I would like to refer to the nth column of a dataframe and use this as input for drawing a graph using altair. The code looks like this:
#create dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2020-04-03', '2020-04-04', '2020-04-05', '2020-04-06','2020-04-03', '2020-04-04','2020-04-05','2020-04-06'],
'ID': ['a','a','a','a','b','b','b','b'],'bar': [np.nan,8,np.nan,np.nan, np.nan, 8,np.nan,np.nan],
'line': [8,np.nan,10,8, 4, 5,6,7] })
#define columns to be used
bb = df.columns[2]
ll = df.columns[3]
#make graph
bars = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar(color="grey", size=5).encode(
alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), alt.Y(bb))
lines = (alt.Chart(df).mark_line(point=True,size=2)
.encode(alt.X('monthdate(date):O'), y='line:Q'))
alt.layer(bars + lines,width=350,height=150).facet(facet=alt.Facet('ID:N'),
I managed for the "bars" part of the graph. But I am not sure how to do this inside
the transform_filter function. Instead of specifying the column name "line" I would like to use "ll" or the 3rd column of the dataframe. Is there a way to do this? Thanks for any help
datum is referencing a javascript object, and I don't believe there is any way to access javascript object properties (like line) by index rather than property name. However you could construct the string using Python f-strings which allows you to substitute in the variable value where you need it in the string:
There is also an expr module in Altair (second example here), but I can't think of a way to use that which is easier than the above.
I have a list of numerical columns [NumColumns] and I want to Bin all of them but I also want to keep the original value in the data frame as well so I don't want the values simply replaced. How can I do that?
I tried this(which works to replace) -
data[NumColumns] = pd.cut(data[NumColumns], bins=[0,30,70,100], labels=["Low", "Mid", "High"])
Instead of replacing, I'm hoping it would add '_bin' to the end so I would end up with something like value_bin, revenue_bin, age_bin, etc..
I'm not sure how to do this as I have to declare this on the left-hand side. I'm wondering if there is a common way?
I think the simpliest is use f-strings:
for c in NumColumns:
data[f'{c}_bin'] = pd.cut(data[c], bins=[0,30,70,100], labels=["Low", "Mid", "High"])
So I am trying to transform the data I have into the form I can work with. I have this column called "season/ teams" that looks smth like "1989-90 Bos"
I would like to transform it into a string like "1990" in python using pandas dataframe. I read some tutorials about pd.replace() but can't seem to find a use for my scenario. How can I solve this? thanks for the help.
FYI, I have 16k lines of data.
A snapshot of the data I am working with:
To change that field from "1989-90 BOS" to "1990" you could do the following:
df['Yr/Team'] = df['Yr/Team'].str[:2] + df['Yr/Team'].str[5:7]
If the structure of your data will always be the same, this is an easy way to do it.
If the data in your Yr/Team column has a standard format you can extract the values you need based on their position.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Yr/Team': ['1990-91 team'], 'data': [1]})
df['year'] = df['Yr/Team'].str[0:2] + df['Yr/Team'].str[5:7]
Yr/Team data year
0 1990-91 team 1 1991
You can use pd.Series.str.extract to extract a pattern from a column of string. For example, if you want to extract the first year, second year and team in three different columns, you can use this:
df["year"].str.extract(r"(?P<start_year>\d+)-(?P<end_year>\d+) (?P<team>\w+)")
Note the use of named parameters to automatically name the columns
See https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.Series.str.extract.html
I have 2 data frames. One is reference table with columns: code and name. Other one is list of dictionaries. The second data frame has code filled up but some names as empty strings. I am thinking of performing 2 for loops to get to the dictionary. But, I am new to this so unsure how to get the value from reference table.
Started with something like this:
for i in sample:
for j in i:
if j['name']=='':
I am unsure how to proceed with the code. I think there is a very simple way with .map() function. Can someone help?
Reference table:
enter image description here
Edit needed table:
enter image description here
It seems to me that in this particular case you're using Pandas only to work with Python data structures. If that's the case, it would make sense to ditch Pandas altogether and just use Python data structures - usually, it results in more idiomatic and readable code that often performs better than Pandas with dtype=object.
In any case, here's the code:
import pandas as pd
sample_name = pd.DataFrame(dict(code=[8, 1, 6],
name=['Human development',
'Economic managemen',
'Social protection and risk management']))
# We just need a Series.
sample_name = sample_name.set_index('code')['name']
sample = pd.Series([[dict(code=8, name='')],
[dict(code=1, name='')],
[dict(code=6, name='')]])
def fix_dict(d):
if not d['name']:
d['name'] = sample_name.at[d['code']]
return d
def fix_dicts(dicts):
return [fix_dict(d) for d in dicts]
result = sample.map(fix_dicts)
I have several dataframes on which I an performing the same functions - extracting mean, geomean, median etc etc for a particular column (PurchasePrice), organised by groups within another column (GORegion). At the moment I am just performing this for each dataframe separately as I cannot work out how to do this in a for loop and save separate data series for each function performed on each dataframe.
i.e. I perform median like this:
regmedian15 = pd.Series(nw15.groupby(["GORegion"])['PurchasePrice'].median(), name = "regmedian_nw15")
I want to do this for a list of dataframes [nw15, nw16, nw17], extracting the same variable outputs for each of them.
I have tried things like :
listofnwdfs = [nw15, nw16, nw17]
for df in listofcmldfs:
df+'regmedian' = pd.Series(df.groupby(["GORegion"])
['PurchasePrice'].median(), name = df+'regmedian')
but it says "can't assign to operator"
I think the main point is I can't work out how to create separate output variable names using the names of the dataframes I am inputting into the for loop. I just want a for loop function that produces my median output as a series for each dataframe in the list separately, and I can then do this for means and so on.
Many thanks for your help!
First, df+'regmedian' = ... is not valid Python syntax. You are trying to assign a value to an expression of the form A + B, which is why Python complains that you are trying to re-define the meaning of +.
Also, df+'regmedian' itself seems strange. You are trying to add a DataFrame and a string.
One way to keep track of different statistics for different datafarmes is by using dicts. For example, you can replace
listofnwdfs = [nw15, nw16, nw17]
dict_of_nwd_frames = {15: nw15, 16: nw16, 17: nw17}
Say you want to store 'regmedian' data for each frame. You can do this with dicts as well.
data = dict()
for key, df in dict_of_nwd_frames.items():
data[(i, 'regmedian')] = pd.Series(df.groupby(["GORegion"])['PurchasePrice'].median(), name = str(key) + 'regmedian')
Dict = {'Things' : {'Car':'Lambo', 'Home':'NatureVilla', 'Gadgets':{'Laptop':{'Programs':{'Data':'Excel', 'Officework': 'Word', 'Coding':{'Python':'PyCharm', 'Java':'Eclipse', 'Others': 'SublimeText'}, 'Wearables': 'SamsungGear', 'Smartphone': 'Nexus'}, 'clothes': 'ArmaaniSuit', 'Bags':'TravelBags'}}}}
d = {(i,j,k,l,m,n): Dict[i][j][k][l][m][n]
for i in Dict.keys()
for j in Dict[i].keys()
for k in Dict[j].keys()
for l in Dict[k].keys()
for m in Dict[l].keys()
for n in Dict[n].keys()
mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(d.keys())
df = pd.DataFrame(list(d.values()), index=mux)
print (df)
What I have already done:
I tried to Multiindex this Irregular Data using pandas but I am getting KeyError at 'Car'. Then I tried to handle exceptions and tried to PASS it but then it results in a Syntax Error. So May be I lost the direction. If there is any other module or way I can index this irregular data and put it in a table somehow. I have a chunk of raw data like this.
What I am trying to do:
I wanted to use this data for printing in QTableView which is from PyQt5 (Making a program with GUI).
This Data keeps on updating every hour from an API.
What I have thought till now:
May be I can append all this data to MySQL. But then when this data updates from API, only Values will change, rest of the KEYS will be the same. But then It will require more space.
How to convert a 3-level dictionary to a desired format?
How to build a MultiIndex Pandas DataFrame from a nested dictionary with lists
Any Help will be appreciated. Thanks for reading the question.
You data is not actually a 6-level dictionary like a dictionary in a 3-level example you referenced to. The difference is: your dictionary has a data on multiple different levels, e.g. 'Lambo' value is on second level of hierarchy with key ('Things','Car') but 'Eclipse' value is on sixth level of hierarchy with key ('Things','Gadgets','Laptop','Programs','Coding','Java')
If you want to 'flatten' your structure you will need to decide what to do with 'missed' key values for deeper levels for values like 'Lambo'.
Btw, maybe it is not actually a solution for your problem, maybe you need to use more appropriate UI widgets like TreeView to work with such kind of hierarchical data, but I will try to directly address your exact question.
Unfortunately it seems to be no easy way to reference all different level values uniformly in one simple dict or list comprehension statement.
Just look at your 'value extractor' (Dict[i][j][k][l][m][n]) there are no such values for i,j,k,l,m,n exists which allows you to get a 'Lambo'. Because to get a Lambo you will need to just use Dict['Things']['Car'] (ironically, in a real life it is also could be difficult to get a Lambo :-) )
One straightforward way to solve your task is:
extract a second level data, extract a third level data, and so on, and combine them together.
E.g. to extract second level values you can write something like this:
val_level2 = {(k1,k2):Dict[k1][k2]
for k1 in Dict
for k2 in Dict[k1]
if isinstance(Dict[k1],dict) and
not isinstance(Dict[k1][k2],dict)}
but if you want to combine it later with six level values, it will need to add some padding to your key tuples:
val_level2 = {(k1,k2,'','','',''):Dict[k1][k2]
for k1 in Dict
for k2 in Dict[k1]
if isinstance(Dict[k1],dict) and
not isinstance(Dict[k1][k2],dict)}
later you can combine all together by something like:
d = {}
But usually the most organic way to work with hierarchical data is to use some recursion, like this:
def flatten_dict(d,key_prefix,max_deep):
return [(tuple(key_prefix+[k]+['']*(max_deep-len(key_prefix))),v)
for k,v in d.items() if not isinstance(v,dict)] +\
for k,v in d.items() if isinstance(v,dict)],[])
And later with code like this:
d={k:v for k,v in flatten_dict(Dict,[],5)}
mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(d.keys())
df = pd.DataFrame(list(d.values()), index=mux)
I actually get this result with your data:
P.S. According to https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#prescriptive-naming-conventions we prefer a lowercase_with_underscores for variable names, CapWords is for classes. So src_dict would be much better, than Dict in your case.
You information looks a lot like json and that's what the API is returning. If that's the case, and you are turning it into a dictionary, then you might me better off using python's json library or even panda's built it read_json format.
Pandas read json
Python's json