I am trying to find percent match between keywords using filters, and have had some trouble getting the correct percent result when using a loop.
Here's what I've tried so far:
import pandas as pd
def percentmatch(component=[], manufacture=[]):
dummy = 0
for i in component:
if i in manufacture:
dummy += 1
requirements = len(component)
return (dummy/requirements)*100
def isDesired(innovator = [], manufacture = []):
for i in innovator:
if i in manufacture:
return True
return False
part = pd.read_csv("fakedata.csv")
#Change the Value for test case
part['Size'].iloc[5] = 'Startup'
manufacture = pd.read_csv("book1.csv")
#First filter if the manufacture wants to work with certain customer
criteria = []
for i, r in manufacture.iterrows():
criteria.append((isDesired([part['Size'].iloc[0]], r['Desired Customer**'].split(", "))))
manufacture['criteria'] = criteria
firstfilter = manufacture[criteria]
Now the second filter.
#Second filter if the manufacture can do certain phase. Ex: prototype, pre-release
criteria2 = []
for i, r in firstfilter.iterrows():
criteria2.append(isDesired([part['Phase'].iloc[0]], r['Preferred'].split(", ")))
firstfilter['criteria2'] = criteria2
secondfilter = firstfilter[criteria2]
#Third Filter to find the percent match in Methods
percentmatch1 = []
for i, r in secondfilter.iterrows():
print(r['Method'].split(", "))
print(part['Method'].iloc[0].split(", "))
# Indentation below is there, but refuses to show in S.O. for some reason
percentmatch1.append(percentmatch([part['Method'].iloc[0].split(", ")], r['Method'].split(",")))
# End of for loop is above, next line is on same level of indentation as for loop instantiation
secondfilter['Method match'] = percentmatch1
In the above code block, my output is
['CNC Machining', '3D printing', 'Injection Molding']
['CNC Machining', '3D printing']
Doing a quick secondfilter.head() lookup gives me the following:
secondfilter.head() output here
The method match should be 100% not 0%. How do I correct this?
I am quite new to python so still getting to grips with the language.
I have the following function which takes a string and apply it to an algorithm which tells us if it aligns to models 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Currently this piece of code:
def apply_text(text):
test_str = [text]
test_new = tfidf_m.transform(test_str)
prediction = 0
for m in range(0,5):
percentage = '{P:.1%}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1])
And running the following function: apply_text('Terrible idea.')
Gives the following output:
With Model 1 = 71.4%, Model 2 = 33.1%, ... Model 5 = 4.9%.
I want to only output the Model number where there is the highest percentage. So in the above example, the answer would be 1 as this has 71.4%.
As the output is a string type I am finding it difficult to find ways of converting this to an int and then comparing each value (probably in a loop of some sort) to obtain the maximum value
I think you want to save the percentages along with the model number, sort it and then return the highest.
This can be done by something like this:
def apply_text(text):
test_str = [text]
test_new = tfidf_m.transform(test_str)
prediction = 0
percentage_list = []
for m in range(0,5):
percentage = '{P:.1}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1])
percentage_list.append([m+1, float(percentage)])
percentage_list.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda a: a[1])
return percentage_list[0][0]
Things to note:
Sorting in reverse order as default is ascending. You could skip reversing and access the last element of precentage_list by accessing -1 element
The key function is used as we need to sort using the percentage
Try putting values in a list then you can utilize list methods:
percentage = []
for m in range(0, 5):
percentage.append('{P:.1%}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1]))
print(*percentage, sep='\n')
print('Max on model', percentage.index(max(percentage)))
Or using a dictionary:
percentage = {}
for m in range(0, 5):
percentage['Model ' + str(m)] = '{P:.1%}'.format(M=cat[m], P=lr_m[m].predict_proba(test_new)[0][1])
print(*percentage, sep='\n')
print('Max on', max(percentage.keys(), key=(lambda key: percentage[key])))
I have question, where I need to implement ladder problem with different logic.
In each step, the player must either add one letter to the word
from the previous step, or take away one letter, and then rearrange the letters to make a new word.
croissant(-C) -> arsonist(-S) -> aroints(+E)->notaries(+B)->baritones(-S)->baritone
The new word should make sense from a wordList.txt which is dictionary of word.
My code look like this,
where I have calculated first the number of character removed "remove_list" and added "add_list". Then I have stored that value in the list.
Then I read the file, and stored into the dictionary which the sorted pair.
Then I started removing and add into the start word and matched with dictionary.
But now challenge is, some word after deletion and addition doesn't match with the dictionary and it misses the goal.
In that case, it should backtrack to previous step and should add instead of subtracting.
I am looking for some sort of recursive function, which could help in this or complete new logic which I could help to achieve the output.
Sample of my code.
start = 'croissant'
goal = 'baritone'
list_start = map(list,start)
list_goal = map(list, goal)
remove_list = [x for x in list_start if x not in list_goal]
add_list = [x for x in list_goal if x not in list_start]
file = open('wordList.txt','r')
dict_words = {}
for word in file:
strip_word = word.rstrip()
final_list = []
flag_remove = 0
for i in remove_list:
sorted_removed_list = sorted(start.replace(''.join(map(str, i)),"",1))
sorted_removed_string = ''.join(map(str, sorted_removed_list))
if sorted_removed_string in dict_words.keys():
print dict_words[sorted_removed_string]
flag_remove = 1
start = sorted_removed_string
print final_list
flag_add = 0
for i in add_list:
first_character = ''.join(map(str,i))
sorted_joined_list = sorted(''.join([first_character, final_list[-1]]))
sorted_joined_string = ''.join(map(str, sorted_joined_list))
if sorted_joined_string in dict_words.keys():
print dict_words[sorted_joined_string]
flag_add = 1
sorted_removed_string = sorted_joined_string
Recursion-based backtracking isn't a good idea for search problem of this sort. It blindly goes downward in search tree, without exploiting the fact that words are almost never 10-12 distance away from each other, causing StackOverflow (or recursion limit exceeded in Python).
The solution here uses breadth-first search. It uses mate(s) as helper, which given a word s, finds all possible words we can travel to next. mate in turn uses a global dictionary wdict, pre-processed at the beginning of the program, which for a given word, finds all it's anagrams (i.e re-arrangement of letters).
from queue import Queue
words = set(''.join(s[:-1]) for s in open("wordsEn.txt"))
wdict = {}
for w in words:
s = ''.join(sorted(w))
if s in wdict: wdict[s].append(w)
else: wdict[s] = [w]
def mate(s):
global wdict
ans = [''.join(s[:c]+s[c+1:]) for c in range(len(s))]
for c in range(97,123): ans.append(s + chr(c))
for m in ans: yield from wdict.get(''.join(sorted(m)),[])
def bfs(start,goal,depth=0):
already = set([start])
prev = {}
q = Queue()
while not q.empty():
cur = q.get()
if cur==goal:
ans = []
while cur: ans.append(cur);cur = prev.get(cur)
return ans[::-1] #reverse the array
for m in mate(cur):
if m not in already:
prev[m] = cur
which outputs: ['croissant', 'arsonist', 'rations', 'senorita', 'baritones', 'baritone']
I am using url_analysis tools from spotify API (wrapper spotipy, with sp.) to process tracks, using the following code:
def loudness_drops(track_ids):
names = set()
tids = set()
tracks_with_drop_name = set()
tracks_with_drop_id = set()
for id_ in track_ids:
track_id = sp.track(id_)['uri']
track_name = sp.track(id_)['name']
#get audio features
features = sp.audio_features(tids)
#and then audio analysis id
urls = {x['analysis_url'] for x in features if x}
print len(urls)
#fetch analysis data
for url in urls:
# print len(urls)
analysis = sp._get(url)
#extract loudness sections from analysis
x = [_['start'] for _ in analysis['segments']]
print len(x)
l = [_['loudness_max'] for _ in analysis['segments']]
print len(l)
#get max and min values
min_l = min(l)
max_l = max(l)
#normalize stream
norm_l = [(_ - min_l)/(max_l - min_l) for _ in l]
#define silence as a value below 0.1
silence = [l[i] for i in range(len(l)) if norm_l[i] < .1]
#more than one silence means one of them happens in the middle of the track
if len(silence) > 1:
return tracks_with_drop_id
The code works, but if the number of songs I search is set to, say, limit=20, the time it takes to process all the audio segments xand l makes the process too expensive, e,g:
time.time() prints 452.175742149
how can I drastically reduce complexity here?
I've tried to use sets instead of lists, but working with set objects prohibts indexing.
EDIT: 10 urls:
[u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/5H40slc7OnTLMbXV6E780Z', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/72G49GsqYeWV6QVAqp4vl0', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/6jvFK4v3oLMPfm6g030H0g', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/351LyEn9dxRxgkl28GwQtl', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4cRnjBH13wSYMOfOF17Ddn', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/2To3PTOTGJUtRsK3nQemP4', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/4xPRxqV9qCVeKLQ31NxhYz', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/1G1MtHxrVngvGWSQ7Fj4Oj', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/3du9aoP5vPGW1h70mIoicK', u'https://api.spotify.com/v1/audio-analysis/6VIIBKYJAKMBNQreG33lBF']
This is what I see, not knowing much about spotify:
for id_ in track_ids:
# this runs N times, where N = len(track_ids)
tids.add(track_id) # tids contains all track_ids processed until now
# in the end: len(tids) == N
features = sp.audio_features(tids)
# features contains features of all tracks processed until now
# in the end, I guess: len(features) == N * num_features_per_track
urls = {x['analysis_url'] for x in features if x}
# very probably: len(urls) == len(features)
for url in urls:
# for the first track, this processes features of the first track only
# for the seconds track, this processes features of 1st and 2nd
# etc.
# in the end, this loop repeats N * N * num_features_per_track times
You should not any url twice. And you do, because you keep all tracks in tids and then for each track you process everything in tids, which turns the complexity of this into O(n2).
In general, always look for loops inside loops when trying to reduce complexity.
I believe in this case this should work, if audio_features expects a set of ids:
# replace this: features = sp.audio_features(tids)
# with:
features = sp.audio_features({track_id})
I am new to Python and can't quite figure out a solution to my Problem. I would like to split a list into two lists, based on what the list item starts with. My list looks like this, each line represents an item (yes this is not the correct list notation, but for a better overview i'll leave it like this) :
+foo = bar
+foofoo = barbar
+foofoofoo = barbarbar
+spam = eggs
+spamspam = eggseggs
+spamspamspam = eggseggseggs
So I want a list that contains all lines starting with a '+' between .param and .model and another list that contains all lines starting with a '+' after model until the end.
I have looked at enumerate() and split(), but since I have a list and not a string and am not trying to match whole items in the list, I'm not sure how to implement them.
What I have is this:
paramList = []
for line in newContent:
while line.startswith('+'):
if line.startswith('.'):
This is just my try to create the first list. The Problem is, the code reads the second block of '+'s as well because break just Exits the while Loop, not the for Loop.
I hope you can understand my question and thanks in advance for any pointers!
What you want is really a simple task that can be accomplish using list slices and list comprehension:
data = ['**','***','.param','+foo = bar','+foofoo = barbar','+foofoofoo = barbarbar',
'.model','+spam = eggs','+spamspam = eggseggs','+spamspamspam = eggseggseggs']
# First get the interesting positions.
param_tag_pos = data.index('.param')
model_tag_pos = data.index('.model')
# Get all elements between tags.
params = [param for param in data[param_tag_pos + 1: model_tag_pos] if param.startswith('+')]
models = [model for model in data[model_tag_pos + 1: -1] if model.startswith('+')]
>>> ['+foo = bar', '+foofoo = barbar', '+foofoofoo = barbarbar']
>>> ['+spam = eggs', '+spamspam = eggseggs']
Answer to comment:
Suppose you have a list containing numbers from 0 up to 5.
l = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Then using list slices you can select a subset of l:
another = l[2:5] # another is [2, 3, 4]
That what we are doing here:
data[param_tag_pos + 1: model_tag_pos]
And for your last question: ...how does python know param are the lines in data it should iterate over and what exactly does the first paramin param for paramdo?
Python doesn't know, You have to tell him.
First param is a variable name I'm using here, it cuold be x, list_items, whatever you want.
and I will translate the line of code to plain english for you:
# Pythonian
params = [param for param in data[param_tag_pos + 1: model_tag_pos] if param.startswith('+')]
# English
params is a list of "things", for each "thing" we can see in the list `data`
from position `param_tag_pos + 1` to position `model_tag_pos`, just if that "thing" starts with the character '+'.
data = {}
for line in newContent:
if line.startswith('.'):
cur_dict = {}
data[line[1:]] = cur_dict
elif line.startswith('+'):
key, value = line[1:].split(' = ', 1)
cur_dict[key] = value
This creates a dict of dicts:
{'model': {'spam': 'eggs',
'spamspam': 'eggseggs',
'spamspamspam': 'eggseggseggs'},
'param': {'foo': 'bar',
'foofoo': 'barbar',
'foofoofoo': 'barbarbar'}}
I am new to Python
Whoops. Don't bother with my answer then.
I want a list that contains all lines starting with a '+' between
.param and .model and another list that contains all lines starting
with a '+' after model until the end.
import itertools as it
import pprint
data = [
'+foo = bar',
'+foofoo = barbar',
'+foofoofoo = barbarbar',
'+spam = eggs',
'+spamspam = eggseggs',
'+spamspamspam = eggseggseggs',
results = [
list(group) for key, group in it.groupby(data, lambda s: s.startswith('+'))
if key
print '-' * 20
print results[0]
print '-' * 20
[['+foo = bar', '+foofoo = barbar', '+foofoofoo = barbarbar'],
['+spam = eggs', '+spamspam = eggseggs', '+spamspamspam = eggseggseggs']]
['+foo = bar', '+foofoo = barbar', '+foofoofoo = barbarbar']
['+spam = eggs', '+spamspam = eggseggs', '+spamspamspam = eggseggseggs']
This thing here:
it.groupby(data, lambda x: x.startswith('+')
...tells python to create groups from the strings according to their first character. If the first character is a '+', then the string gets put into a True group. If the first character is not a '+', then the string gets put into a False group. However, there are more than two groups because consecutive False strings will form a group, and consecutive True strings will form a group.
Based on your data, the first three strings:
will create one False group. Then, the next strings:
+foo = bar
+foofoo = barbar
+foofoofoo = barbarbar
will create one True group. Then the next string:
will create another False group. Then the next strings:
'+spam = eggs'
'+spamspam = eggseggs'
'+spamspamspam = eggseggseggs'
will create another True group. The result will be something like:
False: [strs here],
True: [strs here],
False: [strs here],
True: [strs here]
Then it's just a matter of picking out each True group: if key, and then converting the corresponding group to a list: list(group).
Response to comment:
where exactly does python go through data, like how does it know s is
the data it's iterating over?
groupby() works like do_stuff() below:
def do_stuff(items, func):
for item in items:
print func(item)
#Create the arguments for do_stuff():
data = [1, 2, 3]
def my_func(x):
return x + 100
#Call do_stuff() with the proper argument types:
do_stuff(data, my_func) #Just like when calling groupby(), you provide some data
#and a function that you want applied to each item in data
Which can also be written like this:
do_stuff(data, lambda x: x + 100)
lambda creates an anonymous function, which is convenient for simple functions which you don't need to refer to by name.
This list comprehension:
for key, group in it.groupby(data, lambda s: s.startswith('+'))
if key
is equivalent to this:
results = []
for key, group in it.groupby(data, lambda s: s.startswith('+') ):
if key:
It's clearer to explicitly write a for loop, however list comprehensions execute much faster. Here is some detail:
list(group) #The item you want to be in the results list for the current iteration of the loop here:
for key, group in it.groupby(data, lambda s: s.startswith('+')) #A for loop
if key #Only include the item for the current loop iteration in the results list if key is True
I would suggest doing things step by step.
1) Grab every word from the array separately.
2) Grab the first letter of the word.
3) Look if that is a '+' or '.'
Example code:
import re
class Dark():
def __init__(self):
# Array
x = ['+Hello', '.World', '+Hobbits', '+Dwarves', '.Orcs']
xPlus = []
xDot = []
# Values
i = 0
# Look through every word in the array one by one.
while (i != len(x)):
# Grab every word (s), and convert to string (y).
s = x[i:i+1]
y = '\n'.join(s)
# Print word
# Grab the first letter.
letter = y[:1]
if (letter == '+'):
elif (letter == '.'):
# Add +1
i = i + 1
# Print lists
#Run class
I have a list containing strings as ['Country-Points'].
For example:
lst = ['Albania-10', 'Albania-5', 'Andorra-0', 'Andorra-4', 'Andorra-8', ...other countries...]
I want to calculate the average for each country without creating a new list. So the output would be (in the case above):
lst = ['Albania-7.5', 'Andorra-4.25', ...other countries...]
Would realy appreciate if anyone can help me with this.
this is what I've got so far. So, "data" is actually a dictionary, where the keys are countries and the values are list of other countries points' to this country (the one as Key). Again, I'm new at Python so I don't realy know all the built-in functions.
for key in self.data:
lst = []
index = 0
score = 0
cnt = 0
s = str(self.data[key][0]).split("-")[0]
for i in range(len(self.data[key])):
if s in self.data[key][i]:
a = str(self.data[key][i]).split("-")
score += int(float(a[1]))
if i+1 != len(self.data[key]) and not s in self.data[key][i+1]:
lst.append(s + "-" + str(float(score/cnt)))
s = str(self.data[key][index]).split("-")[0]
score = 0
self.data[key] = lst
itertools.groupby with a suitable key function can help:
import itertools
def get_country_name(item):
return item.split('-', 1)[0]
def get_country_value(item):
return float(item.split('-', 1)[1])
def country_avg_grouper(lst) :
for ctry, group in itertools.groupby(lst, key=get_country_name):
values = list(get_country_value(c) for c in group)
avg = sum(values)/len(values)
yield '{country}-{avg}'.format(country=ctry, avg=avg)
lst[:] = country_avg_grouper(lst)
The key here is that I wrote a function to do the change out of place and then I can easily make the substitution happen in place by using slice assignment.
I would probabkly do this with an intermediate dictionary.
def country(s):
return s.split('-')[0]
def value(s):
return float(s.split('-')[1])
def country_average(lst):
country_map = {}|
for point in lst:
c = country(pair)
v = value(pair)
old = country_map.get(c, (0, 0))
country_map[c] = (old[0]+v, old[1]+1)
return ['%s-%f' % (country, sum/count)
for (country, (sum, count)) in country_map.items()]
It tries hard to only traverse the original list only once, at the expense of quite a few tuple allocations.