Using Python for Cisco network admin - python

I started learning Python and I am trying to find a usage in networking and writing scripts.
My question is more of a newbie in dev. I'm learning how to access SSH with Paramiko, then collect info from a device, manipulate data, and push some commands.
Is there any ideas or ways of what can be done and/or automated using Python?

U can Log to the cisco router using paramiko and issue a show log in loop, if in show log command any BGP flap will occure then script will sent you a mail using win32com module or smtplib module. If any webbrowser application ( like trouble ticket system) is related to your daily job with a a cisco devices you can also use a selenium module to automatically manipulate a webrowser.


How to get files from remote windows server with python?

I have multiple windows servers in an internal network(meaning, not connected to the internet).
At the moment, I am pulling files from these servers using Windows Remote Desktop, for each server I have an IP address, login & password.
My goal is to use Python to automate this process, I want to be able to run a script that will access these internal servers and get files from them.
Is there any Python module that handles such tasks, or how should I approach this problem?
Windows' file sharing protocol is called SMB. There are some python libraries for this; the first google result for me was this one:

Telnet client control panel python

I am working on Jasmin SMS gateway and I want to use its CLI module using my python script. It serves this module as telnet. I am not sure ho to send and receive commands from telnet. I have tried telnetlib but I do not know how to use it properly. Jamsin SMS Gateway can be found here:
I found pexpect library that works great with telnet and ssh clients. I can perform all the tasks of Jamsin's CLI module using my scripts.
There is also a web interface available written in Django and work perfectly with jasmin using pexpect. Its called JasminWebPanel.

Is it possible to use python to establish a putty ssh session and send some input?

Fist of all, due to Company Policy, Paramiko, or installing anything that requires administrative access to local machine it right out; otherwise I would have just done that.
All I have to work with is python with standard libraries & putty.
I am attempting to automate some tedious work that involves logging into a network device (usually Cisco, occasionally Alcatel-Lucent, or Juniper), running some show commands, and saving the data. (I am planning on using some other scripts to pull data from this file, parse it, and do other things, but that should be irrelevant to the task of retrieving the data.) I know this can be done with telnet, however I need to do this via ssh.
My thought is to use putty's logging ability to record output from a session to a file. I would like to use Python to establish a putty session, send scripted log-in and show commands, and then close the session. Before I set out on this crusade, does anyone know of any way to do this? The closest answers I have found to this all suggest to use Paramiko, or other python ssh library; I am looking for a way to do this given the constraints I am under.
The end-result would ideal be able to be used as a function, so that I can iterate through hundreds of devices from a list of ip addresses.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
If you can't use paramiko, and Putty is all you get so the correct tool is actually not Putty - it's his little brother Plink - you can download it here
Plink is the command line tool for Putty and you can your python script to call it using os.system("plink.exe [options] [command])
See MAN Page here
Hope it will help,

Writing a proxyfier application with python

I'm new to coding in Python and what motivates me to start coding is the idea of writing a piece of software that will connect to a proxy server via SSH and then once connected will route all network traffic of the system trough it, seamlessly to the user.
I am actually using the paramiko module to connect to the server and it works fine, but now I would like to know if there is some way to make the system change its socks proxy configuration so I can route the traffic to the proxy, on a way the user doesn't need to do anything. Is there any existing module that will help on this task ?
Thank you.
You can see the existing project sshuttle, it transfers all traffic over ssh.

Batch execution of SAS using a Telnet connection in Python

I have been interested in finding an alternative to the UI in SAS for quite some time now. We license SAS on our server instead of our desktops, so furthermore we have to launch a remote desktop application to execute code.
I was able to use a Telnet connection instead to remotely connect to the server, and batch execute SAS programs. Then I was interested in whether a python script could be made to connect remotely, and batch execute code, and this script could be executed in jEdit as a BeanShell script.
So far, I have Python code which successfully opens and closes the Telnet connection. It can do basic shell functions like call "dir". However, when I pass the exact same line that I use to execute SAS from command prompt on the remote server with a telnet connection in Python, nothing happens.
Is it possible the server is preventing me from executing code from a script? I use a "read_until" statement for the prompt before running any code.
Here's a few ideas...
The issue you are having above may be related to Local Security Policy settings in Windows (if it is running on a windows server). I'm far from an expert on that stuff but I remember older SAS/Intranet installations required some rumaging around in there to get them working.
As an alternative to the approach you are trying above you could also setup a SAS session on the server that listens for incoming socket requests as per this article:
And finally... Not sure if this helps or not by I remotely execute SAS jobs using PSEXEC. A description of how I set it all up can be found here:
Good luck
This paper outlines how you can use a Python script to connect to a Unix server using SSH, copy the SAS program written locally onto the server, batch submit it, and download the results back to your local machine, all using a BeanShell macro script for jEdit.

