 3D :
X Axis -> the Distance, Y Axis -> the Angle, Z Axis -> the signal received which means a float
My CSV file from where I generate my DataFrame is organized like this a double entry table :
On the first label row we've different angles : 0°, 23°, 45°, ...
And the index of the DataFrame is the distance : 0 cm, 15 cm...
And the matrix inside represents the signal, so, values of Z Axis...
But I do not know how to generate a 3D Scatter, WireFrame... because in every tutorial I see people that use specific columns as axis.
Indeed, in my CSV file on the first row I've the label of all columns
Distance;0 ;23 ;45 ;90 ;120;180
And I do not know how to generate a 3D plot with a double entry table.
Do you know how to do it ? Or, to generate my CSV file in a better way to see the same result at the end !
I would be grateful if you would help me about this !
Thank you !
maybe contour is enough
b = np.array([0,5,15,25,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200])
a = np.array([0,23,45,90,120,180])
x, y = np.meshgrid(a, b)
z = np.random.randint(-50,-40, (x.shape))
scm = plt.contourf(x, y, z, cmap='inferno')
You can get a contour plot with something like this (but for the data shown it is not very interesting since all the values are constant at -45):
df = pd.read_csv(sep=';')
df = df.set_index('Distance')
x = df.index
y = df.columns.astype(int)
z = df.values
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z = z.T
Welcome to stackoverflow, your question can be split into several steps:
Step 1 - read the data
I have stored your data in a file called data.txt.
I don't know Pandas very well but this can also be handled with the nice simple function of Numpy called loadtxt. Your data is a bit problematic because of the text 'Distance' value in the first column and first row. But don't panic we load the file as a matrix of strings:
raw_data = np.loadtxt('data.txt', delimiter=';', dtype=np.string_)
Step 2 - transform the raw data
To extract the wanted data from the raw data we can do the following:
angle = raw_data[0 , 1:].astype(float)
distance = raw_data[1:, 0 ].astype(float)
data = raw_data[1:, 1:].astype(float)
With indexing the raw data we select the data that we want and with astype we change the string values to numbers.
Intermediate step - making the data a bit fancier
Your data was a bit boring, only the value -45, i took the liberty to make it a bit fancier:
data = (50 + angle[np.newaxis,:]) / (10 + np.sqrt(distance[:,np.newaxis]))
Step 4 - make a wireframe plot
The example at looks easy enough:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z)
But the trick is to get the X, Y, Z parameters right...
Step 3 - make the X and Y data
The Z data is simply our data values:
Z = data
The X and Y should also be 2D array's such that plot_wireframe can find the x and y for each value of Z in the 2D arrays X an Y at the same array locations. There is a Numpy function to create these 2D array's:
X, Y = np.meshgrid(angle, distance)
Step 5 - fancing it up a bit
Putting it together
All steps together in the right order:
# necessary includes...
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
raw_data = np.loadtxt('data.txt', delimiter=';', dtype=np.string_)
angle = raw_data[0 , 1:].astype(float)
distance = raw_data[1:, 0 ].astype(float)
data = raw_data[1:, 1:].astype(float)
# make the example data a bit more interesting...
data = (50 + angle[np.newaxis,:]) / (10 + np.sqrt(distance[:,np.newaxis]))
# setting up the plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# the trickey part creating the data that plot_wireframe wants
Z = data
X, Y = np.meshgrid(angle, distance)
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z)
# fancing it up a bit
# and showing the plot ...

Python - Calculate ongoing 1 Standard Deviation from linear regression line

I have managed to get a linear regression line for time series data, much thanks to stackoverflow prior. So I have the following plots/line drawn over from python:
I got this regression line with the following code, originally importing price/time series data from a csv file:
ES_1H = pd.read_csv(f4)
ES_1H.rename(columns={'Date/Time': 'Date'}, inplace=True)
ES_1H['Date'] = ES_1H['Date'].reset_index()
ES_1H_Last_300_Periods = ES_1H[-300:]
x = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Date']
y = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Close']
x = sm.add_constant(x)
ES_1H_LR = pd.ols(y = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Close'], x = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Date'])
plt.scatter(y = ES_1H_LR.y_fitted.values, x = ES_1H_Last_300_Periods['Date'])
What I'm looking for is to be able to plot/identify 1 standard deviation from the regression line (shown in the picture above). Most of the above code is just to conform the data to successfully be able to plot the regression line - change the Date/Time data so it will work in the ols formula, cut off the data to the last 300 periods and so on. But I am not sure how to grab 1 standard deviation from the line that is drawn via linear regression.
So ideally what I'm looking for would look something like this:
...with the yellow lines being 1 standard deviation away from the regression line. Does anyone know how to get 1 standard deviation from the linear regression line here? For reference, here are the stats for linear regression:
edit: For reference here's what I ended up doing:
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values, x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods['Date'])
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Close, x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Date)
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values - np.std(ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values), x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Date)
plt.scatter(y = ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values + np.std(ES_1D_LR.y_fitted.values), x = ES_1D_Last_30_Periods.Date)
IIUC you can do it this way:
In [185]: x = np.arange(100)
In [186]: y = x*0.6
In [187]: plt.scatter(x, y, c='b')
Out[187]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0xc512390>
In [188]: plt.scatter(x, y - np.std(y), c='y')
Out[188]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0xc683940>
In [189]: plt.scatter(x, y + np.std(y), c='y')
Out[189]: <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0xc69a550>
I just wanted to achieve the same thing. Here's how I did it.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Given this data:
plt.plot(time, price)
plt.plot(time, predicted_price)
Plot a window around the predicted_price regression line:
sq_dis = (price - predicted_price) ** 2
limit = (sq_dis.mean() + sq_dis.std()) * 0.3 # < - adjust window here
filter = np.abs(sq_dis) < limit
plt.plot(time, price)
plt.plot(time, predicted_price)
plt.plot(time[filter], price[filter])
I found this method closer to the way I had planned to plot my regression plots, so maybe you will find it interesting as well:
Use the function "plt.fill_between" to gray the area between mean and (mean+-standard deviation) like the following link:

