Python - How to intuit word from abbreviated text using NLP? - python

I was recently working on a data set that used abbreviations for various words. For example,
wtrbtl = water bottle
bwlingbl = bowling ball
bsktball = basketball
There did not seem to be any consistency in terms of the convention used, i.e. sometimes they used vowels sometimes not. I am trying to build a mapping object like the one above for abbreviations and their corresponding words without a complete corpus or comprehensive list of terms (i.e. abbreviations could be introduced that are not explicitly known). For simplicity sake say it is restricted to stuff you would find in a gym but it could be anything.
Basically, if you only look at the left hand side of the examples, what kind of model could do the same processing as our brain in terms of relating each abbreviation to the corresponding full text label.
My ideas have stopped at taking the first and last letter and finding those in a dictionary. Then assign a priori probabilities based on context. But since there are a large number of morphemes without a marker that indicates end of word I don't see how its possible to split them.
I also had the idea to combine a couple string metric algorithms like a Match Rating Algorithm to determine a set of related terms and then calculate the Levenshtein Distance between each word in the set to the target abbreviation. However, I am still in the dark when it comes to abbreviations for words not in a master dictionary. Basically, inferring word construction - may a Naive Bayes model could help but I am concerned that any error in precision caused by using the algorithms above will invalid any model training process.
Any help is appreciated, as I am really stuck on this one.

If you cannot find an exhaustive dictionary, you could build (or download) a probabilistic language model, to generate and evaluate sentence candidates for you. It could be a character n-gram model or a neural network.
For your abbreviations, you can build a "noise model" which predicts probability of character omissions. It can learn from a corpus (you have to label it manually or half-manually) that consonants are missed less frequently than vowels.
Having a complex language model and a simple noise model, you can combine them using noisy channel approach (see e.g. the article by Jurafsky for more details), to suggest candidate sentences.
Update. I got enthusiastic about this problem and implemented this algorithm:
language model (character 5-gram trained on the Lord of the Rings text)
noise model (probability of each symbol being abbreviated)
beam search algorithm, for candidate phrase suggestion.
My solution is implemented in this Python notebook. With trained models, it has interface like noisy_channel('bsktball', language_model, error_model), which, by the way, returns
{'basket ball': 33.5, 'basket bally': 36.0}. Dictionary values are scores of the suggestions (the lower, the better).
With other examples it works worse: for 'wtrbtl' it returns
{'water but all': 23.7,
'water but ill': 24.5,
'water but lay': 24.8,
'water but let': 26.0,
'water but lie': 25.9,
'water but look': 26.6}
For 'bwlingbl' it gives
{'bwling belia': 32.3,
'bwling bell': 33.6,
'bwling below': 32.1,
'bwling belt': 32.5,
'bwling black': 31.4,
'bwling bling': 32.9,
'bwling blow': 32.7,
'bwling blue': 30.7}
However, when training on an appropriate corpus (e.g. sports magazines and blogs; maybe with oversampling of nouns), and maybe with more generous width of beam search, this model will provide more relevant suggestions.

So I've looked at a similar problem, and came across a fantastic package called PyEnchant. If you use the build in spell-checker you can get word suggestions, which would be a nice and simple solution. However it will only suggest single words (as far as I can tell), and so the situation you have:
wtrbtl = water bottle
Will not work.
Here is some code:
import enchant
wordDict = enchant.Dict("en_US")
inputWords = ['wtrbtl','bwlingbl','bsktball']
for word in inputWords:
print wordDict.suggest(word)
The output is:
['rebuttal', 'tribute']
['bowling', 'blinding', 'blinking', 'bumbling', 'alienable', 'Nibelung']
['basketball', 'fastball', 'spitball', 'softball', 'executable', 'basketry']
Perhaps if you know what sort of abbreviations there are you can separate the string into two words, e.g.
'wtrbtl' -> ['wtr', 'btl']
There's also the Natural Language Processing Kit (NLTK), which is AMAZING, and you could use this in combination with the above code by looking at how common each suggested word is, for example.
Good luck!

One option is to go back in time and compute the Soundex Algorithm equivalent.
Soundex drops all the vowels, handles common mispronunciations and crunched up spellings. The algorithm is simplistic and used to be done by hand. The downside is that has no special word stemming or stop work support.

... abbreviations for words not in a master dictionary.
So, you're looking for a NLP model that can come up with valid English words, without having seen them before?
It is probably easier to find a more exhaustive word dictionary, or perhaps to map each word in the existing dictionary to common extensions such as +"es" or word[:-1] + "ies".


improve gensim most_similar() return values by using wordnet hypernyms

import gensim.downloader as api
glove = api.load('glove-wiki-gigaword-200')
I first ran this code to download the pre-trained model.
glove.most_similar(positive=['sushi', 'uae'], negative=['japan'])
would then result in:
[('nahyan', 0.5181387066841125),
('caviar', 0.4778318405151367),
('paella', 0.4497394263744354),
('nahayan', 0.44313961267471313),
('zayed', 0.4321245849132538),
('omani', 0.4285220503807068),
('seafood', 0.4279175102710724),
('saif', 0.426000714302063),
('dirham', 0.4214130640029907),
('sashimi', 0.4165934920310974)]
and in this example, we can see that the method failed to capture the 'type' or 'category' of the query. 'zayed', 'nahyan' are not actually of 'type' food and rather they represent person name.
The approach suggested by my professor is to use wordnet hypernyms to find the 'type'.
With much research, the closest solution I found is to somehow incorporate
lowest_common_hypernyms() that will give the lowest common hypernym between two synsets and use it to filter the results of most_similar().
I am not sure if my idea make sense and would like the community feedback on this.
My idea is compute the hypernym of, e.g. 'sushi' and the hypernyms of all the similar words returned by most_similar() and only choose the word with 'longest' lowest common hypernym path. I expect this should return the word that best matches the 'type'
Not sure if it makes sense...
Does your proposed approach give adequate results when you try it?
That's the only test of whether the idea makes sense.
Word2vec is generally oblivious to the all the variations of category that a lexicon like WordNet can provide – all the words that are similar to another word, in any aspect, will be neighbors. Even words that people consider opposites – like 'hot' and 'cold' – will be often be fairly close to each other, in some direction in the coordinate space, as they are similar in what they describe and what contexts they're used in. (They can be drop-in replacements for each other.)
Word2vec is also fairly oblivious to polysemy in its standard formulation.
Some other things worth trying might be:
if you need only answers of a certain type, mix-in some measurement ranking candidate answers by their closeness to a word either describing that type ('food') or representing multiple examples (say an average vector for many food-names you'd know to be good answers)
choose another vector-set, or train your own. There's no universal "goodness" for word-vectors: their quality for certain tasks will vary based on their training data & parameters. Vectors trained on something broader than Wikipedia (your named vector file), or some text corpus more focused on your domain-of-interest – say, food criticism – might do better on some tasks. Changing training parameters can also change which kinds of similarity are most emphasized in the resulting vectors. For example, some observers have noticed small context-windows tend to put words that are direct drop-in replacements for each other closer-together, while larger context-windows bring words from the same domains-of-use, even if not drop-in replacements of the same 'type', closer. (It sounds like your current need might be best served with a model trained with smaller windows.)
Nahyan is from the UAE - it seems to be part of the name of all three presidents. So you seem to be getting what you ask for. If you want more foods, add "food" to your positive query, and maybe "people" to your negative query?
Another approach is to post-filter your results to remove anything that isn't a food. Or is a person. (WordNet won't be much help, as it is nowhere near comprehensive on foods, and even less so on people; Wikidata is likely to be more useful.)
By the way, if you find the common hypernym of sushi and UAE it will probably be the top-level entity in wordnet. So that will give you no filtering.

Sentence similarity models not capturing opposite sentences

I have tried different approaches to sentence similarity, namely:
spaCy models: en_core_web_md and en_core_web_lg.
Transformers: using the packages sentence-similarity and sentence-transformers, I've tried models such as distilbert-base-uncased, bert-base-uncased or sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2.
Universal Sentence Encoding: using the package spacy-universal-sentence-encoder, with the models en_use_md and en_use_cmlm_lg.
However, while these models generally correctly detect similarity for equivalent sentences, they all fail when inputting negated sentences. E.g., these opposite sentences:
"I like rainy days because they make me feel relaxed."
"I don't like rainy days because they don't make me feel relaxed."
return a similarity of 0.931 with the model en_use_md.
However, sentences that could be considered very similar:
"I like rainy days because they make me feel relaxed."
"I enjoy rainy days because they make me feel calm."
return a smaller similarity: 0.914.
My question is: Is there any way around this? Are there any other models/approaches that take into account the affirmative/negative nature of sentences when calculating similarity?
Your question is pertinent and I believe this thought has been across everybody's mind at some point.
If you want to evaluate the logical connection between two sentences, using cosine similarity or euclidean distance on top of some pre-determined embeddings will not suffice.
The actual logical connection between two sentences can be determined via an RTE task (recognizing textual entailment).
The Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference (MultiNLI) :, is a dataset built specifically on this task of TE (textual entailment, in the context of natural language inference). In essence there are 3 labels (contradiction, neutral and entailment).
At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a
White House tour.
People formed a line at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
In this case, there is an entailment between the two sentences.
HuggingFace also has some pre-built models for MNLI. You can check for models such as distilbert-base-uncased-mnli, roberta-large-mnli, which are specifically fine-tuned for this task and consider those aforementioned as starting points in your task.
Handling negation is one of the hard problems in NLP.
A lot of similarity methods will work by averaging the vectors of words in a sentence, in which case one sentence is the other plus the vector for the word "not", which is not going to be very different. Opposites are also usually discussed together frequently, so they're "similar" in that sense, which is the way the word "similar" is usually used in NLP.
There are ways to work around this, often employed in sentiment analysis, but they usually don't "just work". If you can narrow down what kinds of negation you expect to see you might have more success. negspaCy is an unofficial spaCy component that can help detect negation of named entities, which is often useful in medical text ("does not have cancer"), for example. But you have to figure out what to do with that information, and it doesn't help with similarity scores.
You might have some luck using models trained to classify entailment - which classify whether some statement implies, contradicts, or has no bearing on another statement.

Whats a good way to match text to sets of keywords (NLP)

I'm trying to match an input text (e.g. a headline of a news article) to sets of keywords, s.t. the best-matching set can be selected.
Let's assume, I have some sets of keywords:
[['democracy', 'votes', 'democrats'], ['health', 'corona', 'vaccine', 'pandemic'], ['security', 'police', 'demonstration']]
and as input the (hypothetical) headline: New Pfizer vaccine might beat COVID-19 pandemic in the next few months.. Obviously, it fits well to the second set of keywords.
Exact matching words is one way to do it, but more complex situations might arise, for which it might make sense to use base forms of words (e.g. duck instead of ducks, or run instead of running) to enhance the algorithm. Now we're talking NLP already.
I experimented with Spacy word and document embeddings (example) to determine similarity between a headline and each set of keywords. Is it a good idea to calculate document similarity between a full sentence and a limited number of keywords? Are there other ways?
Related: What NLP tools to use to match phrases having similar meaning or semantics
There is not one correct solution for such a task. you have to try what fits your problem!
Possible ways to solve your problem I can think of:
Matching: either exact or more elaborated such as lemma/stemming, or Levensthein.
Embedding Similarity: I guess word similarity would outperform document-keywords similarity, but again, just experiment with it.
Classification: Your problem seems to be a classic classification problem, which each set being one class. If you don't have enough labeled training data, you could try active-learning.

Error in extracting phrases using Gensim

I am trying to get the bigrams in the sentences using Phrases in Gensim as follows.
from gensim.models import Phrases
from gensim.models.phrases import Phraser
documents = ["the mayor of new york was there", "machine learning can be useful sometimes","new york mayor was present"]
sentence_stream = [doc.split(" ") for doc in documents]
bigram = Phrases(sentence_stream, min_count=1, threshold=2, delimiter=b' ')
bigram_phraser = Phraser(bigram)
for sent in sentence_stream:
tokens_ = bigram_phraser[sent]
Even though it catches "new", "york" as "new york", it does not catch "machine", learning as "machine learning"
However, in the example shown in Gensim Website they were able to catch the words "machine", "learning" as "machine learning".
Please let me know how to get "machine learning" as a bigram in the above example
The technique used by gensim Phrases is purely based on statistics of co-occurrences: how often words appear together, versus alone, in a formula also affected by min_count and compared against the threshold value.
It is only because your training set has 'new' and 'york' occur alongside each other twice, while other words (like 'machine' and 'learning') only occur alongside each other once, that 'new_york' becomes a bigram, and other pairings do not. What's more, even if you did find a combination of min_count and threshold that would promote 'machine_learning' to a bigram, it would also pair together every other bigram-that-appears-once – which is probably not what you want.
Really, to get good results from these statistical techniques, you need lots of varied, realistic data. (Toy-sized examples may superficially succeed, or fail, for superficial toy-sized reasons.)
Even then, they will tend to miss combinations a person would consider reasonable, and make combinations a person wouldn't. Why? Because our minds have much more sophisticated ways (including grammar and real-world knowledge) for deciding when clumps of words represent a single concept.
So even with more better data, be prepared for nonsensical n-grams. Tune or judge the model on whether it is overall improving on your goal, not any single point or ad-hoc check of matching your own sensibility.
(Regarding the referenced gensim documentation comment, I'm pretty sure that if you try Phrases on just the two sentences listed there, it won't find any of the desired phrases – not 'new_york' or 'machine_learning'. As a figurative example, the ellipses ... imply the training set is larger, and the results indicate that the extra unshown texts are important. It's just because of the 3rd sentence you've added to your code that 'new_york' is detected. If you added similar examples to make 'machine_learning' look more like a statistically-outlying pairing, your code could promote 'machine_learning', too.)
It is probably below your threshold?
Try using more data.

How to automatically label a cluster of words using semantics?

The context is : I already have clusters of words (phrases actually) resulting from kmeans applied to internet search queries and using common urls in the results of the search engine as a distance (co-occurrence of urls rather than words if I simplify a lot).
I would like to automatically label the clusters using semantics, in other words I'd like to extract the main concept surrounding a group of phrases considered together.
For example - sorry for the subject of my example - if I have the following bunch of queries : ['my husband attacked me','he was arrested by the police','the trial is still going on','my husband can go to jail for harrassing me ?','free lawyer']
My study deals with domestic violence, but clearly this cluster is focused on the legal aspect of the problem so the label could be "legal" for example.
I am new to NPL but I have to precise that I don't want to extract words using POS tagging (or at least this is not the expected final outcome but maybe a necessary preliminary step).
I read about Wordnet for sense desambiguation and I think that might be a good track, but I don't want to calculate similarity between two queries (since the clusters are the input) nor obtain the definition of one selected word thanks to the context provided by the whole bunch of words (which word to select in this case ?). I want to use the whole bunch of words to provide a context (maybe using synsets or categorization with the xml structure of the wordnet) and then summarize the context in one or few words.
Any ideas ? I can use R or python, I read a little about nltk but I don't find a way to use it in my context.
Your best bet is probably is to label the clusters manually, especially if there are few of them. This a difficult problem even for humans to solve, because you might need a domain expert. Anyone claiming they could do that automatically and reliably (except in some very limited domains) is probably running a startup and trying to get your business.
Also, going through the clusters yourself will have benefits. 1) you may discover you had the wrong number of clusters (k parameter) or that there was too much junk in the input to begin with. 2) you will gain qualitative insight into what is being talked about and what topic there are in the data (which you probably can't know before looking at the data). Therefore, label manually if qualitative insight is what you are after. If you need quantitative result too, you could then train a classifier on the manually labelled topics to 1) predict topics for the rest of the clusters, or 2) for future use, if you repeat the clustering, get new data, ...
When we talk about semantics in this area we mean Statistical Semantics. The statistical or distributional semantics is very different from other definitions of semantics which has logic and reasoning behind it. Statistical semantics is based on Distributional Hypothesis, which considers context as meaning aspect of words and phrases. Meaning in very abstract and general sense in different litterers is called topics. There are several unsupervised methods for modelling topics, such as LDA or even word2vec, which basically provide word similarity metric or suggest a list of similar words for a document as another context. Usually when you have these unsupervised clusters, you need a domain expert to tell the meaning of each cluster.
However, for several reasons you might accept low accuracy assignment of a word as the general topic (or as in your words "global semantic") to a list of phrases. If this is the case, I would suggest to take a look at Word Sense Disambiguation tasks which look for coarse grained word senses. For WordNet, it might be called supersense tagging task.
This paper worth to take a look: More or less supervised supersense tagging of Twitter
And about your question about choosing words from current phrases, there is also an active question about "converting phrase to vectors", my answer to that question in word2vec fashion might be useful:
How can a sentence or a document be converted to a vector?
I can add more related papers later if it comes to my mind.
The paper Automatic Labelling of Topic Models explains the author's approach to this problem. To provide an overview I can tell you that they generate some label candidates using the information retrieved from Wikipedia and Google, and once they have the list of candidates in place they rank those candidates to find the best label.
I think the code is not available online, but I have not looked for it.
The package chowmein claims to do this in python using the algorithm outlined in Automatic Labeling of Multinomial Topic Models.
One possible approach, which the below papers suggest is identifying the set of keywords from the cluster, getting all the synonyms and then finding the hypernyms for each synonym.
The idea is to get a more abstract meaning for the cluster by using the hypernym.
Example: A word cluster containing words dog and wolf should not be labelled with either word but as canids. They achieve it using synonymy and hypernymy.
Cluster Labeling by Word Embeddings
and WordNet’s Hypernymy
Automated Text Clustering and Labeling using Hypernyms

