im trying to add a string to an ArrayField and I'm getting DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information. error.
this is how the model looks like the method update_credential is where im trying to add the merchant_id to merchants ArrayField.
class CloverCredential(models.Model):
tenant = models.OneToOneField('tenant.Tenant', unique=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
token = EncryptedCharField(max_length=255, null=True)
spreedly_receiver_token = EncryptedCharField(max_length=255, null=True)
merchants = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True), null=True)
def update_credential(self, new_token, merchant_id):
self.token = new_token
self.merchants = merchant_id
This is the view where im calling update_credential and passing token and merchant_id
class OAuthCallback(APIView):
def api_request(self, path):
return requests.get(path).json()
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
code = request.GET.get('code', '')
state = unsign_state(request.GET.get('state', ''))
merchant_id = request.GET.get('merchant_id', '')
tenant = get_object_or_404(Tenant, pk=state['tenant_id'])
clover_credential, created = CloverCredential.objects.get_or_create(tenant=tenant)
url = f'{settings.CLOVER_URL_US}/oauth/token?client_id={settings.CLOVER_APP_ID}&client_secret={settings.CLOVER_APP_SECRET}&code={code}'
oauth_response = self.api_request(url)
clover_credential.update_credential(oauth_response['access_token'], merchant_id)
return redirect(state['redirect'])
i also tried to append merchant_id to merchants
and got this error
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'
The field merchants is a list but by default it is null.
So the best things to do is set a default=list.
Error Explanation
Array value must start with "{" or dimension information.
This occurs because you are puttting a variable inside a list, instead do this self.merchants = [merchant_id, ]
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'append'
This occurs because you have a None, not a list. Make an empty list the default value or set it by code: self.merchants = list()
Further to this, my context was adding an ArrayField to a Django model, and on initial migration failing because I was passing it a string as a default, which the migration file referenced and failed out on when it interfaced with PSQL.
Solved this by hand-editing the migration file, finding the initial migration default string and putting brackets around the string.
Doesn't happen on future instances as I think the ArrayField implementation explicitly casts a comma separated list with brackets as part of the save operation, just not on the initial migration if it's expecting a default.
Can anyone explain why this is iterable:
this is valid and gives me a value (The current user's alias. session is storing the user id):
User.objects.get(id = request.session['currentuser']).alias)
But this is giving me the error saying it is 'not iterable?':
Poke.objects.get(user = User.objects.get(id = request.session['currentuser']).alias)
(This code is supposed to get a list of Poke entries where the user column matches the current user's alias.)
Here is the Poke model. It does not use ForeignKeys, as I was having trouble setting two of them without errors.
class Poke(models.Model):
id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
user = models.CharField(max_length=100)
poker = models.CharField(max_length=100)
pokes = models.IntegerField()
class Meta:
app_label = "poke_app"
Get will retrieve a single object and therefore the result will not be iterable. See documentation.
Do you see an integer value when you print(request.session['currentuser'])?
If you will see a string then you shoud give an integer value
EX: userobj = User.objects.get(id=uid)
Oh sory
User.objects.get(id = request.session['currentuser']).alias)
You open ( and closed it after ['currentuser']) but why you close ) again after .alias ?
Whenever the user doesn't add a value, I need my Django models to replace the otherwise empty field with the value set in default.
My models looks like this:
not_before = models.TimeField(blank=True, null=True, default='00:00:00')
max_num_per_day = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True, default=0)
I tried every combination of null, blank and default but no matter what I do, the fields gets replaced by null instead of '00:00:00' and 0.
Is there anyway I can force it to the default value whenever the field is empty?
you can set up your form with a default function like:
class YourForm(forms.Form):
def clean_field(self):
data = self.cleaned_data['not_before']
if not data:
data = '00:00:00'
or write a function in your model like:
class Molde(models.Model):
not_before = models.TimeField(blank=True, null=True, default='00:00:00')
def time(self):
if self.not_before:
return self.not_before
return '00:00:00'
In this case you would call the function instead of the model field itself. You can also take a look at this.
Hope that helps.
from what I understood from your question is you just want to set it to default. you can use:
not_before = models.TimeField(blank=True, null=True, default='00:00:00')
import datetime
not_before = models.TimeField(default=datetime.time(0,0))
max_num_per_day = models.IntegerField(default=0)
It seems you are using a ModelForm to grab the data from the user.
In this case, the solution proposed by sasuke will not work. First, you would have to set the required param to False in your form fields, so you would stop seing those "This field is required" messages. Still, you would see errors when saving the form. Even if your model instance is initialized with the default value, the form will replace it with None, since there is an existing field in the form matching the field in the model and its value is None.
My solution is to override the values in the model instance before saving them:
model_instance =
if not model_instance.not_before:
model_instance.not_before = '00:00:00'
if not model_instance.max_num_per_day:
model_instance.max_num_per_day = 0
I want to create an object only if there's no other object with the same ID already in the database. The code below would create the same item if one the parameters below like the State was modified.
returns = Return.objects.all()
for ret in returns:
obj, created = Return.objects.get_or_create(ItemID="UUID",
ItemName="Hodaddy", State="Started")
get_or_create works off all the arguments provided to find the object.
What you need to do instead is use the special defaults argument to provide the new value for a field that you don't want to filter on.
In your case, you only want the UUID field to be unique, and so you provide the other two members as defaults.
obj, created = Return.objects.get_or_create(ItemID="UUID",
defaults={ItemName:"Hodaddy", State:"Started"})
Then you can make further decisions based on the value of created. I am not sure why you're iterating over all the Returns in the original question?
If you know the id, you can query for it:
In your question, you have:
returns = Return.objects.all()
for ret in returns:
return_in_database = Return.objects.filter(ItemId="UUID").exists()
if not return_in_database:
obj, created = Return.objects.get_or_create(ItemID="UUID",
ItemName="Hodaddy", State="Started")
This can be done as:
if not Return.objects.filter(ItemId="UUID").exists():
obj, created = Return.objects.get_or_create(ItemID="UUID",
ItemName="Hodaddy", State="Started")
As you can see, I've removed the for loop, as you were not using the variable ret anywhere, so no need to iterate over all Return objects. The above is functionally equivalent to what you had. :)
You can write your own manager with a create_or_update method inside your
class ReturnManager(models.Manager):
def create_or_update(self, **kwargs):
new_return = Return(**kwargs)
existing = Return.objects.filter(ItemId=new_returns.ItemID).first()
if existing: = =
return new_return
You would then assign this to your Return model
class Return(model.Models):
# your object fields here
objects = ReturnManager()
You need to change the param in the query, to just constraint the object lookup on ItemID. Once, a new object is returned you can update the ItemName and State
obj, created = Return.objects.get_or_create(ItemID="UUID")
if created:
I've got an API endpoint called TrackMinResource, which returns the minimal data for a music track, including the track's main artist returned as an ArtistMinResource. Here are the definitions for both:
class TrackMinResource(ModelResource):
artist = fields.ForeignKey(ArtistMinResource, 'artist', full=True)
class Meta:
queryset = Track.objects.all()
resource_name = 'track-min'
fields = ['id', 'artist', 'track_name', 'label', 'release_year', 'release_name']
include_resource_uri = False
cache = SimpleCache(public=True)
def dehydrate(self, bundle):['full_artist_name'] = bundle.obj.full_artist_name()
if bundle.obj.image_url != settings.NO_TRACK_IMAGE:['image_url'] = bundle.obj.image_url
class ArtistMinResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Artist.objects.all()
resource_name = 'artist-min'
fields = ['id', 'artist_name']
cache = SimpleCache(public=True)
def get_resource_uri(self, bundle_or_obj):
return '/api/v1/artist/' + str( + '/'
The problem is, the artist field on Track (previously a ForeignKey) is now a model method called main_artist (I've changed the structure of the database somewhat, but I'd like the API to return the same data as it did before). Because of this, I get this error:
{"error": "The model '<Track: TrackName>' has an empty attribute 'artist' and doesn't allow a null value."}
If I take out full=True from the 'artist' field of TrackMinResource and add null=True instead, I get null values for the artist field in the returned data. If I then assign the artist in dehydrate like this:['artist'] = bundle.obj.main_artist()
...I just get the artist name in the returned JSON, rather than a dict representing an ArtistMinResource (along with the associated resource_uris, which I need).
Any idea how to get these ArtistMinResources into my TrackMinResource? I can access an ArtistMinResource that comes out fine using the URL endpoint and asking for it by ID. Is there a function for getting that result from within the dehydrate function for TrackMinResource?
You can use your ArtistMinResource in TrackMinResource's dehydrate like this (assuming that main_artist() returns the object that your ArtistMinResource represents):
artist_resource = ArtistMinResource()
artist_bundle = artist_resource.build_bundle(obj=bundle.obj.main_artist(), request=request)
artist_bundle = artist_resource.full_dehydrate(artist_bundle)
artist_json = artist_resource.serialize(request=request, data=artist_bundle, format='application/json')
artist_json should now contain your full artist representation. Also, I'm pretty sure you don't have to pass the format if you pass the request and it has a content-type header populated.
I get this error message:
TypeError: 'City' object does not support indexing
when this is my model:
class City(db.Model):
region = db.ReferenceProperty()
name = db.StringProperty()
image = db.BlobProperty()
vieworder = db.IntegerProperty()
areacode = db.IntegerProperty()
and this is my query
items = Item.all().filter('modified >', timeline).filter('published =', True).order('-modified').filter('cities =',city[0].key()).fetch(PAGESIZE + 1)`
Can you tell my how I should make my query or model my class definitions? I use listproperty(db.Key) to model relationships with references and I thought I could filter like the above query since it worked for one item. What should I do?
is the cause of your error. Chances are you thought city was a list, but it's actually a single item, or some such.