Discord py - ERROR: Unable to extract JS player URL - python

Hey guys,
I am trying to make my own discord music bot with youtube-dl.
Since the original youtube-dl isnt available anymore I use a copy of the latest version
Sometimes the bot works fine but sometimes I get this error
ERROR: Unable to extract JS player URL
The funny thing is that this does not happen everytime - 6/10 cases
What does my code look like:
import discord
import asyncio
import os
import youtube_dl
import urllib.parse, urllib.request, re
import requests
from discord.ext import commands
from discord import Embed, FFmpegPCMAudio
from discord.utils import get
pip install -U git+https://github.com/l1ving/youtube-dl
queue = []
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
ytdl_format_options = {
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'auto',
'source_address': ''
ffmpeg_options = {
'options': '-vn'
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
def __init__(self, source, *, data, volume=0.5):
super().__init__(source, volume)
self.data = data
self.title = data.get('title')
self.url = data.get('url')
async def from_url(cls, url, *, loop=None, stream=False, play=False):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: ytdl.extract_info(url, download=not stream or play))
if 'entries' in data:
data = data['entries'][0]
filename = data['url'] if stream else ytdl.prepare_filename(data)
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(filename, **ffmpeg_options), data=data)
class Music(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def join(self, ctx):
if not ctx.message.author.voice:
await ctx.send("You are not connected to a voice channel!")
channel = ctx.message.author.voice.channel
await ctx.send(f'Connected to ``{channel}``')
await channel.connect()
async def play(self, ctx, *, url):
async with ctx.typing():
player = await YTDLSource.from_url(url, loop=self.bot.loop, stream=True)
ctx.voice_client.play(player, after=lambda e: print('Player error: %s' % e) if e else None)
await ctx.send(f':mag_right: **Searching for** ``' + url + '``\n<:youtube:763374159567781890> **Now Playing:** ``{}'.format(player.title) + "``")
await ctx.send("Somenthing went wrong - please try again!")
async def pause(self, ctx):
voice = get(self.bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
user = ctx.message.author.mention
await ctx.send(f"Bot was paused by {user}")
async def resume(self, ctx):
voice = get(self.bot.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
user = ctx.message.author.mention
await ctx.send(f"Bot was resumed by {user}")
async def leave(self, ctx):
voice_client = ctx.message.guild.voice_client
user = ctx.message.author.mention
await voice_client.disconnect()
await ctx.send(f'Disconnected from {user}')
async def ensure_voice(self, ctx):
if ctx.voice_client is None:
if ctx.author.voice:
await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect()
await ctx.send("You are not connected to a voice channel.")
raise commands.CommandError("Author not connected to a voice channel.")
elif ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
def setup(client):
I have no clue why this just happens sometimes?? Maybe one of you guys know the answer :)

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Why the Cog is not loading?

I created a discord bot with cog and extensions, but the commands aren't being imported
Main file:
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=commands.when_mentioned_or('!'), intents=intents)
async def on_ready():
print(f'Bot ready as {bot.user}')
"Moderation.py" extension:
import discord
import datetime
from discord.ext import commands
from ..functions import Time
class Moderation(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
#commands.has_permissions(ban_members = True)
async def ban(self, ctx, member : discord.Member = None, *, reason = None):
if member == None:
await ctx.send('Você deve especificar um membro para ser banido!', delete_after = 10)
await member.ban(reason = reason)
#commands.has_permissions(kick_members = True)
async def kick(self, ctx, member : discord.Member = None, *, reason = None):
if member == None:
await ctx.send('Você deve especificar um membro para ser expulso!', delete_after = 10)
await member.kick(reason = reason)
#commands.has_permissions(administrator = True)
async def unban(self, ctx, *, member = None):
if member == None:
await ctx.send('Você deve especificar um membro para ser desbanido!', delete_after = 10)
banned_users = await ctx.guild.bans()
member_name, member_discriminator = member.split("#")
for ban_entry in banned_users:
user = ban_entry.user
if (user.name, user.discriminator) == (member_name, member_discriminator):
await ctx.guild.unban(user)
await ctx.send(f'Unbanned {user.mention}')
await ctx.send('O membro não está banido!')
async def clear(self, ctx, amount: int = 10):
await ctx.send('Insira um número válido.', delete_after=5)
await ctx.channel.purge(limit=amount)
await ctx.send(f'Apagou {amount} mensagens.', delete_after=5)
#commands.has_role('Mod' or 'Admin')
async def timeout(self, ctx, member : discord.Member, duration = '30m', *, reason = None):
lenght = Time.input_convert(duration)
if lenght == -1:
await ctx.send('Duração inválida! Digite a duração no formato (s/m/d/h).')
lenght = datetime.timedelta(seconds = lenght)
await member.timeout(until = lenght, reason = reason)
def setup(bot):
But whenever I try to use a command, this appears in the console instead: discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "ban" is not found
Where is the error?
I tried to change some parts of the code, using just Cogs or just extensions, but it isn't working anyway.
If you're using the latest version of discord.py, loading Cogs is Asynchronous now!
Do this for your main file:
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
intents.members = True
class BotClient(commands.Bot):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(command_prefix=commands.when_mentioned_or('!'), intents=intents, help_command=None)
async def setup_hook(self):
await self.load_extension('ext.moderation')
# Load cogs here
async def on_ready(self):
print(f'Bot ready as {self.user}')
bot = BotClient()
Then change the setup function on the cog with this:
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(Moderation(bot))'
More on this change:
Migrating to v2.0: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migrating.html#

unban based on reason discord.py

so my discord server got hacked and everyone got banned with "gotcha" reason
is there a way to make this code read this reason and unban everyone that has it?
if it's not a big problem can it send this unbanned nicks or id's in the channel?
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '!', intents=intents)
async def on_ready():
print('TO PRONTO FDP')
async def pronto(ctx):
await ctx.send("Esperando...")
async def massunban(ctx):
banlist = await ctx.guild.bans()
for users in banlist:
await ctx.guild.unban(user=users.user)
await ctx.channel.send(f"UNBANNED: **{users.user}**")
await ctx.channel.send(f"Finalizado")
For discord.py 1.7.3 (stable)
async def massunban(ctx: commands.Context):
bans = await ctx.guild.bans() # list of discord.BanEntry
for ban_entry in bans:
await ctx.guild.unban(user=ban_entry.user)
await ctx.send("Done!")
For discord.py 2.0 (latest)
async def massunban(ctx: commands.Context):
# Because of a change in Discord's API,
# discord.Guild.bans() returns now a paginated iterator
# Flattening into a list
bans = [ban_entry async for ban_entry in ctx.guild.bans()] # list of discord.BanEntry
for ban_entry in bans:
await ctx.guild.unban(user=ban_entry.user)
await ctx.send("Done!")
i solved it
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '!', intents=intents)
async def on_ready():
print('ready to go')
async def help(ctx):
await ctx.send("!start")
async def start(ctx):
reason = "Zardex V3"
reason2 = "Zardex v3"
reason3 = "zardex v3"
reason4 = None
await ctx.channel.send(f"*Loading...*")
banlist = await ctx.guild.bans()
for users in banlist:
if (reason==users.reason):
await ctx.guild.unban(user=users.user)
await ctx.channel.send(f"Unbanned: **{users.user}** Reason: **{users.reason}**")
if (reason2==users.reason):
await ctx.guild.unban(user=users.user)
await ctx.channel.send(f"Unbanned: **{users.user}** Reason: **{users.reason}**")
if (reason3==users.reason):
await ctx.guild.unban(user=users.user)
await ctx.channel.send(f"Unbanned: **{users.user}** Reason: **{users.reason}**")
if (reason4==users.reason):
await ctx.guild.unban(user=users.user)
await ctx.channel.send(f"Unbanned: **{users.user}** Reason: **{users.reason}**")
await ctx.channel.send(f"*Finished.*")

Commands don't function in nextcord 2.0.0

I've programmed several Discord bots and am back after a long break. I am currently struggling with stuff that I used to be able to accomplish in no time. I set up my bot and added a single cog, a single test command, and a listener to feel if there is anything new but now I can't get anything to work properly. My prefix commands aren't working, messages don't seem to carry .content anymore and I can't trigger functions in my cogs.
Main file:
import nextcord as discord
from nextcord.ext import commands
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "!", intents = intents)
async def on_ready():
bot.load_extension("Button Roles")
async def on_message(message):
if message.author.bot == False:
#await message.channel.send(message.content)
async def ping2(ctx):
await ctx.send("Pong!")
bot.run("Token placeholder")
import nextcord as discord
from nextcord.ext import commands
from nextcord import Interaction
class RoleButton(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(timeout = None)
self.value = None
#discord.ui.button(label = "Role1", style = discord.ButtonStyle.green)#Green, Gray, Blurple, Danger
async def Role1(self, button: discord.ui.Button, i: Interaction):
await i.response.send_message("Role 1", ephemeral = True)
self.value = 1
#discord.ui.button(label = "Role2", style = discord.ButtonStyle.danger)#Green, Gray, Blurple, Danger
async def Role2(self, button: discord.ui.Button, i: Interaction):
await i.response.send_message("Role 2", ephemeral = True)
self.value = 2
class Roles(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
print("Cog ready")
testServerId = 946874409753403422
async def ping(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("Pong!")
async def roleMessage(self, ctx):
view = RoleButton()
await ctx.send("You have two options:", view = view)
await view.wait()
if view.i.value == None:
elif view.i.value == 1:
print("Role 1!")
elif view.i.value == 2:
print("Role 2!!")
def setup(bot):
Cog ready
<Message id=993515538649202748 channel=<TextChannel id=946874410286084129 name='general' position=1 nsfw=False news=False category_id=946874410286084127> type=<MessageType.default: 0> author=<Member id=355727891180290070 name='ℭruenie' discriminator='8426' bot=False nick=None guild=<Guild id=946874409753403422 name="Project" shard_id=0 chunked=True member_count=4>> flags=<MessageFlags value=0>>
Expected Output (Using message.content instead of message):
Cog ready
#When I use !ping or !ping2 I don't get any outputs/messages
I have enabled the Intents from the Developer Portal.

How can I make a discord.py bot not require a prefix?

basically I am making a discord.py music bot, but I don't want to have to type a prefix before every command. I want to make one channel that can use the commands without a prefix beforehand; for example, instead of saying music.play in the channel, I just want to be able to say "play __". Is this possible? I also would like to figure out how to delete the message with the command, so for example you say "play __" and then as soon as that happens the bot deletes the message that said that and just does what it's supposed to. This would make the whole thing a lot cleaner and easier to use.
however, this isn't limited to specifically music bots, I'm also wondering in general how to create a specific channel you don't have to use a bot's prefix for.
Thanks for the help!
my code is as follows:
import asyncio
import functools
import itertools
import math
import random
import os
import discord
import youtube_dl
from async_timeout import timeout
from discord.ext import commands
# Silence useless bug reports messages
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
class VoiceError(Exception):
class YTDLError(Exception):
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'extractaudio': True,
'audioformat': 'mp3',
'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'auto',
'source_address': '',
'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5',
'options': '-vn',
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YTDL_OPTIONS)
def __init__(self, ctx: commands.Context, source: discord.FFmpegPCMAudio, *, data: dict, volume: float = 0.5):
super().__init__(source, volume)
self.requester = ctx.author
self.channel = ctx.channel
self.data = data
self.uploader = data.get('uploader')
self.uploader_url = data.get('uploader_url')
date = data.get('upload_date')
self.upload_date = date[6:8] + '.' + date[4:6] + '.' + date[0:4]
self.title = data.get('title')
self.thumbnail = data.get('thumbnail')
self.description = data.get('description')
self.duration = self.parse_duration(int(data.get('duration')))
self.tags = data.get('tags')
self.url = data.get('webpage_url')
self.views = data.get('view_count')
self.likes = data.get('like_count')
self.dislikes = data.get('dislike_count')
self.stream_url = data.get('url')
def __str__(self):
return '**{0.title}** by **{0.uploader}**'.format(self)
async def create_source(cls, ctx: commands.Context, search: str, *, loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop = None):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, search, download=False, process=False)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial)
if data is None:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t find anything that matches `{}`'.format(search))
if 'entries' not in data:
process_info = data
process_info = None
for entry in data['entries']:
if entry:
process_info = entry
if process_info is None:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t find anything that matches `{}`'.format(search))
webpage_url = process_info['webpage_url']
partial = functools.partial(cls.ytdl.extract_info, webpage_url, download=False)
processed_info = await loop.run_in_executor(None, partial)
if processed_info is None:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t fetch `{}`'.format(webpage_url))
if 'entries' not in processed_info:
info = processed_info
info = None
while info is None:
info = processed_info['entries'].pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise YTDLError('Couldn\'t retrieve any matches for `{}`'.format(webpage_url))
return cls(ctx, discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(info['url'], **cls.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), data=info)
def parse_duration(duration: int):
minutes, seconds = divmod(duration, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
duration = []
if days > 0:
duration.append('{} days'.format(days))
if hours > 0:
duration.append('{} hours'.format(hours))
if minutes > 0:
duration.append('{} minutes'.format(minutes))
if seconds > 0:
duration.append('{} seconds'.format(seconds))
return ', '.join(duration)
class Song:
__slots__ = ('source', 'requester')
def __init__(self, source: YTDLSource):
self.source = source
self.requester = source.requester
def create_embed(self):
embed = (discord.Embed(title='Now playing',
.add_field(name='Duration', value=self.source.duration)
.add_field(name='Requested by', value=self.requester.mention)
.add_field(name='Uploader', value='[{0.source.uploader}]({0.source.uploader_url})'.format(self))
.add_field(name='URL', value='[Click]({0.source.url})'.format(self))
return embed
class SongQueue(asyncio.Queue):
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
return list(itertools.islice(self._queue, item.start, item.stop, item.step))
return self._queue[item]
def __iter__(self):
return self._queue.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return self.qsize()
def clear(self):
def shuffle(self):
def remove(self, index: int):
del self._queue[index]
class VoiceState:
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, ctx: commands.Context):
self.bot = bot
self._ctx = ctx
self.current = None
self.voice = None
self.next = asyncio.Event()
self.songs = SongQueue()
self._loop = False
self._volume = 0.5
self.skip_votes = set()
self.audio_player = bot.loop.create_task(self.audio_player_task())
def __del__(self):
def loop(self):
return self._loop
def loop(self, value: bool):
self._loop = value
def volume(self):
return self._volume
def volume(self, value: float):
self._volume = value
def is_playing(self):
return self.voice and self.current
async def audio_player_task(self):
while True:
if not self.loop:
# Try to get the next song within 3 minutes.
# If no song will be added to the queue in time,
# the player will disconnect due to performance
# reasons.
async with timeout(180): # 3 minutes
self.current = await self.songs.get()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self.current.source.volume = self._volume
self.voice.play(self.current.source, after=self.play_next_song)
await self.current.source.channel.send(embed=self.current.create_embed())
await self.next.wait()
def play_next_song(self, error=None):
if error:
raise VoiceError(str(error))
def skip(self):
if self.is_playing:
async def stop(self):
if self.voice:
await self.voice.disconnect()
self.voice = None
class Music(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
self.bot = bot
self.voice_states = {}
def get_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context):
state = self.voice_states.get(ctx.guild.id)
if not state:
state = VoiceState(self.bot, ctx)
self.voice_states[ctx.guild.id] = state
return state
def cog_unload(self):
for state in self.voice_states.values():
def cog_check(self, ctx: commands.Context):
if not ctx.guild:
raise commands.NoPrivateMessage('This command can\'t be used in DM channels.')
return True
async def cog_before_invoke(self, ctx: commands.Context):
ctx.voice_state = self.get_voice_state(ctx)
async def cog_command_error(self, ctx: commands.Context, error: commands.CommandError):
await ctx.send('An error occurred: {}'.format(str(error)))
#commands.command(name='join', invoke_without_subcommand=True)
async def _join(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Joins a voice channel."""
destination = ctx.author.voice.channel
if ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.voice_state.voice.move_to(destination)
ctx.voice_state.voice = await destination.connect()
async def _summon(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
"""Summons the bot to a voice channel.
If no channel was specified, it joins your channel.
if not channel and not ctx.author.voice:
raise VoiceError('You are neither connected to a voice channel nor specified a channel to join.')
destination = channel or ctx.author.voice.channel
if ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.voice_state.voice.move_to(destination)
ctx.voice_state.voice = await destination.connect()
#commands.command(name='leave', aliases=['disconnect'])
async def _leave(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Clears the queue and leaves the voice channel."""
if not ctx.voice_state.voice:
return await ctx.send('Not connected to any voice channel.')
await ctx.voice_state.stop()
del self.voice_states[ctx.guild.id]
async def _volume(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, volume: int):
"""Sets the volume of the player."""
if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
return await ctx.send('Nothing being played at the moment.')
if 0 > volume > 100:
return await ctx.send('Volume must be between 0 and 100')
ctx.voice_state.volume = volume / 100
await ctx.send('Volume of the player set to {}%'.format(volume))
#commands.command(name='now', aliases=['current', 'playing'])
async def _now(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Displays the currently playing song."""
await ctx.send(embed=ctx.voice_state.current.create_embed())
async def _pause(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Pauses the currently playing song."""
if ctx.voice_state.is_playing and ctx.voice_state.voice.is_playing():
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏯')
async def _resume(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Resumes a currently paused song."""
if ctx.voice_state.is_playing and ctx.voice_state.voice.is_paused():
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏯')
async def _stop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Stops playing song and clears the queue."""
if ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏹')
async def _skip(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Vote to skip a song. The requester can automatically skip.
3 skip votes are needed for the song to be skipped.
if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
return await ctx.send('Not playing any music right now...')
voter = ctx.message.author
if voter == ctx.voice_state.current.requester:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏭')
elif voter.id not in ctx.voice_state.skip_votes:
total_votes = len(ctx.voice_state.skip_votes)
if total_votes >= 3:
await ctx.message.add_reaction('⏭')
await ctx.send('Skip vote added, currently at **{}/3**'.format(total_votes))
await ctx.send('You have already voted to skip this song.')
async def _queue(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, page: int = 1):
"""Shows the player's queue.
You can optionally specify the page to show. Each page contains 10 elements.
if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0:
return await ctx.send('Empty queue.')
items_per_page = 10
pages = math.ceil(len(ctx.voice_state.songs) / items_per_page)
start = (page - 1) * items_per_page
end = start + items_per_page
queue = ''
for i, song in enumerate(ctx.voice_state.songs[start:end], start=start):
queue += '`{0}.` [**{1.source.title}**]({1.source.url})\n'.format(i + 1, song)
embed = (discord.Embed(description='**{} tracks:**\n\n{}'.format(len(ctx.voice_state.songs), queue))
.set_footer(text='Viewing page {}/{}'.format(page, pages)))
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def _shuffle(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Shuffles the queue."""
if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0:
return await ctx.send('Empty queue.')
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
async def _remove(self, ctx: commands.Context, index: int):
"""Removes a song from the queue at a given index."""
if len(ctx.voice_state.songs) == 0:
return await ctx.send('Empty queue.')
ctx.voice_state.songs.remove(index - 1)
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
async def _loop(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Loops the currently playing song.
Invoke this command again to unloop the song.
if not ctx.voice_state.is_playing:
return await ctx.send('Nothing being played at the moment.')
# Inverse boolean value to loop and unloop.
ctx.voice_state.loop = not ctx.voice_state.loop
await ctx.message.add_reaction('✅')
async def _play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, search: str):
"""Plays a song.
If there are songs in the queue, this will be queued until the
other songs finished playing.
This command automatically searches from various sites if no URL is provided.
A list of these sites can be found here: https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/supportedsites.html
if not ctx.voice_state.voice:
await ctx.invoke(self._join)
async with ctx.typing():
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, search, loop=self.bot.loop)
except YTDLError as e:
await ctx.send('An error occurred while processing this request: {}'.format(str(e)))
song = Song(source)
await ctx.voice_state.songs.put(song)
await ctx.send('Enqueued {}'.format(str(source)))
async def ensure_voice_state(self, ctx: commands.Context):
if not ctx.author.voice or not ctx.author.voice.channel:
raise commands.CommandError('You are not connected to any voice channel.')
if ctx.voice_client:
if ctx.voice_client.channel != ctx.author.voice.channel:
raise commands.CommandError('Bot is already in a voice channel.')
bot = commands.Bot('music.', description='Yet another music bot.')
async def on_ready():
print('Logged in as:\n{0.user.name}\n{0.user.id}'.format(bot))
I am running this on repl.it, so keep_alive is a file to make the bot be pinged every so often so it doesn't go offline, and importing os and using .env files is a way to keep private data (like my bot token) away from anyone seeing them.
Since i can't reply to your comment on answer 1, here you go, i think this is what you want.
If you want the prefix to be none in only one channel, you could make a function to check if the channel equals the channel where you dont need the prefix.
def get_prefix(bot, message):
if message.channel.id == CHANNEL_WITHOUT_PREFIX_ID:
return ""
return "PREFIX"
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=get_prefix, description='Yet another music bot.')
You can do it by leaving empty string
bot = commands.Bot('', description='Yet another music bot.')
I must make your vision clear that if you do so your bot can catch any of the chat also. Therefore, you handle the error that if a word thats not the command of bot should not take it. Otherwise, the bot becomes slow.
You could also just create something like this:
async def on_message(message):
if message.content == 'test':
await message.channel.send('Testing 1 2 3!')

How to make a Discord Bot play YouTube Audio

I'm a high school student making a Discord bot as a final project, and I'm having issues finding a working tutorial or baseline for playing YouTube audio in Discordpy Rewrite. If there's a tutorial I'm missing or basic code that can do this, I'd be extremely grateful for that.
I've already looked at some tutorials and tried them, but they don't seem to work for one reason or another. I've spent a lot of project time searching, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Below, I found some code for making a bot play an MP3 file, but I'm unsure how to do it using a YouTube link.
async def mp3play(context):
user = context.message.author
voice_channel = user.voice.voice_channel
channel = None
if voice_channel != None:
vc = await channel.connect()
audio = vc.play("holder.mp3", after=lambda: print("Complete."))
while vc.is_playing():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await ctx.send("User must be in a voice channel.")
Hello, some changes of methods have been made in this new version of discord.py 1.2.2, you can follow the migrations of methods in the documentation itself
first, you need to implement a class called YTDLSource to control yotube_dl
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
ytdl_format_options = {
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': '%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'auto',
'source_address': '' # bind to ipv4 since ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes
ffmpeg_options = {
'options': '-vn'
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_format_options)
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
def __init__(self, source, *, data, volume=0.5):
super().__init__(source, volume)
self.data = data
self.title = data.get('title')
self.url = data.get('url')
async def from_url(cls, url, *, loop=None, stream=False):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda: ytdl.extract_info(url, download=not stream))
if 'entries' in data:
# take first item from a playlist
data = data['entries'][0]
filename = data['url'] if stream else ytdl.prepare_filename(data)
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(filename, **ffmpeg_options), data=data)
use this class in your music command, notice that my def play belongs to other class that i call Voice.
async def play(self, ctx, *, url):
server = ctx.message.guild
voice_channel = server.voice_client
async with ctx.typing():
player = await YTDLSource.from_url(url, loop=self.bot.loop)
ctx.voice_channel.play(player, after=lambda e: print('Player error: %s' % e) if e else None)
await ctx.send('Now playing: {}'.format(player.title))
before this, just add in your cog and enjoy!
this is all of my music bot code :
import itertools
import traceback
from async_timeout import timeout
from functools import partial
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
ytdlopts = {
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': 'downloads/%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'auto',
'source_address': '' # ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes
ffmpegopts = {
'before_options': '-nostdin',
'options': '-vn'
ytdl = YoutubeDL(ytdlopts)
class VoiceConnectionError(commands.CommandError):
"""Custom Exception class for connection errors."""
class InvalidVoiceChannel(VoiceConnectionError):
"""Exception for cases of invalid Voice Channels."""
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
def __init__(self, source, *, data, requester):
self.requester = requester
self.title = data.get('title')
self.web_url = data.get('webpage_url')
# YTDL info dicts (data) have other useful information you might want
# https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md
def __getitem__(self, item: str):
"""Allows us to access attributes similar to a dict.
This is only useful when you are NOT downloading.
return self.__getattribute__(item)
async def create_source(cls, ctx, search: str, *, loop, download=False):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
to_run = partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=search, download=download)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, to_run)
if 'entries' in data:
# take first item from a playlist
data = data['entries'][0]
await ctx.send(f'```ini\n[Added {data["title"]} to the Queue.]\n```')
if download:
source = ytdl.prepare_filename(data)
return {'webpage_url': data['webpage_url'], 'requester': ctx.author, 'title': data['title']}
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(source), data=data, requester=ctx.author)
async def regather_stream(cls, data, *, loop):
"""Used for preparing a stream, instead of downloading.
Since Youtube Streaming links expire."""
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
requester = data['requester']
to_run = partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=data['webpage_url'], download=False)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, to_run)
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(data['url']), data=data, requester=requester)
class MusicPlayer(commands.Cog):
"""A class which is assigned to each guild using the bot for Music.
This class implements a queue and loop, which allows for different guilds to listen to different playlists
When the bot disconnects from the Voice it's instance will be destroyed.
__slots__ = ('bot', '_guild', '_channel', '_cog', 'queue', 'next', 'current', 'np', 'volume')
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.bot = ctx.bot
self._guild = ctx.guild
self._channel = ctx.channel
self._cog = ctx.cog
self.queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.next = asyncio.Event()
self.np = None # Now playing message
self.volume = .5
self.current = None
async def player_loop(self):
"""Our main player loop."""
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
while not self.bot.is_closed():
# Wait for the next song. If we timeout cancel the player and disconnect...
async with timeout(300): # 5 minutes...
source = await self.queue.get()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return self.destroy(self._guild)
if not isinstance(source, YTDLSource):
# Source was probably a stream (not downloaded)
# So we should regather to prevent stream expiration
source = await YTDLSource.regather_stream(source, loop=self.bot.loop)
except Exception as e:
await self._channel.send(f'There was an error processing your song.\n'
source.volume = self.volume
self.current = source
self._guild.voice_client.play(source, after=lambda _: self.bot.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.next.set))
self.np = await self._channel.send(f'**Now Playing:** `{source.title}` requested by '
await self.next.wait()
# Make sure the FFmpeg process is cleaned up.
self.current = None
# We are no longer playing this song...
await self.np.delete()
except discord.HTTPException:
def destroy(self, guild):
"""Disconnect and cleanup the player."""
return self.bot.loop.create_task(self._cog.cleanup(guild))
class Music(commands.Cog):
"""Music related commands."""
__slots__ = ('bot', 'players')
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.players = {}
async def cleanup(self, guild):
await guild.voice_client.disconnect()
except AttributeError:
del self.players[guild.id]
except KeyError:
async def __local_check(self, ctx):
"""A local check which applies to all commands in this cog."""
if not ctx.guild:
raise commands.NoPrivateMessage
return True
async def __error(self, ctx, error):
"""A local error handler for all errors arising from commands in this cog."""
if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
return await ctx.send('This command can not be used in Private Messages.')
except discord.HTTPException:
elif isinstance(error, InvalidVoiceChannel):
await ctx.send('Error connecting to Voice Channel. '
'Please make sure you are in a valid channel or provide me with one')
print('Ignoring exception in command {}:'.format(ctx.command), file=sys.stderr)
traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)
def get_player(self, ctx):
"""Retrieve the guild player, or generate one."""
player = self.players[ctx.guild.id]
except KeyError:
player = MusicPlayer(ctx)
self.players[ctx.guild.id] = player
return player
#commands.command(name='connect', aliases=['join'])
async def connect_(self, ctx):
channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
except AttributeError:
raise InvalidVoiceChannel('No channel to join.')
vc = ctx.voice_client
if vc:
if vc.channel.id == channel.id:
await vc.move_to(channel)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise VoiceConnectionError(f'Moving to channel: <{channel}> timed out.')
await channel.connect()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise VoiceConnectionError(f'Connecting to channel: <{channel}> timed out.')
embed = discord.Embed(title="Joined A Call")
embed.add_field(name="Connected To :", value=channel, inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
#commands.command(name='play', aliases=['sing', 'p'])
async def play_(self, ctx, *, search: str):
await ctx.trigger_typing()
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc:
await ctx.invoke(self.connect_)
player = self.get_player(ctx)
# If download is False, source will be a dict which will be used later to regather the stream.
# If download is True, source will be a discord.FFmpegPCMAudio with a VolumeTransformer.
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, search, loop=self.bot.loop, download=False)
await player.queue.put(source)
async def pause_(self, ctx):
"""Pause the currently playing song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_playing():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!')
elif vc.is_paused():
await ctx.send(f'**`{ctx.author}`**: Paused the song!')
#commands.command(name='resume', aliases=['unpause'])
async def resume_(self, ctx):
"""Resume the currently paused song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!', )
elif not vc.is_paused():
await ctx.send(f'**`{ctx.author}`**: Resumed the song!')
async def skip_(self, ctx):
"""Skip the song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!')
if vc.is_paused():
elif not vc.is_playing():
await ctx.send(f'**`{ctx.author}`**: Skipped the song!')
#commands.command(name='queue', aliases=['q', 'playlist'])
async def queue_info(self, ctx):
"""Retrieve a basic queue of upcoming songs."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently connected to voice!')
player = self.get_player(ctx)
if player.queue.empty():
return await ctx.send('There are currently no more queued songs.')
# Grab up to 5 entries from the queue...
upcoming = list(itertools.islice(player.queue._queue, 0, 5))
fmt = '\n'.join(f'**`{_["title"]}`**' for _ in upcoming)
embed = discord.Embed(title=f'Upcoming - Next {len(upcoming)}', description=fmt)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
#commands.command(name='now_playing', aliases=['np', 'current', 'currentsong', 'playing'])
async def now_playing_(self, ctx):
"""Display information about the currently playing song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently connected to voice!', )
player = self.get_player(ctx)
if not player.current:
return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!')
# Remove our previous now_playing message.
await player.np.delete()
except discord.HTTPException:
player.np = await ctx.send(f'**Now Playing:** `{vc.source.title}` '
f'requested by `{vc.source.requester}`')
#commands.command(name='volume', aliases=['vol'])
async def change_volume(self, ctx, *, vol: float):
"""Change the player volume.
volume: float or int [Required]
The volume to set the player to in percentage. This must be between 1 and 100.
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently connected to voice!', )
if not 0 < vol < 101:
return await ctx.send('Please enter a value between 1 and 100.')
player = self.get_player(ctx)
if vc.source:
vc.source.volume = vol / 100
player.volume = vol / 100
embed = discord.Embed(title="Volume Message",
description=f'The Volume Was Changed By **{ctx.author.name}**')
embed.add_field(name="Current Volume", value=vol, inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# await ctx.send(f'**`{ctx.author}`**: Set the volume to **{vol}%**')
#commands.command(name='stop', aliases=['leave'])
async def stop_(self, ctx):
"""Stop the currently playing song and destroy the player.
This will destroy the player assigned to your guild, also deleting any queued songs and settings.
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
return await ctx.send('I am not currently playing anything!')
await self.cleanup(ctx.guild)

