I want to un-join typos in my string by locating them using regex and insert a space character between the matched expression.
I tried the solution to a similar question ... but it did not work for me -(Insert space between characters regex); solution- to use the replace string as '\1 \2' in re.sub .
import re
corpus = '''
This is my corpus1a.I am looking to convert it into a 2corpus 2b.
clean = re.compile('\.[^(\d,\s)]')
corpus = re.sub(clean,' ', corpus)
clean2 = re.compile('\d+[^(\d,\s,\.)]')
corpus = re.sub(clean2,'\1 \2', corpus)
This is my corpus 1 a. I am looking to convert it into a 2 corpus 2 b.
You need to put the capture group parentheses around the patterns that match each string that you want to copy to the result.
There's also no need to use + after \d. You only need to match the last digit of the number.
clean = re.compile(r'(\d)([^\d,\s])')
corpus = re.sub(clean, r'\1 \2', corpus)
I'm not sure about other possible inputs, we might be able to add spaces using an expression similar to:
after that we would replace any two spaces with a single space and it might work, not sure though:
import re
print(re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", re.sub(r"(\d+)([a-z]+)\b", " \\1 \\2", "This is my corpus1a.I am looking to convert it into a 2corpus 2b")))
The expression is explained on the top right panel of this demo, if you wish to explore further or modify it, and in this link, you can watch how it would match against some sample inputs step by step, if you like.
Capture groups, marked by parenthesis ( and ), should be around the patterns you want to match.
So this should work for you
clean = re.compile(r'(\d+)([^\d,\s])')
corpus = re.sub(clean,'\1 \2', corpus)
The regex (\d+)([^\d,\s]) reads: match 1 or more digits (\d+) as group 1 (first set of parenthesis), match non-digit and non-whitespace as group 2.
The reason why your's doesn't work was that you did not have parenthesis surrounding the patterns you want to reuse.
I'm trying to detect the text between two square brackets in Python however I only want the result where there is a "." within it.
I currently have [(.*?] as my regex, using the following example:
String To Search:
CASE[Data Source].[Week] = 'THIS WEEK'
Data Source, Week
However I need the whole string as [Data Source].[Week], (square brackets included, only if there is a '.' in the middle of the string). There could also be multiple instances where it matches.
You might write a pattern matching [...] and then repeat 1 or more times a . and again [...]
\[[^][]*] Match from [...] using a negated character class
(?: Non capture group to repeat as a whole part
\.\[[^][]*] Match a dot and again [...]
)+ Close the non capture group and repeat 1+ times
See a regex demo.
To get multiple matches, you can use re.findall
import re
pattern = r"\[[^][]*](?:\.\[[^][]*])+"
s = ("CASE[Data Source].[Week] = 'THIS WEEK'\n"
"CASE[Data Source].[Week] = 'THIS WEEK'")
print(re.findall(pattern, s))
['[Data Source].[Week]', '[Data Source].[Week]']
If you also want the values of between square brackets when there is not dot, you can use an alternation with lookaround assertions:
\[[^][]*](?:\.\[[^][]*])+ The same as the previous pattern
| Or
(?<=\[)[^][]*(?=]) Match [...] asserting [ to the left and ] to the right
See another regex demo
I think an alternative approach could be:
import re
pattern = re.compile("(\[[^\]]*\]\.\[[^\]]*\])")
['[Data Source].[Week]']
I want to split '10.1 This is a sentence. Another sentence.'
as ['10.1 This is a sentence', 'Another sentence'] and split '10.1. This is a sentence. Another sentence.' as ['10.1. This is a sentence', 'Another sentence']
I have tried
It doesn't work, how can this be solved?
If you plan to split a string on a . char that is not preceded or followed with a digit, and that is not at the end of the string a splitting approach might work for you:
re.split(r'(?<!\d)\.(?!\d|$)', text)
See the regex demo.
If your strings can contain more special cases, you could use a more customizable extracting approach:
re.findall(r'(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)*\.?|[^.])+', text)
See this regex demo. Details:
(?:\d+(?:\.\d+)*\.?|[^.])+ - a non-capturing group that matches one or more occurrences of
\d+(?:\.\d+)*\.? - one or more digits (\d+), then zero or more sequences of . and one or more digits ((?:\.\d+)*) and then an optional . char (\.?)
| - or
[^.] - any char other than a . char.
All sentences (except the very last one) end with a period followed by space, so split on that. Worrying about the clause number is backwards. You could potentially find all kinds of situations that you DON'T want, but it is generally much easier to describe the situation that you DO want. In this case '. ' is that situation.
import re
doc = '10.1 This is a sentence. Another sentence.'
def sentences(doc):
#split all sentences
s = re.split(r'\.\s+', doc)
#remove empty index or remove period from absolute last index, if present
if s[-1] == '':
s = s[0:-1]
elif s[-1].endswith('.'):
s[-1] = s[-1][:-1]
#return sentences
return s
The way I structured my regex it should also eliminate arbitrary whitespace between paragraphs.
You have multiple issues:
You're not using re.split(), you're using str.split().
You haven't escaped the ., use \. instead.
You're not using lookahead and lookbehinds so your 3 characters are gone.
Fixed code:
>>> import re
>>> s = '10.1 This is a sentence. Another sentence.'
>>> re.split(r"(?<=\D\.)(?=\D)", s)
['10.1 This is a sentence.', ' Another sentence.']
Basically, (?<=\D\.) finds a position right after a . that has a non-digit character. (?=\D) then makes sure there's a non digit after the current position. When everything applies, it splits correctly.
I scraped some text from pdfs and accents/umlaut on characters get scraped after their letter, e.g.: `"Jos´e" and "Mu¨ller". Because there are just a few of these characters, I would like to fix them to e.g. "José" and "Müller".
I am trying to adapt the pattern here Regex to match words with hyphens and/or apostrophes.
ms = re.finditer(pattern, "Jos´e Vald´ez")
for m in ms:
m.group() #returns "Jos´e" and "Vald´ez"
m.start() #returns 0 and 6, but I want 3 and 10
In the example above, what pattern can I use to get the position of the '´' character? Then I can check the subsequent letter and replace the text accordingly.
My texts are scraped from from scientific papers and could contain those characters elsewhere, for example in code. That is the reason why I am using regex instead of .replace or text normalization with e.g. unicodedata, because I want to make sure I am replacing "words" (more precisely the authors' first and last names).
EDIT: I can relax these conditions and simply replace those characters everywhere because, if they appear in non-words such as "F=m⋅x¨", I will discard non-words anyway. Therefore, I can use a simple replace approach
I suggest using
import re
d = {'´e': 'é', 'u¨' : 'ü'}
pattern = "|".join([x for x in d])
print( re.sub(pattern, lambda m: d[m.group()], "Jos´e Vald´ez") )
# => José Valdéz
See the Python demo.
If you need to make sure there are word boundaries, you may consider using
pattern = r"\b´e|u¨\b"
See this Python demo. \b before ´ and after u will make sure there are other word chars before/after them.
A quick fix on the pattern returns the indexes which you are looking for. Instead of matching the whole word, the group will catch the apostrophe characters only.
import re
pattern = "(?=\S*[´])[a-zA-Z]+([´]+)[a-zA-Z]+"
ms = re.finditer(pattern, "Jos´e Vald´ez")
for m in ms:
print(m.group()) # returns "Jos´e" and "Vald´ez"
print(m.start(1)) # returns 3 and 10
I want to get the content between single quotes, but only if it contains a certain word (i.e 'sample_2'). It additionally should not match ones with white space.
Input example: (The following should match and return only: ../sample_2/file and sample_2/file)
['asdf', '../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file', 'example with space', sample_2, sample]
Right now I just have that matched the first 3 items in the list:
I can't seem to find the right regex that would return those containing the word 'sample_2'
If you want specific words/characters you need to have them in the regular expression and not use the '\S'. The \S is the equivalent to [^\r\n\t\f\v ] or "any non-whitespace character".
import re
teststr = "['asdf', '../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file', 'sample_2 with spaces','example with space', sample_2, sample]"
matches = re.findall(r"'([^\s']*sample_2[^\s]*?)',", teststr)
# ['../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file']
Based on your wording, you suggest the desired word can change. In that case, I would recommend using re.compile() to dynamically create a string which then defines the regular expression.
import re
word = 'sample_2'
teststr = "['asdf', '../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file', ' sample_2 with spaces','example with space', sample_2, sample]"
regex = re.compile("'([^'\\s]*"+word+"[^\\s]*?)',")
matches = regex.findall(teststr)
# ['../sample_2/file', 'sample_2/file']
Also if you haven't heard of this tool yet, check out regex101.com. I always build my regular expressions here to make sure I get them correct. It gives you the references, explanation of what is happening and even lets you test it right there in the browser.
Explanation of regex
regex = r"'([^\s']*sample_2[^\s]*?)',"
Find first apostrophe, start group capture. Capture anything except a whitespace character or the corresponding ending apostrophe. It must see the letters "sample_2" before accepting any non-whitespace character. Stop group capture when you see the closing apostrophe and a comma.
Note: In python, a string " or ' prepositioned with the character 'r' means the text is compiled as a regular expression. Strings with the character 'r' also do not require double-escape '\' characters.
I'm working on a sentencizer and tokenizer for a tutorial. This means splitting a document string into sentences and sentences into words. Examples:
"This is a sentence. This is another sentence! A third..."=>["This is a sentence.", "This is another sentence!", "A third..."]
"Tokens are 'individual' bits of a sentence."=>["Tokens", "are", "'individual'", "bits", "of", "a", "sentence", "."]
As seen, there's a need for something more than just a string.split(). I'm using re.sub() appending a 'special' tag for each match (and later splitting in this tag), first for sentences and then for tokens.
So far it works great, but there's a problem: how to make a regex that can split at dots, but not at (...) or at numbers (3.14)?
I've been working with these options with lookahead (I need to match the group and then be able to recall it for appending), but none works:
#Do a negative look behind for preceding numbers or dots, central capture group is a dot, do the same as first for a look ahead.
The application is:
sentence = re.sub(pattern, '\g<0>'+special_tag, raw_sentence)
I used the following to find the periods that it looked like were relevant:
import re
m = re.compile(r'[0-9]\.[^0-9.]|[^0-9]\.[^0-9.]|[!?]')
st = "This is a sentence. This is another sentence! A third... Pi is 3.14. This is 1984. Hello?"
# if you want to use lookahead, you can use something like this:
m = re.compile(r'(?<=[0-9])\.(?=[^0-9.])|(?<=[^0-9])\.(?=[^0-9.])|[!?]')
It's not particularly elegant, but I also tried to deal with the case of "We have a .1% chance of success."
Good luck!
This might be overkill, or need a bit of cleanup, but here is the best regex I could come up with:
((([^\.\n ]+|(\.+\d+))\b[^\.]? ?)+)([\.?!\)\"]+)
To break it down:
[^\.\n ]+ // Matches 1+ times any char that isn't a dot, newline or space.
(\.+\d+) // Captures the special case of decimal numbers
\b[^\.]? ? // \b is a word boundary. This may be optionally
// followed by any non-dot character, and optionally a space.
All these previous parts are matches 1+ times. In order to determine that a sentence is finished, we use the following:
[\.?!\)\"] // Matches any of the common sentences terminators 1+ times
Try it out!